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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 35

by Unknown

  Chuckling to himself he said, “Ms. O’Malley, as much as I like the way you think, I must warn you that you’re playing with fire with this. You won’t be just taking on Shane Evans. You’ll be taking on his father, their never ending money, and all of the connections they have all over the world at their disposal. And what do you have? A bruised ego that you want massaged because the man you’ve been throwing yourself at for years never showed you a speck of interest and he’s now in love with a beautiful young lady.”

  “You old, wrinkled bastard! How dare you speak to me that way?” Gretchen shrieked into the phone.

  Frank Di Amato simply laughed.

  “My dear, I simply speak the truth. You must look at the big picture and stop thinking with your hurt feelings. Shane isn’t your typical rich man. He’s very independent of his family but trust me, when he needs their help he will go to them for it, and they will destroy you my dear. So think long and hard before you decide to take them on over a broken, jealous heart. And let’s not forget – you did try to double cross him a few years back. He hasn’t forgotten that and he will never forgive you for it.”

  Gretchen was fuming, practically foaming at the mouth as she listened to the old man slap her with the truth. Everything he said was true and it pissed her off even more.

  “I loathe you.” Gretchen spat out before slamming the phone down, hanging up on Frank Di Amato. Frank laughed heartily as he looked at his phone and hung it up. “Women,” he said in Italian and continued to laugh. He already had a plan in place that would affect Lucas and Daniels, Satra and Shane, and if all goes as planned; he will be the one laughing all the way to the bank.


  After Shane and Satra’s romantic dinner at Derrick’s, Shane went by his parent’s house and told them about Satra. His mom was so happy she burst into tears. Shane’s father was simply happy for his son. He was happy to see Shane genuinely happy for the first time in his romantic life. His mom couldn’t wait another second to meet Satra and insisted that she come over to meet the family for dinner Thursday evening. The following Friday Satra and Shane were flying out to Milwaukee to meet her family. Satra thought she’d be nervous about meeting Shane’s family but instead she was anxious. She had heard nothing but good things from Shane and Derrick about them and felt like she already knew them.

  It was Tuesday and Shane asked Satra have dinner with him at his place. She had never been there and he felt it was time. He had his staff prepare the back yard for a beautiful candle light dinner for two, something casual and comfortable but romantic. He instructed Satra to dress casually and comfortably. He wanted her to feel at home at his home, a home that would soon become her home.

  He was excited and nervous at the same time. He hoped she loved his home as much as he did, and if she didn’t, she had free range to change whatever she wanted to change. He wanted her to be happy no matter what. He got home, quickly changed and then hopped in his car to pick up Satra. It was a warm day so she opted for a long, flowing yellow spaghetti strap maxi dress that came to her ankles and gold strappy sandals. She wore her hair down, and simply finger combed it. She hadn’t curled it in a few days and it had poofed up with deep waves in it. Always punctual, Shane was at her door ringing her doorbell just moments later. Satra had gotten used to not answering her own door anymore. Sterling was right there to check things out and open the door for her. Shane greeted Sterling as he walked in and smiled when his eyes lay upon Satra. She looked breathtaking, like an exotic island goddess, and he loved the way she wore her hair, wild and free.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  He said in his deep voice as he took her into his arms to kiss her. He felt like he hadn’t seen her in months and couldn’t resist giving her a few naughty strokes of his tongue, causing her to moan softly in pleasure.

  Pulling back Satra whispered “I really think we should stop doing this in front of Sterling.”

  Chuckling Shane said, “Trust me sweetheart, he understands. Hell, any man who takes one look at you would understand why I can’t keep my hands off of you. You take my breath away every time I see you.”

  “And you make my heart stop beating every time I see you,” Satra said shyly. Shane smiled at her sweet bashfulness and kissed her again. “I love you.” He whispered against her swollen lips.

