Book Read Free


Page 19

by Christopher Cummings

  ‘He must get the hint soon,’ she thought.

  But when she saw him on Friday all he mentioned was the arrangements for the date the following night. Exasperated she finally said, “Are you going to the school fete?”

  “Yes, but we have Navy Cadets on the Friday night,” Andrew replied.

  “What about the dance on the Saturday night?”

  Andrew shrugged and replied, “I suppose so. Are you going?”

  “I’d love to go,” Tina answered. But she could not bring herself to say ‘with you’.

  In response to that Andrew just nodded and said, “OK,” which left her wondering if he had understood. But she did not want to push it at that moment. ‘At least the idea has been accepted,’ she told herself. With two weeks to go she thought she could persuade him to do what she desired.

  That evening at Navy Cadets there was a long discussion with the officers and the other D of E candidates about possible expeditions. Andrew presented the plan suggested by Graham Kirk and once they had studied the maps and measured the distances (About 30km) there was general consensus that it would do. Lt Ryan noted the details and said he would do the checking and paperwork with the Department of Natural Resources as most of the area was in a World Heritage Area.

  There was then more Morse Code training, this time of a more practical nature with cadets in pairs spaced along each side of the parade ground sending short messages to each other by flashing light. Tina enjoyed it but found it harder to do than she had imagined. She was also interested to note that Lt Ryan was adamant that when using a torch they not click the torch on and off. “It is not how they do it on ships, and it tends to make the bulb blow,” he explained. “On ships they turn the light on and leave it on but it is hidden behind the shutters. To send a message they open and close the shutters. That is how we will do it, except that we don’t have proper signal lamps so you will just hold a piece of thick cardboard in front of the torch, then turn the torch on and take the cardboard away and then put it back over the front again.”

  That made sense to Tina and it actually worked quite well. What was difficult was having the torch pointing in the right direction and in being able to read the pattern of short flashes and long flashes- the dots and dashes. They found it took two people at each end, one to read the dots and dashes and the other to send. At the receiving end it needed one to read the pattern and the other to write it down. The cadets also found they needed to write out the complete messages. It all provided an hour of quite amusing activity.

  At the end of the night Tina was drawn into a conversation with a group of others including Andrew, Blake, Jennifer Jervis and Carmen. The discussion was over a planned social gathering for a swim at the Tobruk Swimming Pool the following afternoon. Andrew liked the idea and turned to Tina. “Would you like to come?” he asked.

  Tina had already thought about it. “We are going out that night,” she reminded him, not wanting to be tired for the main event.

  “That will be OK,” Andrew replied. “A swim will be relaxing. I’d like to go, and I’d like you to be there.”

  Tina flushed with pleasure at that and to divert the embarrassment she said, “You just want to see the girls in their bikinis.”

  Andrew grinned. “Too right I do!” he replied, “And you. You look really attractive in your bathers.”

  The compliment sent a warm glow of pleasure and embarrassment through Tina. She blushed and knew she was looking coy. “I will have to ask mum and dad,” she replied.

  “We will do that now,” Andrew said. He at once turned and walked over to where the parents were waiting outside the gate. Tina was so surprised that she was left behind and had to hurry after him. She did want to go with him and got all anxious when he asked her mother. As he did his own mother said, “You haven’t asked me.”

  Andrew smiled and said, “I am going to the swimming pool tomorrow afternoon Mum.”

  “Don’t be cheeky!” Andrew’s mother replied, but she smiled and then Tina knew it would be alright. Her own mother smiled as well and said, “As long as you young people don’t tire yourselves out before you go out.”

  “We won’t,” Andrew assured her. He then turned to Tina and for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her. But he just took her hands and smiled.

  That put Tina in a good mood for the remainder of the night and she slept very well, with happy dreams. The next morning she was a-squirm with impatience and set to work on her chores without being prompted. Cleaning the bird cages was the main task and she did this quickly, only remembering Neville when she noted two more cockatiels in his aviary. But she was too happy and it was too nice a day for her to spare thoughts on what were only vague suspicions.

