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Dulce Isle

Page 6

by Loc Glin

  “After Leon died, I was very lonely. One day I was walking through this store. I saw a mother with three little children. One was an infant in her arms, another wasn’t walking yet, and still in diapers. The third was walking, but was very small, just a toddler.

  “I watched that poor woman agonize over everything she put into her basket. She was a new face to me. She didn’t recognize me either. My heart went out to her. I couldn’t imagine what she must have felt like, needing so many things and having to do without most of them, especially since it was her little ones that were suffering.

  “The children had no idea they were doing without, but I did, and I decided to change it.

  “Sometimes people don’t like to accept charity. Their pride gets in the way. I didn’t want that to happen with this woman, so I approached her and pretended I was doing a survey for food brokers. I asked her to fill my carriage with anything she wanted to buy, whether she could afford it or not. She wanted to know which company I represented. I told her I’d been instructed not to divulge that information because they didn’t want to prejudice her shopping one way or the other. I told her she would be given a gift certificate for the store after checking out.

  “It was amazing how easily she filled my basket. She was still very careful about what she put into hers. At one point I asked her if she was randomly selecting things for my carriage, just to be putting something into it. She assured me that if she could, she would buy every single item she was putting in there.

  “We got to the register. I made sure she checked out after me. I purchased her gift certificate. After she finished paying for her purchases, I gave her the gift certificate and the carriage full of groceries. At first she wouldn’t take them. I told her they went along with the survey. She looked at the bags holding everything she wanted to buy. There was a second of hesitation before she accepted with tears filling her eyes.

  “I felt so good that day. Knowing I helped someone made me feel like life was worth living again. Leon always donated to charities, and I continue to do so, but that day was special. I come here and shop, and then donate my purchases to the homeless and hungry, or to families struggling to make ends meet. People recognize me now, so I don’t get to surprise the people I help anymore. It doesn’t matter…I remember that satisfied feeling, just as I remember what it was like to be poor and hungry. Doing the shopping myself makes it personal for me.”

  Adrian leaned into her and squeezed her shoulder. “You are a remarkable woman.”

  She turned her head and cocked it to the side. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t seem like the type that can sit around and do nothing. Do you work? I haven’t seen you go to work since I’ve been here. What do you do to keep yourself busy?”

  They were putting the groceries into the car. “I don’t have to go to an office. I can take care of most things that come up from home, here on the island. Sometimes I have to go to the mainland for meetings, and sometimes I can persuade my business associates to come here. When I’m not taking care of business, I still paint.”

  “I’d like to see your studio.”

  I’d be happy to show it to you.”

  They pulled out of the parking lot. A few minutes later the trunk was being emptied by the volunteers at the shelter.

  Rosa bounced twice on the diving board before she executed a perfect jackknife dive into the water.

  “Didn’t she complain to us about tan lines a not that long ago?” Adrian asked.

  “Watch,” Jon said.

  Rosa climbed up the ladder and out of the pool. She immediately stripped off the one-piece bathing suit. She laid it on a lounge chair to dry.

  “What was that about?” Adrian asked with a puzzled look.

  “Rosa doesn’t like to dive without a bathing suit. She says two-piece suits don’t give her breasts much protection. You saw the kind of bikinis she wears, so you have to agree they aren’t much protection.”


  “Rosa likes to dive. So when she is going to use the board, she slips into the one-piece suit, and when she’s done, she takes it off immediately.”

  “That’s—” Adrian sounded confused.

  “That’s Rosa,” Jon interrupted. “It’s one of her idiosyncrasies. You’re going to enjoy learning about all the little things that make her so special.”

  “You’re right. I am enjoying that. I think I’m half in love with her already.”

  “Good, because she’s nuts about you.” Jon looked over at Adrian. “No need to blush.”

  “I’m not blushing.”

  “If you say so.” Jon chuckled.

