The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
Page 84
38 Daily Telegraph, 11 November 1961.
39 Daily Telegraph, 10 July 1956.
40 New Statesman, 30 June 1956.
3: The World as It Is: Middle Eastern Misadventures, 1945–56
1 Clark and Wheeler, 116, 120; Leffler, 77, 113, 225.
2 Leffler, 238, 286.
3 Leffler, 238.
4 Clark and Wheeler, 124.
5 Hennessey, 262.
6 Clark and Wheeler, 153.
7 Navias, Nuclear Weapons &c., 41–3.
8 PRO, Adm 1/26927.
9 Constitutional Relations, 9, 432.
10 W.R. Louis, The British Empire and the Middle East, 13.
11 Time, 7, and 21 January 1952.
12 McGhee, 342.
13 Economist, 30 June 1951.
14 Ibid., 23 June 1951.
15 PRO, Adm 1/27285.
16 Hansard, 5th Series, 491, 978.
17 Ibid., 1020.
18 Ibid., 1178.
19 Brands, ‘The Cairo-Teheran Connection &c.’, IHR, 11, 440–1.
20 Spectator, 5 October 1951.
21 Shuckburgh, 27.
22 McGhee, 339.
23 Nixon, 134.
24 Leffler, 124–5, 239, 288–9.
25 McGhee, 270.
26 Lawson, ‘The Iranian Crisis &c.’, IJMES, 21, 309–10.
27 Khomeini, 214.
28 Shuckburgh, 105.
29 W.R. Louis, The British Empire and the Middle East, 586.
30 McGhee, 371.
31 Leffler, 477.
32 Shuckburgh, 29.
33 PRO, WO 216/799.
34 Mason, ‘The Decisive Volley &c.’, JICH, 19, 50.
35 Heikal, 29–30.
36 Leffler, 484–5; Brands, ‘The Cairo-Teheran Connection &c.’, IJMES, 21, 446.
4: Kick Their Backsides: The Suez War and Beyond
1 Navias, Nuclear Weapons and British Strategic Planning, 42–3, 46.
2 Shuckburgh, 318–19, 329.
3 Horne, Macmillan 1894–1956, 395.
4 Shuckburgh, 327, 341.
5 Ibid., 344.
6 Dooley, ‘Great Britain’s Last Battle &c.’, Int.HR, 11, 490–91.
7 Ibid., 491; Times, 1 January 1987.
8 Heikal, 187, 191.
9 Cohen, ‘A Still Stranger Aspect &c.’, Int.HR, 10, passim.
10 See page 271.
11 Wright, Spycatcher, 84–5.
12 Heikal, 154n., 215n.
13 Ibid., 153 note 3.
14 Pearson, 19–20.
15 Shuckburgh, 163.
16 Shaffy, ‘Unconcerned at Dawn &c.’, Intelligence and National Security, 5, 10–11, 49.
17 Ibid., 30.
18 Dooley, ‘Great Britain’s Last Battle &c.’, Int.HR, 11, 493.
19 Daily Telegraph, 6 November 1956.
20 New Statesman, 15 December 1956.
21 Hansard, 5th Series, 559, 1631.
22 Horne, Macmillan, 1894–1956, 393.
23 Hansard, 5th Series, 559, 1618.
24 Ibid., 1626; New Statesman, 17 November 1956.
25 Dooley, ‘Great Britain’s Last Battle &c.’, Int.HR, 11, 504–6.
26 PRO, Adm 1/26826.
27 Cohen, ‘A Still Stranger Aspect &c.’, Int.HR, 10, 261.
28 S. Lloyd, Suez, 170–94.
29 Shaffy, ‘Unconcerned at Dawn &c.’, Intelligence and National Security, 5, 41, 56.
30 Time, 17 November, 1956.
31 Spectator, 9 November 1956.
32 Observer, 4 and 11 November 1956.
33 PRO, CO 1015/202, 1.
5: The Old Red, White, and Blue: Reactions to a Dying Empire
1 Sunday Times Magazine, 24 February 1963.
2 Nixon, 134.
3 PRO, CO 1027/317, 40, 43.
4 Daily Telegraph, 24 August 1956.
5 Hansard, 5th Series, 478, 2766.
6 Daily Telegraph, 17 July 1956.
7 Oliver, ‘The Two Miss Perhams &c.’, JICH, 19, 26.
8 Navias, ‘Terminating National Conscription &c.’, JCont.H, 24, 202.
9 Times, 2 April 1964.
10 I am indebted to Professor Fred Crawford for these details of the Lawrence-Aldington affair.
11 PRO, CO 1027/177, 1–3, 14–16.
12 Listener, 30 October 1969.
13 Daily Telegraph, 23 November 1967.
14 H. Thomas, The Establishment, 10–11, 19.
15 Ibid., 187.
16 Daily Telegraph, 5 July 1956.
17 Richards and Aldgate, 158.
6: Uhuru: Tying up Loose Ends, 1959–80
1 New Statesman, 10 May 1963.
2 Hansard, 5th Series (House of Lords), 229, 305, 431.
3 New Statesman, 10 May 1952.
4 Mboya, 64.
5 PRO, CO 822/474, 20.
6 PRO, CO 1015/463 (Report April 1953).
7 Southern Rhodesia: Facts and Figures &c., 1, 13.
8 Listener, 31 July 1969.
9 New Statesman, 30 January 1956.
10 Darwin, ‘The Central African Emergency &c.’, JICH, 21, 223–4.
11 Hansard, 5th Series, 602, 1506.
12 Ibid., 1509–10.
