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Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815

Page 99

by Gordon S. Wood

  and Marshall, 435, 436

  and the Mazzei letter, 235–36

  and military power, 631

  and minimal government, 10–11

  and monetary policy, 99

  and the national capital, 80, 142

  and national character, 103

  and Native Americans, 126–27, 386, 394–99

  and naturalism, 388–89, 391–92

  and neutral rights, 649

  and newspapers, 151, 256

  and the Nootka Sound controversy, 366–67

  and nullification, 269–70, 270–71

  and partisanship, 267–68, 269, 308

  and patronage, 299–300

  and personal finances, 233

  and political parties, 152, 162, 168, 168n72

  and presidential elections, 210, 211–12

  and public debt, 145, 298–301

  and public opinion, 311–12

  and racial issues, 395n88

  and religion, 577, 585–88, 613, 617, 619

  and the Republican Party, 313–14

  and republicanism, 146–47, 736–38

  and the “Revolution of 1800,” 276–77

  and rights of man, 21

  and the sciences, 724

  and sectional conflict, 146, 172

  and sedition laws, 259

  and Shippen, 5–6

  and size of government, 291, 301–2

  and slavery, 231, 277, 514–15, 517–19, 521, 535, 539–41, 735

  and social changes, 301, 318

  and social equality, 356

  and state legislatures, 19

  and Taylor, 267–68

  and technological advance, 728

  and territorial disputes, 114

  and trade and commerce, 190, 627, 667

  and the Treaty of San Lorenzo, 366

  and the War of 1812, 673, 677, 700

  and Washington, 74, 86, 158, 565

  and western settlement, 116, 357, 376

  and the Whiskey Rebellion, 138

  and women’s rights, 503, 506–7

  and the XYZ Affair, 242, 243

  and yeoman ideal, 46

  Jeffersonian Republicans: and Anti-Federalists, 108

  and Brackenridge, 221

  and competition, 327

  and conspiracy theories, 244

  and elections, 532

  and the federal judiciary, 418, 425

  and Felton, 713

  and Findley, 223

  and immigration, 247–48

  and industrialization, 708

  and Morris, 465

  and partisanship, 333

  and peace efforts, 632

  and religion, 588, 594, 603, 615

  and slavery, 353, 527

  and social disorder, 345

  and Virginia, 435

  and voting rights, 542

  and western settlement, 359

  Jennings, Jonathan, 363, 363n16

  Jerome, Chauncey, 714

  Jews, 584, 591, 600, 617

  Johnson, Richard M., 671, 686, 719

  Johnson, Samuel, 110, 517–18, 716

  Johnson, William, 457

  Jones, John Paul, 175

  Jones, William, 683, 698

  Joseph Peabody, 623

  journeymen, 348–49

  Judaism, 584

  judiciary, federal: and common law, 400–408, 436

  and the Constitution, 408–10

  and democratization, 425–32

  and the Federalist Party, 418–20

  and judicial review, 440–42, 443nn28, 29, 447–50, 452–59

  and the Republican Party, 420–25

  Judiciary Act of 1789, 64n35, 408–9, 410–18, 419, 432, 455–56

  Judiciary Act of 1801, 420–22, 440, 441, 465

  Judiciary Act of 1802, 421

  Jupiter and Io (Peale), 573

  juries, 412–13, 420, 453

  jurisdictional issues, 410–11, 415n42, 419, 436, 441, 445

