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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 34

by Unknown

  “Let’s go,” Shane said as he loaded his car and got in.

  Shane called Satra, hoping they could go to dinner earlier than planned, but she convinced him to finish what he was doing and they’d catch dinner afterwards. She wanted time to catch up with her parents and tell them the news about her and Shane. She was anxious to let the world know, starting with her family, that she was in love with Shane Evans and happier than ever. She also wanted Shane to meet her family as soon as possible, and that was something she planned on discussing with him at dinner.

  Satra couldn’t help but feeling half complete and happy at the moment. Her love life was beautiful and blossoming with Shane, but she felt this dark cloud with Di Amato was looming over her. Until that whole situation was resolved she didn’t feel like she could totally relax and enjoy all the beautiful things that have happened to her over these past few months. After being single and unhappy for so long she’s ready to relish in her happiness and to celebrate love, real love, for the first time in her life.

  Once Satra was home from work she called her mom. After exchanging pleasantries and asking how her and her dad were doing all Satra managed to say was “Mom, I’m in love with Shane” before her mother screamed and laughed and shouted for her husband, who was in his man cave watching ESPN, to pick up the phone. Satra held the phone away from her ear and laughed at her mother’s jubilation. After giving them the condensed version of everything, Satra told them that she wanted them to meet him right away.

  “Let’s make this happen soon. Why don’t you two come to Milwaukee so the whole family can meet him?” Her father suggested.

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Satra said getting more excited by the minute.

  “Now ma, don’t go overboard with cleaning the house. I don’t want you too tired to enjoy yourself. I’ll help you with cooking too.”

  “Look here little girl, don’t you try to tell me how clean I should have my house! I’ve waited a long time for this moment and I’m going to make sure that everything is perfect. Can y’all come next weekend? That’ll give me enough time to make sure the boys can be here and all the grand kids.”

  “I’ll ask Shane tonight at dinner ma. I’ll call you when I get home to let you know if next weekend will work for him, okay?” Satra said smiling.

  “Ok.” Her mother said excitedly.

  “Yeah, me and Shane need to have a talk……”

  Her father added randomly.

  “I know you do daddy. Just be nice, okay? He’s a good man and he treats me like a queen.”

  “I’m glad to hear it, but you’re my only daughter so I have to see all of that for myself. I need to look him in the eyes.”

  Shaking her head Satra knew it would be pointless to argue or challenge her father on this, and she had no intention of doing so.

  “I understand daddy. Well I have to go you guys. I gotta get ready for dinner and I have a few more phone calls to make before Shane picks me up. I’ll call you later tonight mama, okay?”

  “Ok baby. I love you. “

  “Love you baby girl.” Her father chimed in.

  “I love you both too, bye.”

  Smiling Satra called Alinna. She had to endure more screaming only louder and longer than what her mother did.

  “Details Satra, I need details!” Alinna demanded.

  “I can’t give you details right now Linna, I gotta get ready for dinner!” Just then her call waiting beeped.

  “And that’s probably him calling me now to tell me when he’ll be here. I’m gonna have to go sweetie. Let’s do lunch tomorrow.” Satra said.

  “Tomorrow at noon. I’ll swing by to get you and we’ll decide where to go later.”

  “Ok, sounds like a plan, hun. Love you, gotta go,” Satra said before hanging up and clicking over to her other line.


  “There’s my baby.” Came Shane’s smooth, deep baritone voice that made her panties wet every time she heard it.

  “Hey baby” came Satra’s husky reply.

  Shane smiled. God he loved her.

  “I’m done with work and I just made it home. I missed you and I can’t wait to see you. “

  “I missed you too. When are you coming to get me?” Satra asked softly.

  “Give me twenty minutes. No, make that fifteen. I’m taking you to my best friend’s restaurant. It’s called Derricks. It’s very nice, upscale. I think you’ll love it.”

  “I’ve heard of Derrick’s! It’s hard to get a reservation there. Alinna and I have been dying to go there for so long.” Satra was in total disbelief. It truly was a small world.

