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Agency of Extraordinary Mates: 4Saken

Page 3

by Eve Vaughn

  “Please give us a chance. I know we have no right to ask after what has passed, but we’re coming to you with open hearts and we’ll do whatever it takes to win you back,” Tegor pleaded, all arrogance gone.

  She wrenched her arm out of Rain’s grip in one erratic swipe. “You’re right. You have no right to ask me that. Please, if you want to make it up to me, then leave me alone.”

  Geho held out his hand, and then let it immediately fall to his side when Shelby shot him another freezing glare. “We love you very much, Shelby.”

  She threw back her golden head to reveal her swan-like neck and laughed briefly before shaking her head. “Please spare me. The kind of love the three of you have to offer, I can do without. Again, I ask you to leave me alone. I’m not going to let you ruin my vacation by running me off the island. Just stay out of my way.”

  Turning on her heel, she left the three of them alone and if Tegor wasn’t mistaken, he’d seen the hint of tears glistening in her eyes. He wanted to scream his frustration, slam his fist into something, make her stay by their sides, but he could do none of that.

  By the look on his friends’ faces they were feeling the same thing. “I don’t know about the two of you, but I didn’t come to this island to see her end up with another man. I don’t think my heart could take it.”

  Rain nodded. “My thoughts exactly, but we’ll have to be careful of our approach.”

  Tegor rubbed the underside of his chin, trying to figure out their next move. “If it were up to me, I’d take her by the hair, drag her back to our bungalow, and fuck her until she admits that she still loves us. Yes, she was pretty angry with us, but I could still see the emotion there.”

  “That’s your answer for everything, isn’t it? Drag her off and fuck her.” Geho snorted.

  Tegor looked at his friend. “And yours isn’t?” he challenged.

  “Of course it is, but like Rain pointed out, we’ll have to be careful in our approach.”

  “What do you suggest we do?” Tegor asked. “Are you willing to sit around and watch her with other men? I don’t think I can stand that.”

  Geho shook his head, releasing a deep sigh. “You knew we’d have to pay something of a penance for what we’ve done. Look, I’m not willing to see her with another man either. She belongs to us. We’ll give her the space she requires… for now, but in the meantime we’re going to make sure every man on Chimera knows that Shelby is off limits.”

  “I like the sound of that idea. We’ll make sure that no one gets the opportunity to get close to her and while she’s trying to figure out what’s going on, we’ll make our move.” A slow smile tugged at the corners of Tegor’s lips. Shelby Morgenson was not so easily rid of them as she thought.

  * * *

  Shelby stormed out of the proprietor’s office, steaming mad. All they’d offered her was an apologetic smile and the runaround. Even as she’d given the woman a piece of her mind, that irritating smile had stayed in place. It was almost like no one was listening to her.

  Now she had to figure out how she would avoid the three thorns in her side during the remainder of her stay. Just as she’d told them, Shelby had no intention of being run off the island. She had every right to be there, so they could just find some other bimbo to play their head games with. She winced at the thought of them with another woman. No. Any woman who would put up with those flip-floppers was welcome to them.

  So ensconced in her righteous indignation, Shelby didn’t look where she was going and tripped over what felt like a boulder. Landing flat on her face, the wind swooshed from her lungs and Shelby found it difficult to breathe as she got to her knees. It took her a while to recover and when she did, she found herself nearly eye level with a smugly grinning little man.

  “Hey, baby, you must be tired, because you’ve been running through my mind all day,” the creature greeted her.

  Who did this broke down mini Rico Suave think he was? He wasn’t remotely appealing to her. His pointed ears and nose were probably his most attractive features. The thing’s dark beady eyes looked squished in his face and he had so much hair Shelby had originally thought he was wearing a sweater, but it was all him. He wore a pair of Speedos similar to what the Elf had worn, but on him it looked totally ridiculous. She got off her knees and stood up then. The man barely reached her navel, but the leer never left his face.

  “Um, excuse me,” she mumbled and attempted to walk around him, but like lightning he moved in front of her and blocked her way.

