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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 25

by Unknown

  “I never pegged you to be a runner. I mean I know you said you ran track in school but I didn’t think you’d run away from someone like Gretchen.” He said dryly. He was goading her. He knew he shouldn’t but he loved how sexy she looked when she was angry.

  Satra couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She narrowed her eyes as she took a defensive stance with one hand on her hip. She felt insulted and she was pissed.

  “Excuse you? So you’re calling me a coward because I didn’t want to stand there and watch the fake-boobed bimbo drool all over you and disrespect me in the process? You have got to be kidding me!”

  “Yep, she’s jealous.” Shane thought happily to himself. He stepped away from the marble column and took the few short steps needed to stand before Satra.

  “I would never let anyone disrespect you Satra. I thought you knew this about me already. Had you stuck around you would’ve seen how I handled the fake-boobed bimbo.” Shane snapped back.

  “Well you know what? It doesn’t even matter because I’m not your date and you don’t have to prove anything to me. How about that? Enjoy the rest of your evening Shane.” Satra spat as she attempted to move around him to leave.

  Shane didn’t know what pissed him off more – her thinking that Gretchen was his type or her constantly reminding him that he was too much of a coward to ask her to be his date for the night? As if his constant kicking himself for being such a coward wasn’t punishment enough.

  With speed that Satra never knew existed he grabbed her by her soft arm and pulled her back to him. The gesture made her gasp and her eyes got big in surprise. His eyes were dark with anger and something else that Satra couldn’t identify. Before she could protest he spoke.

  “Do you really think Gretchen is even remotely my type?” he asked with his head slightly tilted, his brow furrowed.

  ‘As if I can form a coherent thought being crushed against your rock hard body.’ Satra thought warily to herself.

  She forced herself to ignore how warm her body became against his, how need and yearning flowed throughout her body wanting more of Shane’s touch.

  “I don’t know and honestly I don’t care what your type is,” Satra said as coolly as she could muster. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and all she wanted to do was get away from Shane. She desperately needed to get her anger and emotions under control. She couldn’t do that when he held her so closely against him.

  Shane didn’t like the way she constantly dismissed what he said and he decided to put an end to it now.

  “Well I do care, so again do you think Gretchen is my type of woman?” Shane asked this time in a more demanding voice. He pulled her closer to him as he towered over her waiting for an answer.

  “Please let me go Shane,” she said in defeat. She knew the moment he pulled her completely against him that she had lost this battle. Her will was broken.

  “Answer me.” He demanded in a low, sexy growl. His eyes were studying her face before settling on her full, enticing lips.

  Closing her eyes in frustration Satra said, “Shane I don’t know you well enough to know your type. Why are you wasting my time with this?” Her need to get away from him was driving her crazy as she tried unsuccessfully to get out of his arms. He wasn’t budging and she felt moisture in her intimate place.

  “You left me down stairs and I didn’t like it. I don’t like the fact that you think I’d let anyone hurt you or disrespect you Satra. And I especially don’t like how you dismiss what I say to you as if I’m lying. I haven’t lied to you since we’ve met nor do I make it a practice to lie. And since you don’t seem to know my type let me tell you once and for all that it’s not Gretchen. I like women who are smart, kind, and beautiful on the inside and not just the outside. I like women who have standards, someone who is funny, down to earth and sexy without even realizing she’s being sexy…” His voice trailed off as he gazed into her beautiful eyes. Satra was so nervous and turned on she didn’t know what to do.

  She pushed his buttons and got him angry but didn’t know if she should be turned on or afraid of his wrath. It took all Satra had not to melt from the intensity and beauty of his eyes. Then a twinge of guilt swept over her as she thought about his words. He was talking about when they were in South Carolina and how he took up for her with Walker and Johnson. She was so blinded with jealousy that she didn’t think to give Shane a chance to handle this Gretchen woman. Instead she ran because she didn’t want to be made a fool of, and now she feels like an even bigger fool.

  “I don’t play games Satra.” He continued softly. “I’ve been honest and upfront with you since day one and I expect the same from you.”

  His words made her knees turn into mush. This was a new side of himself that he was showing her. A very passionate and dominant side and she loved it. It was so unexpected yet revealing. She loved alpha males, but she didn’t like them too dominant. She just wanted a man who took charge, who went after what he wanted and sometimes just takes what he wants, particularly in the bedroom. The thought made her hotter with desire, especially since they were practically touching from head to toe. His body was rock solid and her soft curves molded into him perfectly.

  “I haven’t lied to you about anything Shane,” Satra said in an almost breathless whisper as she looked into his eyes with a confused eyebrow raised.

  “I’m not accusing you. I’m just letting you know what I want from you. Speaking of wants, I want you to walk back into that ball on my arm as my date for the evening.” His eyes continued to bore into hers before they travelled down to her beautiful lips again. What he really wanted was to stop talking and kiss those tantalizing lips.

  “Did you have to bear hug me to ask me that?” Satra asked as she studied his face, her hands resting on his hard chest.

  “You tried to walk away before we were done with our conversation so I had to keep you put.” He simply explained.

