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Titan Stand

Page 20

by Max Jager

  "That's because you don't do your research like I do," said Deev. Maltorret was the name of Xandrus a long time ago. Don't feel bad, it's an easy mistake to make, I almost didn't catch it either. The Sibranthi were one of the few races whose home world didn't carry the same name as their race. However I agree that it's odd that her place of origin isn't listed as Xandrus." Matt then spoke up,

  "Sir, how long do androids live?" The Golians chuckled,

  "Well Matt," replied Deev,

  "'Droids don't die as we living beings do, they either simply wear out, or just fail. However as long as either they, or whoever they work for properly maintains them, they can theoretically last for hundreds of yarns, what are you implying?"

  "Well she certainly doesn't look it, but maybe Amber is older than she looks."

  "He's got a point there," said Dulvi, "Well our records show her as having been on Ugar back on 114623/18/40 that was close to two yarns ago. This Tate fellow was also listed; however the record doesn't say what they were doing there. I see that they spent almost a full senth on Kix Plyzia, and a couple centons on Octaria, that's out in the Thovan system, raider territory, we are going to have to ask her about that," said Gluz, who then added.

  "You mentioned something about this Tate fellow coming from the planet Z'ha'dum, and of the Neistraen's?" Matt nodded.

  "From time to time we used to receive reports on the Neistra. There were always rumors floating around about them, but stealing a whole village from your planet, well that's a new one." Gluz then sighed,

  "Well you won't have to worry about the Neistra any longer; they came out on the loosing side in a little fracas with the Ruddorians almost two yarns ago, about the time your friends were out in the Thovan system."

  "Anything more you can tell us about these Neistraen's?" Asked Matt.

  Gluz replied,

  "Not a whole lot, they were a very secretive race, didn't trust anyone, they were always a part of the non-aligned worlds, pretty independent bunch that lot. You know, this business of stealing citizens off other planets needs to be looked into," said Dulvi.

  "Yeah but that was over a hundred years ago when they came to earth and took all those people," said Matt "Greg told me he was just about the last of them; everyone had pretty much died out."

  "Oh it's more than just that," added Gluz, "We cannot access the records from this computer but things keep crossing my mind about this race, this Z'ha'dum is out in the Tryn-Isha system, and as I recall that area has always been flagged for scrutiny." Then he added,

  "When this android shows up we would like to speak with her, get some things cleared up, you make sure she comes and sees us. Handing Matt what looked like a small metal card with some unfamiliar characters written on it, Gluz said,

  "Give this to the new accounts agent over at the Loridian trading company office they will set up your credit accounts."

  "One more thing," asked Matt,

  "What was Agrat doing in this part of your galaxy; I thought you didn't have much of a raider problem around here?" "Generally we don't," replied Gluz,

  However it seems he and his friends managed to escape from Derto Eenn, which is a prison planet over in the Amm Krye sector. They stole a prison craft, then hijacked the ship they attacked you with killing the crew before hand. You did everyone a big favor young fellow, that's why the bounties were so high."

  Well I just wanted to know, that's all replied Matt.

  "Well when you get your credit and identification card settled, that money will be automatically credited to your account," added Gluz.

  As they were leaving, Matt asked,

  "Originally Amber, Kaitlyn and I were just going to return to Z'ha'dum and see what was and who was still there," then glancing at Bria, he added,

  "Then things changed, we got sidetracked, but I would like to go there."

  "Well I would not recommend it young fellow, with the Neistra gone and the Ruddorians running things out there, it's not an area I would go to unless I had a naval escort. Eventually there will be a military presence out there, but that might take awhile. Don't forget, you have this Amber stop by when she gets here."

  After being excused, they headed for the Loridian office where Matt and Kaitlyn spent over an hour getting their credit/identification cards issued. The bounties for Agrat and Kreed filled his account but dropped considerably after he shifted funds to Grak and Karlt's accounts, and paid back Bria, as well as giving Kaitlyn a share as well. Still, he had well over ten thousand credits in his account, although Matt wasn't quite sure how a credit compared to a U.S. dollar.

  Back in their room Matt asked,

  "So gang, what do we do now?"

  "Well I don't know what you're going to do, but Bria and I are going to the spa, after all we've been through, we deserve it."

  "A spa! They have a friggen spa on this rock?" He asked. Both Bria and Kaitlyn giggled,

  "While you were talking to the Loridian agent we watched a commercial advertising all the places they have here, no guys allowed, so we'll see you later."

