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Alien Invader's Curvy Fated Choice: OTT Curvy Sci Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Queens of Yalania Book 3)

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by Sara Nebula

  Alien Invader’s Curvy Fated Choice

  Queens of Yalania Book 3


  Sara Nebula & Juno Wells

  Copyright 2020 Sara Nebula

  Cover designed by Sara Nebula

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

  in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Sara Hazel/Sara Nebula

  Visit my website at

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page













  Epilogue — Jessica

  Epilogue — Klioc

  Thank You!

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  Queens of Yalania Series



  I awaken from my sleep and the quiet buzzing of the ship fills my head. I am almost to Earth, and a smile crosses my lips, because I know that soon I will fill my ship with humans to work in the circada mines. The females will be sold to Pleasure Houses around Yalania.

  I will build up an army to take back my city of Califas and reclaim my throne. But first — the humans. They are pathetic and weak creatures. They lack intelligence, or any kind of sense. Their planet will likely explode one day due to their own miscalculations, and their race will only survive because we Yalanians took them in and gave them purpose.

  “Good morning, Yalar Klioc,” the computer announces as I climb out of my sleep pod. “We will arrive on Earth in approximately one hour. Would you like a cup of hot scalabander juice?”

  “No, computer. Show me the landing points.”

  I walk over to the center of the sleep chamber and wave my hand. The holographic screen materializes before me with a map of our landing options. There is one landing point named “Chicago” and it appears to be a highly populated area. Yes, that sounds like the most suitable place to land and capture as many humans as I can fit onboard this ship.

  “Computer, remain cloaked and find a suitable spot to land in this...Chicago.”

  “As you wish, my Yalar.”

  I keep a close watch on the computer screen as we approach our landing spot. There are no life forms in the immediate area, and I should be able to exit the craft without interference from humans. They always shriek horrifically when they see me for the first time before I’ve had a chance to establish a proper mind link, and I’m not ready to deal with that just yet. Chasing humans down bores me. They are much too slow to put up a good challenge.

  The computer whirs and clicks as we land. Everything goes quite smoothly, and soon I step off the craft and onto the Earth soil.

  My boots are too heavy for the ground here, and I sink down an inch. The ground is covered in plant life the humans call “grass”. Yalania has had nothing like it for centuries. It was eaten by early Yalanians, and as it depleted it became a highly sought-after delicacy.

  I bend down and pluck a blade of grass from the ground. I taste the end of it and immediately spit it out. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever tasted in my existence, and I’m certain that it is nothing like what we used to have on Yalania.

  The night sky is lit up with the lights from the tall human buildings. We have not had such buildings on Yalania in centuries either and they are quite a sight. We chose to put all our technology into space travel and live simpler lives on the ground. But I can appreciate the large buildings that stretch up towards the heavens. The humans can be efficient when they want to be. But most of the time they just waste their energy on silly pursuits that are not required for their survival or advancement as a species.

  “Computer, I will return by morning with the humans. Remain cloaked.”

  “Yes, my Yalar.”

  I am surrounded by trees, and I work my way through them to head towards the light of the city. I know I must be careful not to be seen, so I pull my cloak over my head. The benefit to landing in a human city rather than a more rural area is that the humans in cities are more accepting of strange sights. It seems that city dwelling humans are just considered stranger than the rural ones, so they would see a blue skinned Yalanian like myself as just another one of their crazier brethren. Still, I can’t take the chance that one will see me and start screaming. Goddess, I hate their screaming. I could just mind control them, but it takes more energy than they are worth sometimes.

  I walk across the human road where their small transport vehicles are rushing past. I cross to the other side of the street and one of the transport vehicles blares its very annoying horn at me as I leap out of the way to avoid being hit by it. The horn sounds like a dying halafish. The human in the vehicle screams at me:

  “Watch where you’re going, buddy! Next time you won’t be so lucky.”

  Rather than capturing this abhorrent creature, I let it continue on. I stick closer to the buildings. Soon I come upon the entrance to a building where human music is emanating from. The sign reads “Joe’s Bar”. A horrible smell is also coming from it.

  I hold my nose and head inside. I have to duck to fit inside the tiny entrance. A large and ugly human male is seated by the door. There are only four other humans in the place at the moment.

  “Hey buddy, I need to see your ID,” the ugly human says.

  I turn to him and growl. “I do not have your human identification.”

  “Well, you’re gonna have to leave then.”

  He slides out of his chair. He’s large, but I’m larger. I glare down at him.

  “I am not going anywhere. I am seeking refreshment, and you will give it to me.”

  “Oh, okay,” he says. “No ID is fine for you, mister. Great costume too, by the way.”

