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Titan Stand

Page 97

by Max Jager

  As the other two sized Matt and Liam up, Islos said,

  "Brand tells me you are from the planet earth, and are in need of a transport ship."

  "I am, replied Matt. "On my last visit home, I spoke with the director of our space agency, or NASA as we call it. I asked him if he could round up twenty-five or thirty volunteers to return with me here to Endor."

  "Wait, hold up," injected Islos, "I thought this was Z'ha'dum."

  "It was," replied Matt, "But we just changed the name to Endor, it doesn't sound so foreboding."

  "Well I suppose that's your prerogative," added Islos.

  "Well anyway," began Matt, "I need a large transport like yours to go to earth with me along of course to pick up all these people, and bring them here."

  "Just like that?" Said Islos,

  "Just like that," replied Matt.

  "Well let's go aboard, and talk about this a little more," said Islos, "Lot's of problems to work out."

  Chapter 116

  Titan Stand Chapter 116

  The crew area was quite spacious, the interior of the transport structured somewhat differently than the spacecraft Matt was used to. Joa made a pot of what she called "mes-kai." It tasted somewhat like hot tea, but was more full-bodied.

  "This stuff isn't half-bad," he commented to the engineer, "I've never heard of it before.

  "Actually it's my own invention," she replied. "I grind up the bark of the Tishtug tree, add crushed doiki leaves and boil it."

  "I don't generally care for hot tea," replied Matt, but this stuff isn't that bad. We've got a drink back on earth called coffee; you might like that as well."

  Islos opened the conversation by asking Matt about earth.

  "Before we get down to cases," said the captain, he looked at Matt and Liam.

  "Although we've never been there, I know of this earth of yours. My great grandfather traveled there a very long time ago, I used to listen to him tell me stories of his travels not only there, but other distant worlds as well. Needless to say, he told me the reception he and the other crewmembers received was less than cordial; two of his fellow crewmembers were badly wounded. My question to you then is can we expect the same treatment." Matt shook his head,

  "No, not at all, however I'll need to hack into a certain communications satellite and call the director before we land…just to be safe." Islos immediately perked up at this,

  "So there is risk?"

  "Not from NASA," replied Matt, but aliens just popping in from outer space is always cause for concern. If you saw all those sci-fi flicks Hollywood has cranked out over the years you'd understand."

  "So where will we be landing?" Asked Islos,

  "Right now two places I know of," replied Matt. "Cape Canaveral and a place out in the Nevada desert. Ask Brand here, he's been there."

  "Brand shook his head and chuckled,

  "I can't remember the name of the place, but everyone sits around waiting for people like us to show up. Foods not too bad and you can buy souvenirs of the place as well." Islos sat and considered all that he had been told for a few moments then turned to Matt.

  "It's a very long way to this earth of yours, the only way I would even consider such a trip is if adequate payment can be assured."

  "Well there goes that," thought Matt, "Now what the hell am I going to do?"

  Then addressing Islos, he grimaced, as he replied.

  "Obviously you won't take dollars," began Matt, "But we consider things like gold, silver, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and other gem stones to be valuable. It looks like you guys have us beat in the metals department so that's out."

  "Hold on just a moment," injected Brand. "Maybe you're looking at this all wrong, maybe there's something that would be even more valuable than gold or diamonds. "Issy" what's the most valuable trade item you generally deal with right now?"

  Islos looked at Brand and shrugged.

  "Right now, it's machined parts from Xandrus to Ussen Ommo, and neutronium ore from Sedor to Ruddoria. Things are a little slow for independents like me right now that's why I'm here. I don't suppose you have any idea how much these NASA people are willing to offer me in gold and other valuables he added.

  "No, not right off hand," replied Matt. "But I just had a thought, How about other things such as corn, wheat, coffee, liquor, wine?" Islos thought a moment, then replied.

  "Well there is a bad drought on Ourrhon 4 right now; all the crops they normally grow have failed. Unfortunately, the agricultural planets can't spare very much."

  "Well there you go," said Matt, "When we're on earth maybe you can load up on corn and wheat along with other things." Islos was started to get interested as he asked.

  "Where does your planet stand on robotics, and electronics? Those are always money makers."

  "Forget it Issy," said Brand, "Earth isn't that advanced technically."

  "That's too bad," replied Islos, but Matt's suggestion might have merit. Ourrhon 4 has modest deposits of bralite and zamoline oil the market is very strong in those commodities right now. Tell me Matt, what are wheat and corn?" Matt shrugged, "Well I brought some to plant, we store it in town I'll be glad to show you."

  "Well lead on, maybe we can figure something out," replied Islos.

  He insisted on giving Matt and Liam a quick tour of his ship first.

  "It's not much but Joa keeps her in top shape."

  "Does your ship have a name?" Asked Liam,

  "Yes, as a matter-of-fact, it's the "Thrina" it was my mother's name."

