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Agency of Extraordinary Mates: 4Saken

Page 2

by Eve Vaughn

  Tegor smirked as he remembered the petite Alpha fem staring them all down with fire in her dark eyes, hands on hips and belly full with the Alphas’ child. “I don’t think she was serious. You know how females get emotional when they’re pregnant. Trina’s a human and prone to mood swings, so she’s even worse.”

  Geho chose that moment to join the conversation. “Oh, I have no doubt that she was serious. She’s not known to issue idle threats from what we’ve seen. Do you not remember what happened when she confronted Nika’s followers?”

  Rain laughed. “She’s definitely not one to be crossed, but she’s also quite endearing.”

  Tegor nodded. The Alphas were lucky to have found a mate like Trina. He found himself envying them and the strong bond the four of them had. If only he and the rest of his Triad had stuck by Shelby as the Alphas had stood by Trina. They should have seen through Reyo’s Triad’s scheme. They’d still have their sweet Shelby.

  The evidence had been so strong, and each member of the Triad had misconceptions about humans before they’d even met Shelby. In a way, they had expected her to mess up somehow, which made it easy for Reyo’s Triad to splinter them apart.

  For that entire year she was banished neither he nor the rest of his Triad got much sleep with worry for her. There’d been a point when they sought her out in the forbidden forest, but there was no trace. They feared she’d died because, after all, not many Manani could survive that long in that dark place, let alone a human woman.

  When Trina brought her back to their village and they learned of the plot against her, they’d been relieved, but the damage had already been done.

  “Even if she does come, it’s going to be tough to convince her to give us another chance,” Geho sighed.

  “Stop being so negative,” Tegor growled. “I didn’t come here to go home without her. I don’t know about you two, but even if I have to track her down where she lives, I will. We’ll give it a couple days. If she doesn’t show up, then that’s exactly what we need to do. Are you two in agreement?”

  Rain and Geho exchanged looks before nodding. It was time to right the wrongs they’d done and win Shelby back.

  * * *

  As Shelby stepped out of the limo, she took a deep breath. Okay, she was still breathing, so at least the high power didn’t hold her to that silly vow she’d made. She had to be out of her mind to come here after she said she wouldn’t, but the letter that followed the first one made it hard for her to ignore.

  The porter took her bags and led Shelby to her bungalow. When she walked inside, she gasped. It was twice the size of the one she’d had before and the scent of fresh island fruit filled her nostrils. “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad you like it, Miss Morgenson. I hope you enjoy your second stay on Chimera,” the Lurch-like creature said, inclining his big, square head.

  “Thank you very much. You can just leave the bags by the door.”

  “As you wish.” He nodded again and left her alone, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

  She walked over to the big plush couch and plopped down with a sigh. Was she the fool Cindy claimed she was? Her family hadn’t been happy that she was going back to the ‘godforsaken island’ as they called it. Shelby could hardly believe she was here herself. She reached into her purse and pulled out the second letter she’d received. She’d already committed the letter to memory, but she read it again anyway.

  Dearest Shelby, I hope this letter finds you well. I miss having you here. I will always cherish those few weeks we shared together on Laiocean before you left. I never really had a close girlfriend before, and it was my honor to call you my sister. I don’t remember ever laughing with anyone as much as I did with you… well, I laugh with Roar, Bayoh, and Talh, but it’s different with girlfriends.

  I bet it must be great to be with your family again. I’m sure they all missed you. The way you talked about them, I feel like I know them. Has your sister Stacy had any panic attacks? Were there any new births in your family as you predicted there’d be? I don’t expect you to answer these questions, but writing this letter just makes me feel like I’m right there.

  Anyway, so much has happened since you’ve been gone. That crazy bitch, Nika, escaped from the hut she was being kept in and ran off to the forbidden forest. She came back within a day in her natural form and hasn’t shifted since. Some people speculate that she’s seen something that scared the evil out of her. I don’t know what happened, but she just sits there, licking her paws, not eating anything. Girl, it’s so pathetic to see, but she brought it on herself and I don’t feel a bit sorry for her ass.