  jury trials, 70, 222, 260, 309, 385n63, 409, 439–40

  Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 42

  Kant, Immanuel, 190

  Karamanli, Hamet, 638

  Karamanli, Yussuf, 637

  Keats, John, 574

  Kellogg, Lucy Fletcher, 317

  Kendall, Amos, 318

  Kent, James, 23, 58, 310n102, 591

  Kentucky: and common law, 426

  and distilling, 339

  and education, 716–17

  and electoral representation, 530

  and freed slaves, 538

  and Mississippi River trade, 15

  and nullification, 270–71

  and population growth, 2, 316

  and presidential elections, 210

  and religion, 597, 607

  and separatism, 385

  and slavery, 524, 526

  and statehood, 701

  and suffrage expansions, 302

  and the War of 1812, 661

  and western settlement, 115, 120, 318

  and the Whiskey Rebellion, 136, 137

  Kentucky Resolution, 270, 427, 447

  Key, Francis Scott, 691

  King, Rufus: and the federal judiciary, 414–15, 434

  and the First Congress, 57

  and the French Wars, 187

  and military power, 265

  and slavery, 534

  and social changes, 702

  and the three-fifths clause, 532

  King Philip’s War, 516

  Kingston, 684–85

  Knox, Henry: and class divisions, 233–34

  and military power, 266

  and monarchical republicanism, 54

  and Native Americans, 123n56, 126–27; 133, 397

  and personal finances, 233, 234

  and social changes, 496

  and standing armies, 111

  and the War Department, 91

  and Washington’s inauguration, 65

  and western settlement, 119

  Knox, Lucy, 496

  Krimmel, John Lewis, 572

  labor: and American

  manufacturing, 703, 704–5

  and class divisions, 350, 353

  labor costs, 728–29

  and market economics, 324, 324n23

  and social equality, 348–53

  Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, marquis de, 176, 180, 700

  Lafitte, Jean, 695–96

  Lake Champlain, 653, 689, 690

  Lake Ontario, 685

  Lamb, John, 21, 28, 35

  lame-duck sessions of Congress, 419

  Land Ordinance of 1785, 116

  land speculation: availability of land, 318, 626

  and land office, 86

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 370–71

  and Native American policy, 128

  and social structure, 45

  and the Treaty of San Lorenzo, 201

  and the War of 1812, 676

  and western settlement, 114–23, 359, 364

  Langdon, John, 158, 211–12

  language, 40, 48–49

  Latrobe, Benjamin, 290, 332–33, 390, 555, 560, 563

  Laurens, Henry, 26, 118, 521

  lawyers, 402–4

  Lear, Tobias, 639

  Leclerc, Charles (comte de Buffon), 149, 368, 386–88, 391–94, 397

  Lectures on Art (Coleridge), 574

  “Lectures on Law” (Wilson), 451–52

  Ledyard, John, 376

  Lee, Ann, 598, 601

  Lee, Arthur, 5

  Lee, Harry, 175

  Lee, Henry “Light Horse Harry,” 338

  Lee, Richard Bland, 142

  Lee, Richard Henry, 35, 51, 57, 64, 121

  Lee, Robert E., 338

  Leffingwell, Christopher, 349–50

  the Legion, 130–31

  legislative sovereignty, 406–8

  legislature. See state legislatures; U.S. Congress; U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Senate

