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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 36

by Unknown

  “Shane…” She whispered with her hands across her chest. “This is so beautiful. You did this for us?” she asked, her voice thick with emotion.

  “Yes, I did this for you sweetheart. Do you like it?”

  “I love it! This is the most beautiful, romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” Satra said hugging him tightly.

  “I love you. I’d do anything to make you happy baby. Seeing that beautiful smile is all I could ask for.” Shane said before he cupped her face and kissed her soundly.

  He took her hand and led her to the table and sat her down before sitting himself. Right away one of his servants came with a chilled bottle of champagne and poured them both a glass.

  Shane held up his glass for a toast, and Satra did the same.

  “To us, and to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness.”

  “To us,” Satra said after lightly clinking her glass with his. They both smiled at each other with so much love in their eyes.

  After setting her glass down Satra asked excitedly “So what’s on the menu?”

  “I left that up to my cook, Alexi. I told him make sure everything was decadent and romantic, so I can’t wait to see what he came up with,” Shane said smiling excitedly himself.

  “You must really trust him,” Satra said.

  “I do. He’s one of the best, and I only want the best for you,” he said as he reached out to hold her hand across the table.

  “You’re spoiling me,” Satra said shyly.

  “Oh you haven’t seen spoiled yet, baby.” Shane crooned sexily.


  Alexi didn’t disappoint. He served them Chicken Kiev with Foie Gras Sauce. It was plated so beautifully and looked and smelled so delicious Satra was afraid to touch it. One of the waiters brought a long silver sword to Alexi. He then used to sword to prick each dish to release the lavish sauce.

  “Oh my!” Satra said with her eyes wide in awe.

  “Alexi, you have truly outdone yourself,” Shane said smiling. He was thoroughly impressed by the dish and the grand display Alexi made. Seeing the joy in Satra’s eyes was well worth it.

  “May I ask what this dish is called Alexi?” Satra asked smiling.

  “I have prepared especially for you on this fine evening, Chicken Kiev with Foie Gras sauce, madam. I hope you enjoy your meal.” Alexi said in a heavy accent. He bowed before them as he and the rest of the servers left them alone to enjoy their meal. If there were such a thing of having an orgasm of the palate, Satra was sure she just had one. The chicken was so tender it literally melted in her mouth. And that sauce – she had never tasted anything so rich and divine in her life. Few words were exchanged between her and Shane other than to say over and over how delicious the food was.

  For dessert Alexi presented them with an assortment of romantic sweets: Bittersweet chocolate soufflé, cherry trifle, and chocolate covered strawberries. Seeing the excitement in Satra’s eyes Shane said, “I know you love chocolate so I made sure it whatever Alexi prepared it had chocolate in it. I hope you like everything.”

  This man deserved every award there was for his thoughtfulness and sweetness. Satra’s heart was overflowing with love.

  “You are too sweet for words,” she said as she covered his hand with hers. Shane smiled and squeezed her hand.

  “Let’s eat,” he said as he took a chocolate covered strawberry and fed it to Satra. She eagerly parted her plump lips and took a bite from the juicy, jumbo berry. It was so juicy that some of the juice dripped over Shane’s fingers, but he was too busy being turned on by how Satra’s luscious lips almost covered the entire strawberry. He quickly leaned in and stole a hungry kiss, surprising Satra because she was still chewing on the strawberry. Shane didn’t care. His insistent tongue demanded that her lips part and he greedily took some of the strawberry into his mouth. He slowly pulled back and began chewing, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Strawberries never tasted so good,” he said in a low rumble. Satra had never been so turned on in her life. Her panties were soaked. RUINED! She was ready to skip the decadent sweets and have Shane for dessert instead.

  ‘No, we could make use of those chocolate covered strawberries.’ She thought naughtily to herself.

