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Titan Stand

Page 21

by Max Jager

  "Well let's go find someplace where I can transfer that amount to you," he said.

  "Oh yeah, Kaitlyn, here's a new translator, I found the one I'm wearing on that raider ship I traded in my old one and used the credits to help pay for this one."

  Kaitlyn and Bria began to examine his translator, with Bria asking,

  "How does it stay on your head?"

  "The guy at the shop told me the damn thing is alive, it…Just stays where you put it that's all." He then had to explain the eyepiece and the little fold out mic. Both Kaitlyn and Bria thought it looked "cool" but Matt had other things on his mind.

  Turning to Amber, he asked,

  "Forty thousand credits isn't going to last very long is it?" Shaking her head, she replied,

  "It will cost close to ten thousand just to fuel the ship. Right now, the Loridian trading company is crediting us that amount for the travel to and from Xandrus, to Denedra, Doradus and finally here. Now the Nora-Lee doesn't take ten thousand credits worth of fuel to travel that distance, but you get the idea." Matt frowned as he nodded.

  "So how can we make money? What did you and Greg do?"

  "Whatever was available," said Amber, "But he was a realist, you and Kaitlyn come from another world, we may have to change a few things, other than that, I am not prepared to say any more." This started Matt to thinking about some of the places Amber and Greg had been revealed by the records Dulvi had dredged up. Right now they had to find a credit transfer station, or as Matt and Kaitlyn envisioned, an "ATM machine." As they walked along, Matt asked Amber,

  "Do they have anything like a job board here? You know someplace that lists all sorts of jobs available. I remember playing a video game once that featured something like that it was where you went to find work."

  Before she could answer, Gandric suddenly appeared coming the other way. Amber rushed up to him reaching for his hands which she held for a moment. Gandric then looked at Matt and said,

  "They want to see you back at the Loridian trading office right away Matt."

  "Now what? He replied, "We were just there."

  "I spoke with a Mr. Mocon, who knew that I was a member of the Nora-Lee crew," continued the android.

  "All he would say is something has just come up and he wishes to speak to you and Amber as well."

  "Why me?" She asked,

  "He wouldn't say just that we are to report to his office immediately." All he could do was shake his head and grumble, but at least they found a transfer station where Matt relieved his debt to Bria.

  As they entered the trading company office, Deev welcomed them.

  "I'm sorry to bother you again, but we've got a bit of a problem that hopefully you can help us with."

  "And what would that be?" Asked Amber.

  "Well it seems that Agrat Slyr and company attacked and destroyed a private craft traveling from Moriedia to Ussen Ommo, before they attacked you. Apparently there were no survivors, save a young boy and girl who were picked up by an ore freighter; they are now here at Fort Kamata. The Malhazar ambassador has been notified, and has requested that these children be returned to Moriedia. Right now all our assets are committed to other tasks and locations, would you be able to return them there, the trading company would be happy to cover your fuel expenses."

  "Umm where is Moriedia?" Asked Matt.

  "It's out in the Eisel system," replied Amber, who then began to stare at Matt. He knew what it meant, replying,

  "Hey, you're the captain, is this Moriedia near anywhere we need to go?" Amber ignored him, turning to Deev.

  "We will take the job, providing I receive an official Loridian fuel voucher."

  "Well now that you are here, we need to register your ship anyway; the fuel voucher can be incorporated at that time."

  "Very well," replied Amber, where are these children?"

  "Right now, down at the infirmary undergoing examination, they should be finished by the time we are finished here," said Deev.

  The whole process took roughly ten minutes, basically establishing registry, and the names of the crew along with their place of origin. Amber also did something that interested Matt. Deev set up an Loridian trading fuel account for them, which would allow them to fuel at any planet with an Loridian presence, as well as several that didn't, but had trade agreements with the company. Also, a designated amount would be deducted from any payments for work done for the company. Matt's earlier question was also answered, when Deev said,

  "The Loridian Company maintains a job board only accessible from our fueling points, when you fuel, you will be given an access code for the board, which will allow you to scan the board on your ships computer, selecting anything that looks interesting."

  "Boy, they really have their "bases" covered don't they," he thought, still it appeared to be rather convenient.

  Shortly two kids accompanied by three security types appeared at the office door,

  "Ahh here they are now," announced Deev. Matt and the others turned to see two very unusual children. At first he thought they were albinos their skin was very pale. There was a boy and girl; the boy looked to be around thirteen or fourteen, and the girl around eight or nine judging from her size. Their hair was pure white but their eyes were completely black both pupil and iris, making them resemble some kind of vampire or ghoul. The moment he thought that both children suddenly scowled at him.

  "Whoa there kids!" he quickly announced, "I mean you no harm."

  Chapter 27

  Titan Stand Chapter 27

  I must warn you," said Deev, Malhazars are highly telepathic."

  "Well we mean you kids no harm," reiterated Matt, but I'm sorry that's what you look like, so sue me." Seeing their chance, both Kaitlyn and Bria immediately went to their defense.

