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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 26

by Unknown

  “No I don’t, but I’ll introduce myself,” Shane said.

  “Nonsense,” Satra said and took it upon herself to introduce Shane to the other guests at their table. She was so sweet and polite in doing so, even a bit bashful and Shane adored her all the more for it.

  “Debbie and Sam Stanley this is Shane Evans, a colleague of mine and also my date for tonight.”

  Miranda and Shawn smiled at each other when Satra said, “My date for the night.”

  Satra continued “And Victor and Simone Edwards, this is Shane Evans.”

  Rising out of his chair to shake everyone’s hands Shane smiled and said, “Nice to meet you” to all of the couples. Finding her hand under the table in her lap Shane gently squeezed it and Satra looked at him and smiled. It was a relaxed and happy smile. That’s the smile he wanted to always see from her for the rest of his life.

  Dinner was lively and full of laughter and great stories. Satra hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time. A few times she thought she would choke on her food or drink she laughed so much. She and Shane shared a crème brulee with fresh berries on top. Soon the band started up again with some up-tempo songs. Shawn and Miranda got up to dance and the other couples followed. Shane and Satra simply enjoyed talking and laughing with each other.

  He was gazing at her with a crooked smile on his lips, thinking for the one hundredth time how beautiful, sweet, and sexy she was when Satra interrupted his thoughts and said, “Ok Shane, this is where the good people watching begins.”

  Snapping out of his trance he sat up straighter and crossed his long legs and said, “Oh is it? Well let’s get started,” he said as he rubbed his hands together.

  “Oh my goodness, look at Herbert on the dance floor showing his wife what he’s gonna do to her when they get home,” Satra said as she discreetly pointed in the direction that she was referring to.

  “Herbert?” Roared Shane as he threw his head back and laughed.

  Chuckling Satra said, “Yes, Herbert. Doesn’t he look like a Herbert to you? We have to give them names because that’s what makes it so fun Shane!”

  Shane couldn’t stop laughing because “Herbert” was doing some moves that shouldn’t be done in public. They continued to make each other laugh until tears were almost rolling down Shane’s cheeks and his stomach was in knots, and Satra was dabbing her eyes with her napkin. They knew people were looking at them wondering what in the world was so funny but they didn’t care. Shane couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun with anyone or laughed this hard. The other guests noticed the good time he and Satra were having and how cozy they were with each other. They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn’t notice the stares and whispers that were going on around them. That night Shane forgot his family name and wealth. He was for once able to be himself and have fun with no thought or cares as to who was watching or what someone could possibly run back and tell the gossip mills. Frankly he didn’t care. It was time for him live his life freely for himself. The band switched from up-tempo to slow songs. Some of the couples left the dance floor but most stayed.

  “Would you like to dance?” Shane asked Satra.

  “I’d love to,” Satra said as she took his hand as he helped her out of her chair and led her to the dance floor.

  They found a spot in the middle of the dance floor and Shane smoothly pulled her close to him and wrapped her up in his arms. God she felt good in his arms. Everything in him wanted to pull her even closer until they touched from head to toe but he knew he couldn’t do that. Satra became used to his touch through the course of the evening. His big warm hand was always on the small of her back or around her small waist. The strong electric currents still shook through her every time they touched.

  She didn’t look up at him for the first few moments that they danced. She couldn’t bring herself to, and Shane didn’t make matters any better as he stared intently at her.

  Finally Shane pulled back until she met his eyes and asked, “Are you okay? I’m not stepping on your toes am I?”

  She knew he was teasing her.

  “To the contrary, Mr. Evans. You’re an excellent dancer,” Satra said as she finally met his eyes.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” He replied in a low voice.

  “I’m glad you agreed to be my date tonight. I’m having a really good time with you. This is probably the most fun I’ve had in years.”

  “I’m having a great time too. How does my mascara look? You had me crying back there talking about Mavis and June.”

  Shane laughed for a moment at the memory and then tried to get serious again as he observed her beautiful eyes.

  “Your mascara is perfect, just like the rest of you.”

  “Aw I bet you say that to all the ladies,” Satra said jokingly and looked away. She was too nervous to keep looking him in the eyes.

  “Don’t do that,” Shane said in a serious tone. The change in his tone surprised Satra. Confused she asked

  “Don’t do what?”

  “Don’t dismiss what I say to you as if I don’t mean it, like I’m just trying to flatter you for the hell of it. I’m nothing like the other guys you’ve dated Satra and I’m sure as hell nothing like Matt,” Shane said with eyes darkened by anger at the mere mention of Matt.

  Satra was taken aback. She had no clue she had offended him, nor was it her intent to offend him. She just struggled with taking compliments from anybody, but especially him.

  “I’m sorry….I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that I get embarrassed and nervous when I’m complimented like that. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to being the center of attention. When I laugh it off or dismiss compliments, it’s like a coping mechanism.”

