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Alien Invader's Curvy Fated Choice: OTT Curvy Sci Fi Alien Warrior Romance (Queens of Yalania Book 3)

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by Sara Nebula

  Klioc sets me down and I lead him all the way to Uptown. It takes us almost three and a half hours to get there, because I find myself unable to move any faster. Any attempts to turn around and run from him are simply impossible.

  When we arrive at my apartment building, I take him up in the ratty old elevator and bring him straight to my door. So much for trying to escape from him.

  Once inside, I sit down on the couch and find myself once again unable to move. He can’t control my mind, but he has full control over my body.

  Klioc flips my light on and pulls his hood down. His face is dark blue, and his hair pitch black. He lets his long hair fall over his shoulders now. As he stares at me, I can’t help but feel like I know him, as strange as that is.

  “I know you,” he says. “I can hardly believe it, but the Goddess is showing me now. You are my Nura and I must mate with you at once.”

  His golden eyes glow.

  “No. No mating,” I say. “Absolutely not. I don’t know what you mean by Nura, but we are not having sex.”

  He waves his hand in the air and suddenly I regain control over my body. I lift each limb to test it out.

  “I have set you free.”

  “I can see that. Thank you. I’m still not mating with you under any circumstance.”

  “You have baby bearing hips. I am well pleased,” he says in his usual serious tone.

  I pick the remote off the coffee table and throw it at his face. He stops it in mid-air and it just kind of floats in front of his eyes.

  “You did not say I have baby bearing hips.”

  “I did,” he says as he lets the remote crash to the floor.

  Klioc moves closer to me until he’s down on his knees before me. I don’t know what to do, so I just sit there and let him place a hand on each of my legs. He spreads them apart and moves his warm and soothing hands up to my thighs. As we stare at each other, my breath quickens, and I feel the wetness growing between my legs. I have never had such a visceral reaction to a man before, but if he stares at me any longer, I’m going to get the couch wet.

  There’s something about him. I know him. I’ve never seen him at all in this lifetime as far as I can figure out.

  “You see it now,” he says. “We will mate, and our children will be royalty.”

  “Oh, so you’re a king now?” I ask softly. A lump forms in my throat. My body shudders as Klioc slides a finger under the slit of my panties.

  “I am only what you would call a prince. In my language the word is Yalar. But once we are joined forever, I will be Yalar Han’shi or High King. You will be Yalara Han’shi.”

  “I’m that important to you?” I ask.

  He withdraws his finger from my panties. Thank goodness, because I felt like I might have to find the strength to push this beast of a man off me. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t do it.

  “You are the center of my universe.”

  Wow. Well, it sure feels good to hear that, but how serious can he be about it anyway? He only just met me, and immediately took me hostage.

  “So, um, your ship. What happened to it?”

  “It was stolen by my enemies. Likely someone working for Vekshi Klic’sha of Lunare. He believes he is the Goddess’ chosen one, and he will not stop until all of Yalania belongs to him. My city was conquered, and I was cast out. But now I know that I came here to find you so that I could be restored to my rightful place.”

  “But how are you going to get home?”

  Klioc doesn’t seem too interested in his home at the moment. He loosens his robe and starts to pull it over his head. I place my hands on his and he stops.

  “I think it’s better if we keep our clothes on for now. If you really do like me as much as you say you do then I think we should take more time to get to know each other.”

  He pulls his robe back down, and his hands go right back to gliding across my bare legs and up my skirt.

  “I do not need to remove my clothes to make you feel good,” he says.

  “I’m sure you don’t,” I reply. “But please take your hands off me or I will remove them.”

  I don’t really want his hands off me. I’ve never had a man do this to me before, and it’s pretty nice, I have to be honest. It’s just all happening too fast for me.

  Klioc gets up and moves onto the couch beside me.

  All of a sudden, my legs begin to quake, and my eyes roll back. My pussy tingles, and I feel myself swelling with desire. It’s the most intense pleasure of my life. I scream as I come undone and my panties become thoroughly soaked.

  “Klioc!” I cry out. But instead of sounding like I’m asking him to stop, it comes out like more of a blissful ecstatic cry.

  “I told you I did not need to use my hands to make you feel good,” he says.

  When my body stops buzzing, and I return to normal, I look into his eyes once more.

  “Ok, what’s a Nura? I feel like I should know.”

  “It’s what you would call a soulmate, but it goes beyond that. The connection is so deep that nothing can tear it apart. Nura belong together. We belong together, Jessica,” he says.

  I can’t believe what’s happening to me. Kidnapped by an alien and almost dragged off to his home planet, and now he tells me that I’m his soulmate. I don’t know what else to do, and I’m so tired that I close my eyes and lean against Klioc’s hard, but very warm and comforting body. Just because I’m gonna sleep on him, doesn’t mean I have to sleep with him, right?



  Perhaps I am wrong. Maybe Jessica is not my Nura, and something in the Earth’s atmosphere has infected my brain. She is too reluctant. I can see that she has had the realization that she has known me before, and that should be enough to build the connection between us. But she is determined that we will not mate.