  Satra simply smiled a knowing smile to Shane. She knew where this was heading, and she was more than willing to follow him there. They enjoyed sampling the rest of the desserts until they couldn’t swallow another bite. For the rest of her life Satra would never forget this dinner with Shane at his home. It was by far the most romantic and magical dinner she’s ever had. Everything was so elegant yet simple, even down to the tiniest details, which made it all the more special. Not only that, it was the last dinner they’d have alone for a long time to come. Their relationship was moving along smoothly yet quickly, and work was becoming busier. Getting off at five thirty or six to meet each other for dinner would no longer be an option, and as much as Satra hated it, it was now their reality. There were so many good things happening in her life, but she couldn’t forget about Lucas and Daniels and her suspicions about Di Amato planning something underhanded to hurt Grayson and the firm. Shane could sense something was bothering Satra, and had an idea of what it was. She was aglow with happiness and laughter, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. He encouraged her to tell him what was bothering her, and they discussed Lucas and Daniels briefly. Shane quickly reassured her that he was on top of it and his people were still gathering concrete evidence to prove their suspicions. Reaching across the table and taking Satra’s soft hand into his he said softly “Soon it will be all over Bella. I promise you.”

  Shane hated that this dark cloud hung over them and kept Satra from being completely happy, and for this one night he didn’t want it to ruin their romantic evening. After their five star dinner and rich, decadent desserts they slow danced to the violinists serenading them. For those few hours they were lost in each other and no one else. The night belonged to them.

  While they danced their hearts beat as one. Shane couldn’t keep his lips off of hers, nor could he keep them off of her soft neck and bare shoulder. Her skin was so silky that his hands rubbed and massaged her body all over into a heated frenzy. He wanted her, he needed to make her his, and tonight was the night that he would finally make it happen. He knew without a doubt that Satra wanted the same. He watched her eyes, how deeply she breathed, and the way she shivered in response to his caresses. There was no way he could let her walk out of his house tonight. No, this was the night he would finally be buried deeply inside the woman he loved, making her scream his name over and over.

  Satra’s body was on fire with need. She wanted Shane so bad she trembled. Her body melted into his and she responded to his every kiss, caress, and nibble of his teeth and lips. Her desire was now running down her thigh and she could barely breathe. Opening her eyes to meet Shane’s she saw that he felt the same way.

  “I need you….” was all she could manage to say from her dry throat. The blood pumping in her veins drowned out the beautiful melodies of the violins. Shane’s eyes grew darker with desire, his face suddenly serious. Without a word he took her hand and walked towards the house. He stopped to give Alexi instructions, telling him that after the staff cleaned up the kitchen they could all go home. He gave Mason the same directive and then swept Satra into his muscled arms and took the stairs by two up to his bedroom. Their mouths ravaged each other the entire time, both moaning their pleasure.

  Shane kicked his bedroom door open and walked them inside. He gently sat Satra on the floor and he quickly closed his door.

  Satra wasted no time undressing for her man. No sooner than Shane turned around to look at her, her dress hit the floor. She stood in the middle of it with her white lace panties and matching strapless bra contrasting beautifully against her dark brown skin. Her ample breasts were ready to spill out of her bra, and Shane was very tempted to run to her and rip it off of her so he could lavish each generous globe with his lips and tongue. Ins
tead he willed himself to stay put, eagerly anticipating her next move.

  Feeling bold and very sexy under Shane’s heated gaze, Satra unclasped her bra in the front and granted Shane’s silent wish by setting her beautiful breasts free. Shane gulped at how her titties bounced as they were set free from the confines of her bra. They stood high and proud, and just as he imagined, her nipples were big and juicy. He wanted to suck them so bad his mouth began to water. Satra watched as Shane slowly licked his lips. She smiled wickedly at him as she hooked her thumbs into the sides of her tiny lace panties and slowly wiggled her curvy hips out of them. She continued her wiggle that looked like a slow, hypnotic belly dance until her panties were at her feet. Slowly she stepped out of them and kicked her dress and panties to the side. All that remained on her was her necklace. She reached behind her to take it off but Shane stopped her.

