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Dulce Isle

Page 5

by Loc Glin

  The firehouse wasn’t far from Rosa’s villa. The station housed two fire trucks. Fire hydrants were not available everywhere, so one truck carried water to the site when needed. It didn’t take long before Jon was introducing Adrian to his friends and coworkers.

  “Have you talked him into joining us yet?” Caesar asked.

  “You know, I never even thought to ask. Adrian, if you decide to stay, we’d love to have you join our ranks. We don’t see much action, but we have fun while we’re waiting for the call.”

  “I never thought of myself as a fireman.”

  Jon put his arm around Adrian’s shoulder. “For the volunteers it’s easier than you would think. We train you in how to safely fight a fire. You aren’t expected to risk your life, just give a helping hand with the equipment and such. You come in when you have some free time or just want to hang out. If the alarm sounds and you aren’t here, you report to help fight the fire. We’ve been really lucky. It’s a small community, and fires are few and far between, thank God.”

  “It’s something to consider, but if I stay, I’ll need a job.”

  “Funny you should mention that.” Jon chuckled. “There’s another reason I asked you to come with me.”

  Adrian looked interested. “Which is?”

  “Vinnie is looking for help. I thought you might like to talk to him.”

  “Vinnie? Who’s Vinnie?”

  “Vinnie owns the bakery down the street. He’s looking for a good bread man. You said you were a baker right?”

  “And actually my specialty is bread.”

  Another man entered the firehouse. He greeted Jon with an embrace and squeezed Jon’s ass. “Haven’t seen you in awhile, Jon. Where have you been?”

  Was that a flash of anger or jealousy he saw visit Adrian’s face? The possibility made him smile. “I took a few days off here and there. I’ve been around,” Jon replied.

  “I thought you may have found yourself a new lover.” The man looked Adrian over appreciatively, sizing him up.

  “I hope you’re right.” Jon laughed.

  “So, who’s your friend?” the man asked.

  Jon smiled. He knew Alex was dying to meet the new man in town. Alex and Jon had a short fling a year ago. Jon was beginning to think Alex was trying to fuck every man on the island. Alex had had at least ten lovers since their affair. He could see Alex drooling right now. “I’m sorry,” Jon apologized. “Adrian, this is Alex. Alex, this is Adrian. Adrian is new here. I’m hoping he will stay.”

  Alex gave Adrian an inviting perusal. “I’m hoping he does, too.” Alex extended his hand. When Adrian reached out in response, Alex said, “Yes, sir, I certainly am. I’m pleased to meet you, Adrian, and hope to get to know you much better.” His words were full of innuendo, and he held onto Adrian’s hand just a little too long.

  “Sorry, buddy, but I don’t lean that way,” Adrian said.

  Alex let go of Adrian’s hand. “You don’t? The way you look at Jon…I just assumed…I’m sorry, I apologize.”

  “I hope you’re right, Alex.” Jon chuckled. “He’s still trying to figure it out. You remember the days when you weren’t sure, don’t you?”

  “I remember.” He smiled at Adrian. “You will work it out.” His voice was filled with compassion. “And when you do, I’ll be around if you want to experiment.” He winked. “I’m always looking for something new.”

  Adrian’s face held an incredulous expression. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, but his tone expressed the improbability of it.

  Alex looked at Jon. “I guess we won’t be seeing much of you for awhile.”

  “I’m going to take some time off to show Adrian around, but I’ll be checking in on you guys.”

  Alex nodded and moved into the firehouse. He started greeting other friends.

  “Come on, Adrian. I want you to meet Vinnie. It’s a short walk to the bakery. “

  Ten minutes later the bell that hung strategically above the door was ringing as they entered the bakery. A short, balding man stuck his head through an open doorway. “Eh, Jon, amico, it’s you.” He came through the doorway, wiping his hands on his apron after disposing of the sanitary gloves. “I haven’t seen you for a while,” he said from behind the counter display case.

  “I’ve been here. You’ve just been busy. Sally is usually out here.”

  “She need to go home for a little bit,” Vinnie said in broken English.

