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Titan Stand

Page 96

by Max Jager

  The group proceeded into town with Amber splitting off to find Gandric.

  Entering the weather worn home, Matt announced,

  "There's room here for everyone to bunk in, and that front room would make a decent office and ready room." The Malhazars all seemed to agree and were quickly at work moving furniture and setting up cots to roll out their sleeping bags on. Both he and Liam watched as each man opened his rolled up bag, and removed a small bag, which contained a collapsible cot, which they quickly set up.

  "Those are pretty cool," observed Liam, Are they comfortable?"

  "Very," replied Sgt. Krovoti, both the cot and the bag adjust together keeping you nice and warm when it's cold, and cool when it's too warm." Matt was suitably impressed, reminding himself to ask Holliqua about getting one.

  He then pointed to his house just down the street, and said to the Lieutenant,

  "We'll leave you guys alone now, but if you need me my house is that gray one on the other side of the street down there. We generally eat around early evening, which is roughly three milacenton from now. We generally go up to the Dyson place to eat so I'll come and gut you guys around then okay?"

  The Lieutenant agreed, so Matt returned to his house to look at the data chip.

  "Lieutenant Skobra and his team will assist you in preventing any potential threats from raiders should that be required," read Matt. "They came equipped with their own food and water supplies, should that be needed," she continued,

  "But I hope you can offer them something else to eat as well as providing a place to sleep." Matt snickered and he thought to himself,

  "There she goes…Making me offers I can't refuse."

  He then moved on to a private part of the message, which required a code that Holliqua had given him. This message was a letter from Holliqua.

  "Dearest Matt

  I apologize for not joining you but my duties have kept me extremely busy.

  Matt, I've been doing a lot of introspection lately, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion, and that is I owe you an explanation. Please keep in mind, what I'm about to tell you must never be shared with anyone and it is something I will not discuss at anytime once we are together again. This is something I will only mention once in this letter. Because of that, I ask that you destroy this data chip once you have read its contents.

  Yes, you are correct in your assumptions that I work for my family dealing with…problems. I am what we Malhazar's refer to as a "Repair Technician," I take care of problems that require extreme solutions, solutions that those of us engaged in this vocation never speak or brag of. I know you will be sorely tempted to ask, so I will say it now; "Yes Matt, I'm very good at my work. Currently, I'm involved with a special team engaged in taking care of these wretched raiders.

  As you might guess, the work I've been involved in has been extremely difficult and very dangerous, however I do not want you to worry about me, I'm a survivor, and know how to take care of myself. Soon, my work will be finished, and I will be returning to you. I have many friends and associates, people who can help us as we create a new world together on Z'ha'dum. It won't be long now; my dreams are constantly filled with thoughts of being with you again.

  Until then, all my thoughts and love…H K

  He sat staring at the chip reader his mind filled with a million thoughts and more unresolved feelings about "Her."

  "Well, there's no doubt about it now," he thought, "My girlfriend is a "hitman," a trained killer…Fuck it! I just cannot deny it anymore. Well, what can I do other than just roll with it?" He then took the chip and placed it on an anvil in the small shop attached to the house. There he took a large hammer and pounded the chip flat, then bent it over and pounded it flat again. He then slowly walked over to where Liam and Gabe lived.

  Chapter 115

  Titan Stand Chapter 115

  The next few days became a beehive of activity with two Loridian ships landing, one of them being the promised medical personnel, and the other, trading company representatives who were very eager to learn more about the raider attacks. Brand and company also returned, with news from Rekton that his Selantrian friend would be arriving soon.

  "I told him about your need to bring back a number of fellow humans. He is very eager to visit earth and would accept gold as payment; however, there are other things he might take in trade as well. My other acquaintance will also be arriving towards the end of the geem, with a full construction outfit ready to go."

  "That's great Rekton," replied Matt, "Do you suppose he could do an overhaul of the Nora-Lee in lieu of payment? Gandric says she can't travel any further with out a major overhaul."

  "Well you'll have to speak to him about that Matt," replied Rekton, but that is the very thing he specializes in." Matt was eager to speak with Clath about where he went with Brand, but he jumped in to help Amber and Gandric get the power system set up. He then got the arriving medical team linked up with Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, then along with Rekton and Jezang went to speak with the Trading Company representatives.

  Issar Lanix and Glak Stenunt were the Loridian reps who were here to talk about recent developments and where Z'ha'dum stood. One of their first pieces of news was,

  "Your request for a planetary name change has bee approved Matt," announced Glak. "I believe you chose the name "Endor," which I hope is correct as the new name is now being recorded, and will become the official name as of the first of next ceme. Now, I believe you said something earlier about changing the name of your capitol, which I assume is this place?"

  "Yeah," replied Matt. "I've been giving it a lot of thought and I think we're going with New Coryville. The original never really had a chance but I'm hoping things will be different here. Yeah, go ahead and record it as New Coryville, I don't know who the original Cory was but he'd be proud to know his name spans the galaxies."