  I pay him no more attention as I walk over to the bar. This place is darker and dirtier than the Yalanian drinking establishments. But it will have to do.

  The small human female behind the bar has pink hair and a dizzying array of metal adorning her face. A colorful gemstone pierces her small nose.

  She looks right at me and is completely unfazed even though I have not established a mind link with her.

  “What can I get you?” she asks.

  “I am seeking refreshment,” I reply.

  “Ok, well, our specials list is on the board, mister. I’ll be here when you’re ready to order.”

  As I’m examining the list of specials, I hear a scream from the back of the room. It’s a human female in great distress.

  I whirl around and rush to the back.

  “Don’t ever touch me again. You’ll be banned forever,” says a short, thick, and deliciously curvy human female with long wavy black hair.

  She is speaking to a bald headed and very ugly human male (Ok, ok. Most of them are ugly. It’s a good thing Yalania has neve
r created such horrifying creatures.)

  “Leave this woman alone,” I command the bald male.

  He looks up at me and growls. “We were just having a little conversation. It’s none of your business ya blue freak.”

  “He grabbed my arm and tried to force me to kiss him,” the female replies.

  I stare at the male and he instantly drops his gaze to the ground. As he stares at his feet, I say in a clear and loud voice:

  “You will never touch her again. If you do, I will rip your throat out and feed it to the wolves of Narsa. Do you understand?”

  “Yes — yes — sir,” he replies.

  Just for fun, I grab him by the neck and lift him several feet off the ground. Now I can feel all the humans watching me. The curvy beauty beside me screams.

  “Please don’t hurt him! It’s ok. I’m fine, mister,” she says. “You’re going to kill him.”

  I set the human down and he runs off.

  The bartender comes over. “You ok, Jessica?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” Jessica replies. “Um, thanks to —”

  “My name is Klioc,” I reply. “You would do well to stay away from filth like that man. He is not worthy of one such as you.”

  I have already made up my mind that I’ll be taking the one called Jessica back to Yalania with me. She will fetch quite a price in the Pleasure House.

  “Klioc, that’s a weird name. But um, thank you, Klioc,” Jessica says.

  “You’re welcome,” I reply. “I will wait here for you to finish your shift. Then we will go back to my ship.” I look into her eyes as I say it and try to establish the mind link. But it doesn’t work. It seems it will be harder to control this one. She shakes her head and laughs.

  “Great costume, but your pickup skills leave something to be desired. Do I know you? You seem to know that I work here, so...”

  “I can read your thoughts. We have never met.”

  “Well, I’ll just leave you two to this very strange conversation,” the pink haired female says. “Holler if you need me, Jess.”

  Once she’s gone, I try to invade Jessica’s mind again.

  “I have changed my mind. You will come with me now.”

  This time it works, thank the Goddess. But it takes a strong mental effort.

  Jessica blinks and responds, “Yes. Let me get my purse.”

  As we leave, the pink haired girl shouts, “Jess, you’re supposed to work for two more hours!” But Jessica is firmly under my control now and does not respond to the pink haired human. The man by the door lets us through, and I head into the night with my prize.



  I wake up on the street walking beside a very tall man — the one who nearly killed Derek inside the bar.

  “What the hell?” I ask as I come out of my daze.

  The tall man looks right at me and says in a clear and soothing deep voice: “You are mine.”

  But as my brain fog lifts, I realize what I’m doing. I’m following a strange man to who knows where! I try to turn around, but a strange force keeps me beside him. But it doesn’t stop my ability to scream, so that’s what I do at the top of my lungs.

  “Let me go, freak!”

  But he doesn’t even have his hands on me. I’m just rooted in place. As he looks at me, I notice that what I thought was just blue makeup is his actual skin color. I scream again and he swipes across the air before my lips. I thought he was going to hit me or something, but instead I just find myself unable to speak.

  “You are coming to my ship with me, Jessica. I will then put you in a sleep pod where you will remain until we arrive on Yalania. Then you will serve my people in the Pleasure House.”

  Yalania? Pleasure House? This crazy blue man thinks he’s going to take me back to his “planet” and put me to work in a brothel. Great. Well, at least he doesn’t want to kill me, or so I hope.

  I don’t regain control of my speech, but I get my feet back, and I take off running down the street back towards Michigan Avenue. I look behind me and don’t see him anywhere, so I might be safe. My heart is pounding, and I feel like I’m going to die. Or maybe I already have died, and the strange blue man was coming to take me to the afterlife. Maybe I need to quit working so late and get more sleep.

  Once on Michigan I find my voice again and scream for help. But people just walk past me as if I’m not even there. A group of teenagers laughs and walks right through me. I rest against a building and catch my breath. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but whatever it is, it’s not good. But if I calm myself down and stay in control then I know I can get through this.