  "Pay no attention to him," stated Kaitlyn, "He doesn't know anything." The children continued to glare at Matt as Deev introduced them.

  "You must be Navek? he said to the boy, who nodded.

  "And you must be Marga?" The little girl nodded. Neither of them were smiling.

  "These people will be returning you two back to your home world," said Deev, the children didn't appear to be very impressed, until he mentioned that Matt and Kaitlyn were responsible for the deaths of Agrat and Kreed.

  "Someone killed our mother and father, as well our family council," exclaimed the boy very softly.

  "How do you know that you killed the right people?"

  Matt looked at these strange looking children with curiosity, the boy spoke and behaved like an adult, very unusual.

  "Because the report we received, only listed on raider ship, both you and the Loridian craft Matt, and the others here were on was only a thousand "skibbens" from your ship Navek, you should know as well as anyone what a short distance that is," explained Deev. The Malhazar boy considered this, then said,

  "Perhaps…When are we leaving?"

  "Just as soon as I hear from the Malhazar authorities, replied Deev, "Shouldn't be long now." Then Kaitlyn started to say,

  "Do you kids have…"

  "No," replied Navek, "Father threw both of us in the escape pod everything happened so fast." Kaitlyn just stared at him wondering how he knew what she was going to say.

  "I told you they were telepathic," said Deev. Matt then said,

  "Well Amber it's your call."

  "We'll be happy to take them, come on children, are you hungry?"

  As they were leaving, Matt turned to look at Deev, who just grimaced and shrugged,

  "If you want to leave now, I'll let you know what's going on the moment we hear from the Malhazars."

  Matt and Gandric brought up the rear, as their party made their way down the corridor towards the hostelry. The two kids stayed up with Amber, Kaitlyn, and Bria. It gave him his first chance to really talk to Gandric.

  "So how did things go on Xandrus, he asked.

  "Better than I had hoped," replied Gandric. "We have made a good start, but my mission isn't over yet, but we h
ave made a good start."

  Although neither she nor Gandric needed to eat, she led them to a place where everyone else could get something to eat. As they entered, she instructed everyone to take a menu. Matt noticed that the "menu" was actually a very thin tablet, finding a table large enough for seven they sat down when Amber announced,

  "Touch that blue button which will activate the menu, touch each selection and it will show you what it is."

  "For being an android, with no need to eat," thought Matt, "Amber seems to know a lot about this place, almost like she's been here before." He found that by touching the small picture and the name of the selection a small hologram of the actual dish as well as an audio description informed him of what he was ordering. The audio was coming automatically through his headphone which he now could hardly tell was stuck to the side of his head it was so comfortable.

  "If you don't see what you want, touch "cook it yourself," came through his translator. When he did as instructed the menu quickly expanded to reveal the name of the ingredient, as well as a small picture.

  He noticed that he wasn't the only one who had gone to the ingredients section, obviously Kaitlyn and Bria, along with the children were doing the same. It also looked as though Navek was helping his sister with her selections. Through trial and error Matt settled for eabak and what Bria recommended as Aillock juice. Not wanting to take a chance, Kaitlyn ordered the same thing, while Bria ordered a salad and a cold sharma meat sandwich. The two Malhazar children not being sure what they wanted didn't make up their mind until they saw Bria's order. It turned out; the place was self-service and completely automated. You placed your order on the menu, and when it was ready the menu glowed. Amber then explained.

  "When your menu glows go up to where you pick up your order, there are a number of small doors select the one with the corresponding number to your menu. Insert your card in the slot wait for the door to open then take your order."

  Again Matt wondered how Amber was so familiar with this place, but before long, his menu started glowing, so he went up to where you picked up your order. As he slid his card into the slot it occurred to him that you were paying for food sight unseen, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. The food looked good anyway. On his way back to the table, he had to make a stop at a kiosk where he picked up his eating utensils. There were pictures of various tools which he assumed the various races ate with, the closest he came to a knife spoon and fork was a…Spork. When he saw that he burst out laughing, drawing looks from the other patrons. Kaitlyn thought it was funny as well. The eabak was incredible; it certainly beat the stuff Grak and Karlt had on their ship. The Aillock juice tasted suspiciously like grape juice, not quite as sweet, but very good.

  While they were eating, Kaitlyn and Bria tried to make conversation with the children, but they weren't especially talkative. Matt figured they were just sad and frightened over loosing their parents and being in the hands of strangers.

  Since their room only had three beds, Matt volunteered to sleep on the ship, leaving the room to the children and the girls. The plan was to leave after getting several hours of sleep, Amber said that Moriedia was slightly more than a million skibbens from the fort but she wasn't planning on seeing how fast she could get there, in order to conserve fuel. As Matt was following Amber and Gandric to the ship, Gandric said,

  "While we were on Denedra, a package was delivered to the ship; the courier said it was for you." Matt tried to remember what it might be, then it came to him, and when he opened the package, his hunch proved right. The accompanying note read;

  "I didn't forget you, but good craftsmanship takes time. The metal is Duranix layered with mekkarion steel, tempered with konia oil; it will hold an edge practically forever. However should you need to dress the blade, sharpen it on a klemmite stone, using plenty of Konia oil. Take care and good luck, and if you're ever this way again please stop by."

