Reckless Devotion: Book 2
Page 19
She smiles. “In the main room directly ahead.”
“Thank you.”
I slam down a glass of champagne and smile as I set the empty glass on her tray, then pick up another one. Gabriel leads me down the hall where suddenly there’s a room full of people. It all seems very normal. There are people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities. Everyone’s dressed nicely, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think I was at some posh company party. A woman about fifty or so approaches us wearing a stunning gold dress that shows off her amazing figure. Her blond hair is long and curled in large waves around her face. The only giveaway to her age, is the very subtle crinkles around the edge of her eyes.
“Hello, you must be Mia and Gabriel?”
“Yes,” Gabriel answers, as we each shake her hand.
“I’m Bridget, the owner of Club Gidget.” She smiles. “It’s my nickname.” Her eyes meet mine, then she reaches out and cups my chin. “Are you nervous?”
“Does it show?”
“Yes, but don’t be. We’re all friends here.”
“Thank you.”
She searches my eyes for a moment. “You are quite stunning, Mia. You’ll be very popular tonight.”
“Thank you, but… um, we just want to watch for now.”
“Ah, what a shame. I was hoping to be the first to initiate you. If you change your mind, let me know.”
I would totally get down with her. “I will.”
“I suggest adding the blue sticker to your clothing so people know your intentions, otherwise, you won’t get a free moment. We all love new blood.”
“Good idea.”
Bridget releases my chin then gazes up at Gabriel. “You’re a lucky man to get to keep her all to yourself.”
“I agree.”
She smiles. “Upstairs are all the private rooms. Each door is labeled with the types of activities you’ll find. In the middle is the custom designed fishbowl. It’s a room made of glass for those that liked to be watched. We have a full cleaning crew that refreshes every surface, bedding, and anything else that requires it every hour on the hour. Down here, you’ll find mingling, getting to know each other if you will, and porn on all the TV’s if you need inspiration. No sexual activity happens on this floor. If anyone were to enter, it’s perfectly benign.” She smiles. “Outside is a hot tub, but we’re not expecting to use it tonight since we’re dressed more formally than usual, but if you do, it’s all nude. If for any reason, you feel uncomfortable with a member, report it to me right away, but in four years, it’s never happened. This is a place where boundaries are respected. If you need anything at all, including a ride if you drink too much, we arrange that. Oh, and of course, all sex outside your own relationship is safe sex. Any questions?”
“None,” Gabriel answers. “Mia?”
“No. I’m good.”
Bridget brushes her fingers over my shoulder. “Have fun.”
“Thank you.”
She walks away and both of us watch her. When I peer up at Gabriel, he grins. “You want her, don’t you?”
“Yeah, kind of. She’s definitely not submissive.”
“No, no, she’s not.” He gently pinches my chin. “Do you want to change the rules and let Gidget initiate you?”
“No.” I smile. “I don’t. Want to get another drink and mingle and see what the crowd is like?”
We walk down the hall past several rooms where people are gathered. Some are sitting, some standing, but everyone is attractive, polished, not creepy at all. All eyes are on us as we pass through, and I realize it’s extremely exciting to me. Back in the main room, it looks like a regular living room with an adjoining kitchen. Platters of food are placed around the room and women walk around offering a variety of alcoholic beverages. Gabriel finds the stickers and puts a blue one on each of us, which immediately changes the vibe toward us. It almost makes me laugh. Cleary everyone knows what it means.
After we eat a few bites, Gabriel leans down and whispers, “want to go upstairs?”
“Yeah.” We make our way to the large spiral staircase then slowly walk up it. No one is in the fishbowl, but several doors are open, and as we walk around glancing inside, all we can see are bodies rolling around on beds. We stop in one doorway called the ‘Bang Bang’ room. The sign on the door explains it as open to all. It’s full and we watch for several minutes. Men are on men, women on women, people coupled off, everyone just rolling around on a mattress that fills the entire space. It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in person, and I’m trying to assess if I’m just intrigued or turned on.
