Reckless Devotion: Book 2
Page 20
“Or what?”
He glares at me for a moment before flashing a smile at me. “Why don’t we change the subject to more… neutral territory. Yes?”
“Fine.” I’m only agreeing for Gabriel’s sake.
My eyes shift up as Gabriel comes into the room carrying three wine glasses and a bottle. His eyes shoot to mine, and I can tell he knows I’m pissed. The sooner this dinner is over, the better.
“Ah, Gabriel,” François says. “I don’t think your unicorn approves of me.”
“Stop calling me that.”
François smiles. “Of course.” He bows his head slightly. “I’m afraid we got off to a rough start. I did not know American women were so independent.”
“All women, American or otherwise, are not the same,” I say.
“No?” He laughs. “That has not been my experience.”
I’m suddenly wishing I had listened to Gabriel and bowed out of this dinner. I sip my wine ignoring him. How could Gabriel like him? I don’t get it. Not at all.
The two men talk about people they knew in Paris and François slips into French which is fine by me. I don’t even want to know what they’re talking about, plus it’s sexy as fuck listening to Gabriel’s already sensual voice speak a foreign language. As I watch them, both men glance at me periodically. Gabriel gazes at me with pure love, but François, that bastard, looks at me like I’m the main course. He says something that causes Gabriel to react.
“Knock it off, François,” he says in English. “I’m serious, man.”
François says something else in French, causing Gabriel’s jaw to twitch, then he pats his arm. “I am joking. You know this about me. Where is your bathroom?”
“Down the hall, first door on the right.”
“Thank you.” He stands. “Excuse me.”
When he walks away, Gabriel sighs running his fingers through his hair. “He is in rare form tonight. I knew he’d be attracted to you, but he’s pushing my fucking buttons.”
“What did he say?”
“He suggested… nothing.”
“Tell me. I can handle it.”
“He joked that I let him have you for the evening as a souvenir.”
“What a prick.”
“Yes, but I should’ve known. This is what he is. It’s what I was too.”
“I can’t imagine you being such a chauvinistic piece of shit.”
Gabriel tilts his head. “You can. You’ve just conveniently forgotten since my recent conversion.”
I smile. “Okay, but even at your worst, you weren’t like him.”
He averts his eyes for a moment. “I was far worse in Paris. François taught me what I know, and I excelled at my lessons. You would hardly recognize me from the man I was when I was with Claudette.”
“Well, you’re not that man now. Okay, Gabriel? You’re not.”
He nods, glancing up at me, but I can see the doubt all over his face. He starts to speak, but pauses when François enters the room again. He smiles politely at me, but I refuse to return the gesture. He can think I’m a rude bitch if he wants to, but one thing he won’t think I am, is a submissive one. Not for him.
“Dinner’s ready,” Gabriel announces. “If you want to move to the dining room.”
François nods and extends his arm in that direction as though he’s a gentleman all of a sudden. I sigh and walk behind Gabriel, and I swear I hear him whistle softly. Turning, I glare at him, but he just chuckles in response.
I sit in the chair across from him and next to where Gabriel will be while he goes in the kitchen to plate dinner. The doorbell rings.
“Can you get that, Mia?”
“Sure.” I walk over, open the door, and when I see who it is, my eyes widen. “Sara! What are you doing here?”
“Cupcakes!” She lifts a pink box. “I decided to pop in and surprise the two of you.”
“Oh. Um…”
“I called you both, but no one answered. Hope I’m not interrupting naughty time.”
“No.” I glance behind me. “Come in.”
Gabriel comes out of the kitchen and looks horrified to see his sister. “What are you doing here?”
“Gee, I thought I was welcome.”
He smiles. “Of course, but I wasn’t expecting you.” Sara’s eyes shoot to François who, judging from his salacious expression, is very interested in our latest guest. “I have company. A friend visiting from France.”
“Ooh, France.” She comes in and hands me the box of cupcakes. “And you didn’t invite me?”
“I figured you were busy,” Gabriel says, glancing at me.
“Nope. Got the weekend to myself.”
“Is anything wrong?” I ask, setting the box down on the table.
“No. He’s chaperoning this weekend for some school trip.” She looks back at François. “Is anyone going to introduce me?”
Gabriel smiles, setting down a platter of food. “Yes, of course. François, this is my baby sister, Sara. Sara, my friend, François.”
Sara smiles, lighting up the entire room like she does, and as my eyes go from her to François to Gabriel, I can already tell this isn’t going to go well. Not well at all.
SHIT! WHY IS SARA here? François is practically drooling. I can tell from his expression he thinks she’s an option, but he couldn’t be more wrong. These are possibly the only two women in the world that he can’t touch.
I realize Sara is expecting an invite to stay, and I have to do it. What excuse could I give for not allowing it?
“Why don’t you join us?”
“I’d love to.” She plops down in the seat on the other side of where I’ll be sitting. “So, François, why are you in Phoenix?”
“To see Gabriel. I had business in Los Angeles and decided to stop here on my way back home.” He looks up at me. “I do miss him.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. Were you close in Paris?”
“Like brothers, yes?”