  “Ohh, gotcha,” Satra said nodding her head in mock understanding.

  “Stop toying with me woman. What is your answer?” Shane asked in a deep husky voice. His restraint and will power were quickly leaving him the longer he held her.

  There was nothing to think about. Satra wanted nothing more than to be his date.

  “I would love to be your date for the evening Mr. Evans,” Satra said softly as she shyly looked him in the eyes.

  Like a strong magnet their heads slowly moved closer together, their lips just a hair from touching. Shane’s breath was warm against her skin and she smelled a hint of alcohol. The temperature in the hallway seemed like it rose by 80 degrees. The last little ounce of willpower Shane had left in him kept him from taking her lips in the most passionate kiss of his life.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look?” He whispered, his eyes finding hers.

  “Yes, you did. Thank you…. again.” Satra whispered back.

  “You’re welcome. I just wanted to be sure.”

  “Ok.” Satra smiled. They both were enjoying their little banter.

  “We better get back to the party,” Shane said as he reluctantly loosened his hold on her.

  Clearing her throat Satra said, “Yes, we should.”

  Shane offered her his arm and they began to walk back to the stairwell. Shane’s heart was pounding and he could barely think straight. He wanted that feeling again, the feeling of having her in his arms.

  Before they reached the stairwell Shane stopped to face Satra.

  “Just for the record, there was never anything between Gretchen and I. She’s tried many times but she is not my type. I like women with curves in all the right places with meat on their bones and real breasts.”

  Shane let his eyes slowly sweep over Satra from her full breasts, small waist and beautifully shaped hips as he spoke. The heat from his eyes made Satra feel as though she were standing before him naked. His eyes captured Satra’s as he continued.

  “We were once business partners and she later tried to screw me over and I severe
d all ties with her personally and professionally. Each time she runs into me she tries to act like everything is okay between us and I have to keep showing her that I don’t forget betrayals or dishonesty. She was jealous of seeing us together and wanted to know who you were. That’s all that little act she pulled was about.”

  Satra felt relieved, and a bit stupid for being so jealous.

  “Thank you for telling me that. You didn’t have to.”

  “I wanted you to know. The kind of woman I’m attracted to is on my arm right now,” Shane said as he looked deeply into Satra’s eyes. Her heart melted a million times over and she blushed. Now she really felt like a dufus for running away and pretending that she had to use the bathroom.

  Smiling Shane said, “Let’s get back to the party.” They began walking again towards the stairwell as Satra held on tight to his arm.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A gentleman was on the microphone letting everyone know that dinner was about to be served. As they headed down the stairs Shane said, “Shawn and Miranda asked if we would sit with them for dinner. Is that okay with you?”

  “Sure, I’d love to sit with them,” Satra said smiling up at Shane.

  He smiled down at her and said, “Watch your step” as they slowly descended down the stairs. Satra gathered her dress in the front and held on tighter to Shane’s muscled arm. Shane never felt so proud and happy in his life. People were watching them but he didn’t care. Shawn nudged Miranda and pointed in their direction.

  Miranda smiled and said, “She listened to me. They look beautiful together don’t they?”

  “You gave her some advice? I gave Shane advice too. It looks like they both listened.” Shawn smiled.

  Right when they stepped off of the last stair a photographer approached them.

  “Would you mind posing for a few pictures? It’s for the Manhattan Social Elite paper, or MSE for short.”

  Shane was hesitant about the idea because he’s such a private person, but when he looked down at Satra, he saw in her eyes that she didn’t mind. Those big, beautiful almond shaped eyes sparkled up at him and it made his heart skip a beat. Before he could say anything Satra said, “I don’t mind, do you?”

  Just then the camera flashed. He captured them as they gazed at each other, totally wrapped up in their own world and in each other.

  Frowning at the photographer Shane said, “We weren’t ready yet.”

  “Oh, my apologies. It was such a nice shot I just took it. It turned out great if you’d like to see it when we’re done.” The young photographer stammered nervously.

  “I also want copies.” Shane said as he reached inside of his tuxedo jacket and handed the photographer his business card.

  “Sure thing Mr. Evans.”

  Satra felt embarrassed and nervous about the photographer catching them in such an intimate moment. She was still holding on to his arm, almost possessively and gazing up into his beautiful face while he smiled down at her. This time to be sure she was ready for the photographer she let go of Shane’s arm and stood by his side ready for their picture to be taken. Shane looked down at her frowning, not liking that she broke their contact. In response he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side, his fingertips grazing her hip. Satra was surprised but tried her best not to let it show. She relaxed in his embrace and wrapped her arm around his waist as well.

  “That’s beautiful, guys.” The photographer said as he clicked away.

  “Now if you could turn into him and place your hand on his chest.”

  Shane liked the pose the photographer was asking Satra to do. It meant she would be even closer to him. Satra was a bit unsure about doing this but she followed his direction. The intimate pose made her heart rate go from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds. She could feel Shane’s heartbeat through his tuxedo jacket on her fingertips and it was beating just as fast as hers, if not faster. His hand rested possessively on her lower waist.