A bell rings behind us, and I turn to see a couple go inside the fishbowl. They are very attractive, younger than me, I would say, and already naked. The man goes down on the woman and she moans loudly, flipping her hair around, obviously enjoying the show she’s putting on. A crowd gathers and a moment later, I’m handed a joint, which I pass on, then a few minutes after that, a tray of cocaine goes by. I start to understand how easy it is to get sucked into all this like Gabriel did in Paris.
“Having fun?” a woman with bright red hair asks, moving next to me. She’s completely naked with huge fake tits and a fantastic body.
“Yeah, it’s cool.” I grab another drink as a waitress passes. When I look up at Gabriel, he’s watching it all silently, with a neutral expression. The woman beside me rubs my arm getting my attention.
“I know you have the blue circle on, but would you let me eat you out?” My eyes open wide as Gabriel’s attention shifts to us. “I’d love to make you scream.”
“Do you want to?” Gabriel whispers.
“Do you want me to?”
“I want what you want.”
“You don’t want to boss me around and tell me what to do?” I smile, but stop when he his expression remains serious. “I’m just playing.”
“Do you want her?” he repeats, gazing into my eyes.
Gabriel smiles. “Do you want to be next in the fishbowl?”
My eyes shift to the couple again, and then my eyes scan the room of people watching. The woman beside me isn’t even paying attention to me anymore. “No.”
“Are you sure?”
He tilts his head slightly. “What do you want, Mia? Tell me.”
“I want to leave.”
He pulls me close as we slip out of the crowd. Leaning down, he kisses me softly. “So do I.”
We head back downstairs and find Bridget who’s sitting in a chair with two men at her side that look to be in their early twenties. Good for her. She directs her attention to us as we approach and smiles.
“Thank you for your hospitality,” Gabriel says.
“You’re leaving?” she asks.
She creases her brow. “Not to your liking?”
“It’s all very beautiful,” I say. “The people, the house, the atmosphere. You.” She smiles. “If I was into this, I would love it here, but it’s my first time, and it turns out, it’s not my scene.”
“Oh.” Bridget smiles. “Well, that’s understandable. If you have a change of heart, you know where to find us. Especially me.”
“I do. You’re um, incredibly sexy.”
“Thank you, Mia.” She fingers the strap of my dress. “You are spectacular. I will fantasize about what you taste like.” She shifts her seductive eyes to Gabriel. “Is she as good as she looks?”
“She’s addictive,” he says, softly. “I can’t get enough, and I can’t bring myself to share.”
“I don’t blame you.” She smiles again. “Pleasure to have you both tonight.”
“Thank you,” I say, a little blown away by her overt flirting with me. Gabriel grabs my hand and leads me outside. Once we get back to our car, he presses me against it, kissing me so hard, it leaves me breathless. His hand makes his way under my dress and into my panties, and in record time his
fingers are buried in me. I can’t catch my breath as his lips move down my neck and onto my cleavage. With his free hand, he gropes my tits pulling my dress down just enough to get one out, which he then sucks into his mouth. His thumb massages my clit and sends ripples of pleasure through me.
“Come for me, Mia,” he whispers against my mouth. “For me, no one else.”
“Oh God, Gabriel, Jesus.”
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard later.” His hand grips my neck then moves down to my collarbone. “You won’t even want to walk tomorrow.”
“Bruise me, mark me up, Gabriel.”
He digs his fingers even deeper causing me to whimper. “I love you, woman, so much. I can’t even…”
When my orgasm hits, I throw my head back, surprised when Gabriel falls to his knees and replaces his fingers with his tongue. I’m getting eaten out in public again, and it’s fucking awesome. He moves back up a moment later, kissing me hard.
“Get in the car.”
I nod and plop in my seat when he opens the door. I’m breathing so hard I might hyperventilate. When he joins me, he lifts my hand and kisses the back of it.
