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Page 33

by JB Salsbury

  Her eyes water and redden around the edges. Dark flickers in my peripheral vision. I shove it back, but it nudges again, this time accompanied by a feeling that constricts my throat. Huh, that’s new. I blink and try to relax, but a twitch of my lips gives me away.

  “What?” She sniffs. “Why are you smiling?”

  I reach deep into my mind and am flooded with a fierce concern for Shyann, similar to what I already feel, but somehow more…possessive. “He’s protective of you too now.”

  Her eyebrows pinch together and she studies me. “How do you know?”

  I shrug one shoulder, amazed that for the first time I’m able to understand what Gage is feeling and recognize it as him. “He doesn’t like that you’re upset.” More dark tunnels my vision, but I hold it back. “He’s trying to push me into the dark.”

  “Lucas…you can communicate with him?”

  I search my thoughts, explore the deepest caverns of my feelings. “No, but when you get upset, he tries to take over. At first I thought he was protecting me from your anger or whatever but now he’s letting me feel what he’s feeling. I think he’s trying to”—our gazes tangle together—“comfort you. We love you, Shy.”

  A single tear rolls down her cheek to her parted lips. “I love you guys too.” I grin and a crazed smile stretches across her beautiful face. “We’re quite the fucked up couple, Lucas.”

  My smile falls as I study the woman before me, capable of more love than I’ve ever seen and more beautiful than any man deserves, especially us. But we’re keeping her and never letting go. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “I want to hold you.”

  Heat explodes in my chest. “I want to kiss you.”

  She blushes and jumps as the large metal door that leads into the police station opens and Sheriff Austin walks in. His deep frown makes my gut twist with anxiety and he takes in Shyann before moving toward us.

  “Austin, what is it?” Shy moves toward me but stays on her side of the safe distance line.

  The sheriff’s gaze slides to mine and he squares his shoulders, which makes me unconsciously stand taller, preparing mentally for him to deliver what I assume to be bad news.

  “Son, wanted to stop in to let you know Sam’s awake and her doctors have cleared her to talk.”

  I exhale hard and nod.

  “That’s great. When will you go question her?” Shy’s voice drips with excitement.

  The sheriff checks his watch. “Gary should be pulling up over there now.” His eyes find Lucas. “I’ll be back in a few to let you know what we get.”

  “Thank you.”

  He nods and turns from us, calling out over his shoulder that Shy only has ten more minutes.

  Her bright smile turns toward me. “This is it! This could get you off the hook!”

  “Yeah, but if it was the Shadow, will she have any information to give to get me off? I mean, if she didn’t see his face, or hear his voice, and there wasn’t any evidence, won’t that leave me on the chopping block?”

  Her smile falls and I instantly regret my words.

  Sam’s testimony will seal my fate, one way or the other.


  “Time’s up!” a deputy calls from the doorway. “Say your goodbyes.”

  I straighten my spine and throw as much power behind my words as I can. “I’m not leaving.”

  Lucas smiles, actually smiles!

  “Shy, you have to leave.” Lucas’s long fingers are curled around the bars of the door, his grin that melts my insides flashing adorably.

  “This room maybe, but I’ll be waiting in the sheriff’s office. I want to be here when they get back and you’ll need a ride home when they release you.”

  He frowns, his expression growing serious. “I think we have to be prepared for the worst. They’ve done their research, Shy. They know my record, that I was tried for murdering my family.”

  “The jury found you innocent.”

  His eyes snap to mine. “On a technicality.”

  I swallow hard and resist the urge to move closer and grasp his hands in mine. “Do you think you killed your family, Lucas?”

  “No. I loved my brothers and sister. I can’t image Gage hurting them.”

  “And your mom?” I need to know, finally, the truth of what he knows, or at least what he believes happened that night.

  His expression turns hard. “I’d wished she would die, yes. But I can’t see myself killing anyone, no matter how evil they were. Gage is a different story, though.”

  I nod to his scar. “And that?”