  Now Shane felt like an ass. He had forgotten that she had told him in South Carolina how shy she was and how hard it was for her to take compliments. But even still – he wanted that to change. He didn’t want her to be embarrassed in any shape or form when she was with him or by anything he said to her.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you. I forgot how shy you are, but I need you to know that I mean what I say to you Satra. I know for a fact I’m the envy of every man in here because I have the most beautiful woman at the ball in my arms. I’ve seen the jealous looks, and I’ve overheard a few conversations. Take my word for it.”

  “It’s okay. Just try to be patient with me. As far as that other stuff goes, I’ll take your word for it. And thank you for calling me beautiful.”

  That tugged at his heart. Then Shane watched as Satra blessed him with a small smile. He gently moved a curly lock of hair out of her eyelash and then brushed the back of his knuckles across her soft face. Satra closed her eyes for a short moment before looking into Shane’s dark brown eyes. His need to kiss her was ridiculously strong and he had to get a grip on his emotions. He didn’t want to ruin the wonderful night they were having.

  He removed his hand from her silky soft cheek and took her hand into his and held it against his chest as they continued to sway to the music. Miranda and Shawn had joined them on the dance floor exchanging knowing smiles with them.

  Satra and Shane remained silent for the remainder of the dance. They simply enjoyed being in each other’s arms, their perfume and cologne gently mingling and their hearts beat as one. Shane pulled her closer to him until their knees touched. Satra looked at him in his eyes for a moment and smiled before she looked away.

  The song finally ended and Shane reluctantly released Satra from his embrace but his hand found hers and their fingers entwined as he led her off the dance floor. The intimate gesture made her body tingle all over in pleasure.

  “It’s a bit warm in here. Would you like to cool off with a walk in the gardens?”

  Shane asked Satra when they reached their table.

  “I’d love to take a walk in the gardens.”

  ‘It seems to be our thing.’ Satra thought to herself.

  She allowed Shane to lead her out of the ballroom
and down a hall that led to glass doors.

  There was a pathway lit up by lights that led to the most beautiful, lush gardens Satra had ever laid her eyes on.

  “Oh my goodness, this is more beautiful than the one in South Carolina.” She whispered.

  “I’ll have to bring you back during the daytime so you can really see how beautiful it is. People get married here all the time.”

  “I can see why,” Satra said in wonderment. Holding on to Shane’s arm she carefully walked the stoned path with him.

  “Watch your step, your heels can get caught in the cracks.” He warned as he took her hand into his to help guide her.

  “Don’t worry, I’m holding on tight to you,” Satra said as they continued to walk. Shane held on to her hand and Satra made no attempt to let his hand go. All kinds of warm, tingling sensations were going through her body the moment their skin touched. It made her feel nervous, excited and scared all at once, but she didn’t want the feeling to end either.

  There was a small maze in the middle of the garden and you had the option of going to the left or right.

  “Let’s go to the right,” Satra suggested.

  They quietly walked as Satra looked all around, ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over the beautiful plants and sculptures and fountains that decorated the garden. It was all so beautiful and the various flowers smelled wonderful.

  They had walked a little distance when Shane asked, “How are you doing? Are your feet hurting, we can stop and rest if you’d like.”

  How sweet of him to ask. “No, I’m okay actually. These heels are surprisingly comfortable.”

  “Ok, well just let me know,” Shane said as he smiled down at her. He placed his big warm hand over her hand that now held on to his arm for support while they walked.

  Further down the path they found a bench with a plaque. Satra stopped to read it. It was dedicated to a person who donated money to the preservation of the hotel’s gardens and historical preservation of the grounds.

  “All the years I’ve lived here and I never knew this garden existed. Then again I never had a reason to be on this side of town either,” Satra said in amazement.

  “I know what you mean. It was years before I even knew this garden existed. Really it wasn’t until I started to work for Di Amato and I began to attend his balls that I realized that this was here. That’s what happens when you don’t stop to smell the roses.”

  “Alinna makes sure I don’t get so bogged down with work that I forget to take a break and have some fun, and I love her for it. I have two weeks of vacation at my disposal and I think I’m going to use it and go to Italy.”

  “That’s great. Are you going by yourself?” Shane asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

  “I was thinking about going by myself but I haven’t decided. I thought it would be fun to travel by myself and see the sights. Another thing on my bucket list that I want to eventually cross off.”

  “It can also be very dangerous to travel alone, especially if you don’t know the language or custom. You’d stick out like a sore thumb Bella. They prey on tourists like you,” Shane said in a gentle but serious tone.

  He guided her to a bench to sit down and rest. He turned so that he could face her while they talked and crossed his leg. Satra shyly took her time to really observe and study his handsome face. He was beautiful. There was no other word she could use to describe him. In his eyes she saw a loving, gentle man who can also have a temper if the wrong buttons are pushed. She also saw a dominant man who knew how to get what he wanted, and it was such a turn on. ‘I bet he’d look good with a beard. All rugged and out-doorsy….’ She quietly pondered to herself. Pushing her lustful thoughts to the side she took a moment to digest his words of warning.

  As Satra observed him she really came to appreciate the man’s style. Shane Evans oozes style, sex appeal and confidence – all things that make a man irresistible. He took great pride in his appearance and Satra loved that he did. The best way to describe his style was clean and classic. Shane wasn’t flashy by any means, but there was no mistaking that his clothes and shoes were very expensive. He could afford it, so why not have the best? Satra thought to herself.