  With that, both females disappeared out the door. With nothing else to do, Matt headed for the scrap disposal dock where the raider ship was sitting. Showing her the release certificate Gluz had given him, Sung'Rir allowed him to take one last swing through the craft, to claim any small or personal items before she declared it officially hers. Wandering through the ship Matt almost threw up over the dried blood still covering the floor, and the stench of death permeating the ship. Everything loose or considered a weapon had been removed by the authorities,

  However Matt made a careful search of every compartment he was aware of, as well as places he suspected of containing "loot." Sure enough, he discovered that the pilot's seat bottom opened up to reveal a secret compartment containing what appeared to be some sort of device worn on the head. It was sealed in a clear plastic-like pouch. Thinking it might be a translator, Matt stuck it into one of his cargo pockets. He also found a small plazor pistol which he stuffed in the other pocket. There were also three data devices identical to the one Deev had given him.

  When he returned to Sung'Rir, and announced that he was done going through the raider ship, she made some calculations on her computer then said,

  I've already looked it over, there's really not a lot wrong with it other than it's now classed as a raider ship. The engines are current, and in much demand, along with many salvageable parts, I will allow twenty thousand credits for everything." Certain that he was being "taken," Matt really had no choice, not knowing what a ship like that was worth as scrap value.

  "You've got a deal," she replied. He was required to look into a device that according to Sung'Rir, recorded a retinal scan as a "signature." Once he was finished with the scrap dealer, Matt wandered around until he found a shop that by the looks of the merchandise displayed sold translators, and other small electronic devices. Not being able to read the printing on the plastic pouch he asked the proprietor, obviously a member of the Diyari race, with his light blue/grey skin, black pupil's bony brow, a series of ridges on the bridge of his nose.

  "What you've got here is a model 23448 psypyx translator; do you wish to sell it? I can give you a very food price, they are in high demand." Now that he realized he had a translator, as well as one in demand, Matt replied,

  "What's so special about it?"

  "Well remove it from the bag and I'll show you," said the Diyarian. After he had taken it from the bag, the proprietor demonstrated how it fit over his ear. As Matt placed it over his ear, he wondered how it would stay on. There was a fold out eye-piece, as well as a flip out mic as well. The moment he placed the device over his right ear, it felt like there was something crawling inside. Quickly yanking it off, Matt inspected it for bugs.

  "That headset is a living organism," said the shop keeper, Matt stared at the earpiece as the Diyarian explained.

  "All you need to do is place the device over your ear and it will immediately conform to every contour of
your ear. It will remain fixed to your head but will come off with a gentle pull."

  Matt placed the headset back on and felt it move but he waited, and the movement stopped. He barely felt its presence, but he could clearly understand the Diyarian now, it certainly was an improvement. Then asking about the eyepiece, he was told,

  "Just flip it over your eye when you want to see something in the dark or in emergency battle lighting. However it's mainly used by pilots to study details on a scanner screen with better clarity without leaving your seat." Regardless, Matt thought it looked cool, the translator seemed to work better than the one he had. The Diyarian made him another offer for the translator, but he refused, instead he traded his old translator for an upgraded model for Kaitlyn getting a small discount.

  On his way back to his room, Matt stopped by the bar to see if Grak and Karlt were there. They were, and sitting with female companionship as well. This time he walked up to their table, and sat down.

  Chapter 26

  Titan Stand Chapter 26

  Both Grak and Karlt greeted him as well as introducing their girlfriends Sualla and Freia.

  "They released the bounties as well as the raider ship," announced Matt, I credited you guys each fifteen thousand credits if that's not enough I can go more, but I'm going to need something for our ship." Both Golians nodded,

  "That is very fair, and thank you very much, you have been more than generous," said Grak. Karlt also thanked him profusely.

  "So what do you plan to do next?" Asked Karlt,

  "Are you guys going back to Doradus or Denedra?" he asked.

  "No," replied Grak, in fact Freia here was just giving us our next assignment, seems we have to run out to Griesha Gra, and pick up some specialized mining equipment for Glira, there is a time factor, so we will be leaving here shortly."

  "Well if that's the case," said Matt, I guess we'll have to wait until Amber and Gandric show up." Karlt then indicated to entrance of the bar,

  "Would that be your captain?" he said matter-of-factly. Matt looked over to see Amber heading right towards them.

  "There you are," announced Amber, "They told us on Doradus you came here." Matt then introduced his android pilot, who asked him,

  "Where are Kaitlyn and Bria?"

  "Well if they are not back in our room at the hostelry, they are still at some spa they found out about," replied Matt.

  "Well we had better find them," added Amber, Gandric is finishing up business with the Loridian representatives."

  "Say, why don't you sit down and have something to drink!" Exclaimed Grak,

  "I've never shared a drink with an android before, what's your hurry?"

  "Well this is certainly interesting?" Thought Matt, as he observed Amber glare at the Golian.

  "Whoa!" Exclaimed Grak,

  "I had forgotten that 'droids didn't drink, excuse me for living, you can still have a seat and just chat. How was Xandrus? Did you know Matt here killed some raiders?"

  Amber's eyes darted to Matt,

  "Is that true?" He grimaced, and replied.