  “You can’t go.”

  Rolling her eyes heavenwards, she sighed. “Why not?”

  “Because there’s something you should be doing right about now.”

  “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

  Stubby little fingers reached up and grazed her hip, which Shelby immediately smacked away. “You should be having my baby.”

  Shelby didn’t know whether to laugh or hurl. She felt the bile rise from her esophagus and covered her mouth, heaving slightly. “Excuse me. I just threw up in my mouth a little.”

  He nodded his head. “It’s okay, baby. I think there must be something going around because that’s happening to a lot of the women on this island.”

  “I’ll bet,” she said dryly, knowing exactly why.

  “So what do you say to my offer, sweet face?”

  This guy had to be thicker than the yellow pages. “Uh, I’m sorry but I’ll have to pass on that delightful offer.” Again she tried to maneuver around him, but he blocked her way. “Could you move, please?”

  “You can’t walk away from me. I know what a woman like you needs and I can give you what you want. I know you’ve been hoping and praying for a real man, so here I am, baby. Larry is here to solve what ails you.”

  Larry? This little dude’s name was Larry. Not exactly the kind of name she’d expect of a mythical creature or whatever the hell he was. “Uh, Larry, if you don’t move out of my way, I’m going to walk over you.”

  Larry laughed. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re playing at, baby. I know you human women like playing hard to get, but I’ve been studying your television and I’ve learned the lingo. I can see the interest in your eyes. You know what they say, don’t you? Once you go Gnome, you never go back.”

  Doubling over, she laughed in Larry’s face, unable to help herself. She knew he hadn’t meant to be funny, but that’s what made it even more comical.

  The smile disappeared from the little guy’s face. “Hey, I’m serious. You wouldn’t believe the wondrous pleasures I could show you. I can take you to heaven, baby.”

  Shelby wiped the tears from her eyes, unable to stop the laughter. “Oh, Larry, did you learn those pathetic lines from television? Whatever shows you’ve been watching, you really need to cut them out.”

  “You’re seriously turning me down?” he asked incredulously, his face scrunching up.

  “I’m sorry, Larry, but you’re too much man for me.”

  Not deterred, Larry stuck out an exceptionally long tongue and wagged it at her. “See what I can do for you, baby.”

  Something loud and deep growled behind her and Shelby stiffened. The Gnome, losing all color, turned on his heel and ran off. Shelby didn’t have to turn around to know what or who was behind her. “I thought I told you to leave me alone!”

  With smooth stealthy strides, Tegor began to circle her in his natural form, his tail swishing behind him. This was just too much.

  “I know told you to leave me alone.”

  I only meant to help you. It didn’t seem like you wanted that Gnome’s company in particular.

  That was beside the point. “I don’t have time for this.”

  Shelby, please…

  The intimate way his voice caressed her mind was just too much. She remembered the times they’d communicated without words after passionate lovemaking and tears sprang to her eyes. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” she screamed at him before taking off. She ran and kept running even though s
he felt the throbbing burn of aching lungs. Shelby didn’t stop until she reached her bungalow.

  She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. Pressing trembling knuckles against her lips, Shelby tried her best to stave off the tears. Damn them. Every single one of them. She was supposed to be over the pain and anguish they’d put her through, but it still felt so fresh, so raw. Even if it killed her she planned on having a good time, and woe betide Tegor, Rain, and Geho if they tried to stop her.

  * * *

  “I’m going over there right now. I can’t take this anymore,” Tegor growled, slamming down another shot of vodka, the alcohol only serving to fuel his ire.

  Rain halted Tegor by grabbing his forearm. “This is painful for us to watch as well, but we’re not here to stop her, just anyone who tries to get close to her.”

  Tegor watched broodingly as Shelby and her new friend, the wood nymph, danced on the tables with wild abandon as if the world would end that very night. Shelby gyrated and twisted her body in ways that made him remember how limber and creative she’d been in their bed. As she moved, Shelby arched her back, letting that gorgeous golden mane touch the small of her back. More than anything he wanted to run his fingers through those glorious locks. He was so fucking horny that his cock threatened to rip the seam of his pants.