  “The last time I was here, Sally said you were looking for a bread man.”

  “Si, I still am.”

  “I may have just the man for you.”


  “Vinnie, this is Adrian. Adrian is a bread man in New York City. I’m trying to get him to stay on the island. Maybe you can persuade him to change jobs.”

  “In New York City, eh?” Vinnie asked as he reached over the counter.

  “Pleased to meet you,” Adrian said as he shook Vinnie’s hand.

  “Well, this is no big bakery. We are small, but we keep busy.” His thick Italian accent salted the words.

  “I work in a neighborhood bakery, so I know what you mean.”

  “Then you make the bread with your hands?”

  Adrian nodded.

  Vinnie took his chin between his index finger and thumb. He looked Adrian over. “You like the bread?”

  “It’s all I know.”

  “You no like the cake?”

  “I don’t mind making cakes. But I prefer bread. I can make a cake in a pinch, but I know bread better.”

  Vinnie cocked an eyebrow, still rubbing his chin. “You sure? They all say they make-a the bread, but they want the cake.”

  “No, I don’t want to make cakes, or cookies for that matter.” Could he actually get a job here? He’d have to get his passport from home somehow. He held his breath with hope rising in his heart.

  “Is he a friend of yours, Jon?”

  “I’m getting to know him. He’s a good guy.”

  “Hmm.” Vinnie’s fingers still strummed his chin.

  It felt like an eternity to Adrian before Vinnie finally spoke. And when he did, Adrian felt like Vinnie had given him a present instead of the job.

  “You hired,” was all Vinnie said.

  Chapter 9

  The three of them were seated at the dinner table. “Rosa, I took Adrian to the firehouse today,” Jon said.

  “What do you think of Leon’s pride and joy?” She sent a teasing look Adrian’s way. “Are you as enamored with firemen as my husband was?”

  “I don’t know many firemen, but there is one that I’m pretty fond of.” Adrian gave Jon a meaningful look.

  “I’m kind of fond of that one myself, as was Leon.”

  “I’d like to get to know him much better in the future.”

  “In the future?” Rosa asked. She sounded hopeful.

  Jon smiled. He looked like the cat that ate the canary, so satisfied was he. “I took him to see Vinnie today.”

  “Vinnie the baker?”

  Jon waited for that sink in.

  When it did, Rosa smiled. “And?” She turned to Adrian.

  Adrian watched Rosa carefully. Jon assured him she would be delighted. He was nervous. What if he’d read these people wrong and they really didn’t want him around permanently? With all his heart he hoped the feelings he had for these two were returned. Everything was happening so quickly, he was afraid he was dreaming and would wake up any moment. He wanted a new life. He truly wanted a new beginning. “And…he offered me a job,” Adrian answered, still watching her closely.

  “Did you accept?” She seemed to stop breathing.

  Adrian smiled. “Do you want me to?” All his hopes and dreams rode on her answer.

  “Damn straight I do. Now stop playing with me. Did you accept?”

  If she’d taken a moment to look at Jon’s face, she would have known the answer, but she hadn’t, so he was able to witness the sheer joy that crossed her face when he said, “Yes.”r />
  She jumped up. Rose seductively rather quickly was a better description of her movements. She cupped Adrian’s face in her hands. In the sexiest whisper he’d ever heard, she said, “Welcome to the family,” just before she planted a kiss on his lips.

  The last time he’d experienced this kind of bliss was when Angelina accepted his marriage proposal. He felt his life falling into place, mending and becoming whole again.

  Jon leaned forward. “Tonight he’s mine to welcome into the family,” he said in a teasing tone, but his eyes begged her to agree.

  Rosa put her hand on Jon’s cheek. Her thumb moved across the scar. She smiled at him, a smile full of love and understanding. “Tomorrow we share?” Now her eyes were begging.

  “If he’s willing, I am.”

  Adrian thought he knew what they were talking about, but he was thankful for the clarification when Rosa asked, “Are you willing to be shared, Adrian?”

  “If that means I can fuck both of you, I’m willing.” He’d said it. He was insecure about it and where it would lead him, but he didn’t regret it.