  You can do it, Jess. I whisper this to myself over and over like a mantra. But before long, the blue man is towering over me once again.

  “Your resistance is entertaining, Jessica, but you will not get far. You are coming with me.”

  “Like hell I am,” I reply. But I’m once again frozen to the spot beside him.

  He picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. I cry and scream, but we go completely unnoticed by everyone on the street.

  HE CARRIES ME THROUGH Millennium Park. The park is closed for the night, so it’s mostly empty except for us and a few other people just hanging out. I scream to get their attention, but it once again fails me. Maybe I really am dead, and this is my hell. I’m being transported to another planet or something. I always kind of wondered if that was how it happens — you die and your soul gets transported to a different time and place, or maybe even an entirely new world. I’m a good Catholic girl, but I’ve got too much time on my hands to think up crazy ideas like this one. Only it seems I may have been right.

  If I am dead, then it’s useless to fight my blue captor anymore. I lay over his shoulder like a sack and remain silent as he carries me to the lawn of the Pritzker Pavilion where I’ve spent many happy nights dancing to music.

  My captor comes to a sudden stop.

  “Computer, uncloak the ship. I have a human to bring onboard. Prepare a sleep pod.”

  Great. He’s gonna put me to sleep and then who knows where he’s going to take me. I may or may not be dead, but either way my life as I know it is over. It wasn’t such a bad life. I had a job, a small studio apartment in Uptown, and a small yet comfortable couch where I spent happy hours reading romance novels or binging on bad Netflix shows. Ya know, pretty much the same life many of us have. Of course, I’ve never had a boyfriend and my prospects for that were never good. I’m the kind of girl who just seems to attract jerks who want one thing only and if I were to give it to them, they would abandon me forever in favor of the next girl they could con.

  But all that’s over now, because I’m about to be put to sleep inside some alien spaceship...

  “Computer, I command you to uncloak the ship now!” My captor yells angrily. He gets no response.

  He sets me down and I manage to stand beside him, though I still feel a bit like a lifeless sack. I try my legs and of course I’m rooted to the spot he set me down in.

  “Computer, you must uncloak now!” He shouts.

  “Looks like your ship isn’t here,” I whisper.

  “Be quiet, girl,” he growls. “The ship will materialize soon.”

  But it doesn’t. He just paces back and forth while growling and beating his chest.

  “My enemies must be responsible for this somehow. Perhaps one of them stowed away and reprogrammed my ship.”

  “E.T. phone home,” I whisper to myself.

  “I told you to keep quiet,” he says as he glares down at me. His bright yellow eyes seem to glow, and then they turn red. It seems I’ve angered him. But he turns his attention away from me and continues pacing.

  “Please set me free, mister,” I plead. “I can’t go with you.”

  “You are an insolent creature,” he says. “Your kind sickens me. I do not understand why I was so attracted to you in the first place.”

  “Neither do I,” I reply. “So please let me go and you’l
l never have to listen to me or see me again. I promise.”

  “You won’t just do as you are commanded. I can’t get inside your mind for long enough to make you shut up. Something is wrong with me. Maybe it’s this awful planet, or maybe it’s you. You’re different somehow,” he says.

  “Yep. I am different. So, let me go and you can go find your ship. Maybe capture another human or two. You really don’t want me.”

  “Yes, I do,” he replies simply. “I cannot explain it, but I have a great need for your presence, annoying though it may be.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I mutter.

  “There is no time for talk. You must take me to your dwelling where I can plan my next move.”

  “Um, no way.”

  “Yes. You may think you can defy me, but I will always be more powerful than you.”

  As if to demonstrate, he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder again like I weigh nothing. The guy is around six and a half feet tall, and I’m only five foot three, but come on! I’m not a light girl and I know it. He shouldn’t be able to carry me around so easily like this.

  “You will guide me to your dwelling, human,” he says.

  “It’s Jessica,” I reply. “And I already told you we are not going to my apartment.”

  “Please, Jessica,” he says. His tone has completely changed. He sounds almost desperate.

  Maybe if I have him take me home, I can break free of him long enough to escape. It looks like me and Klioc are both running out of options.

  “Fine. I’ll take you to my apartment. If you set me down, I can call us an Uber.”

  “What is an Uber?” He asks.

  “It’s a rideshare service. A driver will come pick us up — never mind. Just trust me. Put me down and I’ll call one. Then we’ll be at my apartment in no time.”

  “I do not wish to ride in one of your human transport vehicles. I will carry you to your home. Please direct me there.” Well, at least he said please again. He’s not totally devoid of manners. He did save me from Derek...

  “Fine. I’ll direct you. But you’ll have to set me down and let me walk. I can’t give you directions like this.”


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