  “I hate that my body does that,” Adrian said with a sigh. “It’s gotten me into more trouble than I care to remember. As a kid I’d get into fights because of it. As a married man, I couldn’t keep anything from my wife. Not that I lied to her, I didn’t, but there were a few surprises that were ruined because of it. She always knew that I was hiding something from her.”

  “I hate to break this to you, but I don’t think that is going to change.”

  “I didn’t think it would.”

  Rosa came toward them. She stood between them and squeezed the water out of her hair onto Jon’s chest first. He laughed and batted her away, slapping her ass good-naturedly. She turned and repeated her fun on Adrian.

  Adrian, however, reacted differently. He stood and laughed, but he picked Rosa up and draped her over his shoulder. “Come on, Jon. We have to teach this little lady a lesson.”

  Rosa was squealing. “Put me down,” she said between her laughter. “Don’t throw me into the pool.”

  “I have no intention of throwing you into the pool.” He carried her past the pool, into the house, and up the stairs to the bedroom. Rosa was laughing all the way. “The bed, on the other hand, is a different story.” He tossed her onto the bed. She bounced, still laughing.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, trying to sound horrified and failing completely.

  “What should we do to her, Jon?”

  Jon shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  “Well, she got us all wet, so I think we need to return the favor. Get on the bed and grab her so she can’t get away. Hold her tight because I’m going to lick her pussy until it is hot and wet.”

  “I think I like this game,” Rosa softly chuckled. She leaned into Jon. “No, please, don’t do that,” she protested as she spread her legs open for Adrian.

  “We are going to make you pay.” Jon chuckled. “Adrian will make you hot and wet. Then we will fuck you until you are exhausted.”

  “It was just a little water. Do I deserve such harsh punishment?” She lifted her legs so Adrian could cup her ass in his hands. “No, Jon, please don’t spread my pussy for him.” She laughed as she moved Jon’s hands to her cunt. “This is fun, boys, but now I really want to get to the business at hand.” She put her hand on Adrian’s head. “That feels good. Suck harder, Adrian. Doesn’t he have a wonderful and talented mouth, Jon? And his tongue, now that is sheer heaven,” she crooned.

  “He does. The man can play my body the way a maestro plays the piano. He knows how to stroke the keys.”

  “Fuck that feels good, Adrian, but you’re going to have to give me more. Put a finger in my ass to get me ready for Jon.”

  Adrian looked up at Jon. Jon nodded. He put a finger into Rosa’s hot pussy. He moved it around and got it wet. He pulled down some of her sweet juice onto her anus. He circled around that tight opening until it loosened. Then his finger worked its way into the puckered opening. His tongue teased her clit, and she began to pump his mouth and finger.

  Jon pinched her tits.

  Adrian put his thumb into her pussy. “She’s coming,” he said.

  “Good, because I’m starting to get hard. I haven’t had her ass in a long time. We’ll be able to feel each other when we’re both inside her.”

  “You’re making me hot talking about it,
” Rosa said. “Lie down, Adrian.” Jon scooted over with Rosa still in his arms. She kissed Jon then straddled Adrian’s hips.

  Adrian’s cock was straining to reach her dripping and slippery cunt.

  She leaned forward until her breasts touched his chest. “You like the view, Jon?” She purred.

  Jon kneeled behind her. He took two fingers then scooped some cunt juice from her pussy. He smeared the slippery fluid over her asshole. “I like it.”

  Rosa straightened and impaled herself on Adrian’s cock. When he was buried to the hilt, her pussy vibrated with an orgasm.

  “I felt that,” Adrian said as she lowered her torso onto his chest. Her breasts brushed his nipples.

  Jon spread Rosa’s butt cheeks apart. He positioned the head of his cock at her anus. “How do you want it, Rosa, slow and easy, or all at once?”

  “Slow and easy tonight, Jon. It’s been a while, and I think Adrian needs to feel you fucking me, too.”

  Jon pressed the head of his cock into her anus until the tip was no longer visible. “Can you feel me yet, Adrian?”

  “A little.”