  “Both of us at the same time?” she pressed.

  “I was hoping for that,” he said with color rising to his cheeks.

  “What about making love with me?” Jon asked. Jon looked worried.

  Adrian’s blush deepened. “I’ve never done that before. I will admit I have a very strong urge to try it.” He looked from Jon to Rosa. He was waiting for one of them to say it was all a joke, or he was waiting to wake up from this dream. When neither happened, he was relieved. Just admitting, out loud, that he wanted Jon took a burden off his chest.

  “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me,” Rosa said. A tear slipped down her cheek. She removed her hands from the men and wiped it away. “I’ve been worried about Jon for some time now. He will be okay now that he’s found you.”

  “What about you? How do you feel about sharing?” Adrian knew, but he wanted to hear it again.

  “I am thrilled about it. I’ve missed Jon in that way. You will find him an excellent lover. The three of us together will make incredible memories. Tonight, you and Jon can get to know each other. Tomorrow, we will begin to make our family’s memories. I think Leon and Angelina are smiling down on us.”

  Adrian certainly hoped that was true. He would never forget his Angelina, but it was time to get on with his life.

  Adrian knocked at Jon’s door. It was late. He’d waited for Jon to come to his room. When Jon hadn’t shown up, fear and anxiety had kept him in his room. Now at two in the morning, he couldn’t stand the suspense any longer. Jon opened the door. “It took you long enough,” Jon said, smiling. Relief washed over Adrian’s face. Jon opened the door and motioned Adrian inside.

  “I thought you were going to come to me,” Adrian said meekly.

  “Tonight you needed to make that decision. I didn’t want any doubts in your mind. It was really hard to stay here and wait. Did you have doubts?”

  “No, I thought you’d changed your mind. I came to find out why.”

  “There is no way I would change my mind.” He put his hand on Adrian’s shoulder.

  “Now that I’m here, I have to admit, I’m nervous.”

  “You’ve never kissed a man before?”


  “In some ways making love with a man is like making love with a woman, only better. As a man you have a pretty good understanding of what your partner is feeling, so it’s easier to guess what he wants. You don’t have to worry about hurting your partner in your excitement. The one thing that you will need to adjust to is anal sex. Giving it is not the same as receiving it. We’ll go carefully where that is concerned. We will break that virgin ass of yours in slowly.” He laughed at Adrian’s furrowed brow. “Trust me. It’s nothing to worry about. Women take it in the ass, so what would stop a man from being able to do it?” He squeezed Adrian shoulder. “Don’t think about it. It will come in its own time.”

  “But I want to please you, too.”

  “Don’t worry. You will. You already do.” Jon stepped in front of Adrian. “I want to kiss you.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Yes, you do.” Jon took Adrian’s face in his hands. He pressed their lips together.

  Adrian stiffened. Jon kept the pressure light until Adrian relaxed a little. When he tentatively touched Jon’s cheek, Jon’s moan wiped away any anxiety he was feeling. Adrian parted his lips, opening his mouth to Jon’s exploration. Adrian’s moans joined Jon’s as he explored discovering the new tastes and textures of a man. He found them to be utterly enjoyable.

  Jon reached down and slipped his hand under the elastic waistband of Adrian’s pajama bottoms. With unerring accuracy, he found Adrian’s swollen rod. “Touch me like this, Adrian,” Jon coaxed.

  Adrian found Jon’s cock. He took it into his hand and noticed the differences between his cock and Jon’s. Subtle differences, but they were there. He’d jerked off enough to know what his member felt like.

  “That feels good, Adrian. I’ve dreamt about this moment. This is as good as any of my dreams. It’s better because it isn’t fantasy. It’s real and truly happening.”

  “It does feel surprisingly good,” Adrian agreed.

  “Strip so I can see and feel your body,” Jon said.

  “You, too.”

  They stood naked looking at each other. Mutual admiration filled their eyes. Their enjoyment of the visible temptation before them registered itself in their pulsing cocks.

