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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 24

by Unknown

  Sensing that she could probably use a drink to calm her nerves, Shane gently put his hand low on her waist and lowered his head and whispered “Would you like something to drink? I can go get you something.”

  He didn’t know what had come over him but he couldn’t keep his hands off of her and had to be close to her. He knew he was violating all kinds of personal space laws but he couldn’t help himself. Not when it came to Satra.

  Satra’s heart went into overdrive at his intimate touch. Her heart was beating through her chest when she finally got the courage to look at him. Finally in a soft tone meant only for his ears she said, “I’ll take a glass of red wine. Thank you.”

  Shane smiled and winked at her and said, “Excuse me for a moment, I’m going to get us something to drink. Can I get either of you anything from the bar?”

  “I’ll come with you.” Shawn said with a glint of humor in his eyes.

  Shane knew his old friend was going to question him about Satra. Miranda now looked at Satra with knowing but kind eyes.

  “I admire you for coming alone. I wouldn’t have been able to do that. I’m way too shy and self-conscious!”

  “And I’m not?” Satra said rolling her eyes chuckling.

  “On the inside I was dying. I just kept telling myself to keep smiling no matter what. I hate it when attention is on me. I know it may sound weird but I used to be horribly shy when I was a kid and I still struggle with it.”

  “Well honey you shouldn’t have worn that dress if you didn’t want any attention because it is gorgeous and it flatters your shape perfectly. I’d kill to have your hourglass figure.” Miranda said.

  “Thank you,” Satra said trying her best not to blush.

  “Well this is my first ball ever and it’s really beautiful, besides me not knowing anyone here but Mr. Di Amato, Shane and now you and Shawn,” Satra said smiling.

  “Shane came alone too, why didn’t you guys come together?” Miranda asked.

  The question caught Satra off guard but she recovered quickly.

  “Well he never asked me and I never asked him. Believe me its okay. I don’t want to feed into any office romance rumors.”

  “If I can be blunt for a moment, woman to woman - I’ve been around you guys for what, 2 minutes, and I saw the way he looks at you. The man can’t even keep his hands off of you! I’ve known Shane for a very long time and I must say I have never seen him look at any of the women he’s dated or even brought as a date to these balls the way he looks at you.”

  Satra’s mind raced. She tried her best not to feel too special after hearing this revelation from Miranda, but she couldn’t help it. She looked down at her hands as she thought of what to say next.

  Miranda noticed her silence and nervousness.

  “And from your reaction I’d say you like him just as much as he likes you?” Miranda asked as she gently touched Satra’s arm.

  “I know something is there and we both feel it. I’m scared to put myself out there right now. I got burned pretty badly three years ago so I’m a bit gun shy. I’m not saying that Shane would hurt me or that he’s anything like the last jerk I dated, but I’m just scared. You better not tell Shane a word of this Miranda! I will hunt you down and get you if you do!”

  Miranda threw her head back and laughed heartily. Satra had to laugh herself. She didn’t know what it was about Miranda that made her want to spill her guts to her but she felt like she could trust her. It was weird but she felt a connection with her.

  “You don’t have to worry about me, my lips are sealed. And I know Shane, and when Shane wants something he goes after it, and honey he definitely wants you. I’ve never seen him like this. I’ve been where you are. I know what it’s like to be hurt and too scared to try again. You’ll know when you’re ready. It’ll become harder and harder to be away from each other, you won’t be able to stand seeing the other with someone else. No matter what happens in your lives you always find your way back to each other. It’s going to happen, if it hasn’t already started. ”

  Satra was rendered speechless. Some of those things have definitely happened already. Her heart raced and her palms began to sweat. This was all happening too fast.

  “No one is saying you have to act on your feelings. There’s no written rule on being attracted to someone and when you should act on it. You have legitimate reasons for being cautious about this. Trust me I’ve been there done that with that fine specimen of a man over there at the bar. And let me tell you, once you stop fighting it it’s a beautiful thing. Shane is very picky and cautious when it comes to women, which is why he’s been single for so long. He’s very intense and passionate about the things he believes in and love, but a very sweet person and a good guy. I’m sure you know that already.”