  Ever since Shane revealed his feelings for her at her condo after their fight, he told Satra he loved her every day. It simply rolled off his tongue because he meant it, and he felt it with every fiber of his being.

  “I love you too Shane.”

  They kissed again, this time deeply and slowly.

  Shane slowly pulled back and gazed into Satra’s beautiful love filled eyes before he finally said

  “You look beautiful. I love yellow on you, it’s beautiful against your skin.”

  “Thank you!” Satra beamed. “You look handsome as always, like you’re fresh off the runway,” Satra said as she smiled up at him.

  ‘Wait until I tell her that I used to model.’ Shane smiled to himself.

  “Thank you baby. You ready to go?”

  ‘Yes, straight to the bedroom!’ Satra’s mind screamed.

  “Mmhmm,” Satra said. Shane took her hand and led her towards her door. Sterling opened it for them and they left.

  Their drive to his home was filled with laughter and their normal bantering. Shane told her about his day and Satra told him about hers. They both were excited about meeting each other’s families. Before Satra knew it they were pulling up in front of Shane’s estate. Her mouth almost hit the floor it was so beautiful and elegant and surrounded by tall, well-groomed trees that hid his home from sight. If he hadn’t turned off the road to the left that led to his gated home Satra wouldn’t have ever known it was there. But once they were past the huge black iron gates, the long winding driveway that led to his home and the landscaping surrounding it was breathtaking. The house itself was plantation style with a wrap-around porch with hanging chairs and swings. Satra never would’ve pictured Shane with a country style home but that’s exactly what he had. It was so simple yet elegant. She had pictured him in some multi-million dollar ultra-hip, ultra-modern home designed by some world-renowned architect. Instead, as she looked at his home, Satra instantly pictured kids running and playing in the front yard and chasing each other around the porch while she and Shane cuddled up on the swing watching them.

  Finding her voice as Shane pulled up in front of his home she said, “Shane your home is…breathtaking.”

  Smiling broadly he hoped she’d say that. He bought this home with the intent of marrying and having kids, lots of kids, to run around and play and fill his home with love and joy. After meeting Satra Sinclair he knew deep down in his heart that she was the only woman that could give him that, and he couldn’t wait to share his home with her soon. “Thank you. I’m glad you like it,” he said before he got out and walked to her side of the car and helped her out. He took her hand as they walked up the stairs of his porch. His butler opened the front door for them and greeted Shane.

  “Hello Mason. This is Satra Sinclair.”

  “Very nice to meet you Ms. Sinclair.” Mason, an older white gentleman said as he took her hand and kissed the back of it. He wasn’t wearing the typical butler attire; rather he wore a simple black blazer, dress slacks and a crisp white shirt. No tie. His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, which made Satra believe that he was a fun person to be around. “It’s very nice to meet you too Mason,” Satra said smiling.

  Shane ushered Satra further into his home and Satra was speechless. It was so beautiful and so big! It was bright and spacious and there was a lot of natural light that came inside of the home and Satra loved it. There were huge floor to ceiling windows with beautiful drapery trimmed in lace that looked very expensive, possibly imported. There were huge vases of fresh roses, lilies, and tulips everywhere. They varied in color from the deepest red, pink, white, yellow and blue. There were beautiful paintings and other sculptures
, but not so many that his home felt like a museum. He took her to his living room first which was decorated in earth tones.

  “This is the living room. Besides my bedroom I think this is the most comfortable room in the house. This is where I come to read, sometimes to work, or to just clear my head. I purposely didn’t put a TV in here because whenever I have company over I want them to come in here and talk and enjoy one another. There is the option of music though under the bookshelf,” he said as he pointed to his right.

  Shane paused to pick up a remote control and push a button. Suddenly out popped a music system with a multiple cd player with two smallish speakers on each side. He then pushed play and one of Satra’s favorite Sade songs came on. The sound that came out of the small speakers and other hidden speakers in the walls and ceiling was so crisp and clean and the bass was perfect.