  "I'm afraid so Amber, we were on our way back to Doradus when a raider ship attacked us, Grak told me that they probably had devices that could detect plasers, and stuff, but since I had guns that fire bullets, I thought we might get the drop on them."

  "He and that female certainly did," injected Grak, "He went charging on to their ship that had docked with us, just shooting and killing."

  "As I recall," said Matt, "You and Karlt managed to get a couple of them."

  "That we did, my friend," replied Grak, "But it was you who did the last thing they expected and went charging at them like you did." Amber continued to stare at Matt, then in almost a whisper said,

  "Greg told me he could see a lot of himself in you, that's just the sort of thing he would have done." She sat for another few moments thinking of something when Grak announced;

  "Well we have to be going, if by any chance you find yourselves on Golia, stop by "Neb's Nebula," we can usually be found there whenever Karlt and I are in that sector. You can't miss the place; it's within throwing distance of the security gate at the spaceport." Matt shook hands with both Golians, and nodded at Sualla, and Freia.

  "Well we will certainly do that, and the next time we pass through here, I'll make it a point to stop in here."

  "We'll be here," replied Karlt, "Catch you later."

  As he and Amber were heading down the large passage way, Matt asked Amber,

  "You aren't mad at us for coming here are you?" Amber looked at him,

  "No, should I be?"

  "Well we did leave Doradus rather quickly while you and Gandric were gone, and that look you gave Grak." Amber shook her head,

  "Those two…Ha!

  "What's the matter with them?" He asked.

  "They should have been better prepared; raiders can appear at any time, making you do all the fighting, that was not right."

  "They told me the raiders would be able to tell if we had any weapons on board, except for mine, I didn't want to be taken captive, and I had Kaitlyn and especially Bria to look out for. It was the only thing I could think of at the moment,"

  Amber continued to walk, then stopped and turned.

  "If we should ever befall such a situation, let me handle things."

  "What would you have done differently?" He asked, Amber said nothing as she resumed walking. This caused Matt to wonder if there was more to Amber than met the eye.

  "So how did things go?"

  "Better than Gandric had hoped," she replied.

  "Both Denedra and Doradus are placing orders for two medium transports with the option for two reserve craft. Zeb Kifire was very impressed with the manufacturing capabilities on Xandrus; he's also looking at the possibilities of manufacturing specialized mining equipment there."

  "That's great," said Matt,

  "Mr. Kifire is also talking of opening a major re-fit shop there as well, it will certainly put a great many back to work, Gandric is a real hero in Xandrus."

  "Well that's great," replied Matt, "I'm really glad to hear that."

  "Actually the most important thing," said Amber, "Is that Mr. Kifire thinks that even though Xandrus isn't close, it's closer than Uggi-Klarn, which is the nearest manufacturing planet. He says it will save The Loridian Company millions of credits over the long term in manufacturing and shipping costs. Eventually Xandrus will become the manufacturing and re-fit point for this entire sector."

  Both of them arrived at Matt's room to find that Kaitlyn and Bria had returned, but Matt couldn't believe what he saw. Both of them simply "glowed," their appearances were completely changed. Everything from their skin to their hair was completely "remade."

  "What did they do to you two?" He stated, "You guys are…Beautiful!" Kaitlyn and Bria laughed,

  "Well after all we went through, we'd better be!" Announced Kaitlyn.

  "Your hair," replied Matt, "It really looks great, I really mean it. And you Bria, you look terrific, and your hair…" Bria's hair was now blonde with several shades of brown running through it. It was also a little shorter but fluffed out giving her face a "pixie" look. Kaitlyn's was also somewhat shorter, and more styled. It was still black but like Bria's, had several shades of red with one darker swatch running center down the front of her hair.

  "Those people were simply genius's with hair," said Bria, "I've always dreamed of having my hair this way, but nobody at the palace was able to do it properly.

  "Same here," added Kaitlyn, we think the women working there had to have been telepathic, while we were getting massaged, which by the way was incredible, they asked us to relax and think about the way we've always wanted our hair to be, well when it came time to do our hair, they already knew, and did it perfectly."

  "Well both of you are simply gorgeous," uhh how much did all that set you back?"

  "Is that all you can think about?" Snapped Kaitlyn.

  "No," he replied, "They cut loose the bounty money a
s well as the raider ship, I've already been paid for it, I just need to know how much to reimburse Bria here, 'cause I know you don't have any credits."

  Kaitlyn calmed down, and admitted he was right. "So how much did you get?" She asked.

  "Well the bounties on Agrat and Kreed came to fifty thousand credits; the scrap dealer gave me another twenty thousand for the ship. I gave Grak and Karlt fifteen thousand each which they thought was fair, that leaves around forty thousand credits, most of which we will need for fuel, and repairs."

  "Well including this room, our make-over's, and the rest you owe me, we're looking at right around eight hundred credits," replied Bria. Matt winced, but the debt had to be re-paid.


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