  “Don’t. I want to take it off,” he said gruffly as he continued to take in her beautiful form. Shane imagined Satra to be beautiful and perfect naked, but to see her in the flesh was mind blowing. Satra was exquisite, a goddess from head to toe, and his dick agreed. He was fully engorged and in pain being held hostage by his underwear and pants. Shane already knew his plan of attack. He took his time taking her all in. He started with her big beautiful hair cascading about her slender shoulders, those big almond shaped eyes that captivated him from the first time they met, to her big, full, soft lips. His eyes then traveled to her delicious, tempting breasts, to her flat stomach and small waist, then to those beautiful wide hips that gave him more than a handful to hold on to, and finally to that beautiful v between her thighs that glistened with her desire. Continuing, he looked at her perfectly rounded calves and her delicate ankles, and red painted toenails.

  “Sexy. Every inch of you,” he said in a low voice. Satra smiled shyly at his compliment.

  He decided he would start from the top and work his way down her body and make sure he kissed, tasted, licked and nibbled every inch of her before he entered her.

  Slowly walking to her he immediately cupped her breasts and began to massage them. The moment his large, warm hands touched her breasts Satra moaned out loud. She closed her eyes and rolled her head back as she took in the pleasure his touch gave her naked flesh. Then she felt his heated tongue on her nipples and she jumped at the erotic contact. Soon he was sucking on her plump nipple like he hadn’t had water in weeks. The pleasure attacked her senses so fast that Satra had to cling to his shoulders to keep from falling. Shane felt her moment of unbalance and locked a strong arm around her waist to keep her steady as he continued to feast on each breast.

  “Oh Shane!” Satra cried out. Her juices were running down her thighs at an even faster rate she was so turned on.

  “You taste so good baby. I can’t get enough.” He mumbled against her breast. Dragging himself away, he walked behind her and moved her hair over to her left shoulder and kissed her exposed shoulder and neck, causing Satra to gasp again. His hands trailed down her waist until they reached her perfectly rounded apple shaped ass. It stood proud, ready to be pounded and Shane groaned deep in his throat at the image of his fat cock pounding her pussy from the back, imagining how good it would feel. Soon he’d find out. He took two handfuls of her ass and massaged it over and over, kneading her flesh with his strong hands, and rubbing his engorged cock back and forth across her ass while whispering to her how beautiful and sexy she was and how he couldn’t wait to be inside her. Then he described naughtily all the things he planned on doing to her. Another gush of Satra’s juices went running down her legs at his words. Satra never knew she could get this turned on from dirty bedroom talk, but she liked it and she wanted to hear more. It was sexy as hell!

  Finally he unfastened her necklace and he let it slowly fall against her breasts while holding one end of it. The cool contact of the necklace on her heated breast made Satra shiver. He then used the necklace to slowly tease each sensitive nipple, strumming it over and over with the baubles while leaving a wet trail on her neck with his lips and tongue. Satra moaned her pleasure over and over before Shane tossed the necklace to the side and turned her around to face him. He attacked her mouth with an urgent kiss. His insistent tongue lavished her mouth over and over, thrusting in and out the same way he planned on thrusting his cock inside of her wet pussy. All Satra could do was hang on for dear life as she wrapped her arms around his neck, grabbing his thick hair at the nape of his neck.

  Abruptly Shane broke their kiss, his eyelids heavy with passion. He stepped back from Satra and began to undress for her, only he didn’t do a slow strip tease. His movements were purposeful and impatient. He ripped his shirt open sending beige buttons flying all over the bedroom floor. Satra gasped at the sight of his beautifully muscled chest and arms. He had dark hair covering his chest, something Satra loved. She couldn’t stop her impulse to run her fingers through his chest hair and then trace the bulging muscles in his chest and arms. His skin was such a beautiful tan with olive undertones, no doubt from his Italian heritage. He was all man from head to toe. Shane inhaled sharply at her soft touch on his warm skin. Satra bit her lip in total appreciation and animal desire. She wanted this man and she wanted him now.

  “You’re so sexy. Look at you.” She whispered. Shane smiled down at her and then began to shed himself of his pants and underwear. Finally Satra got to see his magnificently thick, long dick that poked and prodded her in her stomach. Now it was free and at full attention, and it was gorgeous. Only Shane could fill the deep ache Satra felt inside, and she couldn’t wait to have all of him inside of her. She wanted Shane to stake his claim and make her his once and for all. After she finished lusting over how well-endowed her man was, her eyes moved to his long bow legs and powerful, muscled thighs. The man was a Greek god.