  Jon pressed deeper and pulled back then repeated the movement, each time going in deeper until he was pumping his shaft all the way into Rosa’s ass and pulling it out to where the tip stayed just inside her anus. “Do you feel it now, Adrian?”


  “Good. Start pumping in rhythm with me…When I’m going in, you should be pulling out and vice versa.”


  Rosa began to pant. “Oh my God, that feels so good.” Her pussy twitched. “Did you feel that? You’ve made me come already. Fuck me, boys. I’m all yours.”

  “You fuck so good, Adrian,” Jon said. “I can feel your strokes. It’s like you’re teasing my cock. Her ass is so tight.”

  “Jon’s coming,” Rosa said. “Be still until he’s finished.”

  Jon clasped her hips as he spewed his seed into her. He slumped forward, breathing deeply, and his cock slipped out of her ass. “That was good,” he said. He moved away to lie on the bed so he could watch Adrian fuck Rosa.

  Without warning, Adrian lifted Rosa off his cock. “I want to fuck your ass,” he said.

  Rosa nodded and went onto her knees. Adrian’s cock slid easily into Rosa’s ass. He was looking into Jon’s eyes as he thrust his hips forward and pumped. He slid one hand around Rosa’s hip and to her pussy. He teased her clit as he pumped her ass. “Come for us, Rosa.”

  “Yes, yes.” Rosa screamed her release.

  Adrian shot his load at the same time.

  Rosa was breathing heavy as she came down from her climax.

  Adrian’s cock slid out of her ass. He lay on the other side of her. Rosa was sandwiched between the two men, and they lay there sated. They rested and ultimately dozed.

  Adrian awoke. He looked at the two people that had become so important to him in the relatively short time he’d known them. As they slumbered he couldn’t help thinking how grateful he was that his life was changing. He owed a debt of gratitude to them. They’d pulled him from the depths of despair.

  He was ready to begin to love again. He wanted to do that with them. He felt a wave of contentment wash over him. What would tomorrow bring?

  Chapter 11

  Adrian tossed and turned. He awakened from a restless sleep. He’d been having a fretful dream. What had Angelina been trying to tell him? Were his feelings for Jon wrong? He felt conflicted. Angelina was asking the question, why? At first he’d felt guilty and ashamed, until he realized that she was asking him why Jon had developed his sexual preference. Now in a wakeful state he still felt ashamed because he didn’t know. He hadn’t cared. He didn’t think that it mattered, but now he wondered. If Angelina wanted to know, maybe he should, too.

  He knew so little about Jon. If he had any hopes of making his new life here on Dulce Isle work he needed to know more about his new lover. He wanted his relationship with Jon to be open and truthful with no secrets between them. He was still trying to deal with the shame he felt for being attracted to a man. He was trying to deal with these absurd feelings of cheating on his dead wife. He was wrestling with the guilt he was feeling because he was beginning to look forward to each new day. Jon and Rosa were giving him hope for the future.

  He looked at the clock on the nightstand beside the bed. The digital numbers were easily seen, a bright-red glowing in the dark. Three o’clock in the morning. It was late. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, trying to decide what he should do. He bit his lip and shook his head, trying to rid himself of the need to visit Jon. After a few minutes of internal debate, he decided to go anyway. If Jon was sleeping, he would just crawl into bed next to him and try not to disturb him as he slept. He needed company, comfort, and love right now. In lieu of that, Jon’s warm body would be enough. Was his dream troubling him, or was he just making it into an excuse to visit Jon in the middle of the night? He didn’t bother to grab his pajama bottoms. The servants should be asleep. Even if they happened to be wandering the halls in this part of the house, a highly unlikely possibility, it wouldn’t be the first nor would it be the last time they would see him naked.

  He cracked the door to Jon’s room open as quietly as was humanly possible. He peeked around the door. Jon was sitting up in the bed with his back propped against a pile of pillows. The book in his hand was illuminated by a book light attached to its cover. The puddle of light surrounding the book also illuminated Jon’s tanned and hairless chest. Adrian knew Jon was naked beneath the light sheet that was loosely draped over his bent knees. “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you. May I come in?”