  “This is a beautiful, comfy room,” Satra said as she continued to look around, noting his subtle decorative additions throughout the room. The room definitely had a woman’s touch and she liked it. It had a rustic yet chic feel to it with its vaulted ceilings, natural wood, and hardwood floors. In the middle of the room sat a huge, walnut shell colored plush sectional made of the smoothest lambskin with cream colored decorative pillows. There was a huge, inviting fireplace with a beautiful cream rug in front of it and vanilla scented candles of all shapes and sizes all over the room. Directly ahead was another huge window that gave you a beautiful view of his gardens.

  Smiling Shane said, “I’m glad you like it. My mom and sister had some input on the decorating of my home. They wanted to make sure I didn’t have things too manly throughout the house. The two rooms they had no input on were my man cave and my bedroom. Those two places I hold sacred,” he said winking at her teasingly as he led her out of the living room and into his massive dining room down the hall.

  It looked like something out of an old movie. The dining room table was made of solid oak and could seat 12-14 people comfortably. The place settings were burgundy and cream with crystal wine glasses and crystal candleholders with cream-colored candles across the table. The chairs were also made of solid oak with cream upholstery, but the two winged back chairs at the ends of the table were burgundy. Satra loved the color schemes and how the chairs and place settings added that pop of color to the room. Hanging from the ceiling over the dining room table was a huge crystal chandelier. In all four corners of the room were the same large white pillars that were on the outside of the house. It gave the room such a rich, presidential feel. Straight ahead were two huge glass doors that gave a breathtaking view of his massive pool. It looked as though you could step out of the room and right into the pool.

  “I bet that view is so beautiful at night,” Satra said in awe.

  “It really is, especially with the natural light of the moon bouncing off the water. It’s the most beautiful sight you could ever see. It allows me to pretend I’m on a real beach somewhere.”

  The next stop on Shane’s tour was his kitchen. It was massive. Everything was stainless steel, black, white and cherry wood. This had to be the most modern of all the rooms Satra has seen so far. In the middle of the kitchen was a massive island with a double sink, a six burner stove with a built in grill, and a long counter with stools for eating or hanging out. Off to the side was a table and booth for more seating. There was a double convection oven built into the wall across from the island along with a built in microwave next to it. There were cabinets all around the room from top to bottom, and a pots and pan rack over the island filled with every sized pot and pan you could possibly need. There was a glass door near the entrance of the kitchen that held a huge walk in pantry. It was stocked from floor to ceiling with every possible ingredient his personal chef could possibly need. His refrigerator was massive which at first glance looked like cabinets until Shane pulled opened the door.

  “You could feed an army in here.” Satra almost whispered. She loved the space and how everything one could possibly need was right there in its place and within reach. Satra could easily see this kitchen as a family hang out spot.

  Shane chuckled. “I like to cook even though Alexi does the majority of the cooking. It’s been a while since I’ve done it, but I’ll have my family over and cook for them and we just hang out. I had that booth put in for my niece and nephew, and for any future kids I may have myself. I want people to feel at home at my house, you know? I don’t like stuffiness and I don’t want people to feel like they have to take off their shoes when they come to my house. If they do take off their shoes it’s because they want to, not because I’m worried about my floors or carpet getting dirty.”

  “You put a lot of thought into decorating your home and I think it’s very sweet of you to include your niece and nephew and future children in that thought process,” Satra said as she smiled up at him. Shane looked at her so intensely at that moment. He knew she was the one who would have his future children and that he bought this house and remodeled it for her, even though he didn’t know it at the time. Most importantly, he loved her and wanted her in the worst way. Finally he pulled her to him and gave her a sweet, short kiss. He knew if it lingered any longer they would never finish the tour of his home. He pulled back and Satra’s eyes were half closed and she had a dreamy look on her face. Shane smiled down at her and nuzzled her neck. “Let’s finish this tour.” He mumbled.

