The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
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China; trade; wars with Britain; Opium Wars; suppression of piracy; Britain dominates commerce; ‘new imperialism’; Sino-Japanese War; Boxer Rebellion; British troops in; American post-war plans for; Communism; and Hong Kong
Chinese: emigration; indentured labourers in South Africa
Chinese Eastern Railway
Chinese Labour Corps
Ching dynasty
Chirau, Chief
Choiseul, Etienne-François, Duc de
Christianity; missionaries
Church of England
Church of Scotland
Churchill, Winston; Malakand Field Force; in the Sudan; and idea of imperial federation; and tariff reform; Gallipoli campaign; and Ireland; and Egypt; and the Kurds; and the Middle East; air control of Iraq and Jordan; support for Zionism; damns Amritsar massacre; and Indian independence; misjudges Japanese; and the Munich agreement; imperialism; Second World War; Atlantic Charter; friendship with Roosevelt; and SEAC; Yalta and Potsdam conferences; Operation Culverin; Cold War; Iranian crisis; British occupation of Canal Zone ended
Civil War
Clarkson, Thomas
Claydon House, Buckinghamshire
Clemenceau, Georges
Clerk, Henry
Clinton, Sir Henry
Clive, Robert
Clunies-Ross, John
Cobden, Richard
Cochin China
Cochrane, Lieutenant Charles
Cockerell, Sir Charles
Cocos-Keeling islands
Codington, Sir Christopher
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste
Cold War
Colden, Cadwallader
Coleridge, Samuel
collective security
Collingwood, Admiral
Collins, Michael
Colonial Development Acts
Colonial Development Board
Colonial Office: suppresses slave uprising in British Guiana; and Australian expansionism; political development of South Africa; and Northern Rhodesia; and East Africa; Kenya policy; and West Africa; First World War; racial prejudice; Arab Revolt; and the Middle East; and documentary films; in Second World War; Atlantic Charter; post-war plans; and press freedom; and colonial self-government; and the Central African Federation
colour bar
Commerson, Philibert
Committee of Imperial Defence
Committee of Union and Progress (Turkey)
Commonwealth (1649–60)
Commonwealth conference (1937)
Commonwealth conference (1946)
Commonwealth of Nations; transformation of empire to; racism; as surrogate empire; and the Suez war; trade with; attitudes to; present situation
Commonwealth Office
Commonwealth prime ministers’ conference (1956)
Communism: subversion; in India; Cold War; Malayan guerrilla campaign; anti-colonial propaganda; and decolonisation
Communist International (Comintern)
Compagnie des Indes
Compagnie van Verre
Company of Royal Adventurers
Conflans, Hubert de Brienne, Baron
Congo; see also Zaire
Congo Free State
Congreve, General Walter
Conservative party: foreign policy; Joseph Chamberlain splits; and tariff reform; and Irish Home Rule; attitudes to imperialism; appeasement; and the Commonwealth; and the Middle East; Cold War; Iranian crisis; British occupation of Canal Zone ended; and the Suez war; decolonisation policies; and nuclear weapons; African policies; attitude to Commonwealth under Mrs Thatcher
Continental Congress
convicts: North American colonies; West Indies; transportation to Australia; in West Africa
Cook, Captain James
Cooke, Joseph
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Duff
Cordage, Operation
Corn Laws
Cornwallis, General Sir Charles
Cortés, Hernán
Cowper, William
Cranworth, Lady
Cranworth, Lord
Creech-Jones, Arthur
Crimean War (1854–56)
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Cromer, Lord
Crompton, Richmal
Cromwell, Oliver
Cronjé, Piet
Crossman, Richard
Cruisers and Convoys Act (1708)
Culverin, Operation
Cunard, Nancy
Cunliffe-Lister, Sir Philip
Cupid’s Cove, Newfoundland
Curragh Incident
Curtin, John
Curtis, Lionel
Curzon, Marquess; Viceroy of India; First World War; and Ireland; and Egyptian nationalism; Middle East policy; and Indian independence