  “I truly believe that he is a good guy with a sweet heart underneath that sometimes hard exterior,” Satra said as she thought about all the unselfish and nice things he’s done for her and how supportive he’s been to her.

  Over at the bar Shawn wasted no time questioning Shane.

  “Where in the hell did you find her? She’s gorgeous!” Shawn exclaimed.

  “I didn’t find her. Di Amato and I had a business meeting with Grayson but he had a family emergency and he sent Satra in his place. Oh, and Di Amato finally agreed to partner with Lucas & Daniels on the Vandalay take over. I have a funny feeling about his motives of waiting till now to make that move, but look at who we’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, that is interesting about the old man. You know what I’ve always told you since you decided to work with him, watch your back, side, front and blind spots with Di Amato. That man won’t leave an inch of your body without stab wounds once he’s done with you if you’re not careful. Now back to the gorgeous Satra Sinclair, why did she come to the ball alone? Why didn’t you bring her on your arm?” Shawn asked as he stared at his friend hard. In his mind there was no way in hell he’d let a woman as beautiful as Satra come to a ball alone.

  Shane let out a frustrated breath and said, “I don’t know man. I wanted to ask her to be my date but I’m trying my best to keep things professional between us for the time being. Plus I don’t want to rush her into anything.”

  “And how’s that workin’ out for ya?” Shawn asked sarcastically before taking a sip of his Jack and Coke.

  “It’s complicated Shawn. On top of us working together she’s been through a bad break up and I know she’s scared. Hell I’m scared too after dealing with Kate. But Satra….she’s different. She’s the complete opposite of Kate. She’s really sweet, kind, extremely smart and funny……. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman Shawn and that’s what makes this even harder to deal with.”

  “Wait. Let me understand this. The woman of your dreams is standing not even 20 feet away from you and you’re letting bad break ups and your job keep you from snatching her up? What the hell is wrong with you man? Have you forgotten all the duds you’ve dated before, especially that cheating man eating whore Kate? Do not let this woman get away from you Shane. If you do you’d be the biggest fool in the history of mankind.”

  Shane listened to his friend and he knew everything he said was true. His man eating whore comment about Kate didn’t even faze him because it was true. That’s exactly what she was.

  “The biggest fool in the history of mankind huh?” Shane chuckled as he looked at Shawn.

  “The biggest.” Shawn stressed. “I see how you look at her. In all the years we’ve known each other I’ve never seen you look at a woman like that Shane. And the way she looks at you – it reminds me of how Miranda looked at me when we first started dating. You’re crazy about each other. It’s so obvious man.”

  Shane turned around to look at Satra as she laughed with Miranda. He knew those two would hit it off right away. They’re a lot alike. Shane’s drinks finally came and as he walked back with glasses in both hands, Satra looked at him and gave him a small shy smile. Shane couldn’t help but smile back as
he approached her.

  “Sorry it took so long,” he said as he handed her a glass of wine. Their fingers brushed and their eyes met briefly.

  “It’s okay, I had a good time having some girl talk with Miranda,” Satra said as she smiled at Miranda.

  “Uh-ohhh……girl talk. I can only imagine what my dear wife said about me.” Shawn joked as he wrapped an arm around his wife’s waist pulling her close.

  “As a matter of fact she said very sweet things about you Shawn.”

  “I most certainly did.” Miranda said as she looked adoringly at her husband.

  They continued to chitchat and laugh while sipping their drinks. Shane stood close to Satra giving her his full attention while fighting the urge to wrap his arm around her small waist. Shawn had just recounted a hysterical story of a client meeting he and Shane had years ago that went terribly wrong and everyone was laughing. Suddenly a tall, skinny redhead slinked up to Shane and hugged him tightly against her big overly enhanced boobs. She practically pushed Satra to the side to get to Shane.

  “Shane darling it’s been so long! Why haven’t you called me? I miss you!” She purred.

