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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

Page 15

by Jaime Marks

  Steph sat up gripping the blankets around her to try to chase away the chill. What the hell was that? Did she dream it? She wanted to take a shower but she was terrified he’d come back. The only thing she knew was that she needed answers now more than ever. She’d go to Star’s house in the morning and see what she could scope out but if anything felt off she sure the hell wasn’t going in.

  A warmth surged in her and she had the strangest sensation like whatever came next she’d know what to do. She’d always had good instincts, well about everything aside from John. She paused thinking back to what Kyle had said. Was he trying to warn her? It didn’t matter whether he was or not. She’d gotten through that and she knew she couldn’t trust anyone but herself. She had the strangest sense that she was about to find out exactly why she could feel and see all these strange things but whatever happened her instincts had gotten her this far. She needed to trust they would get her out of this shit.

  Cymeryn took form in Trevyn’s old safehold. He stood in the very room that he had taken Reyn. The room he and Marcus had taken her together, where she had conceived their young. He did not even think to consider she might conceive, had not even checked to see if she might be fertile.

  He had never conceived a young. It was something he had always taken extreme care to avoid. He had progeny…few, but he did have them. Trevyn had by far been the closest to him. There were also Tatyna and Narcyion, Vindictyn and Harbryng who had fallen in battle against the Priests long ago. Aside from Syneous they were the only Shade he had even awakened. Though he had turned many Fae to Shade the connections were not the same. Connections bred weakness and it was not something he wished to allow despite how he encouraged his progeny to flourish and grow their lines.

  He picked up the dagger from the bed. It was the same he had teased her with as he drank of her essence and she drank from his. It was also the same one she had plunged through his heart. She had been trying to save him, to free him from the hold of Darkness. She had wanted him to come to her then, to be Redeemed. This eve she had wanted him to remain, to let her be his salvation. Reyn had wanted him to come with them, to raise their young together, the three of them.

  It ached to be away from her. He wanted to hold her, to be there for her. He wanted to watch her belly grow full with their seed. Of all things, twins! He shook his head. He was doing right by her, leaving her in Marcus’ care. It could only hurt her to have them both by her side. He just had to somehow convince himself of that.

  Tucking the dagger in his belt, he decided he would carry it as a reminder of what was at risk. Tatyna and Narcyion took form behind him but he did not face them. “I am sure you know by now that Trevyn is dead. Killed by the Fae, Grifyn a Grifyion.”

  “Yes sire, we felt his passing.” Tatyna replied. “How shall we avenge his death?”

  “I want you to go out and find the Fae stationed in this city. I know there will be at least six pairings. Capture as many as you can and bring them here. Lock them in the cells so that we might draw out my twin and his Second in Line. I need leverage. I want the Fae who took his head and I want that bitch that dared to put a blade in my back.” He spat out, hoping that venom rather than pain and guilt showed through in his voice. “You may of course claim those you see fit for your payment, my progeny.”

  “It will be our pleasure to assist in your vengeance sire,” Narcyion hissed.

  “With Trevyn gone and the losses we’ve endured I will be calling on you both more often. Be prepared, I am not a patient sire.”

  He felt Tatyna’s desire surge forth in her. She no doubt knew of Demytria’s betrayal as well and sought to take her place by his side. Any other time and he would have perhaps taken her through her paces, but the very idea now made him gag. She was not Reyn. “You have your assignments. I need them completed quickly. Dismissed.”

  As they misted away he called Crytos to him.

  “This is an odd choice of accommodations, Supryn. It has already been breached.”

  “Indeed Crytos, but I would rather the fire to the snake’s pit of that house.” Cymeryn replied coolly. “Besides, I wanted a reminder of my mistakes so I can see they do not occur again. Mine blooded twin intervened this eve, I was unable to obtain Lady Reyn, but I have reestablished our link.” He offered him a devious smirk. “She will come to me, but it will take time for her to get away, Crytos. They watch her closely but I own her mind. I need to know how close they are to reaching her. Syneous is too careful with me to reveal what Alayne has set in motion. I need someone to get close enough to uncover what they are working on so we might use it to our own designs. The intel I gathered this eve revealed nothing of our esteemed High Priest’s motivations. It did however let me know they are moving the Council. We will not be able to access them again.”