  He shrugs. “I believe my mom killed them, tried to kill me, and then killed herself. That’s what the jury decided, so that’s what I believe.”

  Safe, keeping the bad guy evil and the innocence of children pure. Even if it’s not the truth, Lucas could never live with himself if he knew he’d taken a life. If the authorities ever found out, would they drag him through a retrial?

  It’s better he remain clueless.

  The door swings open, jarring me from my thoughts, and my stomach leaps into my throat. Is it them? Do they have answers?

  The deputy walks in and waves me forward. “Time’s up, Shy.”

  “Five more minutes?” I flash my poutiest pout.

  “Not a chance. Already gave you more time than I should’ve.” He motions to the door. “Let’s go.”

  I sigh and look at Lucas, wanting so badly to touch him before I go, comfort him and myself even if only for a second. He seems to read my thoughts and steps away from the bars. “Go on, Shy. It’ll be okay.”

  “I love you, and I will see you soon.” My stomach drops and I hope to God I’m telling him the truth.

  “Shyann, let’s go!” the deputy yells, and I walk away from Lucas, each foot of distance between us increasing the dread building in my gut.


  There are no windows in the cell I’m being held in, so the passing of time is relative and it feels like it’s been days since Shyann left. I’ve counted the bricks on the exterior wall, the number of rivets in the metal dividing walls, and the bars in the door. Multiple times.

  After what seems like a lifetime, the door finally opens and I push up to see Sheriff Austin and Gary walk in; their faces are unreadable. I remain silent as they step up to my cell, my pulse pounding in my ears. My eyes widen as he pulls keys from his pocket and unlocks my cell door.

  “Mr. Menzano.” Austin’s gaze is dark and set on mine. “Appreciate your patience through all this.” He swings open the door. “Seems we were led astray by false witnesses. You’re free to go.”

  The opening is right there but I hesitate to walk out, as if this is all some tease to intensify my punishment. “I don’t understand.”

  “Samantha was able to identify one of her—”

  “I swear to God…” We all turn to the door at the sound of Shy’s voice. “If you try to stop me, I will send your nuts into your body cavity, Tom!”

  She storms into the room and Austin’s lips twitch as he nods to a pale-faced Tom to go ahead and allow her in.

  Her eyes find mine but quickly dart to the open cell door. “What’s going on?” She looks up at Austin. “Where are you taking him?”

  He steps back and motions to me. “I was just explaining to Lucas that Samantha positively identified—”

  She gasps and covers her mouth.

  “Lucas was not the man who attacked her.”

  She darts toward me and I have just enough time to brace myself before her body barrels into mine, knocking me back a step. “I knew it! I knew the truth would surface.”

  I wrap her up tight in my arms, feeling like it’s been years since I’ve held her. Her soft, warm body melts into mine and she buries her face into my neck, her lips dancing kisses against my jaw and scar. My blood powers through my veins with the need to get her alone, and darkness clouds my vision as Gage pushes for his chance with Shy. Too bad. I nuzzle her neck, breathing in the heady scent of her sh
ampoo and my muscles relax. He’ll have to wait.

  The clearing of a throat drags us from our reunion and I release Shy only enough to tuck her under my arm.

  Austin grins and jerks his head toward the exit. “If you two have a minute, we can go to my office and I’ll explain.”

  Hand in hand, we follow him out of the room of cells and through the station to his office. I take a seat but grab Shy as she moves to sit too far away from me and pull her into my lap. She squeaks and looks at me with wide eyes and a smile. I don’t know what’s come over me, but now that I have her close, it doesn’t feel right if we’re not touching.

  Austin sits behind his desk, shuffles around a few papers, and leans back. “Here’s what we know. Samantha Crawford finally woke up late this morning.”

  Shy’s back goes straight. “Is she okay?”

  “Looks like she’ll make a full recovery physically. Mentally is a different story.” He fixes his eyes on Lucas. “You were set up.”

  “Set up?” Shy’s hand fists on her lap. “By who!”