  Believe it or not, I’ve made a lot of new friends. Things were a little awkward at first, but it’s much better now. Guess what? I’m going to have a baby!! I’m so excited!! Roar, Bayoh, and Talh are sweethearts, but they’re starting to get on my nerves with all their fussing. They won’t allow me to lift a finger. At first it was cute, but now it’s downright annoying. I know they mean well, so I don’t complain. It’s their first child, mine too, *g*, so I guess I’ll have to put up with it for just a little while longer.

  Did you know that because I carry a Manani cub my gestation period is only four months? I was big as a house after the first couple weeks. My mates want at least twelve more!!!! They’re nuts if they think I’ll go through this twelve more times, but I digress. They can be very convincing.

  Well, I’ve babbled on enough. Again, I hope you’re doing well. I just want you to know that you’ll always be the sister of my heart, and I wish you the best of everything. You deserve happiness and I’ll continue to pray for you. I know you’ve been hurt before, but when an opportunity comes along, don’t be afraid to take it. I know how you feel because Lord knows I’ve been let down in my life. I almost let love pass me by, and went through a lot of pain and heartache as a result. Don’t suffer needlessly like I did. I hope one day we’ll see each other again. With all my love, Trina.

  Shelby brushed away a tear as she refolded the letter and stuffed it back in her purse. It was almost as if Trina had known about the letter she received from Chimera. It couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. If this was a sign, she couldn’t think of anything more effective.

  Had Trina’s letter not arrived, Shelby probably would have sat around feeling miserable for herself. Sure, her professional and family life was great, but if she didn’t do anything to alleviate her loneliness, then she had no one to blame but herself.

  On impulse she’d called the number left on the letter she’d received from Chimera and made reservations. In her mind she convinced herself that she’d come here to meet someone new. Maybe she could meet a nice Vampire, but then again, she’d only get to see him at night. Perhaps a nice Incubus, that is, if she could take the marathon sex sessions. Her pussy would never get a rest.

  Even if she didn’t find someone this time around, she’d have a nice relaxing time, soaking up the sun and working on her tan. Shelby glanced at her pale arms. She’d spent way too much time indoors lately. Her usually sun-kissed skin looked almost sickly.

  After getting up from the couch she dragged her suitcase to her bedroom and pulled out a tiny pink bikini. There was definitely no time like the present. Once she’d donned her gear and smeared suntan lotion on her arms and legs, Shelby grabbed a beach towel and headed outside.

  When she found the perfect spot on the beach, she spread her towel out and lay on her stomach. Reaching around, she undid the tie of her bikini. This was the life. All she needed now was a waiter offering piña coladas.

  It was as if someone had read her mind because along came an Elf wearing nothing but the tiniest pair of Speedos she’d ever seen. If it were any smaller, his nuts would be hanging out. What Shelby found more impressive was the fact that he was holding a tray that carried the frothiest looking piña colada she’d ever seen.

  “For you, Miss Morgenson.”

  She sat up with one arm covering her breasts to
take the cool concoction with her free hand. “Thank you very much. How did you know this is what I wanted?”

  The Elf smiled. “It’s my job to know. We want to make sure your experience here on Chimera is even better than the first time.” He bowed slightly and walked away, revealing smooth ass cheeks.

  She bit her lip to stifle a giggle before taking a sip of her drink. Shelby put her drink down and held her head with one hand, the brain freeze instantly taking over. Someone laughed next to her and she turned to see a blue woman with short black hair. She looked like a pixie of some sort.

  “I didn’t mean to laugh at you, but the very same thing happened to me earlier. I know this sounds weird, but I think the drinks are colder here on Chimera.”

  Shelby wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, but there was something about this woman she found engaging. She smiled at the newcomer. “Yes, it seems that everything is bigger and better on this island.”

  “Is this your first day here?” the woman asked.

  “Yes. I arrived less than an hour ago, but this is my second time on the island.”