“Text Sara. Ask for the address.”
“Okay.” My head is dizzy from lust and too many glasses of champagne, but I text out a message to her, and she replies quickly.
“She said it was lame, and they’re back at home already.”
“Okay.” He sighs. “Okay.” He puts the car in drive and speeds off. I study his face trying to read him, but I can’t. He’s so incredible right now as the street lights streak across his face. Twenty minutes later, when we get back to his place, we walk inside, and as soon as the door closes, he pulls me into his arms, kissing the top of my head.
“What is it, baby?”
“I’m so happy,” he whispers. “So happy.”
He steps back, gazing down at me. “So many reasons. I’m happy how it turned out. That we were on the same page all night. I didn’t want any of it, Mia. I didn’t want to fuck anyone, I didn’t want to watch you with that woman, I didn’t want anyone watching us. I just wanted to go and be alone with you. I feel like… God.” He runs his fingers through his hair as words just rush from his mouth. “Like I was cursed or something, and then it was lifted. Just gone. I was so worried I would get in a situation like that, and just want to dominate you and make a show of it, but Mia, I didn’t want to. I saw those words on your shoulder, and I saw how you still looked at me like I was the only man in the room, and it just… it just fixed a lot of broken shit. A lot.” He smiles. “I’m so glad now that you wanted to go.”
“So am I. I didn’t want any of it, Gabriel. It was interesting, but that’s all it was. I didn’t want to join in. I didn’t want to show off. I just wanted you. Us.” I smile. “And I don’t need a crowd for that, but…” I slide the strap off my shoulder. “The night’s not over yet.” I slide the other strap down. “I want you to do what you said you were gonna do, and fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk tomorrow. I want your dominance, Gabriel. Full force. Let’s do it.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice.”
SITTING AT MY DESK almost a week later, I review my calendar for the upcoming week. It’s that time of year when I get hit with a shit ton of meetings. Plus, Jim booked his travel plans and in just a week, I’ll be acting president, so planning is important. It’s hard to focus on work though when I have François coming to my place tonight for dinner. I’m nervous about interacting with him on my own turf when I’ve always been on his before. Remembering the words I said at Dr. Nashito’s only reinforces my concerns. I don’t trust him. Nor should I. François is the most charismatic man I’ve ever met. He can manipulate people like nothing I’ve ever seen, even me at times. I’ve learned how to handle him, I think, but Mia’s a whole different story. I recall our conversation this morning.
“You don’t have to meet him. You can stay at your place this weekend.”
Sipping her coffee, she looks at me with a scrunched nose. “As if. You think I’m gonna bow out of meeting the most important person in your life for the past couple of years? No way.”
“He’s not all that.”
“Nice try, Gabriel. What’s the real reason?”
I sigh, running my hand through my hair. “François is my friend, but he’s a supreme prick when it comes to women, especially a woman like you. He’ll possibly try to…” I shrug. “I don’t know, Mia. I guess I’m worried he’ll make a play for you, and then I’ll have to defend your honor.”
She smiles and squeezes my hand. “I can defend my own honor. I’m not afraid of François, and you shouldn’t be either. He’ll be so fucking jealous when he sees what we have. Nothing and no one could interrupt that.”
“I’m not worried about us. Trust me, I’m confident that you’re all about me. I just don’t know what to expect from him outside of that environment in Paris.”
She shrugs. “Guess you’ll find out.”
I guess I will. Glancing at my watch, I sigh. Two hours. Picking up my phone, I dial Mia.
“What?” she answers, causing me to laugh.
“Oh, I’ve missed that smart ass answer.”
She chuckles. “I did it for you.”
“I know. How’s your day?”
“Fine. Just got back from lunch with Gingerbread. Now I’m working on setting up my calendar for the year.”
“I’m gonna head out of here around three today. You sure you still want to come over?”