  After lunch she put on her dark blue one-piece bathers and then dressed in shorts and T-shirt. Her mother drove her to the swimming pool at 2pm and told her she would pick her up at 4pm. “Two hours will be long enough. It is winter so the water will be cold and you need time to get ready to go out,” her mother said.

  Tina did not disagree. She waved as her mother drove off and then made her way inside, but not without some anxiety. She had half hoped some of the others might be waiting outside but none were to be seen. ‘Andrew could have met me,’ she thought.

  Once she was through the office and kiosk at the entrance Tina stopped and looked around, hoping to see Andrew or her friends. There were plenty of people there, even though it was supposedly a winter day. In Far North Queensland that only mattered when it was overcast or raining- which wasn’t very often. She saw there were people in the pool, on the grandstands on the far side, and sitting or lying in groups or singly on the lawn among the garden beds.

  To her relief she saw Andrew siting on his towel over near a garden bed. He waved and she hurried over to him. “Where’s Carmen?” she asked.

  “Not coming. She has too much homework,” Andrew answered.

  “What about the others?” she asked, looking around.

  Andrew shrugged. “Haven’t seen them yet,” he said.

  Tina spread her towel and then somewhat self-consciously peeled off her T-shirt. She was immediately aware of her breasts. The tops of them filled the lower periphery of her vision and when she glanced down there seemed to be altogether too much exposed. ‘Oh dear! Have I made a mistake wearing these bathers?’ she wondered. But a glance showed Andrew looking at her with apparent interest so despite a hot blush of embarrassment Tina bent over and pulled down her shorts. She knew that when she bent forward Andrew was granted an eyeful of bosom but that just made her blush some more, even as she smiled inside. ‘I want to get his attention,’ she told herself.

  But she didn’t want him to look too much at her waist and behind so she sat down quickly and then dug out a tube of sunscreen. “Would you rub some on my back please,” she asked.

  Andrew nodded and she noted that he licked his lips and appeared nervous. His eyes kept flicking to her bosom and he hesitated. Then he carefully and gently began to smear the cream over her shoulders and the exposed part of her back. Just for a moment Tina had the wicked wish that she could roll the top down so that he could rub it over her breasts as well but then she blushed with shame at her own shameless thoughts and could only ask him not to miss anywhere.

  She then did the same for him. It was the first time she had really felt his skin and she enjoyed the experience. It was smooth and tanned and the muscles felt firm and good. ‘He is very fit and handsome,’ she thought, smiling at him and wondering what to talk about. She was secretly thrilled that the others hadn’t arrived yet and that she was alone with Andrew. But she could not think of what to talk about.

  Andrew saved her from embarrassment by saying, “What about a dip?”

  “Good idea,” Tina replied. But she then deliberately waited till Andrew was standing before holding up her hands. He smiled and took them and pulled her to her feet. But he then let go as they walked across to the water. Tina tested the water and found it a bit chilly.
To get it over with quickly she held her nose and jumped in. For the next few minutes she and Andrew swam lazily around before coming to rest against the side. Tina turned on her back and hooked her elbows into the drain along the edge and paddled with her feet, talking light chatter and looking idly around as she did.

  Then her gaze settled on a group in the water on the other side of the pool. “There is that Barbara Brassington and some of her friends,” she commented.

  Andrew looked and nodded, then said, “With some of the Year 12 boys.”

  Tina saw that he was right. She noted Nigel Cressly, Warwick Grey and then Mike Masters. With them were two Year 9 girls: Karen Hart and Fiona Davies. Fiona was an attractive blonde. ‘Mike is very handsome. I can see why the girls want to be with him,’ Tina thought.

  Andrew then said, “Here come Willy the Mad Scientist and Stephen Bell.”

  Tina looked and saw Willy and Stephen walking in through the entrance. They stopped and looked around and then walked over to join a group that she had not noticed because they were almost hidden by another garden bed. It included Stick Morton and his Year 8 sister Marjorie. With them was another Year 8 girl. She had glasses that looked like the bottom of a coke bottle. The other boy Tina recognized as an air cadet in Year 9.

