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Titan Stand

Page 98

by Max Jager

  "Liam, Matt, I have returned, you know my grandfather, now meet my parents. Matt and Liam stepped forward whereby Ilmi hugged Liam. After greeting Orlak, and welcoming him to Endor, Ilmi made the introductions.

  "This is my father Salsar, and my mother Rovea. They have recently returned from working on a research vessel in the Klyborg/Setti system. Father, mother, these are the two earth people I told you about." As was the custom, everyone lightly brushed each other's fingertips as a first greeting.

  "We've been hearing a lot about you," said Ilmi's father.

  "Yes," added her mother, "We were curious as to where this "Earth" was that Ilmi and Orlak kept talking about." She then produced what looked like a clear plastic clipboard. When she touched the top corner, the screen lit up displaying what looked like a star chart.

  "A little sleuthing in the university's archives revealed that a probe catalogued your planet over two hundred yeans ago. At that time, it recorded no transmissions along any known bandwidths, or scans indicating any technical activity. The fact that you are here indicates that your race must have come a long way in the interim."

  "Umm, 200 yeans you say," replied Matt, "That means your probe visited earth around 1816, I'm not even sure they had railroad trains or steam engines that long ago."

  "Well regardless," replied Rovea, "That is your planet…and over here, is ours." He noticed that she used her finger to slide the images on the screen just as he did on his phone…interesting.

  "Well everyone, welcome to Endor, and the capitol of New Coryville. Follow us, and we'll introduce you around." As they started to head for town, Matt pulled Ilmi aside.

  "Ilmi, have you heard anything from Holliqua?" He did not like the grim expression she gave him as she slipped him a data chip without comment.

  Matt quickly stuck the chip in his pocket as he fell in line with the others. Liam was overjoyed that his new girlfriend had come following her like a puppy.

  Matt directed them to the new building, where everyone took a seat, with Ilmi and Liam grabbing the short couch.

  "We've been hearing good things about you Matt," stated Orlak. "My granddaughter tells me you're planning on bringing more earth people here, what's up with that?"

  "Well we're certainly going to need more humans here to better qualify as a human planet. Pretty soon, Liam and I will be returning to earth, and I'm praying that the guy running NASA will have a bunch of volunteers ready to come back with us. You remember that movie I showed everyone… Close Encounters of the Third Kind?"

  "Was that the one with that monstrous craft with all those strange looking spires and the funny looking little people that couldn't speak?"

  "Yeah, that's the one," replied Matt. "Well anyway, remember how all those humans in the red jumpsuits boarded at the end along with that one guy, Roy was his name I think."

  "Well that's what I'm hoping will happen in our case," added Matt, "We'll just have to see in any case."

  "How long are you planning on being gone?" Asked Ilmi's father.

  "Matt shrugged,

  "No longer than it takes to travel to earth get the volunteers on board, but we might have to wait on a lot of people. Right now, I'm figuring at least a drowl, maybe even two anyway.

  "How were you planning on getting there?" Added Salsar.

  "There's a Selantrian who has a large transport who has offered to take us. I don't know how fast his ship is so that will figure into things as well. I'm expecting him back pretty soon."

  "I see," replied, Salsar, "Do you think it would be possible for us to travel with you? Currently Rovea and I are on vacation, with plenty of time to make the full round trip; we also have the funds to pay our passages." This took Matt by surprise, but maybe Islos might be more amicable to people paying their way.

  "Well I'm afraid you'll have to take that up with Islos when he gets back," he replied. He was about to say more, but at that moment the Dyson's, along with a couple members of the Loridian medical team entered, prompting a fresh round of introductions. Before long, Ilmi's parents were busily involved in conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, and the medical people. Liam and Ilmi had re-located to a corner of the room, so Matt took the opportunity to slip out and return to his house where he could read Holliqua's message.

  My dearest Matt:

  Circumstances prevent me from sending you a hologram so this message will have to suffice.

  Although things have not been going well, please don't worry for me. I, along with my team have suffered some rather serious setbacks along with numerous causalities. As I write this, I am suffering from some rather serious injuries and wounds. We are awaiting evacuation to a medical ship and hopefully I can pass this along to you.

  Although I suffer from physical wounds, I think it's the mental exhaustion, and sadness at witnessing the deaths of some very close friends.

  The campaign we have been conducting has left all of us physically, and mentally drained. All of us went into this thing confident, and with the highest hopes, unfortunately, the enemy we faced was tougher, and better prepared than we had ever expected. I'm sure at this point, you are wondering why I am detailing the tragedy and loss the way I am. I want you to be prepared for the time I return to you, as I will be a changed person, and I want you to be prepared for it. Right now, you are all that gives me hope. The only thing that's been keeping me going is the happy times to come when we are together again.

  I have to go now, but I will be joining you very soon.