  I shift in my seat and run my palm along her thigh until her muscles release some tension.

  “The man who attacked her told her his name was Lucas Menzano. Now, I’ve been doing this for long enough to know that most people committing crimes don’t give their full names to their victims. Then we got the anonymous tip. We noticed the tip came from a number associated with pay phones. When we tracked it, we discovered the call was made outside the Quicky Q off I-87. Gary went and got a copy of the video surveillance and the guy who called in the tip didn’t look like a local as he claimed.” His jaw ticks. “Sam shared that it was obvious the man who assaulted her wasn’t comfortable beating a woman. He’d finished what he came to do, and, thinking she’d passed out, he pulled off his mask and gagged or vomited into it. She got a good look at his face and when she described him, well, we thought it sounded familiar.” He leans back, rocking once in his chair. “We showed Sam close-ups from the surveillance film and she positively ID’d her attacker.”

  “Oh my God…” Shy whispers. “Lucas was set up.”

  I stare back and forth between them. “By who?”

  Austin’s eyes harden and he practically growls the man’s name.

  She gasps and swings a stunned gaze to mine. I watch in fascination as her shock morphs to fury. “Trevor.”

  “Trevor Peterson.” Austin repeats it, and only then does it finally sink in.

  She shakes her head and her body stiffens again. “He framed you so he could create a story for that stupid LA gig! I can’t believe it!” Her tone is a high-pitched shriek. “That motherfucker!”

  I sink my fingers into Shy’s hair at her nape, hoping to relax her. As annoying as all this has been, Sam’s the real victim here and all I lost was a night of freedom. I’m just glad they found who did it and that he’ll be punished. “What about the other witness? You said there were two?”

  He flips through another couple pages. “We traced the second call to a burner cell that was purchased in—”

  “Let me guess,” Shy grumbles. “Flagstaff.”

  “You got it.” Austin shakes his head. “We confiscated all the video footage from the van we found parked in the trees outside Lucas’s house. Got Trevor ambushing Lucas at his home on tape. From what we can see, it seems he forced Lucas to defend himself when he wouldn’t leave after being asked repeatedly. It’s my belief that Mr. Peterson’s cameraman is responsible for that second call.”

  She turns toward me, a frown tipping her lips. “This is my fault. I never should’ve mentioned your name to Trevor. I’m so, so—”

  I press my lips to hers, silencing her immediately. “Don’t.” After all the things Gage has done to hurt her, to push her away, she’s the one who deserves an apology. But not here, not with an audience.

  “Is that all?” I’m ready to get the hell out of here, take my girl home and hold her until they send someone to pry us apart.

  Austin pushes up from his chair and holds out his hand. “Again, I’m sorry about keeping you overnight. We had to take the tips seriously.”

  Shy stands, but I snag her hand in mine while giving the sheriff my other.

  “I understand. Thank you.”

  We move to leave but Shy turns back. “Please tell me you got ’em, Austin. I need to know Trevor is off the streets.”

  He moves past us and opens the door into the small booking area, then grins. “Oh, we got ’em.”



  “Don’t touch me!” Trevor slaps at the deputy’s hand as he guides him in front of the blank wall where a mugshot will be taken. “I’ll sue this Podunk town for everything it has! I’ll call every media—”

  Shy lunges toward him, but I grasp her around the waist and hold her back, burying my face in her neck. “He’s not worth it.”

  She tenses in my arms, her body radiating unbridled anger. “He’s a sick bastard. I hate him!”

  I shrug. “He’s not my favorite person either.”

  The room is small enough that he not only sees us, but probably hears us too. He glares our way when I press a kiss to her temple. He sneers and a slow twisted smile that feels so foreign, and yet somehow familiar, curls my lips. My vision blacks out for a few seconds. When it comes back, Trevor’s face is pale.

  I can’t help but laugh and give Gage an internal high five.

  The front door of the station opens and in walks two deputies with an infuriated Dustin Miller in handcuffs.