13 Horne, Macmillan, 1957–1986, 181.
14 Hansard, 5th Series, 610, 237.
15 Ibid., 422–3.
16 Ibid., 426.
17 Horne, Macmillan, 1957–1986, 181–2.
18 McCracken, ‘Coercion and Control &c.’, JAH, 27,141.
19 Fisher, Iain Macleod, 160, 163.
20 Horne, Macmillan, 1957–1986, 187–8.
21 Ibid.
22 Sunday Times Magazine, 3 June 1962.
23 Caute, 88.
24 Hansard, 5th Series, 229, (House of Lords), 401, 409–10.
25 Pimlott, 270.
26 Listener, 5 December 1968.
27 Pimlott, 451.
28 Caute, 90.
29 Sun, 15 November 1965.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abadie, Captain George
Abbas II, Khedive
Abdullah, King of Transjordan
Abdullah bin Muhammad, Khalifah
Abercromby, General Lord
Aberdeen Chronicle
Abu Klea, battle of (1885)
Abukir Bay, battle of (1798)
Abyssinia (Ethiopia): 19th-century campaigns; Italian ambitions; Mussolini invades; liberation
Achée, Comte D’
Acheson, Dean
Adams, John
Addison, Richard
Africa; slave trade; ‘new imperialism’; ‘scrambles’ for; missionaries; British methods of control; newspaper accounts of; First World War; ‘backwardness’; Second World War; post-war expectations; proposed African army; Communist subversion; independence; see also East Africa; North Africa; West Africa and individual countries
African National Congress
African National Council
Afrikaner Nationalist party
Aga Khan
Air Ministry
air travel
Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of (1748)
Ajax, Operation
Albermarle, Lord
Albert, Prince Consort
Alcock and Brown
Aldington, Richard
Alexander, A.V.
Ali, Rashid
Ali Dinar, Sultan of Darfur
All-African Peoples Conference
Allenby, Field-Marshal Viscount
Amboina Island
American Intercourse Bill (1781)
br /> American Union Pacific Railroad
American War of Independence
Amery, Julian
Amery, Leo; and idea of imperial federation; supporter of Milner; First World War; and the Middle East; support for Zionism; and Lend Lease
Amherst, Lord
Amherst, Major-General Jeffrey
Amin, General Idi
Andaman Islands
Anderson, Lindsay
Anglo-American War (1812)
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty (1936)
Anglo-Egyptian War (1882)
Anglo-Iranian (Persian) Oil Company
Anglo-Iraqi Treaty (1930)
Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921)
Anglo-Japanese alliance (1902)
Anglo-Russian Convention (1907)
Anglo-Saxon character
Anne, Queen
Anson, Admiral Sir George
Anti-Smoking League
Anzac Day
ANZUS pact (1950)
Arab Legion
Arab Revolts
Arabs: nationalism; independence movements; and Zionism; and Jewish immigration to Palestine; Second World War; and the creation of Israel; small-scale wars
Arden, John
Arkwright, Richard
Armitage, Sir Robert
Arnold, Benedict
Arnold, Dr Thomas
Ascension Island
Asquith, Herbert
Atatürk, Kamal
Atiyah, Edward
Atlantic, Battle of the
Atlantic Charter
atomic bombs
Attenborough, Richard
Attlee, Clement; and the Atlantic Charter; Yalta and Potsdam conferences; and the atomic bomb; wants to withdraw from Mediterranean and Middle East; proposed African army; Cold War; and Indian independence; Iranian crisis
Auchinleck, Field-Marshal
Aung San, Thain
Australia: Cook claims for Britain; aborigines; convicts transported to; trade with Britain; independence movement; and imperial unity; self-government; expansionists; emigration to; distinctive identity; defences; and the Boer War; emotional kinship with Britain; First World War; air travel; cricket; and the League of Nations; and defence of Singapore; rearmament; anti-war sentinent; prelude to Second World War; war declared; Lend Lease; Second World War; and the Cold War
Australian Labour party
Azikwe, Benjamin
Bacon, Sir Francis
Bacon, Nathaniel
Badahur Shah
Baden-Powell, Major-General Sir Robert
Baghdad Pact
Baker, Sir Stanley
Balcon, Michael
Baldwin, Stanley
Balfour, Arthur
Balfour Declaration (1917)
Ballantyne, R.M.