  Geho knocked back his second drink, his eyes growing stormier with each passing second. “I don’t like the way that Vampire is looking at her,” he muttered.

  Tegor noticed a pale slim figure climbing onto the table to dance with the two women. Shelby turned toward the Vampire and took the drink offered to her without missing a beat. After taking a few sips, she seemed to grow bolder, her dancing becoming more suggestive than ever. The Vampire ground his pelvis against hers, his hands slowly moving up her sides, just missing her breasts.

  “That’s it. He’s dead,” Tegor growled, springing to his feet, taking off before his friends could hold him back. Pushing through the swaying mass of bodies on the dance floor, Tegor stalked toward his prey determined to separate her from the Vampire whose lips were now grazing the delicate hollow of Shelby’s neck.

  She turned hazel eyes his way, and instead of the defiant anger he’d expected, she smiled at him. “Tegor, what a surprise to see you here.” Her words were slurred. Wobbling ever so slightly, she giggled. “Hey, Swinla, look who it is. Tegor has come to dance with us.”

  She was drunk. This was all the more reason to get her out of there before someone took advantage of her inebriated state. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her off the table and threw her over his shoulder, causing the Vampire to turn glowing red eyes his way.

  “The lady is with me,” he said, hopping down from the table in one fluid motion, opening his mouth just enough to show jagged fangs.

  “Yeah, I was with him,” Shelby said, and then hiccupped which sent her into a fit of giggles.

  “If you want to walk away with all of your teeth, I suggest you get out of my face, Vampire. Shelby belongs to my Triad.” Tegor’s tail swished behind him in furious swipes, his blood boiling as he stared down the arrogant Vamp.

  “Try it and you’ll land flat on your ass,” the Vampire shot back.

  “And we’d like to see you try it.” Rain joined them.

  “It’s Rain! Where’s Geho? We can have a…” A hiccup interrupted Shelby’s words. “A foursome. No wait, there’s my friend, Darius, and then Swinla. We can have a sixsome.” She laughed as if it were the funniest joke she’d ever heard.

  The wood nymph climbed off the table. “Please don’t cause a scene. We could all get kicked out of here. I can walk Shelby back to her bungalow.”

  Rain shook his head. “If Shelby goes anywhere, it’ll be with us. We can see how well she’s been in your care.”

  The blue woman turned a deeper shade of blue. “And she wouldn’t be in the condition she’s in if you guys had left her alone as she asked you!”

  Swinla certainly had a point, but Tegor’s main concern was getting Shelby out of the club and away from this predator whose eyes never left her tempting rounded backside.

  The Vampire was not ready to back down, however. “I think the lady has a point. You gentlemen talk a lot, but do you have the action to back it up? Why don’t you meet me outside?”

  “With pleasure, you bastard,” Tegor agreed, never one to back down from a challenge.

  “Would you guys just stop for a minute?” Swinla yelled and grabbed Rain by the elbow only to be shaken off like a pesky fly.

  Once outside, Tegor set Shelby gently back on her feet. “Oh, wow, the party is outside now? Where’s the music?” she asked, jerking her body back and forth in what could have been a dance movement.

  “You stay here and don’t move,” he ordered.

  “I can’t help moving. The rhythm has got a hold of me,” she said, wiggling her hips from side to side.

  If the Vampire hadn’t been standing there spoiling for a fight, Tegor would have found the drunken Shelby quite comical, but he didn’t get the chance because he saw something flash toward him. Ducking just in time, he avoided the Vampire’s fist.

  Rain and Geho both tried to grab Darius but he was fast, managing to get out of their way. The three Manani circled their enemy. Geho was the first to finally land a punch, sending the Vampire flying.

  “You’ll pay for that, shifter!” Darius hissed, jumping to his feet. He moved so fast he nearly became invisible. He sent Geho crashing into the club’s brick wall.