  As Willy and Stephen walked across the lawn Tina heard a peal of laughter from across the pool. She glanced that way and saw that Barbara had climbed out and was now standing on the edge looking down. She wore a white one-piece swimsuit and Tina had to admit that she was very shapely with a trim waist and nice curvy hips. ‘And big boobs too,’ she noted, comparing them with her own but feeling smugly confident. She then looked back towards the group on the lawn.

  As Willy and Stephen sat down Tina noted Willy cast several lingering glances towards Barbara. ‘He fancies her,’ she decided. Then she watched the by-play as the two boys sat down. She noted that Marjorie wore a polka dot bikini that looked very skimpy. ‘Heavens, she has got big boobs for a Year 8!’ she thought. Then she saw Marjorie lean forward and wobble her bosom in the loosely tied top. ‘She is doing that deliberately,’ she thought. ‘Oh, what a little tease!’

  Stephen sat and said something to Marjorie which made her peal with laughter. Tina saw her put her hand on Stephen’s arm. Then laughter and shouting from behind her drew Tina’s attention back to the other side of the pool. She saw that the Year 12 boys had pushed Barbara and her tarty friend Karen in and were ducking them. In the process they put their arms around the girls and appeared to give them both a good grope. Tina saw Cressly put his arm across Barbara’s breasts, causing her to shriek and giggle. The sight aroused a conflicting mix of emotions in Tina. Part of her did not approve at all and made her purse her lips. But she also felt a strong sense of arousal and jealousy and wished it was her with Andrew. That thought made her burn with shame and desire.

  Andrew nudged her. “Never mind them,” he said. “Let’s have an ice cream.”

  Tina readily agreed so Andrew heaved himself out. He then leaned down and took her hands and helped her to climb out. They then walked back to their clothes. Andrew took out his wallet and led her across to the kiosk. As they did Tina noted Stephen looking at them so she looked away and felt both pleased and self-conscious. ‘I wish there were other Year 10s here to see me with Andrew,’ she thought. Andrew smiled and waved to Willy and Stephen. They both waved back.

  After buying ice creams Andrew and Tina strolled back across the lawn to their towels and lay down side by side and continued talking to each other. But despite their apparent intimacy Tina felt restless. ‘I wish Andrew would hold me; and when is he ever going to kiss me?’ she worried.



  For ten minutes or so Tina lay beside Andrew in the pleasant winter sunshine. She chattered and pretended to be happy but was actually fretting about their relationship and how to move it forward. ‘How can I suggest he take me to the school dance without making it too obvious?’ she wondered. Then, seeing another couple embracing and kissing over on the lawn she sighed and again wondered when Andrew would kiss her.

  She idly noted Willy, Stephen and their group make their way to the pool. She noted that Willy looked quite normal but that Stephen looked gawky and was quite hairy. They all jumped in and began horsing around. Tina noted that Willy stayed on the sidelines and that he spent much of the time looking hungrily towards Barbara and her group, until they left the pool. That confirmed her suspicion that Willy was sweet on Barbara.

  The others splashed water on each other and Tina several times saw Stephen duck Marjorie; and in such a way as to get a good handful each time. She appeared to enjoy this and laughed and made comments to encourage Stephen even more. Tina pursed her lips and again felt confused and embarrassed. She also noted Willy watching this with a sour look on his face. ‘Either Willy doesn’t approve of that sort of behaviour; or he is jealous,’ Tina thought.

  Andrew touched her arm. “What about another swim? I need to have some exercise. I’m getting unfit.”

  “Oh you are not!” Tina cried in disbelief, eyeing his rippling muscles with approval.

  “I am, and good divers need to be very fit,” Andrew answered.

  Tina knew that Andrew was a qualified diver and that he had been involved in some dramatic adventures out on the Great Barrier Reef. She said, “You look pretty fit to me.”

  “I’m not,” Andrew replied ruefully. “I used to be able to swim the whole length of the pool underwater but now I feel like I would be flat out getting across.”