“We’ve been over this. I’m meeting François and everything will be fine. I’m sure you’re making this a bigger deal than it is.”
I hope so. “Right. Okay. I’ll see you later. Love you.”
“I love you, Gabriel, so much that nothing François says or does will have any effect.”
“I believe that.” I think. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Everything will be fine.”
“Yeah. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Hanging up, my head swirls with images of how tonight will go. Mia’s tough and she can handle almost anyone, but she’s never met anyone like François. She couldn’t have. There’s only one of him in this world. I should be excited to see him, but I just can’t shake this nagging feeling that something isn’t right. At this point, only time will tell.
LATER THAT EVENING, I finish straightening the bed linens, and glance up when I hear the doorbell ring. A nervous shiver ripples through me knowing how anxious Gabriel is over me meeting his friend. I just hope I’m right and it will all be fine.
Hearing the two men’s voices, I take a deep breath and walk out to the living room. As soon as I enter the space, both men look at me and François literally stops speaking mid-sentence. His eyes voraciously roam my body, and I suddenly feel like I’m naked. My eyes shift to Gabriel, whose jaw is twitching. Shit.
“Well,” François says with a deeply accented voice. “The unicorn has arrived.”
Gabriel forces a smile. “François’s name for you. The only woman in the world capable of capturing me.”
“I see.”
Gabriel gestures for me to come closer, and as I do, I swear François licks his lips. I immediately do not like him. Nope, not one bit. He’s handsome enough, but nothing special in my opinion. He’s not as great as I imagined, and not nearly as elegant in his mannerisms as Gabriel is. I expected more from a Frenchman that rules the dom scene in Paris.
“François, this is Mia, the love of my life. Mia, François.”
“Enchanté, Mia,” François says, kissing my hand instead of shaking it. “I see why you have captured my friend Gabriel. I don’t believe I’ve seen a woman as stunning as you.”
“Thank you.” I pull my hand away gently. “Welcome.”
“Merci.” He smiles, then looks around the space. “This is a nice place, mon ami.”
“Thanks,” Gabriel answers, tightly gripping my waist.
All hopes I had of the evening being comfortable are officially shot.
“Should we sit?” I ask.
“Yeah, good idea.” Gabriel nods. “I’ll get the wine if you want to go in the living room.”
“Ooh, Gabriel, I am surprised you would leave me alone with your unicorn. I might steal her away.”
I start to speak, but Gabriel does before I can. “That would be an impossible feat even for you. Mia isn’t pliable, naïve, or dominated by any man.”
“Except one,” I reply, smiling.
Gabriel smiles, gazing into my eyes. “Except one.”
“You are very fortunate,” François says with more than a hint of hostility in his voice. Oh boy.
I walk into the living room, all too aware of his piercing eyes watching my backside. As he sits on the couch, I choose an armchair far away from him. He crosses his leg over the other and adjusts the cuff of his sleeve.
“Tell me, Mia, are you from Arizona?”
“No. East Coast originally.”
“Ah. Have you been to Paris?”
“That is a shame. The city’s beauty would only be improved by your presence.”
Narrowing my eyes, I consider my words. “Is it normal in France to openly flirt with your friend’s woman?”
“It is in my world. You see, Mia, I get what I want. I do what I want. I make the rules.”
“Not here. This isn’t your world. It’s Gabriel’s.”
“Gabriel is the man he is because I made him.”
“You’re wrong about that. You don’t even know him anymore.”
François chuckles. “Silly girl.” I narrow my eyes at him. “He has been home for a few months. I had him for a few years. You think you have tamed him, but the beast still lives.” He leans forward. “I see it in his eyes. He is subdued by your incredible beauty, and I understand, I would do almost anything myself to fuck you, even pretend that I am not the man I am.” He grins. “But do not fool yourself. Gabriel might be standing in the sunlight you created, but he lives in the dark, and he will go back there.”
“You’re a dick.”
François’s smile dissipates. “You should be careful who you talk to like that.”