Daily Express
Daily Graphic
Daily Herald
Daily Mail
Daily News
Daily Telegraph
Daily Worker
Dalhousie, Lord
Dalrymple, Stair
Danby, Earl of
Dane, John
Darbey, John
Darlan, Admiral Francois
Dartmouth, Lord
Darwin, Charles
Dayan, General Moshe
De Gaulle, General Charles
De Valera, Eamon
Declaration of Independence
Decouer, Captain
Defence Expenditure Agreement (1940)
Defence Requirements Committee
Defoe, Daniel
Delagoa Railway
Delcassé, Théophile
Denman, Lord
Derby, Lord
Devastation, HMS
Devlin, Lord
Dhillon, Captain Garbaksh Singh
Diamond Jubilee (1897)
Dickens, Charles
Dieskau, Johann Herman von
Dilke, Sir Charles
Dillon, Michael
Diqna, Uthman
Directorate of Army Education
disarmament, 1920s
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dobbie, James
Dr Barnado’s
documentary films
Dodecanese Islands
Dominican Republic
dominions: self-government; and idea of imperial federation; defences; First World War; conscription; and Irish ‘Troubles’; India offered dominion status; sporting tours; and the League of Nations; prelude to Second World War; and the Cold War; see also individual countries
Domville, Rear-Admiral Barry
Dönitz, Admiral von
Donne, John
Dorman-Smith, Sir Reginald
Dost Muhammad
Douglas-Home, Alec
Doyle, Sir Francis
Drake, Sir Francis
Drayton, Thomas
Dreadnought, HMS
Dreadnought-class battleships
Driberg, Tom
Dufferin, Lord
Dulles, John Foster
Duncan, Admiral Lord
Duncombe, John
Dundas, Henry
Dunmore, Lord
Dunsterville, Major-General Lionel
Dupleix, Joseph-François, Marquis
Duquesne, Marquis
D’Urban, Sir Benjamin
Durham, Lord
Dutch East India Company
Dutch East Indies; see also Indonesia
Dutt, Palme
Dutt, Romesh Chunder
Dutton, Sir Richard
Dyer, Brigadier-General Reginald
East Africa
East India Company: textile trade; expansion of; directors as MPs; Tea Act (1773); power in India; Bengal War; conflicts with French; trade with China; autocratic paternalism; opium trade; tea trade; and James Brooke; dissolution
East Indies
Easter Rising (1916)
Eden, Sir Anthony; and the Arab Revolt; threatens to sink Canarias; on Chamberlain; and defence of Singapore; resignation as Foreign Secretary; Suez war; and Iranian crisis; Middle East policy; wants overthrow of Nasser
Eden, Lieutenant Archibald
Edgcombe, Captain Leonard
Edinburgh, Philip, Duke of
Edmondson, Judge George
education: public schools; in India
Edward VII, King
Edward VIII, King
Edwardes, Herbert
Egypt; Napoleon invades; British occupation of; nationalism; Anglo-Egyptian War (1882); British occupation; importance of Nile to; France tries to regain interest in; independence movement; Communist infiltration; Anglo-Egyptian Treaty; Second World War; Suez war; importance in Cold War; British occupation of Canal Zone ended; July Revolution; Eden wants Nasser’s overthrow; Soviet influence
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
El Dorado
Elgin, Lord
Elizabeth I, Queen
Elizabeth II, Queen
Ellenborough, Lord
Elliot, Captain Charles
emigration: to North America; to dominions; to Britain
Empire Day
Empire Day League
Empire Flying Boat
Empire of India Exhibition (1895)
Empire Marketing Board
English Channel
entente cordiale
es-Said, Nuri
Essex, USS
Estaing, Comte d’
Ethiopia see Abyssinia
European Economic Community (EEC)
Evans, Ernest
Evatt, H.V.
Evelyn, John
Eyre, Edward
Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia
Faisal I, King of Iraq
Faisal II, King of Iraq
Falkland Islands
Falklands war (1982)
Fallis, Keith
Farquharson-Roberts, Brigadier M.F.
Faruq, King of Egypt
Fiddes, Sir George
Fielding, Henry
Fink, Molly
First World War: patriotism; origins of; German naval rearmament; war-mongering; Royal Navy modernisation; defence of dominions; war declared; soldiers from the dominions; India in; conscription; post-war settlements; armistice; casualties; jingoism
Fisher, Admiral Lord
Fisher, Andrew
Fisher, H.A.L.