  As I watch her sleep though, I know that my doubts are false. How could I ever question it? Everything about her is perfect, and beautiful. She is the most wondrous being to ever cross my path, and I will not let her go. She will be mine no matter what I have to do.

  I stroke her hair as she sleeps. I should be thinking of how I am going to get us home to Yalania, but I cannot. All I can do is gaze upon this girl and let my desire for her build with each passing second.

  When Jessica wakes up, she opens her eyes and finds me watching her.

  “Don’t your kind sleep?” she asks.

  “We do, but I could not. I slept the entire journey to your planet, and that plus meeting you have made me quite restless.”

  “Well, what do you eat?” She asks. “All I have is Earth food for breakfast.”

  “Earth food will be fine,” I reply.

  Jessica gets up and crosses to the other side of the small dwelling. She shakes a few boxes around and makes quite a bit of noise as she prepares the food. She returns with a bowl filled with a strange white liquid that looks like Gurangi milk but is most definitely not from the Lunarian Gurangi. Floating in the milk is a strange crispy golden-brown substance in the shape of many squares.

  Jessica puts the strange substance into her mouth by way of a spoon, and I sniff my bowl.

  “What in the name of Yalani is this?”

  “Cereal,” she says. “Golden Grahams.”

  “And what creature is this milk from?”

  “A cow. I don’t suppose you have those on Yalania.” She laughs. “I can’t believe I’m sitting here with a space alien.”

  “I do not know who you think the space alien here is, but it is certainly not me. Your kind are the aliens where I’m from.”

  “Point taken. Eat your cereal.” She laughs again, and the sound fills me with delight. I can feel it reverberating through every muscle in my body. I wish to always hear that sound...

  I place the bowl to my lips and slurp the strange “cereal” into my mouth. Much of it gets all over my robes.

  “You don’t have spoons on Yalania either, huh?”

  “We do. I just cannot see how I am
supposed to eat this with a spoon.”

  “We have got to get you home. You are going to be hopeless here,” she says. She finishes her bowl and sets it down on the small table before us. I set mine beside hers and wrap my arms around her. I pull her body against mine and she makes a soft “mmm” sound before pulling away.

  She goes and sits down in a chair across the room from me.

  “I can’t be right next to you. You have an effect on me that I don’t think is safe for me. Are you still manipulating me?”

  “If I were still manipulating you, Jessica, you would not be across the room from me.”

  She sighs heavily. “I think you’ve gotten inside of my head and you’re going to stay there. I don’t know how I can trust you.”

  “We will work on that. Very shortly, you will trust.”

  “I wish I had your confidence!” She bursts into laughter once again. “Anyway, I think you should be going now.”

  “I am not leaving without you. Show me your city. I would very much like to see it.”

  “Are you serious? You can’t walk around like that. You’re all blue and wearing a silly robe. You have to go back to Yalania.”

  “I agree. There is another Yalanian in your city. I must speak with him and see if he will allow me to use his communication device. Or perhaps he has a ship he is willing to sell so that you and I can go home.”

  “This is my home. But sure, I’ll take you to this guy if it helps me get rid of you.”

  I stand up and wave my hand over myself. Jessica gasps.

  “’re...wearing human...clothes now? And you’re not blue anymore. How did you...?”

  “I am disguised as one of your people now. I will fit right in.

  “Well, you’re a little too good looking to just fit right in,” she says. “Where does your guy live?”

  “In a land called Pilsen,” I reply.



  Klioc insists that we walk to Pilsen. I insist on taking the train. I buy him a transit card and load it up for him. He seems quite amused when I show him how to tap the card against the payment box to pay his fare.

  When we finally arrive at the Damen pink line station, we get off, and I follow Klioc down the street to a small Botanica. He seems to be following an internal GPS straight to one of his own kind.

  “This is his shop,” Klioc announces. I follow him inside and stay silent as he talks to the shop owner.

  The owner of the shop appears to be a small middle-aged Mexican man, but I guess he’s not from Mexico after all.

  “All praise to the Goddess,” Klioc says to the man.

  “She is the giver of life and love,” the man replies. “What can I do for you, Yalar of Califas?”

  “My ship was stolen. Perhaps you have one I could purchase? I will return with riches beyond your imagination,” Klioc tells the man.

  The shop owner chuckles. “Yalar, there are no riches on Yalania that have meaning here. Besides, I do not have a ship anymore. My son took it back to Incare, so that he could become a merchant there and find his Nura.”

  I watch as Klioc trembles with rage. He reaches across the counter and grabs the man by his collar.

  “Set me down, Yalar of Califas,” the man says calmly.

  “Klioc, please,” I say in an effort to calm him. It doesn’t work. He shakes the man.

  “You will call for another ship then. I am going home with my Nura!”

  I rest my hand on his arm. Slowly, he sets the shop owner down, and turns his attention to me.

  “I am sorry you had to witness that, my Nura, but I must do whatever is necessary to get us home where we belong.”

  I too want Klioc to return to Yalania, so that I can get back to living my life. But seeing the rage he’s capable of frightens me. Still, it’s good to know that enough effort from me can soothe his temper.