  As Tressal was showing them the large storage and cargo area, Matt noticed a machine with some colored tags lying on it.

  "What's that machine?" He asked.

  "That's our tagging machine," replied Islos, "That machine makes identification tags we use when hauling bulk commodities, or certain machines, why do you ask?" Matt then removed the three dog tags he'd picked up on Ussen Ommo which were identical to the tags lying on top of the machine.

  "Whatcha got there?" Asked Tressal.

  "I found these on Ussen Ommo; I think they were soldier's identification tags. Thing is, I don't know what they say."

  "Hand me one of them," said Tressal, Matt gave him a tag which the first mate inserted into a slot on the side of the machine.

  The small screen read,

  "Unable to decipher, wording, and numbers similar to Gri'Foda in certain words and language structure."

  "You say you found these on Ussen Ommo?" Asked Islos, Matt nodded,

  "This machine of yours is the first one I've ever seen that makes tags just like the ones I found."

  "I know something about that planet," said Joa, "My guess is that hundreds of yeans ago during the "Industro-wars," they spoke a different variation of what they do now. That tag machine is programmed for every known language in the solar system, apparently the Gri'Fodian's language has changed somewhat."

  "What did you call them?" Asked Matt "The Industro- wars?" Joa nodded,

  "When I was very young I read a story about the terrible wars that literally destroyed Ussen Ommo. I believe they called them the Industro-wars or something like that."

  "I've been there, my pilot Amber and her friend Gandric are involved in the purifier project going on there. I've never heard anyone there refer to those wars as the Industro-wars."

  "Well I've got a couple friends involved in that collection station being built there," replied Joa. "You say you've been there?" Matt nodded.

  "Perhaps later you can tell me more about it," she replied.

  "Let's go look at that corn," said Matt.

  "Well this isn't tona or olpe ," observed Islos, as he examined the corn and wheat seeds in the storage bin, but you say these make up edible food grains?"

  "Yes," replied Matt, "This is red winter wheat, generally farmers plant it in the fall, it grows over the winter plus it holds down soil erosion. They grind it into wheat flour for bread. This is corn. Back on earth, it too is ground into flour, but they use it for livestock feed
as well as human consumption. There is also oats and soybeans, although I didn't have enough room for them last time." Islos and Brand examined the grains a little more when Islos said.

  "These might just be viable alternatives on Ourrhon 4, but since we would be bringing the seed from outside this solar system, I'm going to have to consult the agriculture department at the Loridian Company, all that seed would probably have to be de-contaminated probably at the source, can they do this on earth?"

  "As far as I know," replied Matt.

  "One more thing," added Islos, "Will it be necessary to arm the Thrina should we have to blast our way out of a bad situation?" Matt gasped,

  "What? No…I don't think."

  "Are you sure?" asked Islos, "I'm remembering what my great grandfather told me. Not that we would go in spoiling for a fight. Better to be safe than sorry."

  "I don't know," replied Matt, "Let me think about it."

  "Well don't think too long. Right now I have to consult the broker board along with some friends, talk to you later."

  As soon as they left the Thrina, it lifted off. Matt then asked Brand.

  "Is this guy on the level? The last thing we need is aliens attacking earth."

  Brand laughed,

  "Don't worry Matt, Islos is just overly cautious, but in the long run it keeps him out of trouble. By the way, these NASA people wouldn't attack him would they?"

  "No," replied Matt, "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't, they are devoted to science and space exploration. You know yourself there are no spacecraft as you know them anywhere on earth."

  "Well I stand by Islos and his crew," replied Brand, "We'll see what he says when he gets back."

  Two days later Glaif returned bringing with him several spacecraft and a large construction outfit. Everyone stopped what they were doing to go watch the operation especially every android on Endor. The construction was all done by robots and androids. Trik Eegu and two other Uwan were the only sentient beings on the job. With Gandric explaining things to Matt and the others, they watched as the construction went like clockwork the robots and androids literally working around the clock.

  "Do you know any of those androids? Matt asked Gandric.

  "No," replied the android, "Glaif Quulsam seems to have his own construction company not connected to Xandrus; however they know Amber and me, that is enough."

  "This is way cool," said Liam as he and Matt watched the repair facility going up, everything being done by robots and androids.

  "We are really seeing something special here," replied Matt, "Two more days, and they'll be done, then the day after that, we'll have power in Coryville, looks like we're finally on our way."

  "Sure is," replied Liam, "Pretty nice that that Glaif threw in that little office building. Trik told them that everything was pre-fabricated and these repair facilities came in three designs with the one being constructed here on Endor comes with an extra office. Glaif was donating the extra building, which they planned to use as the New Coryville city office. Tomorrow evening the building would see its first use as Matt had called a meeting of everybody in New Coryville to discuss the future of Endor.

  Later that day Islos returned with good news.