  “Really? My name is Swinla, by the way. Why did you come here a second time? Didn’t the first time work out for you?” She broke off and her cheeks grew darker. “I’m sorry. That’s a bit intrusive of me. Morel says I ask too many questions for my own good.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She held out her hand. “You shake it,” she explained, knowing that not everyone on this island was familiar with human customs.

  The blue woman frowned. “Why would I do that?”

  “It’s a form of greeting.”

  She smiled, revealing small white teeth. “Oh, in that case…” Swinla took her hand and shook it gently. “I’ve only met a few humans on this island so far, and I must admit some of your ways baffle me.”

  “I could say the same for… uh, what are you?” Shelby asked.

  “I’m a wood nymph.”

  “And what brings you to this island, Swinla of the wood nymphs?”

  Swinla’s face fell and her lip poked out in a pout. “Because Morel is a jerk, that’s why!”

  “Morel? Who’s that?”

  “He’s my betrothed, or at least he was. I grew tired of waiting for him to stop seeing me as just a little girl. He came here some months ago to find out whether there were other women he should be with. He said he didn’t know if he could love me the way I deserved. Have you any idea what it’s like to love someone so much that you can’t stand the very idea of being without them, only to find out that the love you thought was so real and pure isn’t?”

  Shelby laughed humorlessly. When she remembered how completely she’d given herself to her mates, heart, body and soul, only to be forsaken, she shuddered. “Yes, I have a pretty good idea about how you feel. So when Morel came here, he didn’t find a mate?”

  “No, that’s the thing. He came home and then announced that he was ‘finally willing to marry me.’ Have you any idea of how insulting that is? I’d rather be alone than accept a proposal like that. I told him that he may be willing, but I no longer was. I have too much pride and respect for myself to be his afterthought. He’s the prince of our people and all of my friends think I’m out of my head to turn him down, but there’s only so much a woman can take.”

  “That’s understandable. What did he say when you declined his proposal?”

  “At first he didn’t take me seriously. He laughed, but when I said I was coming here, he finally realized that I meant what I said. He told me he didn’t care anyway because the only reason he said he’d marry me was to keep the promise he’d made to his father the king.” Swinla burst into tears.

  Shelby quickly put her bikini top back on before reaching over to pat the wood nymph on the back. “Things may seem bleak, but you’ll find a mate worthy of you, one who’ll appreciate you for you.”

  Swinla sniffed, wiping her tears away. “Do you really think so?”

  “I know so. You seem like a very nice lady and this Morel sounds like a big jerk.”

  “Well, actually he has his moments. He can be sweet and caring. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I loved him in the first place. When I was younger, I had a twisted foot. I walked funny and the other children teased me, but not Morel. He stood up for me and told everyone that if they had a problem with me, then they had a problem with him.”

  Shelby suspected that Swinla was still a little in love with Morel, but she thought it was better not to mention it. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone even better.”

  Swinla nodded and stretched out on her towel. “It’s nice to have the sun on my skin. We don’t get a lot of it where I come from.”

  Remembering the bottle of suntan lotion she brought with her, Shelby held it out to her new friend. “Would you mind rubbing some of this on my back? I always end up missing spots and my tan looks splotchy.”

  “Sure,” the wood nymph agreed, but as she reached over for the bottle a muscled hand intercepted and took it from Shelby’s hand. Shadows fell over the women.

  A sense of doom welled up in the pit of Shelby’s stomach. No. It couldn’t be. She looked up to stare into Tegor’s aquamarine gaze.

  An easy smile stretched his sensual lips. “We can do that for you.”

  Chapter Two

  Tegor looked down at his woman, taking in every one of her exquisite features, from her pink pouty lips, small tilted up nose, to her large hazel eyes framed by perfect light brown eyebrows. He allowed his eyes to roam down her body in her poor excuse for a swimsuit. His cock stirred as he thought about peeling that pink piece of cloth from her body and feasting on that juicy cunt he’d grown addicted to.