  “I have no way of contacting Yalania, Yalar. You are the first Yalanian I have seen in fifty Earth years.”

  “If my Nura were not here, I would kill you for your filthy lies,” Klioc says as he sets the old man down.

  “Spend some time here on Earth, Yalar. I think you will enjoy it as I have.”

  Klioc takes my hand and marches me out of the store.

  “Are you trying to get arrested?” I ask.

  “What is arrested?”

  “I should keep you locked up in my apartment where you can’t hurt anyone or yourself,” I reply. “You have no knowledge of human civilization at all and it’s going to get me in trouble.”

  “I very much enjoy the idea of being locked in your dwelling with you, my Nura,” he says.

  It seems his brain is focused on three things only — fighting, his Goddess, and sex. His testosterone levels must be off the charts. I’m amazed that the Goddess energy doesn’t chill him out a little.

  WE TRAVEL BACK TO MY apartment in total silence. When I look over at him, he seems to be in deep thought. I tap him on the shoulder at our stop.

  As we’re walking up to my apartment, he grumbles, “We must have our Nurani ceremony at once. Once we are joined together, the solution to our problems will show itself.”

  “What is a Nurani ceremony?” I ask.

  “It binds us together before the Goddess. We become an inseparable and powerful force.”

  “Are you sure it’s me then? I’m not strong at all, and I don’t want to be joined to you, Klioc.” I’m really trying to talk him out of insisting that I’m the girl for him. Maybe if I make myself out to be a horrible person he’ll decide to let me go free...

  “You will be joined with me,” he says in his normal tone of soothing deep confidence.

  Once back inside my tiny apartment, Klioc waves his illusionary human appearance off and returns to the incredibly tall and very blue alien that I met last night. Strangely, I prefer him in this form. There is something primal about him that touches something deep inside of me.

  “What now?” I dare to ask him as I sit down on the couch.

  He stands before me and looks at me with the intense stare he’s been giving me since we met. His gaze is so strong that I have to look away for fear that I might easily fall under his spell. I can’t deny that I am attracted to him in a way I have never been to anyone. But I worry that he could be making me feel this way with his alien mind power.

  “Jessica, please look at me,” he says.

  “You’re overwhelming to me,” I whisper.

  “As you are to me. But if you look into my eyes you will see our connection is true.”

  “I don’t believe in fate, Klioc. If you really want us to have a connection, then you are going to have to work for it. That’s how this works here on Earth.”

  “I understand,” he says as he sits down beside me. He places a hand on my thigh and a pulse of pleasurable energy fills my leg and then passes to the rest of my body. It’s so deeply relaxing and healing. I can’t help but close my eyes and rest my head against him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I’m healing you of all your past traumas,” he replies simply as if something like that were as easy as a mere laying on of hands.

  “I didn’t give you permission to do that.”

  “You are blocking our union. Something inside of you needs healing, Jessica. Someone hurt you.”

  Someone did hurt me. But that’s beside the point. If I allow Klioc to heal me of my past traumas will I even be myself anymore?

  “Please, I need them,” I say.

  “But why?”

  “Look, you should just ask my permission before you do something like that again.”

  “Yes, Jessica. I will ask.”


  He removes his hand from my thigh, but the warm relaxed feeling is still flowing through me. Maybe it will heal me just a little and then I can take care of the rest...

  “You’re too sweet to me,” I whisper.

  He slides his arm around me and pulls me in closer. I just a
llow it to happen. At this point, I think I have to accept the fact that this alien being is in love with me. And maybe I should just enjoy that for a bit. He didn’t ask if he could hold me, but I think he instinctively knows that I need it right now.

  His fingertips glide across the skin of my arm. He pushes my sleeve up to expose more skin. His touch feels like a thousand tiny lightning bolts, but not in a painful way. It’s more an electric energy that wakes up my nerve cells and makes me feel things more intensely.

  “May I kiss you?” He asks.

  Just a few minutes ago, I would have said no. But now, something tells me to let him.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He turns my face up and towards his. The moment his lips touch mine I lose all sense of time and space. My apartment fades out around me as I close my eyes and get swept away by his gentle kiss. His lips are much softer than I imagined, and their warmth heats mine. The heat spreads through the rest of me, and my body begins to vibrate. Stars and comets dance across my eyelids. It’s like a whole new universe has been created just for us, and the overwhelming power of that shocks me back to reality.

  I pull away from him and he tries to go in for another kiss.

  “What have you done to me?”

  My panties are flooded and I’m sweating all over. It takes me a solid minute to catch my breath, and even then, it still feels like it’s been taken right out of me...

  Stolen by his kiss, his touch, and his simple presence.

  “What you are feeling is natural,” he says. “You will get used to it.”

  “I bet you travel across the galaxy and use that move on thousands of girls, don’t you?”

  He chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair. I pull back from that too, but he just smiles.

  “You are the one who was made for me. I have never touched another woman. Such things are forbidden for a prince of Yalania. We are meant to save union for our Nuras, for only with them can we become who we were meant to be.”

  “So, you’re a virgin? For real?”

  “Jessica, my translator does not pick up every word you use. I am afraid I must ask you to explain this virgin to me.”


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