  Satra saw the instant annoyance and anger come over Shane’s face as he firmly pulled the woman off of him and put some distance between them.

  “Gretchen. I heard you were engaged?” Shane said dryly with an undertone of anger.

  “Oh that’s old news. That’s been over for a year now. I’m back on the market and from the looks of things there’s still no ring on your finger.” She shot an icy glance at Satra after that last remark and turned her nose up as if she smelled something rancid.

  Satra glared back at her and decided she needed to leave the situation before she did something to the tramp that would land her in jail. She whispered to Miranda and Shawn that she was going to step away for a moment. Miranda looked at her with understanding eyes but hoped that Satra would stay and not let the bimbo run her away. Satra refused to look at Shane. She felt he was too preoccupied to deserve an explanation of where she was heading. Satra just needed air and she needed to calm down. The floozy smelled like she took a bath in her old lady smelling perfume and it was choking Satra. Anger and jealousy were coursing through her veins and she couldn’t stand being around this pathetic scene a minute longer. Shane watched Satra the entire time, his anger rising by the second. He saw how she purposely avoided eye contact with him and it just added to his agitation.

  Just as Satra began to walk away Shane caught her by her hand and held it firmly in his. The electric sparks flew like wild firecrackers the moment their skin touched. His hand was so warm and firm on hers. She was so tempted to entwine their fingers for a brief moment but the red headed bimbo was still in his presence, irritated that Shane wasn’t paying her any attention. Satra looked up at him and gave him a small smile, her eyes begging him to let her go. Satra didn’t want to make a scene, she just wanted to get away, but Shane wasn’t having it. He wanted Satra to stay put at his side. He frowned down at Satra, using his eyes to express his desire for her to stay. He gave her hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze before turning his attention back to the red head.

  “Gretchen O’Malley I think you know Shawn and Miranda Giovanni, and this beautiful woman is Satra Sinclair.”

  Satra’s heart raced at Shane’s compliment. The way he said it left no doubt in anyone’s mind that he meant it. She was beautiful to him.

  Rolling her eyes at Shane’s description of Satra, Gretchen halfheartedly exchanged pleasantries with everyone, especially Satra. She looked Satra up and down and snorted “Nice dress.”

  ‘You bitch.’ Satra said to herself. It was becoming increasingly harder to keep herself from going off on the broomstick with boobs with her constant disrespect.

  “Thank you, and it’s nice to meet you too Gretchen,” Satra said instead in an extra sweet voice.

  “If you all would please excuse me, I’m going to go find the ladies room.” Satra politely announced to the group.

  She felt Shane’s angry eyes on her but she had to get away to calm herself down. She didn’t know why she was so angry. Was she jealous that some woman was so familiar with Shane? Was she angry that skinny women with big, fake tits might actually be his type? Shane looked down at her with his darkened eyes but Satra gave him a determined look warning him to let her go. Reluctantly Shane let go of Satra’s hand, but not before caressing her palm with his thumb a few times. It was a small, sensual act that no one else noticed, but it sent warm shivers through Satra’s entire body, and Shane felt her tremor too, which made him want to keep her by his side even more. The gesture was meant to reassure her, to calm her down but Satra slipped her hand away from his anyway and walked as quickly as her dress would allow her. She found a waiter with a tray to give her drink to as she continued her determined yet graceful stroll even though she had no clue where the ladies room was.

  “What is this man trying to do to me?” She thought to herself, her heart still racing from his gentle caress. After realizing she had no clue which way to go she stopped another waiter and asked where the nearest ladies room was and he directed her up a stairwell to the right. Satra walked to the grand, winding staircase that reminded her of something out of an old black and white movie. She took her time going up the each stair as she gathered her dress in the front with one hand and held on to the banister with her other hand.

  Shane’s eyes followed her the entire time, his eyes boring a hole in her slender back, and then her lovely, curvaceous butt as it swayed while carefully walking up the stairs. Gretchen got his attention back to her as she tugged on his arm again.