  Leib, Michael, 426–27, 429

  Leland, John, 393, 452

sp; L’Enfant, Pierre-Charles, 56–57, 79–80, 289

  Leopard-Chesapeake affair, 647–48, 681n 47

  Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States (Hamilton), 274–75

  Letters from an American Farmer (Crèvecoeur), 39

  Letters to His Son (Chesterfield), 716–17

  Levy, Moses, 429–30

  Lewis, Daniel, 331

  Lewis, Meriwether, 377–78

  Lewis, Morgan, 331

  Lewis and Clark expedition, 360, 376–82, 556

  lex talionis, 493

  Lexington, Kentucky, 104

  libel, 256–57, 257n45, 309–12, 310n102, 418, 726

  liberalism, 11, 20

  liberty, 46

  liberty poles, 261–62

  Library Company, 143

  Life of George Washington (Marshall), 565–66

  Lincoln, Benjamin, 127–28

  Lincoln, Benjamin, Jr., 189

  Lingan, James N., 338

  liquor, 339, 398

  Litchfield Female Academy, 326

  Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, 723

  literature, 565–67

  Little Sarah (British brig), 187

  Little Turtle, 129

  livestock, 359, 387

  Livingston, Robert R.: and the Alien and Sedition Acts, 250

  and the arts, 568

  and canals, 483

  and class divisions, 36

  and the Constitution, 34

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 368–69, 371, 374

  and political patronage, 109

  and presidential elections, 212

  and slavery, 517

  and state legislatures, 17

  and Washington inauguration, 64–65

  Livingston, William, 20

  Lloyd, James, 297

  lobbyists, 289

  Locke, John, 42, 470, 493, 577

  Logan, Benjamin, 186

  Logan, George, 247

  logrolling, 329–30

  Lolo Pass, 380

  London Peace Society, 696

  long-staple cotton, 528

  Louis XIV, King of France, 6

  Louis XVI, King of France, 176, 177, 191, 256, 391, 620

  Louis XVIII, King of France, 273

  Louisiana: and boundary disputes, 374

  and conflict with France, 265

  and electoral representation, 530

  and Louisiana Purchase, 298, 360, 368–74

  and the Pike expedition, 382

  and religion, 593

  and slavery, 201, 368, 529, 534

  Spanish control, 113

  and statehood, 373–74, 529, 701

  and suffrage, 330

  Louisiana Gazette, 529

  L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 201, 368, 533–34, 537

  Lowcountry Carolina, 509–14, 527–28

  Lower Canada, 676, 677

  Lowndes, Rawlins, 74–75

  Lowndes, William, 702

  Lutherans, 337

  luxury goods, 324, 628

  lyceum movement, 476

  Lyon, Matthew: and class divisions, 217, 227–30, 234, 351

  on Federal City, 289

  and honor codes, 236

  and newspapers, 253, 258

  and religion, 594

  and the Sedition Act, 262

  Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth), 574

  Macaulay, Catherine, 44

  Macdonough, Thomas, 690

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 8

  machine politics, 282

  Mackenzie, Alexander, 376–77

  Maclay, William: and Adams, 83

  and Bank of the United States, 144

  and excise taxes, 135

  and federal patronage, 108–9

  and the First Congress, 63

  and the French Revolution, 174, 176

  and Hamilton, 92

  and monarchical power, 81, 84

  and presidential powers, 89

  and Washington, 64–65, 77

  Macon, Nathaniel, 161, 289, 422–23, 665, 672

  Macon Bill, 665–66

  Madison, Dolley Payne, 78, 663, 691

  Madison, James: and Anti-Federalists, 140

  and the Baltimore riots, 338

  and banking, 144, 294, 295

  and the Barbary Wars, 634

  and the Bill of Rights, 67–71

  and class divisions, 223

  and conflicts with France, 240

  and the Constitution, 16, 31–34

  and corporate charters, 461n78

  and democracy, 718

  and Democratic-Republican Societies, 204

  and the 1804 election, 313

  and the Embargo Act, 651–52, 654, 657, 658

  and excise taxes, 135

  and executive power, 85, 88, 140–41, 196–97, 246

  and the federal judiciary, 417

  and the First Congress, 55, 57, 58, 60–62

  and the French Revolution, 175

  and the French Wars, 182–85, 187

  and Hamilton, 90–91, 153, 155, 632

  and international commerce, 192–94, 199, 626, 630, 640

  and Jefferson, 147–50, 153, 155

  and judicial review, 440–41, 444–47, 455–56

  and legal reforms, 405

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 369

  and Madison, 662–64

  marriage, 78

  and the Mazzei letter, 235–36

  and military power, 133

  and monarchism, 75–76

  and monetary policy, 19

  and national capital plans, 142

  and Native Americans, 398

  and negotiations with France, 240, 242

  and newspapers, 251, 258

  and the Non-Intercourse Act, 664

  and North-South tensions, 146

  and nullification, 269–70, 271

  and patronage, 300

  and piracy, 636

  and political parties, 161, 222

  and population growth, 318

  and public debt, 145

  and public opinion, 188, 309

  and reelection, 682–83

  and republicanism, 146–47

  and slavery, 517, 525, 530–31, 541, 734, 738

  and social changes, 702

  and social justice, 407

  and Spanish territories, 366

  and state legislatures, 17, 18, 269

  and strict construction of the Constitution, 485

  and trade disputes, 664–70

  and virtue of citizens, 9

  and the War of 1812, 659, 662, 666–67, 673–74, 676, 679, 682–83, 689, 691, 694–95, 697–99