  “Well consider you and Alinna’s days of not being able to get a reservation at Derrick’s a thing of the past. You’ll always get a table now.” Shane chuckled.

  “Look at my man throwing his power around! You know that’s sexy right?” Satra said in a low voice.

  Shane smiled, loving how she referred to him as ‘her man.’

  “Go get sexy for me and I’ll be there in a few.”

  His deep, sexy voice made Satra tingle all over.

  “Ok. You just hurry up and get here,” Satra said smiling.

  “Bye Bella.”

  “Bye sweetie.”

  As soon as she hung up her phone she ran upstairs and took the fastest shower in history, freshened up the curls in her hair and got out her classic little black dress and ultra-sexy black strappy 4 ½ inch heels. She wore nothing but her diamond tennis bracelet that her father got for her as a gift when she graduated from college. She put on red lipstick, and made her eyes smoky, completing the look with black liquid eyeliner on her top lid to give herself a cat eye look and mascara on her lashes. She looked at herself in her full-length mirror and was happy with what she saw. “You want sexy? I’ll give you sexy Mr. Evans,” she said to herself before grabbing her satin clutch and car keys. Even the bodyguards did a double take as she came down the stairs to wait for Shane.

  The doorbell rang and Satra began to run to it but was stopped by Sterling. He looked through the peephole and then opened the door and let Shane inside. Shane spoke to the bodyguard and then continued inside. When he saw Satra his heart jumped out of his chest and his mouth hit the floor. She looked sexier than he could ever imagine. She was almost too sexy and he started to think about ordering in and not letting her leave the house. There was no way he was going to put up with men ogling her with their lust filled eyes, nor would he be responsible for his reaction of kicking their asses as a result.

  Satra saw the approval, lust, and overall surprise in his eyes and it made her blush and feel confident all at the same time. She did a slow, sexy twirl and said, “Is this sexy enough for you?”

  Shane’s darkened eyes met hers and his face got serious. He walked up to her and took her into his arms, crushing her body against hers and claimed her mouth like a man possessed. He didn’t care that Sterling was just a few feet away. Hell, Sterling’s a man, he understands.

  For a split second Satra was going to protest Shane messing up her lipstick, but after the immediate swipe of his tongue demanding entrance and doing things she never thought were possible with his tongue, she quickly forgot about that silly notion. All she could do was softly moan her pleasure and grab two handful of his thick, silky hair at the back of his head. Shane’s hands roamed all over her body, but mostly stayed on her hips and butt grabbing and massaging and pulling her closer to him. His kisses didn’t let up either. It was as though he was punishing her for doing exactly what he told her to do….and for teasing him when she did the sexy twirl and asked him if this was sexy enough for him.

  His arousal was poking her in the stomach and once again in true Shane kissing fashion, her panties were ruined. Satra was really beginning to worry that dinner would be cancelled and instead they’d be upstairs in her bedroom waking up her neighbors with their wild lovemaking. After long moments of having his way with his woman, Shane finally slowed down and ended with gentle pecks an
d nips of her lips, cheeks, and finally her neck – a place he knew was her sweet spot.

  “Mmmmmm….you play dirty.” Satra moaned as he made wet, sexy, mind blowing trails up and down the column of her neck. Satra’s knees were getting weaker by the second.

  Kissing her one last time Shane looked her in the eyes, letter her see the raw passion and need in them and said, “You started it. First with this dress, that hair, those heels, and these luscious red lips. Then you teased me. It’s never a good thing to tease me Satra unless…you’re willing to pay the consequences. You have no idea of how close I was to carrying you up those stairs to your bedroom. I’m still tempted to do so….”

  Wiping her lipstick off of his kiss swollen lips and chin Satra whispered “As much as I love the idea of being ravished by you in every sense of the word, I’m starving and I know you are too and I wouldn’t feel comfortable being ravished by you with the bodyguards around. So let’s get out of here mister. And tell your other mister to stand down.” Satra smiled and winked at him before giving him a quick peck on the lips. Shane smiled back and chuckled.