  “I’ve never been excited like this looking at a man’s body before. I thought about yours a lot when I looked at that painting in Minerva’s Mystic Museum, and I know I wanted this…but this is different. It’s so much stronger in the flesh.” He touched Jon’s shoulders and arms. “All I could see was your back. I wanted to touch you.”

  “Then touch me. You can squeeze me and feel me in your hands. You don’t have to temper your strength and use a light touch, as you would do with the woman. You don’t have to be afraid you’ll hurt me. Believe me, it will excite me. So let yourself go, Adrian. Enjoy yourself. I know I will.”

  They touched and fondled. Adrian let go of any reservations he may have felt as he realized he loved this man. How had it happened in such a short period of time? He felt like he’d known Jon all his life.

  Jon had very subtly moved them to the bed. “You will learn the joy of sucking a man until he explodes in your mouth. Tonight we sixty-nine. You might feel less awkward doing that for your first time. I’m sure you’ve done it with a woman, so it will feel a bit more normal for you. You lie down, Adrian.”

  Adrian lay down. Fear of the unknown, embarrassment because of his naivety, and excitement flashed through him.

  Jon stood looking at him. “Women need foreplay. You know as well as I do that men don’t.” They shared a knowing look. “We are men, Adrian. Tonight we will pleasure each other in the man’s way. No holding back, no pacing. Just suck and be sucked until we explode. Don’t be embarrassed if you feel like you want to gag when my load shoots into your mouth. The first time usually causes that reaction. It gets better, even pleasurable with repetition.”

  Jon slid into bed next to Adrian. What a strange feeling to be lying next to someone this big. Both of them were on their sides facing each other. Once they settled into comfortable sixty-nine positions, Jon said, “I will start on you, Adrian. Join me as soon as you feel comfortable. Don’t be embarrassed by this desire you feel. I feel it, too. I’ll probably want to explode the moment your mouth surrounds my cock, but I will control myself so that you have a chance to become accustomed to a cock in your mouth. Remember, Adrian, suck with passion, not restraint. I want to feel how much you want me.” Jon lowered his lips and sealed them around Adrian’s cock.

  Adrian drew in a deep breath as Jon expertly sucked and stroked his cock. What would it feel like to touch Jon this way? He wanted to find out.

  Adrian took Jon’s cock into his hand. He felt its solid
hardness. He took it into his mouth and discovered its silky softness. Jon moaned as he experimented by moving his tongue around Jon’s shaft. He knew what this felt like. He repeated the movements and added more. His own excitement increased. He was pumping his cock into Jon’s mouth. Jon started to do the same.

  Jon said, “Fuck, that’s good, Adrian. You’re a natural.” Then he went back to work on Adrian’s cock.

  Jon’s words of encouragement and his experienced sucking made Adrian want to give as good as he got. Soon he was caught up in the moment. His nostrils were filled with Jon’s musky scent. He wanted his mouth to experience another new sensation…He yearned to taste the essence of this man. He was overcome with the desire to swallow this man’s cum. He longed to make Jon a part of him.

  Jon knew the moment Adrian was ready to pop. He sucked and swallowed every last drop before he let his load go into Adrian’s mouth.

  Adrian had never come like this before. To be aroused and satisfied so thoroughly and so quickly was new to him. He had to admit he liked it. It couldn’t take the place of a woman, but it was a delightful addition.

  “Damn, Adrian, are you sure you’ve never done this before? If that was you as a novice, I can’t wait to see how you will torture me when you are experienced.”

  “Hopefully the same way you torture me, sweetly and efficiently.”

  Jon laughed and sat up. “I have some beer on ice. Let’s grab one and sit outside. We can talk before we torture each other some more.”

  Chapter 10

  “You have servants. Don’t they do the grocery shopping for you?” Adrian asked.

  “Yes, they do, but sometimes I want to go to the market. I like to keep things real. It’s easy to forget that there are people in need when you don’t need or want for anything. I go to the market to keep things in perspective.” She put a box of cereal into the basket she was pushing. “It doesn’t matter whether or not I need anything I put into this basket. I like to shop…It brings back memories of the days when I had to worry about everything I put into my basket.


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