  “That is unfortunate, Supryn. Can we not somehow breach the realm in which they cower?”

  “Only the Gray can reach it from what I can surmise. See if we can acquire one, hmmm? And work on Syneous, gain his trust and get him to confide in you. If need be, feign mentorship with him. I will not have them obtaining the Lady Reyn. That is my task. Besides, Crytos, I will rather enjoy repaying the favor of the pain she gifted me once Lord Lazurys has had his fill. I cannot wait to see the Dark Lord tear into her flesh as he feasts upon her.”

  He heard Crytos chuckle. “As you wish, my Supryn. I also learned that Byryn is indeed planning to claim the female unawakened. You were indeed correct and we are moving to establish traps so that we may be ready for him. Dracyn has returned from the mission I sent him on before your return.”

  “Oh?” Cymeryn tried to bite down his anger. Dracyn was Crytos’ son. If that pathetic boy had harmed Reyn or Staryana in anyway…

  “I sent him to push Byryn’s limits. He was beaten badly by the boy and turned out after whipping Kylion. Apparently Byryn has Claimed the brat as his son.” Crytos sneered. “But Dracyn said the Darkness surged in Byryn and he felt it clearly despite the Gray. Perhaps we can not only use the boy but reclaim him if he lives through his punishment. He was always a valuable asset.” He suggested.

  “Perhaps…” Cymeryn mused. Byryn could not fall. He was a direct link to Staryana. There was too much in motion he had not yet been made privy to and he needed to uncover it quickly. “If we can find which locations he intends to liberate we may yet be able to use that boy to suit our needs. You are right, the boy has a certain strength to him and may prove as worthy as his Father if he can be brought around…Now go Crytos, I need time to consider our next course of action before our dear Priest beckons me.”

  “As you wish, Supryn.”

  Once the Shade faded and he was certain he was alone he collapsed onto the bed. How was he ever going to pull this off? Where had this guilt come from? He was more than capable of faking his way through handing out a few orders, but at this rate he would never fool Alayne.

  Images of the three of them in the grove flashed through his mind. He reached out to her sending her his love. He had to do this. He had to do this for her. He just could not see how it would be possible yet. As much as Cymeryn was loath to admit it, he needed help from someone he could trust but that list was virtually empty when it came to this.

  He knew who he wanted to talk to but there was no real way to make it happen. Or was there? He focused himself, it was a gamble, but what did he have to lose at this rate? Worst case scenario, he would not be able to find what he was looking for, or he did and it got him either captured or killed, but at this point he needed to know if it were even possible.

  Chapter 13

  Marcus took a ragged breath as he regarded Star. She was literally shaking sitting there as she cried. He rose slowly and came around the front of the desk, sitting on its edge. Anger was coursing through his veins.

  “Staryana, what happened?” Byryn caressed her cheek as he wiped the tears from her face. “Why would you think you don’t have a choice? You know we’ll protect you no matter what happens.”

  “Because I don’t, Byryn, he gave me two days to make my choice or he’s going to take her!” She wailed.

  Dread crept into Marcus. “Who gave you two days, Star?

  She looked up at him with fear in her eyes, her body trembling, “My Father, he keeps saying that my Grandfather wants to meet me. I told him I don’t care what Cymeryn wants but he said it’s not up to me.”

  Byryn and he exchanged hesitant glances. “Brightness, who? Who did he say he would take?”

  He held her by the arms and Marcus could see the essence flowing between them as he tried to calm her. Her fear and anguish were arcing through her so strongly that if he didn’t succeed she might go into her awakening.

  She couldn’t answer him. Her eyes squeezed shut as pain started to roll through her in surges of Dark essence and Byryn pulled her closer to him as he cupped her face in his hands. “Hey, baby look at me. Open your eyes, Brightness.” He spoke gently but the command was evident.