  Sincerely, H

  He just sat staring at the message on his computer; So Holliqua will be coming back to him suffering from PTSD, what the fuck happened to her? Fuck! Well, he'd made up his mind early on, it would be Holliqua through thick or thin.

  He thought about talking with Mr. Dyson about PTSD, but decided to wait, maybe Ilmi knew something? Later Orlak and Ilmi's parents trooped up to the Dyson house, which gave him a chance to talk to Ilmi once he got her and Liam pried apart.

  "Did Holliqua give you that chip?" He asked her.

  "No, I received it through special delivery. The note just said to make sure you got it, why?"

  Matt grimaced,

  "Something's happened to her Ilmi, "Something she was involved in has really screwed up her head. On earth, we call it post-traumatic stress disorder soldiers get it a lot after too much time in combat. I think her note was a call for help."

  "Oh Matt, I didn't know," she took his hand,

  "I'm here for you Matt, she's my friend too. Do you know if she's coming here?"

  "I-I don't know," he replied, "Thing is I'm going to be leaving for earth pretty soon, I'm afraid I'll be gone."

  "Don't worry Matt; I'll remain here, so if she does show up there will be at least one friendly face around here. By the way, are you really taking my parents?"

  "That's up to Islos," he replied, actually they might come in handy by helping me to bring any volunteers up to speed on things going on here."

  Ilmi was Liam's "girl" now, which he didn't mind, they appeared to be good for each other for one thing, it gave Liam a reason to stick around. Although he didn't think much about it at first, Liam was becoming a real asset with Matt thinking more and more about grooming Liam to run things around here whenever he was gone. Right now, it was time to head up to the Dyson's place for the reception. Mr. and Mrs. Dyson were quickly becoming the nucleus of Endor's state department. Besides being doctors, they seemed to have a real knack for welcoming people, and entertaining guests. Mrs. Dyson said it best,

  "Bill and I just love all your friends Matt. We are eager to do help out in anyway we can Matt, everyone seems to like coming here and we love listening to their fascinating stories."

  Now that Doctor O'Donnell was gone, Franklin the android had quickly "adopted" the Dyson's, who viewed him with awe and wonder. Franklin became not only their guardian and protector, but advisor, and walking encyclopedia on all things dealing with this solar system. Everyone was there, Ilmi's parents, Brand and his wi
fe, Rekton, Amber, and Gandric, Jezang, Clath and Ircisa, along with Lieutenant Skobra and his Malhazar security detail. Even though he spoke to everyone at some point, thoughts of Holliqua remained heavily on his mind.

  As he was talking to Mr. Dyson Matt caught a movement out the window out of the corner of his eye. Mr. Dyson noticed as well.

  "Nothing to worry about Matt, it's just a fairy. There's a small garden and grove of skark trees just behind the house. Chelsea managed to get some of the fairies and pixies that came with Mr. Stenuck to live out in that little grove." When he asked Mrs. Dyson about it, she laughed,

  "Oh I love them dearly Matt. They a re gluttons for attention. I leave a bowl of honey water and a few of those mixed nuts we brought; the pixies, and fairies love them. I go out every morning and drink my coffee. I can't speak with them, but they all seem to know what I'm thinking."

  Later, Clath, and Brand approached Matt with a proposition.

  "Matt, Clath and I have been talking about contributing something to help Endor grow," said Brand. "However, I'll let Clath tell you."

  Clath wore his usual grin, which always exposed a mouth of what looked like bad teeth but were normal for Neistrian's.

  "While we were off on a little project of Brand's here, he took me to a place called Neb's Nebula, ever been there?" Matt smiled,

  "Isn't that a neat place, yeah I've been there."

  "Well Brand and I got to talking, and came up with the idea of building something like it here, and I think Mindia would be the perfect place, you know, keep all the traffic going there away from here."

  "I thought you wanted to keep Mindia untouched," replied Matt. Clath sighed,

  "Originally that was my intent but a while back I was out there wandering around. The weather here isn't being kind to the place. I also asked myself how I really felt about the place. No, Matt, As Brand and I talked; I realized that Mindia would be ideally suited to something similar to Neb's. There's plenty of open land on the north side of the island for spacecraft parking. In addition, with that new Facility 605, going in over here it would make a perfect place to wait while your ship was being worked on. We could offer a shuttle service between Mindia and the repair shop. There are buildings we could easily convert to lodging facilities as well as shops, as well as other things."

  "You mean whore houses?" Injected Matt. Both Brand and Clath suddenly looked surprised, but Matt held up his hand.

  "Look, I think I know what you two have in mind, and as long as everything stays on the island. I have no objections. Obviously you two don't know what Las Vegas is, but there is a place not all that far from that A'Le'Inn I took you to Brand. Everyone goes there to gamble and have a good time. Fancy hotels, bars, and shady ladies." Now the two aliens were smiling,

  "I believe you've got the right idea Matt," said Brand. Matt then got serious,

  "First off, everything has to be first class, nothing seedy or sleazy, are we clear?"