  "Very good," replied Glak, "New Coryville it is then. Now, let's discuss where you stand with your human population."

  For the next three hours Matt, Liam, and Amber sat and hashed out the details on how he planned on setting up the planet of Endor. Issar turned out to be the Trading Company troubleshooter and problem solver, explaining how things were done in the Loridian Trading Company Empire. After he explained his plan to hire the Selantrian and his transport to travel back to earth to hopefully pick-up the volunteers, Issar said.

  "Glak and I would be most happy to accompany you and perhaps speak with this director you speak of, it might help considerably." Matt quickly agreed since he was sure Janson would want some assurance all of this was legit.

  "In the meantime, added Glak, "We will contact our auditing department so they can conduct a thorough audit of all your resources. This report will take a few ceme's to complete, but when it is finished, you will have a complete picture of your planet's resources, their market value as well as our assessment."

  Issar also informed Matt that until the Selantrian showed up, he and Glak would take a look around.

  "Well be advised that Clath doesn't want anybody poking around that island," said Matt.

  "Well we'll keep that in mind," replied Glak, "But right now, I'd like to look over this power project you've got going." While Glak and Issar inspected the efforts of Clath, Gandric, Walter, and Gabe. Matt, Rekton, and Liam went to check on the Malhazar security team. They found them relaxing under a portable shade awning; all enjoying what Matt assumed were adult beverages.

  "Aah Matt!" Exclaimed Lieutenant Skobra, "We were just talking about you."

  "Nothing bad I hope," replied Matt.

  "No, no nothing like that," replied Skobra, "Say, it looks like you could use a little commerce around here?" Matt looked at them with sudden suspicion but merely shrugged.

  "Maybe…what do you have in mind?" Looking at no one in particular, Skobra casually replied,

  "You've got a very large planet here…Nice location too, perfectly situated between the Tryn-Isha, and Zan-Argo systems, people might want to live here." />
  "You mean hide out here," thought Matt but he replied,

  "Well my friends Brand and Rekton have expressed similar interests, and I'm considering letting people build second homes here. But I thought you Malhazars liked to stick pretty close to home."

  "Well we do," replied the lieutenant, "But we do like to get out now and then. Z'ha'dum sits half-way between the Eisel and Thovan systems, having a place here would save time traveling further home. That large inland sea you've got here would make an ideal location."

  "Well just stay away from Mindia, that's the Neistrian settlement out on the island. Clath is pretty insistent on that matter."

  "Well he won't say anything about a few people living along the opposite shore, you can't even see that island form there," said Skobra.

  "So are you looking for lakefront property?" Asked Matt,

  "Well not for me," replied Skobra, "However I have friends who certainly might be."

  "Well before I start selling off land," said Matt, I'm going to have to talk to someone from the Trading Company about all this first."

  "Well suit yourself," replied Skobra but if you don't mind we'll take a run down there, you know, have a look around."

  "Well suit yourself," said Matt, but before any land gets sold around here I need to talk to someone."

  "Well perhaps you should speak with Arval Onzak," replied the lieutenant, "He's a governmental counselor well versed in such matters."

  "A real Tom Hagen," thought Matt, "Yeah that's all I need."

  "Well thanks anyway," he said, "But I'll ask one of the Loridian reps that's here all about it."

  "Well you do that," replied Skobra, "Maybe later, we'll take a little tour."

  As the three headed back towards town, Rekton muttered,

  "I'd be careful of those fellows; however he did have a point about opening the shoreline up to development. I'm not particularly interested in living on a large lake, and you already know the spot I've chosen. As they were strolling through the larmok trees, Rekton stopped,

  "I hear a ship coming down, might be Glaif, let's hurry."

  A small boxy looking craft was in the process of setting down out near the Loridian craft immediately drawing everyone's attention.

  "That's Glaif all right," said Rekton. As they walked towards the craft, Matt noticed that Brand, and his wife, along with Clath, and Ircisa were moving in that direction as well. Matt watched, as a large muscular Golian stepped out of the craft followed by a Uwan who made the Golian seem even taller.

  The Golian appeared larger and huskier than most, he wore khaki colored trousers with similar colored tactical boots, a reddish brown duster and dark green shirt. The Uwan wore a reddish brown pair of coveralls and short boots.

  As he and Rekton embraced, the Golian laughed,

  "Rekton! You old pirate, it's great to see you." Then looking at the rest of us, he added,

  "Trike! What's all this? The lost souls of Enon? I guess I should have brought a case of trade goods." Rekton looked embarrassed by his friends insult, but carried on.