  "I found a broker who will handle anything we bring from earth, along with seeing to it these grains you were telling me about will get to Ourrhon 4. Right now the prices for bralite ore, and zamoline oil are up so I should be covered for fuel expenses, anything else will be pure profit." Islos then looked around making sure he and Matt were alone.

  "Matt I've got something to ask you about your planet?" Judging from the tone of his voice, Matt went on the alert.

  "Something troubling you?" He asked.

  "Brand was showing me those strange weapons you gave him."

  "He told me they came from earth and that they can't be detected by the usual "sniffer" devices."

  "Well I'm sorry Mr. Thrang," replied Matt, "But there are no more."

  "Is there any way we could um, perhaps obtain more?" Asked Islos, his voice now lowered.

  "Well um…yeah, but it's dangerous. The people who have these weapons will get pretty pissed if you try to take them, probably get yourself killed, you'll certainly have to kill them." Islos considered Matt's words, then asked,

  "What sort of people are these?" Matt studied Islos for a moment then replied.

  "Terrorists, religious fanatics, certainly as bad as or worse than raiders.

  "I see," he replied, "Do they have craft that can chase us or weapons that an destroy my ship?"

  "If you mean plasma or proton weapons," replied Matt, "No, although they probably have rocket and missile launchers that might cause a lot of damage." Islos thought some more, then said,

  "Have a seat Matt and tell me more;

  After he had told the Selantrian everything he could both about drug lords and terrorists and where they could usually be found he asked Islos;

  "I don't understand why you want weapons like these Mr. Thrang. You guys have all these cool beam weapons, compared to them, these are obsolete and outdated.

  Islos chuckled,

  "That maybe so Matt, however Brand gave me a little demonstration. Quite frankly, I find them quite fascinating. These beam weapons you speak of are lethal to be sure, but the dirty little secret is that they don't always put your adversary down right away. To be sure, the Vel'Takz, and Diyari physical make-up's are such that beam weapons don't always kill them immediately. Brand has told me numerous stories about raiders he thought were dead but weren't, that is why he likes those weapons you gave him. Then in addition, there are any number of creatures on some of these worlds that are not easy to take down with beam weapons. Brand told me about your little adventure on Tumar-Ju."

  "Well here's the thing, Mr. Thrang," replied Matt. "Like I said, these people are very dangerous, and they are very good with these weapons. However, if you can locate them, get in without detection and kill absolutely everyone there then get out again without attracting attention then we've got a chance. But like I said, they are very cautious and are on the constant lookout for soldiers or law enforcement people attacking them getting in without detection will be extremely difficult." Islos smiled, Leave that to me Matt, I can draw on certain technologies that will give us a clear edge, are you "in?" Matt thought a moment then replied,

  "In…out, with no one the wiser. Last time, my government found out about us attacking a terrorist training camp only because people got away. I'm only going along with this because these are very bad people and they hurt a lot of innocent people, but you show me what you have then I'll let you know."

  Chapter 117

  Titan Stand Chapter 117

  Matt returned to New Coryville while Islos figured out what he was going to do. Gandric, Gabe, and Walter had now modified the power set-up in anticipation of the new power station from Glaif's repair facility. The newly re-named town was now a regular beehive of activity. The new power station, the new city building, the Loridian medical mission who were now set up at the Dyson's. Then there were the Loridian representatives running around involved in their business, Clath Rekton, and Brand involved in something else. Jezang and Tucker, along with the Malhazar security team had gone off in the shuttle leaving Matt and Liam to wander around.

  "So when do you think we'll be heading home?" Asked Liam. Matt turned to him replying,

  "Once the repair facility, and power station are finished. We have to get Kiggham and all those going back to Denedra as well."

  "Say Matt?" Asked Liam, "Are we making any money yet on this place?"

  "Some I guess," he replied. "We're not getting as much from Glaif as I had originally planned, but then the Nora-Lee's overhaul and the power station are part of the deal so you won't see me complaining. Rekton and Brand will probably be building second homes here but I'm waiting to hear back from Glak Stenunt on property values for a planet like ours. I suppose once word gets out, others will be showing up looking to build here. We'll just have
to see I guess."

  "Well that city office building will sure make things look nice around here," replied Liam. " I think… What's that, another ship coming in?" Both looked to the south where another spacecraft was landing.

  "Boy, we're going to need a parking attendant before this is all over," observed Liam.

  "I wonder who it is?" Added Matt, "Doesn't look like any ship I recognize."

  "Well let's go see who it is," replied Matt.

  The visitor turned out to be Orlak and his granddaughter Ilmi to which definitely brightened Liam's day. She came swaggering down the ramp after her grandfather, and two other adult Lyskandan's Matt guessed were her parents. Ilmi wore her usual garb but her parents wore robe-like garments made from a silvery-grey material with red accenting. Ilmi then skipped ahead, announcing.


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