I nod. “Yeah.” My eyes shift to Mia who’s watching the interaction nervously. “Could you help me in the kitchen, Mia?”
“Of course.”
She follows me and once we are out of earshot, I slam my hand down on the counter. “This is not good. I don’t even like that she’s out there alone with him right now.”
“I don’t like it either. He’s a wolf, and Sara is a lamb.”
“I hate even thinking this, but François is very good at detecting a woman’s submission. I think he sees something in Sara that he wants.”
“Well, she won’t do anything. She’s with Jamie. Even if he suggests something, she’ll say no.”
I nod. “Right. Okay. I expected this benign evening, but I don’t know why I thought that. François doesn’t have benign interactions. He’s searching for an experience.”
“I know.”
“Did he proposition you?”
“Tell me the truth.”
She rubs my arm. “I am. I would tell you.”
“Okay.” I rub my forehead. “I’m gonna bring out the rolls, so if you could just protect her until I get back out there, I’d appreciate it.”
“You got it. Let’s just try not to let the night linger too long. He gives me the creeps.”
“I know. I’ll handle it.”
“K.” She kisses my cheek before she leaves.
I hurry, gathering the rest of the items for dinner, and a few minutes later, make my way out to where François is telling a story that makes Sara laugh. Even Mia seems mildly amused, so I allow myself to relax a little. Maybe he’s got himself under control again. When he sees me, he smiles.
“I was telling them about the time we went to the carnival, and I was walking backwards talking to you and tripped and fell into a barrel of wine.”
I chuckle, setting the basket of bread down. “As if we weren’t drunk enough.”
“It was so funny. My white shirt was suddenly magenta red. The best part is no one even looked twice at me
I sit down. “That was a fun night.”
“It won’t be the same this year without you. Maybe the three of you can make a trip to Paris.”
“I’d love to visit Paris,” Sara says. “Gabriel was always too busy for me to come while he lived there.” She squeezes Mia’s arm. “Can you imagine how much fun we’d have shopping there?”
“It would be amazing.”
François focuses on Sara as he swirls his wine glass. “You should come. It would be my pleasure to escort you through my city. I could show you a side of Paris most tourists would never see.”
I clear my throat getting his attention. “Elle est ma soeur,” I say in French, reminding François she is my sister.
He answers me with a sarcastic “and”, making my blood pressure rise. “She is off limits,” I reply, still in French.
“Let her decide this, no?” He responds in English, catching the attention of the women, intentionally, I presume.
“Decide what?” Sara asks.
“Nothing,” I say, glaring at François.
“I was just saying Gabriel should let you decide if you want to visit Paris and spend time with me.”
“Oh,” Sara replies, smiling. “If my boyfriend could come too.”
François’s smile falters for just a moment. “I should have known such a charming woman would have a boyfriend.”
“Thank you.”
I pass the platter of beef stew around, impressed with my sister’s deflection.
“What kind of man is he?” François asks. “Is he strong and commanding? Can he take care of you?”
“François,” I warn. “Knock it off.”
“I am just making conversation.”
Sara shifts in her seat. “He’s great.”
“Then why does he leave you alone?”
Her eyebrows raise, so I start to answer, but she cuts me off. “Because I’m perfectly capable of spending time with my brother and my best friend without him. Because he’s able to do things he needs to do without me. Because we’re not co-dependent people that can’t spend some time apart.” She smiles sweetly, impressing the shit out of me. “Does that answer your question?”
“Yes, it does.” François takes a bite of his dinner, shifting his attention. “This is very good, Gabriel. I almost feel like I am at home.”
“Thank you.”
We all eat in silence for a moment, and I notice how Sara and Mia exchange glances. An awkward air has settled between us, and I just want the night to be over. After we finish, I suggest we move to the living room. François disappears to the bathroom again.
“I should go,” Sara says. “Thanks for letting me stay a bit, but I can tell maybe I messed things up.”
“No,” I shake my head. “No. He’s just… uh, different. You’re welcome here. Always.”
She smiles. “You’re sure?”
“Of course. I’m sure Mia appreciates that you’re here.”
“Definitely,” Mia agrees.
When the bathroom door opens, François comes back, and I can tell right away from his glassy eyes and disconnected expression that he probably did some kind of drug just now. Fucking great. He settles in the arm chair, crosses his legs, and directs his gaze to my sister.
“I am dying to know. Are you a virgin?” he asks, abruptly, startling all of us.
“What?” Sara asks, shocked.
I jump and stand between them, glaring at him. “I’m going to ask you nicely one last time. Respect them or I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“Respect?” François stands, chuckling. “When did you learn such a word? Was it before you left a trail of broken women on the streets of Paris, or was it after you shattered Claudette?”
“Shut the fuck up, François!”
“Who’s Claudette?” Sara asks. “I’m so confused.”
“Maybe you should go now,” Mia says, pushing Sara toward the door.
“No,” François says. “She should stay. We should talk about the man Gabriel really is, and not this…” He waves his hand. “Impersonator. Yes, that is it. You are pretending, my friend. This girl, your sister, they think you are good, but I know the truth. I know what you do to women, what you think of them. How long will you keep up the show? How long can you?”