  “Oh you could not!” Tina said, wanting to believe but finding it hard to do so. She had never seen anyone swim that far underwater.

  “I could,” Andrew replied shortly, obviously nettled at her tone of disbelief.

  “Show me then,” Tina challenged.

  Andrew nodded. “OK, I’ll try. We need a swim anyway. I’m starting to get hot,” he said.

  Tina was happy to do that but again she waited until Andrew was standing before she put her hands up for him to help her up. This time though he did not let go and to her delight held her hand as they strolled over to the edge of the pool. Andrew led the way and went to where Willy stood in the shallows.

  Willy looked up and Andrew said, “Hello Willy, having a good day?”

  Willy nodded and said yes but his answer did not sound very convincing to Tina. Andrew let go of Tina’s hand and she bent down to sit on the edge of the pool. As she did she realized that she was granting Willy a good view of her cleavage. She blushed and felt both the heat of her embarrassment and of the thrill of being naughty. But when Andrew just stood talking she decided to challenge him. She said to Andrew, “Well, go on! You said you could, now prove it.”

  “Prove what?” Willy asked.

  Andrew looked embarrassed and did not answer so Tina did. “Swim the length of the pool under water,” she said.

  Stephen, Marjorie and Stick joined them and Stephen called, “Well go on Andrew, have a go.”

  Andrew made a face and said, “I’m a bit out of training.”

  Stephen looked at Tina and a grin spread over his face. He said, “Tina will give you a kiss if you can do it.”

  Tina opened her mouth to deny this but the idea seemed to explode in her head and she felt a surge of delight. ‘I don’t need that sort of incentive to give Andrew a kiss,’ she thought. She instantly knew it was a good idea so did not say no. To her secret joy the others all joined in, daring Andrew and teasing them both. Tina smiled at Andrew and he gave an embarrassed smile back and then said, “Will you?”

  Tina nodded, drawing loud cries from the group. After more teasing and encouragement Andrew shrugged and walked off to the far end of the pool. As he did Tina studied his physique and knew she was in love. He looked very fit and with his broad shoulders, slim hips and good muscles she knew he cut a handsome figure.

  Andrew spent a minute or so flexing muscles and taking deep breaths before he dived in. Tina watched with an
xious interest, hoping Andrew could do it but doubtful. ‘I hope he makes it,’ she thought. ‘And not just because he might give me a kiss. I don’t want his pride hurt and him humiliated.’ She began to wish she hadn’t dared him.

  The pool was a standard Olympic size- 50 metres long- and she knew she would not even be able to swim half that underwater. ‘I might get across if I dived,’ she thought. Anxiously she watched his dim shape go past. At that point he looked to still have a long way to go and her anxiety shot up. She started to breathe deeply with worry and chewed on her knuckles. The others began to call encouragement, which she thought was silly as Andrew could not hear them.

  But he did it. As Andrew surfaced at the other end they all cheered. Andrew climbed out and walked back, water dripping off rippling muscles and a smile on his face. Tina felt both embarrassed and excited. She stood up and Stephen called, “Now give him his reward Tina.”

  Tina blushed some more but stood and waited for Andrew. He stopped facing her and took her hands. For half a minute or so they just stood and looked at each other, both breathing fast. To Tina it seemed that time had slowed down and her whole focus narrowed down to just Andrew’s face, and particularly his eyes. They seemed to be huge pools of sparkling blue that peered deep into her very being. She waited with her heart pounding with hope. But still he hesitated so she decided to give him just a tiny bit of encouragement. She closed her eyes and puckered up.

  Andrew leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips but kept his arms by his side. As they drew apart Stephen called, “That wasn’t a kiss! Have a proper one. Do you need me to show you how?”

  This drew more cheers and jeers and made Tina blush. Andrew raised an eyebrow and Tina gave a tiny nod and stepped forward and put her arms around his shoulders. The pair came together in a proper embrace and this time there was real passion in the kiss. ‘He does like me!’ Tina thought as she savoured the experience, the skin on skin, the scents and tastes and the feel of his strong arms and muscly chest.


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