  “You’re a wicked tease. Soon, very soon I’m going to tame that,” Shane said as he swatted her behind.

  Satra laughed as she walked to her guest bathroom to freshen up her lipstick. She could feel Shane’s lust filled eyes on her which made her swing her hips a tad bit more just for him. She was back in no time and they left her condo and headed to Derrick’s. On their way there Shane told her about his and Derrick’s friendship and how they’ve remained close all these years later. Satra came to the conclusion that Derrick was the brother Shane wished he had. He and his wife sounded like good, down to earth people and she couldn’t wait to meet them. About fifteen minutes later they were in front of the restaurant. A valet rushed to the car and took the keys from Shane. Shane came on the passenger side to help Satra out. He instantly put his arm around her and whispered in her ear “I forgot my manners earlier. I didn’t tell you how beautiful you look tonight.”

  Satra smiled up at him and said, “That kiss you laid on me said it all Mr. Evans. You look delicious yourself.”

  “Thank you baby,” Shane said as he nuzzled her neck with his nose and planted a quick kiss just below her ear.

  Shane had called Derrick and told him that they’d be there at 7:30pm and he met them at the door. Shane and Derrick hugged tightly. It had been a long time since they had seen one another.

  “It’s been too long brotha. How have you been? You look good!” Derrick boomed.

  “I’ve been good. Really good,” he said as he looked at Satra.

  “This beautiful, kind, and very special woman in my life is Satra Sinclair. Satra, this is Derrick Smith, my best friend and the man I’m always talking about.”

  “Now that’s an introduction!” Derrick laughed. “I must tell you Satra Sinclair that never in my life have I heard this man utter those words about anyone so I know you’re the real deal! I gotta give you a hug girl!” Derrick said laughing as he wrapped Satra in a big bear hug. Satra laughed as well, his words warming her heart.

  Derrick showed them to their table, which was in an intimate part of the beautiful restaurant. They had all the privacy they could ask for with a stunning view of downtown. Satra just noticed Shane’s five o’clock shadow and how sexy and rugged it made him look. She reached across the table and caressed his stubbled cheek. “I like this. I think you’d look so sexy with a beard.” Shane smiled at her and took her hand and planted a soft kiss on the inside of her palm. “One day I’ll grow it out for you,” he said in his deep voice.

  He went on to ask her about her day and Satra told him how busy she was, and she told him that she came clean to Grayson about the two of them. Shane was excited about having lunch with Grayson and his family. He wanted to get to know everyone that Satra held near and dear to her heart.

  “I also told my parents. They can’t wait to meet you and wanted to know if we could fly out to Milwaukee next weekend so everyone can meet you.”

  Not missing a beat Shane said, “Let’s do it. I can’t wait to meet your family Bella. I can’t wait to tell them how much I love you.”

  “I love you too baby.” She whispered back, her eyes full of love and happiness. Shane reached across the table and took her hand and kissed it tenderly. Then he turned her wrist over and kissed the inside of her palm and then the inside of her wrist. Satra tingled from head to toe, and her need for him increased even more.

  He continued to hold her hand and began to speak. “My dad knows about you, but he doesn’t know about the latest developments. I’ll be talking to my parents tonight. Keep your calendar clear because I’m sure we’ll be having dinner with my family on a regular basis knowing my mom.”

  “I can’t wait.” Satra smiled.

  Derrick prepared a wonderful Italian meal for them and the most exquisite dessert. When things slowed down he joined them at their table and they shared a lot of laughs. Derrick was so funny, and Satra could see why Shane loved him so much. He truly is a good man. They also had dinner plans with him and his wife coming up soon, and Satra couldn’t wait. She hadn’t had a social life in years and it felt good to be invited to dinners and double dates with other couples and each other’s families.