  “You’re welcome in my room, in my bed, anytime.” Jon clicked on the light beside the bed and turned off the book light before he put the book aside. He patted the bed next to him. “Come in and join me. Is something wrong?”

  Adrian stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him.

  “Now that is a pretty sight in the middle of the night. I see it hasn’t taken you long to pick up our bad habits.”

  “I don’t think walking around nude is a bad habit. Not when it doesn’t offend anyone.” He chuckled. “Angelina would have a fit.” He frowned, the dream still on his mind. “But it feels natural here.”

  “You’re right on both counts. It is the natural way. I don’t think it’s a bad habit either. Is there something you’re not telling me? You look upset.”

  “I know this sounds really childish, but I had a dream, a bad dream.” He furrowed his brows.

  “Care to share?”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I certainly would, considering it involves you.”

  “A bad dream that involves me, this doesn’t sound good.” He patted the bed again. “Come, sit down, and tell me about it.”

  Adrian sat on the edge of the bed.

  Jon pulled a few pillows from behind his back and leaned them against the headboard of the bed for Adrian. “Slide in, sit back, and get comfortable.” He shifted his position, making adjustments for the loss of the extra pillows behind him.

  Adrian did as he was told, thankful for the distraction. How should he broach the subject without seeming to pry? Once settled comfortably in place, he sat in silence.

  “Is it so bad that you really don’t want to talk about it?”

  “It’s not that. I just don’t know how to begin.”

  “Adrian, we’re both adults. I don’t think there is anything we shouldn’t be able to share, given our relationship.” A reassuring smile crossed his lips.

  “I dreamt about Angelina.”

  “Oh…” Jon rubbed his jaw. “I thought you said that I was involved.”

  “I did, you were, I mean, you are. You see, Angelina asked me what the reason was ‘for you being the way you are,’ as she put it. She was very upset with me because I didn’t know. I was ashamed that I couldn’t tell her.”

  “In your dream, did she know that you’re that way with me?”

  “Yes, she knew. I was guilty and ashamed about that, too, but she surprised me by being very understanding. I felt better when I realized she wasn’t judging me. I felt so free and relieved knowing that she knew about us. I was just starting to enjoy the dream when she asked me about you. She was so angry with me for not knowing. She made me feel like I was letting you down. She outright told me that I didn’t care enough about you to ask. I tried to explain that I didn’t want to pry into your past, but she just wouldn’t listen. I’ve never seen her so pissed off. She never talked like that to me when she was alive.”

  “So now you want to ask me, but you don’t know how?”

  “Was she right? Should I have asked you? If it’s going to make you uncomfortable talking about it, I don’t have to know.” He took a calming breath and let it out slowly. “Do you think I don’t care about you because I didn’t ask? I feel like a goddamned schoolboy on his first date.” He raked his fingers through his hair.

  Jon put his hand on Adrian’s shoulder and pulled him under his arm for a hug. “I can understand why your subconscious wants to know. If I were in your place, I think I’d want to know that, too. After all, it’s all new to you. You’re making way too much of this, Adrian.”

  “Am I?” He felt Jon nod and heard him softly chuckle. “That’s a relief.”

  “Don’t ever be afraid to ask me anything. Our relationship requires trust. The three of us need to be honest with each other, even if it means that we are a little uncomfortable with the questions and answers.”

  “Does that mean that you’re uncomfortable with this question?”

  “No. The question doesn’t bother me.”

  Adrian moved out of Jon’s arms and looked at Jon. He hoped his expression held the truth of the compassion he felt. “So it was difficult for you?”

  “Not so much difficult as a long time in coming. I knew I was different early on, but I didn’t know exactly what it was.”

  “You don’t act like someone who started young. You seem like a man’s man, if you know what I mean.”


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