  We turn to the sheriff, who is shaking his head and frowning. “Turns out Dustin Miller is responsible for vandalizing the McKinstry place. He was bragging about it to Sam before the night she was attacked.” He clicks his tongue and mumbles, “Strange pillow talk.”

  “No way…” Shy whispers. “I knew it! That fucking prick!” She lunges again, but I turn her around to face me and hold her to my chest. “Let me go, Lucas.”


  She tilts her head up, her teeth clenched and eyes spitting blue fire. “Two minutes. That’s all I need.”

  My mouth twitches and I actually consider letting her loose on Dustin, but I drop a kiss to her jaw and whisper in her ear, “Just got out of jail, Shy. You lose it on Dustin…Gage’ll wanna play. I’ll end up back in that cell when all I want to do is get you home.”

  A quick burst of her breath plays against my neck and I pull back to see her fighting a smile. “Good point.”

  “Can I please get you out of here before you get us both arrested?”

  She nods and her expression gets soft. “Probably smart.”

  We move through the police station and push out the glass door and into the midday sun.

  Huddled in the parking lot around an old pickup truck are a few guys from Jennings, including Stilts and Chris, along with Nash and Cody. They all grin and meet us at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Son.” Nash hooks me around the neck and pulls me in for a back-pounding hug. “Good to have you back.”

  And suddenly without warning, Shy and I are smothered in arms and words of appreciation. All the guys tell me they’re proud of me, and my eyes burn but I force it under control. Now that everyone knows about Gage, there’s really no reason not to let him take over—after all, Gage has always handled the emotional situations. Taken the moments that bring out the more intense feelings. But not this time. Rather than duck away, I welcome the intensity rushing through me because it doesn’t hurt or scare me anymore. For the first time in my life, I feel like I belong.


  At a quick stop at the 87 Café, I watched Lucas hesitantly stare at his pancakes before I reached over and took a bite, then melted into the faux-cowhide seat when he flashed me that smile I’ll always feel in my toes. Cody and my dad joined us and things got a little awkward when they asked Lucas about Gage. He was generous with his answers, and my family was good enough not to pry too deeply.

  Out in the parking lot, Dad gave both me and Lucas the d
ay off and we decide to spend it at the river house together. There’s a freedom that surrounds us now and I can’t wait to take advantage of it. I’m just sorry it took Trevor’s involvement in our lives for us to get there.

  We pull up the drive, only to be met by a barking Buddy as he jumps around the truck and leads us to the house. Lucas hops out and gives the dog a rub behind the ears. “Good boy, Buddy.”

  I lean against the hood and watch the man and his dog, admiring how far they’ve both come. Guiding each other from the dark.

  Lucas tilts his head and brings his eyes to mine. He flashes a smile, and I realize he’s done that almost every time he’s looked at me since the police station.

  My heart flutters in my chest. “What?”

  He pulls his top lip with his tongue, trying to tamp down his grin. “Nothing.” He stands to his full height and plucks at his shirt. “I need a shower.”

  Inappropriate images of my body pressed against a naked and very wet Lucas flash through my mind. My skin heats and I press my thighs together to try to stifle the fire burning between them.

  “Hey…” His hand cups my jaw and his eyebrows are low over his slate-gray eyes. “You okay?”

  I try to laugh but his closeness has me practically breathless. “It’s weird; I keep thinking my feelings will mellow a bit, but they don’t.”

  “Is…” He studies my face. “Is that what that is? When your face gets serious like this and your eyes turn…I don’t know…intense?”

  “It is. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with it and I just have to touch you.” I run my palms up his abdomen, over his pecs, up to his shoulders, and suck in a stuttered breath. “You’re so beautiful, Lucas.”

  He drops his forehead to mine. “This doesn’t seem real to me yet. You’re out of my league, Shy.” He tilts his head and runs his nose along my cheekbone in a slow drag, inhaling the entire way to my ear. I tremble as his hot breath teases my sensitive flesh. His muscles tense under my hands before he sinks his teeth into my earlobe and pulls with a growl.


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