  While Satra and Derrick talked about old school hip hop and R&B groups like Total and Biggie Smalls Shane sat back and watched them smiling. Two of the people he loved most in the world were sitting with him laughing and talking like they’ve known each other for years. If Satra connected with Derrick this easily and quickly he knew that she and Derrick’s wife Lisa would become instant best friends. They were alike in so many ways. It was during this moment that Shane knew that he would propose sooner rather than later, and the jeweler he had been working with secretly to design Satra’s engagement ring would have to speed things up. He couldn’t take not having this woman all to himself too much longer. As soon as he gets the ring he decided he would propose and get married soon after.

  “Well I don’t want to hijack your entire date. Satra it was a pleasure meeting you, welcome to the family, and I couldn’t be happier for the two of you. This is a good man right here, a really good man with a heart as big as the sky.”

  Satra got misty eyed and stood up to give Derrick a big hug. “Thank you.” She whispered in his ear. “He makes me so happy and all I want to do is spend the rest of my life making him happy too.” Derrick pulled back and smiled down at her. “You will girl, you will. Just look at his face. He can’t stop smiling at you.” Satra glanced at Shane and smiled.

  Shane stood up and joined them. “I’m feeling left out of the love fest,” he said and Derrick turned towards him and hugged him tightly. “She’s a keeper man. I love her already. She’s definitely the one.” Derrick said in Shane’s ear.

  “Thanks man. FYI, I’m going to be making that happen real soon and will be needing your help. I’ll be in touch with more details okay?” Shane whispered back.

  Ending the hug with a handshake Derrick said, “For sure, for sure. Just let me know.” Derrick said before waving goodbye one last time to the both of them and heading back to his kitchen.

  Satra and Shane sat back down smiling at one another. “I like Derrick a lot. He’s so down to earth and funny. I can’t wait to meet his wife.”

  “You’re gonna love her. She’s super down to earth too, just the sweetest person you could ever meet. Those two together are sheer comedy. They are the most loving and funniest couple I’ve ever met. You don’t see happy couples like them these days.”

  “I think laughter is very important in a marriage. You have to be able to laugh and have fun with your mate,” Satra said.

  “I agree,” Shane said before taking a sip of his wine, his eyes never leaving hers.

  They sat there for the rest of the evening laughing and talking and simply enjoying each other’s company. For the first time in her life Satra felt like her life was on the road to being truly happy. She was in love, real
true love for the very first time with the most amazing, caring, loving man. There wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t thank God in prayer for her and Shane’s paths crossing. The thought of him being with someone else other than her made her heartache. All she knew was she wanted to marry this man, have his kids and grow old with him. She loved him so much that she’d have the 4 kids that he said he wanted. Her future looked so bright and so full. Nothing could take her off of cloud nine. Nothing………

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Frank Di Amato, finally you’ve taken my call. I’ve been trying to reach you since that fabulous ball a few weeks ago.”

  “Ms. O’Malley. What can I do for you, and please make it quick as I am a very busy man.” Frank said not hiding the irritation in his voice.

  “Shane Evans.” Gretchen O’Malley purred.

  “What about him?” Di Amato asked in a cool voice.

  “I heard you had an incident with him at the hotel with that young stallion you’re working with. You must tell me where you find these gorgeous men Frank.”

  “Get to the point Ms. O’Malley.” Frank said impatiently.

  “Shane Evans is a thorn in both of our sides. I think we can help each other out taking him down a peg or two….starting with the girlfriend.”

  Di Amato’s interest was now peaked. He sat up straight in his chair.

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “I know Shane, and there’s only two ways to get him and it’s through his family or his lady-friend. After watching those two at the ball I believe they’re in love. Dig up some dirt on her, make his happy world crumble at his feet and he just might turn back into the old Shane that you and I both love. He’s gotten soft, and soft is bad for business. Besides, he belongs to me and no one else.”

  While the thought piqued Frank Di Amato’s interest he wasn’t a fool. He knew Shane had far-reaching, important connections that could crush him and the money to back him up. All Di Amato had was his mob connections, something he was trying to distance himself from.


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