I can’t even react as anger floods my body to the point of paralyzing me.
“You shut the fuck up!” Mia yells. “You don’t know him. You don’t! He’s not like you.”
“The fuck he’s not. You don’t know him. You did not see the things I saw.”
“That you taught him.”
“It was in him. All I did was encourage it.” He steps closer to her. “Tell me, how does he get you to your knees? What does he say to break you down?”
“Fuck you.”
As I watch the interaction, everything is playing around me like a movie I’m not part of until Sara’s voice cuts through the haze I’m in.
“Gabriel? What’s happening?”
My attention shifts to Mia just in time to see François grab her by the hair in an attempt to force her to the floor.
“You need to be taught how to speak to a man,” he growls.
As I lunge forward to help her, Mia lifts her leg and kicks him between the legs with such force, it’s François that falls to the floor. I grab him by the shirt, lifting him up just enough to drag him to the door, but he grabs my shoulders.
“What happened to you? Where is the man I created? Is her pussy so good you got soft?”
“I’ll call you a taxi. You are not welcome here anymore.”
“You fucking coward,” he spits. “Play your games. I know what you are. You’re just as bad as me. Worse even.” He pulls out of my grasp and glares at the three of us. “You better not show your face in Paris. I will make sure you are not received.”
“I don’t care, François. I have everything I need here.”
He narrows his eyes. “Tell me, Gabriel, why is what we are too good for your sister, but good enough for your whore?”
In reflex to his words, I pull my fist back and nail him across the chin, watching him slump to the ground, and realizing with sudden clarity how long I’ve actually wanted to do that. I turn to face Mia, who has her arms wrapped around my sister, then shift my eyes back to the man rolling around at my feet. He peers up at me, rubbing his jaw, then pulls himself to his feet. When I move, he flinches, holding his hands up in protection.
“Enough,” he says. “Enough.” He looks around at all of us. “You have made your point. Clearly, you are not the man you were in Paris, and I have overstayed my welcome. You were my friend, but perhaps, you are not who I thought you were.”
“I’m who I want to be, François.”
He nods, studying my face. “Adieu, Gabriel.”
He walks out and glances at me once more with sadness in his eyes. I guess I would be sad too if my partner in crime suddenly went good on me, but this isn’t about him or Paris. This is about me.
I shut the door, leaning against it, and glance at the two women in my life. Sara is near tears, and Mia just has that look she gets when she knows I’m teetering over the edge of my own sanity again. I want to be alone with her, hold her, have her reassure me, but I owe Sara an explanation.
“Gabriel,” Sara whispers. “What just happened?”
I exhale slowly. “Sit down. I’ll tell you.”
“No,” Mia says. “You don’t have to, Gabriel.”
“What secret are you hiding?” Sara asks. “Why are you protecting him, Mia?”
“Because it’s my job to protect him.” She looks at me. “You don’t have to.”
“Is it bad?” Sara asks, her voice quivering.
I nod, weighing the gravity of what I’m about to do. “Sara, I’m not the man you think I am.”
“Yes, you are,” Mia says, her voice pleading with me. “You are, Gabriel.”
“Please tell
me.” Sara grabs Mia’s arm. “I can handle it. I’m not a child.”
“I know,” Mia says. She shakes her head with her eyes closed. “It’s your decision, Gabriel. I’ll support you whatever you decide.”
“I think I’m ready to stop hiding.” I meet Mia’s gaze. “I’m ready.”
She nods as the three of us sit on the couch together. “Sara, while I was in Paris, I belonged to a club that François ran. A type of sex club.”
“Sex club?”
“For dominant men.”
“I was heavily into that scene, and I even had a leadership position there.”
“Okay. So, you’re um, into like, S and M?”
“Basically, yes, but it extended far outside the bedroom. It’s not just about sex. It’s about complete submission.”
“I see.”
“So, I, um, well, the way François knows me to be is a man that doesn’t treat women well. I used women how I wanted to and discarded them when I was finished. I partied a lot, did drugs, drank too much.” I glance at Mia whose brow is creased with worry as she watches Sara. “I thought that life was all I knew, and in fact, tried to force it on Mia. Obviously, Mia isn’t submissive at all.”
“Is that why you had a break?”
“Yeah. I fucked up and Mia walked away. Once she was gone, I realized that Mia was worth fighting through the shit in my head that made me think that was the only way I could be, and I was right. She stood by me while I worked through it, while I still work through it, and we’re finding the right way to be for us.”
Sara nods. “Who’s Claudette?”
Mia’s eyes shoot to mine as she subtly shakes her head no.
“Just a woman I knew there. Our relationship didn’t go well.”
“Why did François say all those things?”
“François lives in a very dark place. He’s been in the lifestyle for over ten years, and it’s just who he is now. I realized tonight that he is not capable of respecting women, not even my sister and my girlfriend. I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
“I’m sorry it happened to you,” she says. “He was your friend and me being here ruined that.”
“No, Sara,” Mia says. “Things weren’t going well before you got here.”