  When she didn’t answer he stood lifting her in his arms. He sat in the chair cradling her in his lap and took her mouth in his. Light passed between them as he stroked and caressed her. He was trying to distract her mind through stimulating her body as he rebalanced her essence.

  Marcus stood and went to the window. It still irked him to see the boys hands all over her like that. He may not have been her real Father but he had watched over her as she had grown into the young Fae she was now. Young being the operative word. She had been virtually innocent before she entered the world of the Fae and Byryn swept her off her feet. It had been little more than a month ago. Now she was betrothed and helping him to raise the young he had claimed. He often worried that everything was moving too fast for her.

  “That’s it Brightness, breathe with me, baby...”

  He turned back to see Byryn leaning his forehead against hers as he held her stare. She seemed to be easing some, the pain ebbing off.

  “Good, baby, that’s it. You alright?” She nodded against his head and he pulled her up so she was more upright. “Take some deep breaths, Brightness. I’m right here. Marcus is right here. Nothing’s going to happen to you, Staryana. We'd sooner die than allow it.”

  She took one last deep breath and began to talk more slowly, “Syneous said that if I don’t come to him he’ll take Steph. He told me to bring you and Kylion if I want, but that if I don’t come he’ll torture her. He…he showed me what he would do to her.” She visibly paled and her sheer look of disgust told them more than she probably meant it to.

  Marcus cursed under his breath as he met Byryn’s eyes. They both knew she’d put saving that girl before her own safety.

  “Staryana, this is very important. I know how he came to you in your mind. I know he sometimes does…” The boy hesitated glancing to him but continued, “But I need to know how often it’s been happening.”

  Marcus clenched his fist. Apparently he wasn’t the only one with secrets. Byryn had not revealed that her Father still came to her. Though he could hardly fault him for such things considering all that he himself had kept hidden until this eve. Of all of them Byryn would be the most equipped to handle such a threat to her regardless. In a way he was likely attempting to save her from judgment.

  She looked at him with alarm, her mouth working as if to form words but no sound came.

  Byryn put his finger to her lips. “It’s alright, Brightness. I know. I know you’ve been hiding the nightmares from me. I’m sorry for calling you on it in front of Marcus, but we need to talk about it. I can’t let this go on and all these secrets need to end. I promise I won’t tell anyone else but he needs to know.”

  Marcus’ brows rose. “What nightmares?” Were they the same that had plagued her in her youth?

  Star took a nervous breath hesitating, “I’ve been having them about three weeks now.” She glanced between them. “If I don’t keep my mind busy at night I get pulled into them, sometimes even if I’m not tired. At first they weren’t really nightmares, ya know? Just me and my Dad talking and hanging out, but the longer they went on the more demanding and threatening he became. Sometimes when I woke up I’d notice small differences in myself. I was too scared to say anything because I thought it meant I was shifting and I was afraid of what you would all think.”

  Byryn gaped at her, “Brightness, how could you ever think I would judge you for how you struggle with the Darkness? Me of all people? You know some of the things I’ve done, you’ve heard so many others. Why would you ever think I would judge you?”

  Tears streamed slowly down her face. “Because you all think I’m Fae and I’m not Byryn. The Darkness in me is so strong and I almost never feel the Light. It’s so cold when you’re not there. I’m cold.”

  Marcus shook his head in concern. He was worried that she was holding back something but now wasn’t the time to push it. Right now she needed their support. “Star you’re wrong. You feel the Light around you every day but your vision is being clouded. You feel it in the love you share with every Fae around you. There is so much Light in your heart, Starshine and they can’t take that from you. There are some things we should perhaps discuss though. Things I recently found out that might help you to better understand what you’re feeling and experiencing.”

  “Like what?” She gave him a curious look.

  Byryn grimaced but nodded to him. “Tell her, she has a right to know what you discovered.”