  “Ok,” Satra said smiling back.

  He showed her his office and his library and the guest bedrooms, and then he took her upstairs and showed her his master bedroom. It was stunning. In the middle of this massive room was a huge cherry wood bed that sat so high off the floor Satra knew she’d need a stepping stool to get on it. His duvet was white and fluffy and so plush, and he had all kinds of different colored pillows on it. He had two nightstands on both sides of his bed that matched his bed with antique lamps on them, and a 70-inch flat screen TV mounted on the wall with a complete sound system. To the right were two huge glass double doors that led to a massive balcony that overlooked the entire west side of his estate. A wonderful breeze came through the room, blowing his curtains dreamily. Everything was so simple and clean.

  In his master bathroom he had a huge, antique copper bear claw tub that sat in the middle of the room. Next to that was a shower big enough for four or five people with showerheads coming out of all four sides of the shower walls, including the ceiling. There were his and hers sinks and a closet full of clean towels and toiletries stocked to the brim.

  “I’m in love with this tub. I’ve dreamed of owning a tub like this. I have a bear claw tub but nothing like this. Where did you find it?” Satra asked.

  “Italy. It belonged to my grandmother. When I was a kid I literally would swim in it. Everything that’s antique in my home came from my grandparents. They left a lot of things to my sister and I, and my grandma knew how much I loved this tub. I used to think I wanted a huge Jacuzzi but this is better than a Jacuzzi. I like the simple things, and this is one of them.”

  “Well it’s beautiful. Your entire place is beautiful Shane. It’s a wonder you don’t just work from home.”

  “It would be nice to work from home, but when you live alone you get tired of being around yourself all the time. I like having human contact, even if certain humans drive me nuts.”

  Shane chuckled and ran a hand through his thick hair. Despite his laugh Satra caught the pain in his words and it hurt her to her heart. Little did he know that she was just as lonely until he came into her life.

  Clearing his throat Shane said, “Ok, last stop is the gardens. I think you’ll love that the most. It’s one of my favorite places, and you and I seem to have a knack for gardens,” he said winking down at her.

  “We sure do.” Satra laughed.

  He took her hand and led her down stairs and out the patio doors to his garden. It was magical, everything from the beautiful rock pathway to the beautiful flowers that lined the way and the fragrant smells that filled the air. Shane stopped to t
ell her the names of the flowers that she didn’t recognize. Just about every flower had a story behind it with him, whether if it was his grandmother’s favorite flower, or if it was a flower that was in his mother’s bouquet when she got married, or if it was a flower that he remembered from his childhood. Family was so important to Shane and Satra loved that about him because she felt the same way. They took their time touring the gardens as neither of them were in a hurry. He had some of the most beautiful flowers Satra has ever seen; exotic flowers she never thought could grow in New York City. The aroma alone was intoxicating.

  Slowly they made their way back to his house, and instead of going back inside the way they came out, Shane took her around the house on another path. Satra could smell delicious food and she heard violins playing. She looked up at Shane with confused eyes, wondering what was going on. Shane simply smiled down at her and continued to walk. When they rounded the corner to his patio Satra’s mouth dropped for the second time that evening. A round table for two was sitting in the middle of the patio with two large lit candles standing the middle of it. Surrounding the table were wrought iron candle stands with candles of various shapes and sizes. On the table were red, pink, and purple rose petals and crystal wine glasses. To the right was a quartet of violinists lightly playing romantic classical music, and to the left were three servers ready to tend to their every need. It was the most romantic setting Satra had ever seen, and to top it all off they had the light of the moon above shining on them. It was so private and secluded and romantic. She loved how he had splashes of her favorite colors and flowers all around. Shane was dressed in cream linen pants and matching shirt with tan Dolce & Gabbana loafers. He looked so sexy and cool to Satra with his dark wavy hair combed to the back brushing against his collar. He had let it grow out a bit and she loved running her fingers through it even more.


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