  Shane patiently waited for her response as he watched her observe him. He liked how she looked directly at him without the shyness. He wanted her to see what his eyes were telling her, but more importantly to see him for him, flaws and all.

  “You sound like someone who has been to Italy many times.” Satra finally said.

  “I have. That’s where my family is from. That’s where my grandparents lived. I’ve spent many summers with them there. “

  “When was the last time you were there?”

  “Four years ago for my grandmother’s funeral.”

  Satra frowned at his words. Her heart instantly broke for him. “Oh Shane, I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Satra said as she gently touched his hand. Shane looked at her hand on top of his and smiled. He looked into her eyes and said, “Thank you Bella. She lived a long, fulfilling life till the age of ninety-eight. She died peacefully in her sleep. What more could you ask for?”

  “Ninety-eight, wow. That is a long time to live. What a blessing to have her for so long.”

  “It truly was a blessing to have her for so long. I’ve learned so much from her all the way till the end. She was always giving me advice, teaching me how to cook or perfect a dish. I miss her a lot. I hope to live that long.”

  Satra could see the sadness in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Her heart broke for him, but she was also touched to hear him speak of his grandmother in such a loving way.

  Satra reached out and touched his hand again in sympathy. “I miss my grandparents too. I lost grandpa Henry, my dad’s father, in junior high and grandma Maddie my dad’s mother, passed five years ago. My brothers and I were very close to our dad’s parents. My mom’s parents died when she was a teenager in a car accident.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Shane said softly with understanding in his eyes. The mood was now sad as they both now thought about their dead loved ones, and Shane wanted to change that.

  “Well whenever you decide to go to Italy let me know. I can tell you about some really nice places to eat and where to go for beautiful sightseeing.”

  “Thanks, I’ll do that,” Satra said, offering him a small smile.

  There was a short nervous pause between them. So many thoughts were running through Satra’s mind at the moment she didn’t know what to say. Shane finally spoke.

  “I want to share something with you that I haven’t shared with anyone else, not even my family, except for my dad, so you have to promise to keep it to yourself.” Shane stated in a serious tone. Satra’s eyes got big in surprise and she felt honored that he would trust her with a personal secret.

  “I promise not to tell a soul. You can trust me.” She assured him.

  Taking a deep breath Shane said, “I’ve started my own consulting firm and Di Amato doesn’t know anything about it. Or maybe he does and is waiting for me to tell him.”

  “Shane! That is freakin’ awesome!” Satra yelled in excitement. Before he knew it she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Shane chuckled and hugged her back, happy at her response to his news, and happy to have her soft body in his arms again. His ex-girlfriend Kate would’ve scoffed at him and called him all kinds of stupid for leaving Di Amato. But that’s only because she was power and money hungry.

  “I’m glad you’re happy for me, it means a lot Satra,” he said after she released his neck from her tight embrace.

  “Why wouldn’t I be happy for you? If this is your dream, something you’re passionate about then I’m going to be happy for you and support you one thousand percent.”

  “I really needed to hear that. Thank you.”

  “I mean it. I don’t believe in stomping on someone else’s dreams. I’m truly happy and proud of you Shane. You’re too smart and have too much talent to work for Di
Amato. I always felt you should be running your own firm.”

  Shane was pleasantly surprised by her words. He sat back and observed the beautiful woman before him. “Wow. Thank you. I wasn’t expecting to hear that from you.”

  “I do my homework Mr. Evans. You’re brilliant and Di Amato knows it. He’s a user. You saw him try to recruit me that night when we first met. He’s such a shark,” Satra said with disgust.

  Shane could do nothing but laugh. “You’re right about that Bella, and very observant. That’s what I liked about you the first time we met. I could tell that you read through Di Amato’s bull.”

  “Well he doesn’t exactly try to hide his bull so……,” Satra said chuckling and Shane laughed with her.

  “I want to hear more about your new venture. I’m so proud of you Shane. It takes a lot of courage to branch out on your own.”

  Shane smiled at her as her eyes glowed with excitement. She had no idea how much her words of encouragement meant to him. He debated on whether or not to share this information with her, but after spending more time with her at the ball tonight laughing and talking, he knew he could trust Satra with anything. She made him want to tell her things, even his deepest darkest secrets and fears, wishes and dreams. Satra had quickly become one of his closest friends.

  “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “I don’t have anything going on other than sleeping in and lounging around the house. Why?”

  “Let’s go to breakfast tomorrow morning and I can tell you all about it. I’ll come pick you up. I know a nice mom and pop diner just outside of the city we could go to. They have the best home cooked food you could ask for.”

  “I’d love to go to breakfast, and I love mom and pop diners!” Satra said excitedly. “I’m so excited for you Shane, I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

  “I’m pretty excited too. It’s been a dream of mine for so long and now it’s finally come true,” Shane said smiling happily. They gazed at each other for a moment before Shane looked down at his watch and said, “We should probably head back.”


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