  and warfare, 196

  and Washington, 158, 206

  and western settlement, 114

  and the XYZ Affair, 242–43

  Madison, James (Madison’s cousin), 395

  magazines, 478

  magisterial authority, 410–18, 453

  Magna Carta, 66, 444, 584

  mail service, 86, 293, 478–79

  Maine, 341, 481, 653, 695

  majority rule, 31

  “Malcontents,” 426

  mammoths, 393

  Mandan Indians, 378, 379, 380

  Manhattan Company, 282

  Mann, Herman, 506

  Manning, William, 351–53, 594, 614

  Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 406, 448, 449–50, 457

  manufacturing, 100–103, 324, 627, 702–6, 708, 714

  manumission, 373, 522, 523, 526, 538

  Marbury v. Madison, 440–42, 449, 458

  Marie Antoinette, Queen, consort of Louis XVI, 176

  maritime law, 642–43, 659, 661. See also impressment of seamen; neutral shipping rights

  Marius Musing amid the Ruins of Carthage (Vanderlyn), 565

  market economics, 320–24, 324n23, 353

  market integration, 323

  Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of, 73

  marriage, 496–97<
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  Mars Works, 729

  Marshall, John: background, 433–36

  and Burr trial, 385

  and corporate charters, 463, 465–66

  and the 1800 election, 278

  and the federal judiciary, 419

  and the French Revolution, 174, 175

  and governmental power, 455

  and impeachment trials, 423–24

  and judicial review, 436–40, 449–50, 457, 458–59

  and Marbury v. Madison, 440–42

  Morris on, 425

  and the Non-Intercourse Act, 666

  Washington biography, 565–66

  and the XYZ Affair, 242

  Marshall, Thomas, 433

  Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee, 455–56

  Martinique, 367

  Maryland: and agriculture, 165

  and bar standards, 454

  and bills of rights, 67

  and the 1800 election, 283

  and freed slaves, 538

  and Madison’s reelection, 683

  and presidential elections, 212

  and ratification of the Constitution, 97

  and religion, 583, 591

  and slavery, 165, 511, 518, 522, 524, 526

  and state debts, 141

  and suffrage expansions, 302

  Mason, George: and Anti-Federalists, 35

  and the Bill of Rights, 66, 71

  and executive powers, 74–75

  and nullification, 446

  on Philadelphia, 143

  and slavery, 231

  and women’s rights, 507

  Mason, Priscilla, 505–6

  Mason-Dixon Line, 164

  Masonry. See Freemasonry

  Massachusetts: and banking, 296

  and the Bill of Rights, 72

  and corporate charters, 462, 464

  demographics of, 341

  and education, 471

  and the Embargo Act, 655, 656–57

  and the First Congress, 57

  and party politics, 307

  and penal reform, 493, 494

  and public authority, 467

  and public education, 474

  and racism, 542

  and religion, 579, 583, 591, 594

  and slavery, 520

  and state debts, 141

  and state judiciary, 431

  and trade disputes, 668, 669

  and the War of 1812, 677

  Massachusetts Bay Colony, 460

  Massachusetts Historical Society, 477

  Massachusetts Humane Society, 487

  Massachusetts magazine, 553

  Massachusetts Missionary Magazine, 604

  Massachusetts Missionary Society, 490–91

  Massachusetts Peace Society, 696

  Massachusetts Superior Court, 520

  mastodons, 393

  materialism, 354–55, 356, 619

  Mather, Moses, 406–7

  Maxey, Jonathan, 343

  Mayhew, Jonathan, 11–12

  Mazzei, Philip, 235, 332

  McCulloch v. Maryland, 455

  McGillivray, Alexander, 128

  McGready, James, 611

  McHenry, James, 75, 234, 240, 273

  McKean, Thomas, 219, 222, 256–57, 314, 412, 428–29, 671

  McLean, John, 431–32

  McNemar, Richard, 596


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