  It was apparent from the look in her eyes that she was surprised to see them there, and he wondered if they should have given her a day or so to settle in before making their presence known. The problem with that was once Rain had spotted Shelby, her body stretched out so temptingly beneath the sun, those thoughts were quickly abandoned.

  “Hello, Shelby,” Rain greeted her as he stepped forward. Geho stood next to him silently, his eyes dark and brooding.

  “What the hell are you three doing here?” Shelby demanded when she finally found her voice.

  “Isn’t it obvious? We’ve come here for you.” Tegor knelt beside her and squeezed a generous dollop of the bottle’s contents into his hand. When he attempted to rub some on Shelby’s back, she rolled away.

  Her eyes narrowed to hazel slits. Tegor tried to keep the smile from his face but it was hard especially when she looked so sexy in her anger.

  “Did you know I’d be here on the island?”

  “Of course. There’d be no other reason for us to be here if not to seek you out,” Rain answered.

  “The proprietors,” she whispered in revelation. “Those sneaky stinkers.”

  “Uh, I think I should probably get going. It was very nice meeting you, Shelby.” The wood nymph got up and collected her belongings.

  Shelby stood on her knees. “No, wait, Swinla. You don’t have to go. These goons are leaving. Stay right where you are.”

  “I don’t think so. I think this should be a private discussion. Anyway, I’m sure we’ll run into each other again before we leave the island.” Swinla shot Shelby a wide grin before scurrying off.

  “Traitor,” Shelby murmured under her breath. She eyed them warily as Tegor, Geho, and Rain sat down, surrounding her on the warm sand. “I didn’t say you could join me,” she squeaked in high-pitched agitation.

  Tegor firmly held her by one delicately curved shoulder, resisting the urge to place a kiss on her honeyed skin. “Still feisty as ever, I see,” he chuckled as he applied the lotion he’d been holding in his hand on her back. “Be still,” he ordered when she tried to flinch away.

  Shelby’s bottom lip protruded, giving her the appearance of a sullen child. “I can’t believe you guys have the audacity to show your faces around here.”

  “You know, Shelby, if you keep poking that
succulent lower lip of yours out like that, I’m going to have to nibble on it.”

  She gasped, nostrils flaring. “Do it and you’re going to get punched in the nose.”

  Rain chuckled. “I don’t doubt you will, kitten.”

  She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but instead sat still while Tegor finished applying the suntan lotion in his hand. A far off look entered her eyes, and he wondered what she was thinking but decided not to press.

  When he was finished, he handed the bottle back to her. Shelby looked straight ahead, careful not to make eye contact with any of them. He frowned at her stony silence and looked at his companions.

  We’ve approached her too soon. I told you we should have waited, Geho’s voice filtered through the recesses of his mind.

  I know you did, but I didn’t see you trying to stop anyone once you laid eyes on her. Admit it. You couldn’t have stayed away even if you wanted to, Rain shot back.

  Perhaps not, but look at her, not even speaking to us. Perhaps we should leave her alone to get used to our presence, Geho suggested.

  “I hate to interrupt your little mind speak, but I’d really like for you to take your damn hands off of me now. Your touch is unwanted and unwelcome.” Shelby finally managed to tug herself out of Tegor’s grasp.

  Standing up abruptly, she gathered her things and made a move to leave. Rain grabbed her wrist. “Wait. Can’t we at least talk?”

  She encompassed them all within her icy glare. “What’s there to talk about? Everything that needed to be said was done on Laiocean. The three of you made your position clear the moment you took the side of Reyo’s Triad and that crazy bitch, Nika. You’d told me she was slightly unstable, yet you turned your back on me anyway.”

  Tegor’s heart felt heavy. There was no disputing what she’d just said. He and his friends had always known that Reyo’s Triad were ambitious and willing to do what they could to become the Alpha Triad. And yes, as beautiful as she was, Nika had always been a bit erratic in her behavior, but, as Tegor learned, new love could be uncertain. They should have listened to their hearts instead of what others had said.


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