  Yufic Mooncalled

  Matt took the knife out of the package, noting the beautiful leather sheath; the knife was even more impressive. He was expecting a Damascus style blade after all Yufic had mentioned layering the metal. Instead the metal was a dull gray but without the squiggly designs of Damascus steel. The blade was Wharncliffe type blade with a slight recurve, as well as being of the Bowie style, although Matt was pretty sure Yufic had never heard of James Bowie. The handle was, as Matt had requested made of compressed leather washers, cut to a very form fitting handle. Matt tried cutting a piece of paper free form finding that the knife cut the unsupported sheet with incredible ease, indicating that the blade was razor sharp. Yufic had created him a beautiful knife, a knife with a unique style and perfect balance he had never seen before. At some point, he would insist a return to Denedra, if only to thank the master knife maker.

  Before he hit the sack, Matt sat up and talked with Amber and Gandric who were sitting next to each other on the small padded bench seat.

  "Do you two still want to continue our travels?"

  "Why," replied Amber, "Don't you?"

  "Oh absolutely," he returned, "I wasn't sure, you guys seem like you'd rather just hang out on Xandrus."

  "Whatever gave you that idea?" said Gandric, "My mission is not over, it isn't just about finding work for all the androids and robots there, I have been entrusted to seek out any companies of living being's that might wish to settle there, as well as possible suppliers of raw materials."

  Matt was thoroughly confused now,

  "But I thought your people hated living beings as you call them, or was I mistaken?"

  "No," said Gandric, there are still a lot of hard feelings that remain, but the people also realize that not all beings are evil. It's a rather complicated situation, but the right people would be welcomed on Xandrus. Back to your original question though. Amber here seems to have wandering "programmed into her, and apparently I do as well, that's one of the reasons I was chosen for this mission, and why the two of us are perfect together." Matt thought that made sense but decided to push things a little further.

  "Amber, while we were with the Golian government officials, they showed us computer records that indicate you originally came from Xandrus, but at the time it was called Maltorret." With a steely tone to her voice he had never heard before, she replied.

  "If you were anyone else I would kill you, however I will explain to just you, and this is for only you is that clearly understood?" Shaken by her threat, Matt wished he had kept his damn mouth shut.

  "I-I'm sorry Amber, If I've stumbled onto a part of your past I shouldn't have please forgive me, let's just forget I ever said anything."

  "No," she replied, "No, you have a right to know, but it is a secret for only you is that understood?" Matt held up his right hand,

  "I swear."

  "Well as you were probably already made aware," she began. "Maltorret" was the old name of Xandrus, that name is cursed and must never be spoken of ever again, is that clear?"

  "Yes Amber," he replied, "I understand."

  "Good, as bad as that is, it isn't the reason I threatened you. How old do you think I am?" Matt scrunched up his face and shrugged,

  "Geeze Amber I don't know, twenty, thirty years old?" Both Amber and Gandric snickered.

  "Thank you for the complement, but I'm one hundred and fifteen yarns old. When I was originally created on…Xandrus, I was but one of only four "Tharg." We were the most advanced creations at the time. Technically, I'm considered a cyborg." Matt started to speak, but she held up her hand.

  "Matt I was created solely for the purpose of killing, killing specific targets." He didn't like where this was going, Amber was telling him she was a goddamned "Terminator" Oh shit!"

  "The Sibranthi," she continued, "Were a very vengeful race. At the time there was another race called the "Eihon" who contracted for the production of a number of maintenance and sex bots. I understand a considerable sum was involved. Anyway, the Eihon were very dissatisfied with the robots they were sent, and as a result
refused to pay. Myself and four others were created to resolve the problem."

  "Well did you?" he asked.

  "Yes," she replied, "Very much so, I'd rather not go into the details. However as a result, the Eihon sabotaged the robots and returned them to the Sibranthi in the hops that they would wreak a terrible vengeance, which they did up to a point. But regardless, the whole affair was the spark that eventually led to the destruction of the creators, and the near destruction of Xandrus."

  "Wow!" Replied Matt, "That's some heavy shit, so what happened to you?"

  "The other three Tharg and I were on our way back to Xandrus when we were captured by raiders, who had some way of deactivating us. As to the others I know not what happened to them. I ended up on Glira which is a place well out of both the Golian and Loridian systems. It is a planet frequently visited by raiders, and specializes in trafficking in all manor of illicit goods. I was purchased by Greg, who somehow knew what I was. He then took me to a place that reprogrammed me away from my original tasks, but not my basic functions."


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