  "We are," replied Clath, "Now about taxes…"

  "Let's see how your little venture does first. Don't worry, any taxes will be reasonable and something we can all agree on, I want to encourage business on this planet, not discourage it."

  "That's the spirit Matt!" Exclaimed Brand. Then Matt had a thought,

  "It's occurred to me that at some point we are all going to have to sit down and hammer out some sort of government and tax structure. I plan to adopt the bill of rights and the constitution for our purposes and some sort of flat tax, but beyond that, I haven't a clue. I consider you guys my friends and I want to do right by everyone obviously, we've got a job ahead of us." Then Clath asked,

  "These humans you are planning on bringing here…How do you plan to handle things if some of them start trying to throw their weight around? In other words, what if they try to push you out and try and take over?" Matt looked at him and grimaced.

  "I've thought of that as well, but frankly I've had more important things on my mind lately. I suppose we'll just have to lay down the law right from the start. Look guys, running a whole planet is pretty new to me I'm gonna need a little help from my friends, getting back to this thing you want to do on the island if okay by me, go ahead and build it. We need to figure out a fair tax structure so that you guys make money, but there will be money available to improve things around here. Think about it, and come up with some ideas. Right now, it smells like the meal is ready, let's eat."

  Chapter 118


  Titan Stand Chapter 118

  After the dinner party, and since everyone was there, Matt called a meeting.

  "I see that pretty much everyone is here. I was going to talk about this later on, but maybe we'll talk about it now, and that is where do we want to take this planet now called Endor? First of all, for those of you who haven't heard, Brand and Clath have approached me about turning Mindia into a sort of Las Vegas featuring a place like Neb's Nebula on Golia. From what they have told me it sounds like a great idea. It will be out on the island, and together with the repair facility, will bring in needed credits to our treasury, which is currently empty. Rekton, and Brand, have expressed interest in building second homes here on the planet, which hopefully will encourage others to do the same. In a centon or two Islos will have returned, and we can finally leave for home to pick-up all those volunteers, Mr. Janson promised us, along with a few courtesy of doctor Frick. A little earlier this evening Issar Lanix informed me that he had finished the planetary audit, however the raw data still needs to be compiled and analyzed, however he sounded very encouraging."

  "I would now like to open this meeting up so that everyone can express their thoughts, and offer their suggestions.

  Gandric was the first to stand,

  "Well as far as installing the power goes, we are just about finished; as soon as the power station for the repair facility goes online we'll be all set. I would also like to publicly thank my assistants Walter Topping, Liam Trent, and most of all young Gabe Wilkins without whose assistance we wouldn't be as far as we now are." Each stood up and took a bow. Trik Eegu then stood with a question to ask.

  "The facility project will be completed by the end of the coming geem, however I bring up a subject concerning employee housing. I've been so busy on the project I overlooked housing for the four employees as well as a small dormitory for the four androids."

  "What sort of housing are we talking about?" Asked Matt.

  "Since this is an undeveloped planet," replied Eegu, "Naturally, proper housing will need to be constructed. The housing in question is all pre-constructed and can be set-up in a couple centons. Our employees have the option to pick from several design configurations, and the dormitory is also pre-fabricated with it's size determined by the number of androids working at the facility. Basically it's just a question of where you want these structures."

  "Well right now," replied Matt, there's basically just the main street. However, it won't take much to stake out a couple side streets. When are these employees scheduled to arrive?"

  "Three centon's from now," replied Trik.

  "Let's let them decide where they want their homes," said Matt.

  "Same goes for the androids and their dormitory. I'm pretty sure we can work something out."

  "Very good," replied Trik. Then Matt added,

  "I've had other things on my mind so I haven't given it the attention it probably deserves, but right now; I think the only road other than a couple streets around town here is just one down to the elves place in the Winding Stair Mountains. Everyone seems to have their own spacecraft; you take off and land where you want no need for roads. I don't know…maybe that will change in the future. I know it all sounds pretty haphazard but for now everyone can live where they want to."

  That night, Matt had trouble sleeping as he worried about Holliqua. He really wanted to hold off leaving for earth until she showed up, but Islos was due in tomorrow, and they really needed to get going. The new repair shop would also be opening up while he was g
one as well, something he really wanted to see. Amber had assured him she and Gandric would make sure the Nora-Lee received a proper overhaul. It also looked like only Mr. Dyson, and Jezang would be going with him. Doctor Dyson wanted to pick up some medical supplies, and Jezang would be acting as security. Everyone else had their assigned tasks, and were working hard to complete them. Slowly but surely, Endor was entering a new phase, and hopefully, a much improved one.

  Although Ilmi's grandfather, and parents had to leave, Ilmi promised Matt she'd stick around until Holliqua arrived,


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