  “You like what you see?” Shane asked in a husky voice.

  “I love what I see,” Satra said back sexily.

  Without further hesitation Shane scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bed, gently placing her in the middle of it. He kissed her hungrily, urgently before moving his lips to her breasts, down her abdomen and down her thighs and legs to her ankles and feet. Looking at her he slowly kissed his way back up and paused at his targeted destination. Satra’s legs were only slightly open, and that wasn’t good enough for Shane.

  “Open for me. I want to see my pussy.” He commanded, his face serious and his nostrils flared.

  Satra moaned and could feel more of her juices coming down her pussy from his commanding, possessive words. He was right though. It is his pussy.

  Obediently she parted her thighs for him and Shane inhaled her musky, feminine scent. Kneeling down further between her beautiful thighs he gave her pussy a long lick from the bottom to the top.

  Satra gasped and moaned in pleasure.

  She needed something to hold on to but didn’t know what to grab. The pleasure shot through her senses like an electric current and she knew he was about to rock her world. Shane moaned in pleasure after tasting her sweet juices. He next gave her pussy an open mouth kiss, lovingly lapping, kissing and sucking her pussy lips for long delicious minutes before driving his strong tongue inside of her pussy. Over and over he thrust his tongue in and out of her in rapid succession that had Satra bucking her hips off of the bed and crying out.

  “Shane! Oh my GOD baby! She cried. It only spurred him on as he finally found her swollen pearl and licked and sucked it relentlessly. Satra’s orgasm was building and climbing so fast she had no time to think, all she could do was feel as her body steadily climbed to the pinnacle of pleasure that Shane was taking her on. Her pussy continued to cream with pleasure and Shane was more than happy to drink it all up. He gently inserted a finger into her hot core and thrust it in and out at a steady pace as he continued to suck and lick on her clit. Then he added another finger and increased his pace until Satra began bucking against his fingers wildly.

  “Sh… Shane! Baby, I’m coming!” She cried as her pussy muscles clamped
down hard on his fingers and she began jerking in the most powerful orgasm of her life. Shane didn’t stop. He continued to finger fuck her, prolonging her orgasm and watching in pleasure as her juices flowed heavily down his hand and onto the bed. Giving her some relief Shane removed his fingers and began to greedily lick up Satra’s cum.

  “Mmmmm, that’s right. Cum for me, baby. Keep giving me that sweet pussy juice,” he moaned in between licks. Shane ate up every bit of juice he could get out of Satra’s pussy until another smaller orgasm slammed into her. She cried out again, her head thrashing wildly on the bed, her hands grabbing fistful of his hair, before digging into his shoulders. He loved how responsive she was to him. She was trying to get away from Shane but he wouldn’t let her go. He had her trapped with his heavy, muscled arm holding her down across her stomach as he continued his task of feasting on every drop of juice that came flowing from her pussy.

  Satra didn’t know when Shane had sat up, she was too busy gasping for air and trying to collect herself from the most mind-blowing orgasms she’s ever had. Shane looked down at her, mesmerized by how beautiful she looked when she orgasmed. He could also tell while he pleasured her that she was holding back. Sure she cried out here and there and moaned and purred like a kitten, but that wasn’t enough for Shane. He wanted her to completely let go with him. He loved when she dug her nails into his back and shoulders and grabbed his hair so hard that it almost hurt. Shane always liked a little pain with his pleasure, but he also loved to hear a woman, his woman, give in to her pleasure.

  ‘I’ve gotta step my game up.’ He thought to himself before he leaned down and kissed her lovingly on her lips. Satra moaned as she opened her lips to him, tasting herself on his lips on tongue and deepening the kiss. She was getting wet all over again. His fingers were inside her again and he gently pumped them inside her, making her moan louder. Then he stopped and pulled his fingers out and waited until Satra opened her eyes and looked at him before he brought his two fingers to his lips and sucked her pussy juices off of them.


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