  He sighed wishing he could put this off but Byryn was right and she needed to know the risk if she tried to go off after Steph on her own. “Star, when Syneous said he wants you to meet your Grandfather, I don’t think he was talking about Cymeryn.”

  “Of course he was, that’s his sire or whatever their called.” She shrugged. “It wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried to take me too him.”

  Marcus studied her. A sudden fear had gripped her. There was definitely something she was holding back, something she was afraid that they might know. He wasn’t sure how much she could handle but he would need to watch her reaction to this closely. “Right, but Cymeryn isn’t your Dad’s Father. Do you remember how the Shade came to be?”

  She nodded but glanced to the side as if she couldn’t meet his eyes, “Lazurys infected Alayne, Alysse’s twin, one of the first born Fae with the Darkness, Tainting him. Then he eventually filled him with his essence creating the first Shade. All other Shade came from him…well him or Cymeryn according to Byryn the textbook is wrong.”

  He nodded taking a deep breathe not really wanting to tell her this, “Alayne is your Grandfather. He is Syneous’ biological Father.”

  Her jaw dropped and she suddenly seemed disgusted and had paled considerably. “So the first ever Shade, the…oh god…he’s my Grandfather?”

  “Yes, and he’s quite strong. He was able to mask your Father’s true nature for years.” Marcus figured the entire part about Syneous being sent to conceive her might be a bit too much for right now so he purposefully dropped it praying Byryn would as well.

  “So I really am Dark.” She whispered.

  Byryn pulled her to him turning her to face him. “No Staryana, you’re not and that’s not what he’s saying. We all know you’re Gray, baby, like your Mom, but you were definitely born Shade. We’ve talked about this before. Despite your Light the blood that binds you by birth makes it easier for them to reach you and makes the pull and lure of the Darkness stronger in you. It’s also why you can absolutely not go to your Father for any reason. Alayne is dangerous, Staryana. He’s the oldest and most vile Shade there is. Compared to him Cymeryn is a walk in the park.”

  Marcus felt an odd pull. One that it had been so long since he felt that he almost wasn’t sure it was real. He walked back to the window and looked out sending his essence out to follow what called to him.

  “What about Steph though? She’s innocent in all this, Byryn. I can’t let her become my Father’s slave just because she was my friend.”

  Marcus turned back to them. “Let me worry about her, Sta
rshine. I won’t let Syneous take her. If need be she’ll come here.”

  “She’s only human though. I thought they weren’t allowed here.” She argued.

  “Things work differently here than in the other realms. Granted we haven’t exactly opened our doors to humans but that is more out of habit. I promise it will be alright. Now, it’s late, when was the last time you actually slept well?” Marcus would find a way to make it alright. He wouldn’t risk her taking off out of some misguided guilt she felt because that was precisely what they were trying to accomplish. The second she set foot out of the realm they would be on her.

  She didn’t meet his eyes, “I don’t know.”

  He nodded in understanding. She been trying to hold out for sleep as long as she could to avoid Syneous’ attacks, just as she had when she was prone to nightmares in her youth. “This is what we’re going to do. You need rest but obviously you shouldn’t be left alone so I’m going to give permission for Byryn to stay in your bedchamber. I will however be checking in and I swear Byryn if you aren’t both appropriately robed…”

  Byryn smiled coyly, “Don’t worry Marcus, I swear her honor will stay intact.”

  Marcus grunted. There were so many things you could do before you even began to sully a female’s honor once the proper decrees were made, but the boy had always respected her. “Byryn, I’m going to check into something that might help with this situation. If Reyana comes looking for me will you let her know I won’t be long.”

  The boy gave him a shrewd look, “I’ll do that Marcus, but do you need help?”

  “No, stay with Star, it isn’t anything to worry about.” He reassured him knowing he likely knew what he was sensing.

  “Alright, have a good eve, Marcus.” Byryn sighed obviously torn between following him and staying with his betrothed.

  He nodded as he watched him help Star up and they left the study. He waited until they were up the stairs and then headed out of the Palace. If he was right he needed to move quickly.


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