Fitzgerald, Don Philip
Fleetwood, Bishop
Fleming, Lieutenant
flying boats
Flynn, Errol
Foot, Sir Hugh
Foot, Michael
Forbes, Brigadier John
Foreign Office
Formosa (Taiwan)
Fort Duquesne
Fox Russell
Foxe, John
France: North American interests; wars with Britain in eighteenth century; conflicts with Britain in North America; naval rearmament; and American War of Independence; North American fur trade; Indian interests; Napoleonic Wars; 19th-century relations with Britain; Franco-Prussian War; empire-building; Opium Wars; interest in Indo-China; ‘new imperialism’; and Egypt; contest for Central Africa; interest in West Africa; entente cordiale; First World War; Middle Eastern interests; manufacturing industry; battleships; Second World War; and Indo-China; Suez war; Algerian War
La France
Franco, General
Franco-Prussian War (1870–71)
Franklin, Benjamin
Franz-Ferdinand, Archduke
Fraser, Peter
Frederick II, King of Prussia
free trade
French, Field-Marshal Lord
French Congo
French Revolution
French Sahara
Frere, Sir Bartle
Freycinet, Charles de
Frobisher, Sir Martin
Fuad, King of Egypt
Fulani tribe
fur trade
Furse, Sir Ralph
Gage, Thomas (Dominican friar)
Gage, Lieutenant-General Thomas
Gaitskell, Hugh
Gallacher, Willie
Gallieni, Joseph Simon
Gama, Vasco da
Gammans, Captain Leonard
Gandhi, Mohandas; First World War; passive resistance; on Anglo-Irish treaty; background; importance of; in Second World War; ‘Quit India’ campaign; imprisonment; Indian independence
Garrick, David
Gates, General Horatio
General Belgrano
General Post Office
Gentleman’s Magazine
George II, King
George III, King; and the Seven Years War; North American colonies; and American independence; American War of Independence; and exploration of Pacific; idealisation of
George V, King; Indian tour; First World War; and Ireland; Christmas broadcasts; and British Empire Exhibition; Delhi durbar; Silver Jubilee
George VI, King
Germain, Lord George
German East Africa; see also Tanganyika
Germany: ‘new imperialism’; naval rearmament; interest in China; African colonies; contest for Central Africa; British war-mongering; origins of First World War; and Turkey; First World War; expulsion of Jews; manufacturing industry; reoccupies Rhineland; air power; appeasement of; Blitzkrieg; Wehrmacht; claims Sudetenland; Munich agreement; occupies Czechoslovakia; German-Soviet Pact; Second World War; see also Prussia
Ghana; see also Gold Coast
Gibbon, Edward
Gibraltar; and the ‘Western Design’; occupation of; siege of; Singapore based on
Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Gilbert Islands
gin trade
Girl Guides
Girl’s Friendly Society
Gladstone, W.E.; wins 1868 general election; denounces Turkey; wins 1880 general election; and Egypt; indifference to social reform; Sudanese campaign; and Irish Home Rule
Glorious Revolution (1688–89)
Gloucester, Duke of
Glubb Pasha
Goddeffroy and Son
Gold Coast; Asante wars; inhospitable conditions; loss of British trade; Second World War; Communist influences; Accra riots; self-government; Nkrumah imprisoned; independence; see also Ghana
Gold Coast Observer
Gold Coast Spectator
gold mines, Transvaal
Goldie, George Taubman
Golding, William
Gorbachov, Mikhail
Gordon, General Charles; as a hero; in Khartoum; background; death; in Eminent Victorians
Gordon, Rev. G.W.
Gordon Walker, Patrick
Gough, Lord
Government of India Act (1935)
Gower, Lord
Grand Alliance
Grasse, Admiral de
Grave, Charles
Gray, Thomas
Greek Civil War
Greene, Sir Hugh
Gregory, Sir William
Grenadier Guards
Grenville, Lord
Grey, Sir Edward
Griffith, D.W.
Grimond, Jo
Grose, Lieutenant-Governor Francis
gunboat diplomacy
Haig, Field Marshal Lord
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Abyssinia
Hailey, Lord
Hakluyt, Richard
Haldane, General Sir Aylmer
Haldane, Richard
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hamilton, Alexander
Hankey, Sir Maurice
Hankow-Peking railway
Hanley, Gerald
Hanna, Colonel John
Hanotaux, Gabriel
Hardie, James Keir
Harding, Warren G.
Hardinge, Lord
Hare, Alexander
Harmsworth, Lord
Harrow School
Hart, Sir Robert
Harvey, Oliver
Hashemite family
Hasim Jeal, regent of Brunei
Hassan, Muhammad Abdille (‘Mad Mullah’)
Hastings, Lord
Hastings, Warren
Havelock, General Sir Henry
Hawke, Rear-Admiral Sir Edward
Hawkins, Sir John
Head, Brigadier Anthony
Healey, Denis
Heath, Edward
Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta
Henderson, Arthur
Henrietta Maria, Queen
Henry VII, King
Henty, G.A.
Heren, Louis
Hermes, HMS
Hertzog, General
Heston, Charlton
Hicks, Colonel William
Highlands and Islands Emigration Society
Hill, Lord
Hilton, Anthony
Hindustan Times
Hirohito, Emperor
Hitler, Adolf; appeal in Middle East; expulsion of Jews; appeasement; rise to power; on British prestige; Munich agreement; reoccupies Rhineland; claims Sudetenland; moves towards war; occupies Czechoslovakia; abandons invasion of Britain; invasion of Russia; attacks Greece; racism; British propaganda
Ho Chi-Minh
Hoare, Sir Samuel
Hobbs, Colonel Thomas
‘Home, Evelyn’
Home, William
Home Guard
Hong Kong; trade with Britain; Opium Wars; Second World War; expiry of lease; government of; admittance of Hong Kong Chinese to Britain
House of Commons
House of Lords
How, Admiral Sir Richard
Howe, Sir William
Hsien-feng, Emperor of China
Hudson’s Bay Company