  "Everyone, I'd like you to meet my good friend Glaif Quulsam, he owns Facility 605, the spacecraft repair and overhaul chain. Glaif, you already know Brand and the lovely Aesil, this is Clath Rissak, and his wife Ircisa. And this is the earther I was telling you about, Matt Grainger, and his friend Liam Trent." Glaif squinted at everyone,

  "Well it would appear that we have a few new races to this solar system." He looked at Matt and Liam.

  "Rekton's been telling me about you earthlings, I already know about you, but this bluish looking fellow over here, I don't recall ever seeing the likes of you around."

  "I'm a Neistrian," said Clath. My people settled this planet, mined it for a number of yeans using human labor, then figured out how to get home then just…left. I was gone at the time so I missed my ride."

  "Well that's a shame Mr. Rissak," replied Glaif, who then introduced the Uwan.

  "This is Trik Eegu my project manager, he'll be in charge of constructing the new repair facility here on Z'ha'dum.

  "It's not Z'ha'dum anymore," said Matt, "We just changed the name to Endor." Both Glaif and Trik gave him puzzled looks.

  "Endor eh," said Glaif, "Well, whatever." Then directing a steely look towards Matt, he added.

  "I understand you are the one we will be negotiating with is that correct?"

  "It is," replied Matt, "Why don't we head on over to my place where we can hash this thing out." As they walked towards town, Glak came up and greeted both Glaif, and Trik, obviously knowing both quite well. Then Glaif asked him to accompany them to sit in on the negotiating.

  Once they were at Matt's place, and comfortably seated, Glaif started things off.

  "From what Rekton tells me you not only know about my operation, but are eager for me to build one of my shops here?"

  "I am," replied Matt, "I've already been out to the purposed site and it's fine with me."

  "So…" began Glaif, "How much are you going to ask for the property and any permits to build?" Matt immediately looked to Rekton who merely shrugged.

  "What do you normally pay for a piece of property like that?" He then asked Glaif.

  "Well that depends on a lot of things Matt," replied the Golian. Normally I'm either building near a spaceport or in some cases a space station. Naturally, the price is going to be higher because of the location. This planet is essentially undeveloped, and as a result, I would probably add a moderately sized landing area. Now, on that point I would very likely charge a small rental fee for storage of spacecraft. This planet is ideally located and up to now for various reasons, people generally avoided landing here. I think I can make a lot of credits here. Now, here's the thing young earthling, I realize you are not familiar with the way we do things here, or how the monetary system works, perhaps Glak here can offer his advice on that. I'm an honest businessman, I also used to be a transport pilot and one of the main reasons I started this business is because I got tired of getting screwed by maintenance shops when it came overhaul time. Ask Glak, I go to great lengths to maintain good relations with the Trading Company." Glak smiled, and nodded.

  "He's right," said Glak, "The Loridian Company maintains an open account with him for repair services." Matt just sat there thinking to himself.

  "Christ! What should I do? I've got a chance to make some real money here but I don't want to chase the guy off, what to do…what to do?" Finally he spoke.

  "I assume you would require a lot of power, how would you get that? As you probably saw when you arrived, we are building a power station using an old raider craft, I don't know if there would be enough for you." This time Trik spoke up,

  "No problem there, we would install our own power source. But perhaps we could come to an arrangement in which we could always construct a larger power station allowing you to share the power."

  The discussions went on for the rest of the afternoon until a settlement had been hammered out that all agreed was fair. In the end, Glaif agreed to build a power station large enough to handle considerable growth of New Coryville while still maintaining enough power for his needs. Matt also got a free overhaul for the Nora-Lee tossed in the deal with the promise of no permit to build, and reasonable taxes. He still had the feeling he was being screwed, but two major problems had been taken care of, especially the problem of power. Glaif also agreed to waive the parking permit for two spacecraft, the Nora-Lee, and Clath's ship. Still, the price Glaif was willing to pay stunned Matt. Both Glak and Rekton assured him he wasn't being ripped off. Therefore, in the end, Glaif was happy, and Matt was happy. Before leaving, Glaif also ended up hiring Clath as his new shop supervisor, which also surprised Matt. Glaif and Trik spent most of the next morning interviewing the Neistrian, and apparently liked what Clath had to say. Matt also secretly suspected Clath's hiring had something to do with the fact that he was Neistrian, and as such, part of the former ownership of the planet.

  Two days later, Brand's friend the Sel
antrian landed, in a large boxy looking transport. Once again, there was a round of introductions after Brand and who Matt assumed was the captain. Although he had met a number of Selantrian's since he first came here, this guy was one of the toughest looking members of that race he had ever met.

  "Matt, this is my good friend Islos Thrang, his co-pilot and first mate Tressal Ertox, and his engineer, Joa Ei'thas." Joa was obviously a female, but look just as hardened as her male crewmembers. Matt shook each of their hands watching each very closely. Brand must have been reading his mind, as he added,

  "Don't let their rough exteriors mislead you, Islos and his crew are solid…real solid."


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