  “So lover boy, what have you been up to? Better yet what are you doing after the ball?” She trailed her bloody red nails up and down the collar of his suit jacket and her eyes left no question in his mind what she was really offering.

  Shawn cleared his throat and said, “Shane it was good seeing you. You and Satra should sit with us at dinner.”

  Shane shook Shawn’s hand and winked at him and said, “We’d love that. I’ll see you guys in a little bit.”

  After Shawn and Miranda walked away Shane turned his anger onto Gretchen. “Whatever games you’re trying to play you better stop it right now because I’m not the one to mess with and I’m not in the mood. Don’t you ever disrespect the people I’m talking to again like that, especially Satra Sinclair do you understand me?”

  Gretchen jumped and her eyes got big at first, but she quickly recovered trying to appear unaffected by Shane’s anger. ‘So he has a thing for chocolate women now. I can fix that.’ She thought to herself.

  “Wow. She must be pretty special for you to get all hot under the collar. How long have you been seeing her?” She snorted, the jealousy very apparent in her tone.

  Shane’s eyes narrowed and his jaws clenched.

  “My personal life is none of your business or anyone else’s for that matter. Stay the hell away from me and stay out of my business if you know what’s good for you Gretchen.” Shane warned before storming off.

  Years ago there was a time when Shane considered Gretchen a friend until he found out about her double-crossing ways. Because of his family’s wealth people thought they could use him and his family’s name to further their career. Gretchen also tried to use her sexual prowess on Shane but it never worked because he was never attracted to her that way. He admired her savvy business practices but that was pretty much it. Gretchen never stopped trying to get him in her bed, even now.

  Feeling defeated and pissed Gretchen watched as Shane took off in the same direction that Satra did moments ago. He gave his drink to a waiter before he climbed the stairs by twos. His adrenaline was pumping and as hard as he tried he couldn’t help feeling angry with Satra for leaving him. Why did she let Gretchen run her off? He wanted her to stand her ground, not run away. More importantly he wanted the opportunity to explain to Satra how he knew Gretchen and how she meant absolutely nothing to him.

  ‘Does sh
e not know that I’ll always come to her defense and protect her?’ Shane thought angrily to himself after he climbed the last step and walked down a hallway.

  He saw the sign high on the wall identifying the restrooms and he paced the lonely hallway as he waited for her. He jammed his hands into his tuxedo pants trying to get his anger under control before he confronted her. Finally he stopped pacing and leaned against a marble column outside of the ladies room to wait for Satra.

  ‘God I hope she doesn’t think that Gretchen is my type. Skinny with fake boobs? If she only knew I’ve always been a sucker for curvy, REAL women. She’ll find out soon enough what I really like….and want.’

  The longer he had to wait for her the more anxious he became. He tried to calm down but it was hard. She left him and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit.

  ‘Sorry Derrick, but I can’t follow your go with the flow advice tonight.’ Shane thought ruefully to himself.

  When Satra finally came out of the ladies room her head was down as she was digging in her clutch for something.

  “Why did you leave me?” Came his deep voice. His voice was calm but the irritation in it was definitely there.

  Satra jumped and gasped, her hand flying to her heart as she nearly dropped her clutch.

  “Dang it Shane!! Don’t scare me like that!!” Satra yelled at him.

  ‘Did she really just say ‘Dang it?’ Shane thought to himself.

  His facial expression didn’t change and Satra could see the anger and a brief flicker of humor in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Again, why did you leave me?” He said in his deep voice.

  “I’m sorry I thought I left a group of people, not just you. Besides I had to pee Shane. If I would’ve known I’d be interrogated about my bathroom habits I wouldn’t have flushed the toilet so you could see that I actually did pee!” Satra stated angrily.

  She had Shane on that one. They weren’t a couple, they didn’t come to the ball as each other’s dates and yet he made the mistake of making his innermost feelings known to her, that he took her departure from him personally. Her anger, however, pleased him. It showed that she was jealous and therefore cared.


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