Baltimore, Lord
Baluchi tribesmen
Banda, Dr Hastings
Bankes, Thomas
Banks, Sir Joseph
Barbados Company
Baring, Sir Evelyn see Cromer, Lord
Barker, Lieutenant George
Barnett, Correlli
Barrow, General Sir Edmund
Bart, Jean
al-Barzani, Sheik Mahmud
Battle of Britain (1940)
BBC World Service
Beale, Anthony
Bean, Charles
Beatty, Admiral Lord
Beatty, Lady
beaver pelts
Beaverbrook, Lord
Beckford, Sir William
Bedford, Duke of
Bee Hive
Bell, Gertrude
Belloc, Hilaire
Ben Gurion, David
Benbow, Vice-Admiral John
Bengal Gazette
Bennett, Major-General Gordon
Bentinck, Lord William
Berkeley, Sir William
Berlin-Constantinople-Baghdad railway
Bevan, Aneurin
Beveridge, Senator A.J.
Beveridge report
Bevin, Ernest
Birley, Thomas, Bishop of Zanzibar
Bismarck, Prince Otto von
Bismarck Archipelago
Black and Tans
blacks: slavery; ‘noble savage’; in First World War; ‘backwardness’; desire for self-government; stereotypes; colour bar; race riots; in Second World War; proposed African army; see also racism
Blackstone, Chief Justice
Blake, Admiral
Blakiston, Lieutenant Robert
Blamey, General Sir Thomas
Blatchford, Robert
Blathwayt, William
Bligh, William
‘Blimp, Colonel’
Blücher, Marshal
‘Blue Water’ school of foreign policy
Blundell, Sir Michael
Blunt, Wilfred Scawen
Boer War
Boleyne, Anne
Bonaparte, Joseph
Boot, Operation
Borden, Sir Robert
Borneo; see also North Borneo
Boscawen, Edward
Bose, Chandra Subhas
‘Boston Massacre’ (1770)
Botany Bay
Botha, Louis
Bougainville, Louis-Anthoine de
Boulton, Matthew
Bourne, Colonel
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
Bowrey, Thomas
Bowring, John
Boxer Rebellion
Boy Scouts
Boys Brigade
Boys’ Own Paper
Braddock, Bessie
Braddock, General Edward
Bradford Exchange
Brazza, Savorgnan de
Brereton, Captain F.S.
Brereton, Major-General Lewis
Bright, John
British Board of Film Censors
British Columbia
British Communist party
British Council
British East Africa; see also Kenya
British Empire Exhibition (1924–5)
British Expeditionary Force
British Guiana
British Honduras (Belize)
British Imperial East Africa Company
British Nationality Act (1948)
British South Africa Company
Brockway, Fenner
Brooke, Charles
Brooke, Sir James
Brown, George
Brown, John
Brown, William
Browning, Robert
Bruce, H.A.
Bruce, Stanley
Buchan, John
Buenos Aires
Bulfin, General Sir Edward
Buller, General Sir Redvers
Bülow, Prince von
Burgoyne, General
Burke, Edmund
Burma National Army
Burma Road
rma War (1824)
Burnaby, Colonel Frederick
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury
Burton, Sir Richard
Bute, Marquess of
Butler, R.A.
Byng, Admiral John
Cabot, John
Cadogan, Sir Alexander
Caetano, President
Cairo Conference (1921)
Caledon, Lord
Callaghan, James
Cambridge Union
Campbell, Colin
Campbell, General Sir Colin
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
Canada; conflicts between Britain and France in; Catholicism; and American War of Independence; North-West Passage; trade with Britain; independence movement; self-government; emigration to; French population; and the Boer War; defences; First World War; anti-war sentinent; Second World War; trade with America
Canal Zone see Suez Canal
Canary Islands
Cape Breton Island
Cape Colony
Cape Finisterre
Cape Florida
Cape of Good Hope
Cape Horn
Cape Town
capital, overseas investment
Capra, Frank
Cardwell, Edward
Carib Indians
Caribbean see West Indies
Carleton, General Guy
Carlyle, Thomas
Carnarvon, Lord
Caroline Islands
Carrington, Lord
Carron ironworks
Carson, Sir Edward
Cary, Joyce
Castle, Barbara
Castlereagh, Viscount
Catherine, Tsaritsa
Catherine of Weymouth
Catholic Church
Cavendish College, Cambridge
Cayman Islands
Cecil, Lord Robert
Central Africa
Central African Federation
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chamberlain, Austen
Chamberlain, Joseph; background; imperialism; Royal Navy loses control of Mediterranean; and the Matabele Wars; and the Jameson Raid; East African railway; and West Africa; Irish Home Rule; tariff reform campaign
Chamberlain, Neville; and Indian independence; Munich agreement; rearmament; Abyssinian crisis; becomes prime minister; appeasement; and Hitler’s claim to Sudetenland; supports Poland; declares war
Chanak crisis (1922)
Chandra Sahib
Chapman, George
charities, emigration help
Charles I, King
Charles II, King
Charles Edward, Prince (the ‘Young Pretender’)
Chatfield, Admiral Lord
Chatham, Lord see Pitt, William
Chelmsford, 2nd Baron
Chelmsford, 1st Viscount
Chesapeake Bay
Chesney, Sir George
Chesterton, G.K.
Chetwode, General Sir Philip
Chiang Kai-Shek, General
Chicago Tribune
Childers, Erskine