  “Hold your chin up just a bit…perfect!” The photographer instructed Satra.

  The photographer quickly took about ten or twelve pictures and then walked up to them to show them a preview. The first picture he took of them when they weren’t ready made Satra gasp.

  ‘Is that what Miranda was talking about when she said she could see how we looked at each other?’

  It was such an intimate yet beautiful picture of them. The way Shane looked down at her, so adoringly, and Satra looking at him the same way, totally oblivious to anything else going on around them. Shane was also taken aback by the picture. He loved it. He loved the way Satra looked up at him, smiling and happy. That image would stay in his memory for the rest of his life. She looked absolutely beautiful, and it also showed him how intensely he looked at her.

  ‘Shawn was right. I do have it bad for her.’ He thought to himself.

  Interrupting both of their thoughts the photographer said, “I find the pictures taken of people off guard tend to be the best pictures because you’re capturing honest and real moments. This is my favorite picture already. You can tell that you two are in love.”

  “Oh wow…” Satra whispered.

  “Let’s see the rest of the pictures,” Shane said quickly as he tried to ignore the photographer’s last comment.

  The photographer quickly went on to the next pictures.

  “I like all of them. You look like a GQ model Shane,” Satra said as she nudged Shane in his side with her elbow, attempting to lighten the mood.

  “No, you look like the beautiful runway model,” he said disagreeing.

  “You two look amazing together and could easily be models. Have either of you modeled before?” The photographer chimed in.

  “No.” Satra and Shane said in unison.

  Shane was lying but he wasn’t ready to admit to his modeling past just yet.

  “I find that very hard to believe.” The photographer said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Copies, don’t forget to send me copies.” Shane reminded the photographer as he gently put his hand on Satra’s waist to guide her to the dining area.

  “I’ll do that now Mr. Evans. Thank you both for your time. You look great together.” The photographer yelled out to them.

  Satra was a ball of nerves on the inside.

  ‘You can tell that you two are in love’ kept replaying in her mind over and over. She didn’t fully believe what her mom, Alinna and now Miranda has been telling her until she saw that picture of her and Shane with her own eyes. ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ couldn’t be truer. They definitely looked like a very happy couple.

  ‘Just try to get through dinner. Don’t get all weird on Shane just because of some pictures girl!’ She chastised herself.

  Cutting into her thoughts as they made their way to their table with Shawn and Miranda, Shane said

  “He’s right you know. We do look good together.”

  Looking down at Satra he smiled and winked at her and Satra smiled in return shaking her head.

  “Such a conceited man you are.”

  “Not conceit Bella, honest. We look good together and you know it. This is the second picture of us that proves it.” Shane countered confidently.

  For a moment Satra was distracted by the Italian term of endearment he called her and how it flowed off his tongue. This was the second time he called her Bella, and she liked it. It was so sexy. Hearing Shane speak in Italian was sexy. Just as they reached Shawn and Miranda’s table where two other couples were sitting, Mr. Di Amato was summoning them to his table towards the front of the room.

  A waiter approached them and said, “Excuse me, but Mr. Di Amato would like for the two of you to sit at his table with him and his guests.”

  Shane cursed under his breath. The last thing he wanted to do was talk business over dinner. Not when he had Satra on his arm. He wanted to lavish all of his attention on her tonight, and he wanted all of her attention to be on him.

  Pulling a chair out for
Satra he sat her down and then whispered in her ear “I’ll be right back.” It sent warms chills down her spine, and she shivered a bit. She hoped to God Shane didn’t notice, but of course he did. Smiling to himself he whispered in her ear

  “Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?”

  He knew he was being bad but he couldn’t resist.

  He sounded sexy as hell and Satra hated him for it, but she hated herself more because her body always reacted to this man, even when he wasn’t touching her. Trying her best to act normal Satra turned her head slightly to look Shane in the eyes over her right shoulder and said, “No, I’m fine but thank you.”

  Smiling back at her Shane wanted to do nothing but steal a kiss from her before he stepped away.

  Standing straight he said to the rest of the couples at the table “Please excuse me for a moment.”

  Miranda and Shawn introduced Satra to the other couples at the table. Satra and Miranda made eye contact and Miranda smiled and winked at her. Satra smiled back in return.

  Shane went to Mr. Di Amato’s table and lowered his head to speak to him.

  “Satra and I wanted to have dinner with the Giovanni’s, they asked us to sit with them. I hope you’ll understand.”

  “Oh that’s no problem. I thought you two were looking for a table to sit and I wanted to let you know that you always have a spot at my table. I could’ve easily had extra chairs brought out to make room.”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. Enjoy your dinner,” Shane said as he straightened back up, patting Mr. Di Amato on the shoulder as he did so.

  “You do the same my boy, you do the same.” Mr. Di Amato said as he nodded towards Satra. Shane smiled and walked back to his table and sat next to Satra.

  “What did I miss?” He whispered to Satra.

  “Nothing, Miranda and John introduced me to the other couples. Do you know the Stanley’s and Victor and Simone Edwards?” Satra whispered back.


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