  Rain grabbed the Vampire by the neck, pulling him off of Geho, before slamming a fist in the Vampire’s face. Darius howled, and then sunk sharp incisors into Rain’s forearm.

  “Stop it now!” Swinla screamed only to be ignored by the four fighters. Shelby paid little heed to what was going on, still dancing to the music that was apparently in her head.

  “I said stop it now!” Swinla’s voice came out like a sonic boom shaking the ground beneath their feet, and this time they listened because they had no choice. The four men were unable to move a muscle.

  “What is the meaning of this madness?” Tegor demanded through his teeth, unable to move his frozen lips.

  “I told you barbarians to stop, but you wouldn’t listen. Now you’ll remain this way until I decide to set you free. In the mood I’m in now, you can stay here all night for all I care!”

  If Tegor could move, he’d wrap his fingers around the little wood nymph’s throat, but instead, he watched as she led a tipsy Shelby away. She wouldn’t be able to keep them like this for long, and when he and his friends were free, they would claim their woman.

  Chapter Three

  The forceful pounding on her door woke Shelby up. Burying her head further into the downy softness of her pillows, she groaned, hoping her late night visitor would leave her in peace. Again the loud banging penetrated the darkness engulfing the room.

  Was that someone at the door or her throbbing head? Whoever it was, it didn’t seem like they’d be leaving any time soon. Dragging herself into a sitting position, Shelby shook her head, trying to alleviate the grogginess she felt.

  The last thing she remembered was going to the club with Swinla and dancing. Perhaps she’d had way too much to drink because she felt like shit, and it didn’t help matters that someone continued to knock when all she wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep off her hangover.

  “I’m coming,” she mumbled, knowing her visitor wouldn’t be able to hear her. If there wasn’t a fire on the island somewhere, someone was about to get a piece of her mind.

  Shelby made her way over to the door and yanked it open, and immediately tried to close it when she saw who was on the other side. She was no match for three muscular arms pushing her back.

  “What the hell are you three doing here? I told you guys to stay away from me,” she demanded. Damn, her head ached. The presence of Tegor, Rain, and Geho was the last thing she needed.

  “Did you think we could stay away from you, especially after watching you getting ma
uled by that damn Vampire? If any of us ever sees him putting his hands on you again, we’re going to kill him,” Tegor threatened, his aqua eyes glistening with possessive fury.

  Shelby rubbed her aching temples, trying to ignore the pain. Vampire? “What in the world are you blubbering about?”

  All three men looked at her in disbelief. It was Geho who finally spoke, arms crossed against his bare muscular chest. “Shelby, we all saw you dancing with that Vampire, rubbing your body against him.”

  She frowned, trying to recall the events of the night. She had a faint image of a dark-haired man with extremely pale skin. She didn’t remember dancing with a Vampire, but then again nothing on this island was as it seemed. “So what if I was dancing with another man? It’s my right, isn’t it? The three of you have no claim over me, and I thought I’d made it clear that I want nothing further to do with you.” She clutched her head, feeling faint. “God, my head hurts,” she sighed.

  Immediately, Rain was at one side, Tegor the other, and Geho stood in front of her, concern etched on their handsome faces. She tried to pull away, but each one of them gripped a part of her body, making it impossible to move. “Let me go. You’re not supposed to be here.” Why did they have to invade her space, and why did her body tighten with awareness at their touch? She wasn’t supposed to feel like this anymore.

  Tegor shook his dark head. “Do you think we can leave you in the state you’re in? You obviously had too much to drink.”

  “No shit, Sherlock. So how about letting me sleep this off in peace? I didn’t ask any of you to come to my rescue. As a matter of fact, you all make me… sick.” Even as the words spilled from her mouth a wave of nausea hit her so strongly that Shelby knew if she didn’t make it to a toilet soon, she’d hurl all over the floor.

  With a strength she didn’t realize she still possessed, Shelby tore herself away from the three men and raced to the bathroom. She hated throwing up. The acid bile burned the back of her throat as she retched.


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