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Titan Stand

Page 116

by Max Jager

  "Sorry Mr. Janson, not a clue. A year at least. Fuel isn't cheap, and most ships aren't set up to fly in hyperspace that long time and travel to earth is very hard on ships. But who knows, we humans have attracted a lot of attention out there, and you never know when someone might get the yen to visit earth, so I guess I show up when I show up." He then told Mr. Janson about the situation with Hiroshi and their final stop in Japan.

  "I already know, Masaki and the Japanese space agency already informed me. Well good luck Matt, I think they have everything loaded so have a safe flight. We'll see you when we see you, don't forget to call me as soon as you arrive. Here's a special phone that's linked directly into one of our communication satellites so you won't have to hack into a satellite, you can also call your folks as well on it."

  Shaking hands, he replied,

  "Thanks Mr. Janson…Thanks for playing square with me."

  Chapter 138

  Titan Stand Chapter 138

  The government was paying Captain Krea in gold to ship all the NASA equipment as well as passage for not only Steven Haines but Masaki Hiroshi and his wife to Endor. When he asked the captain if the NASA people gave him any shit he smiled and shook his head and pointed to five large bars of solid gold sitting near his workstation.

  "But how can you be sure that's enough, normally, traders only will deal in those little ounce bars or zego's as the Trading Company refers to them."

  "Simple, replied Krea, who picked up what looked like a TV controller.

  "Often times, we combine zego's into larger piles, this device gives me the exact weight as well as credit value of each pile. Once their cargo was weighed and I calculated for the passengers I had a price it took five of those large bars to equal that, simple."

  "Well it looks as though there might be a few more coming as well, possibly three or four when we land in Japan.

  "Well we'll deal with that when the time comes, I'm going to need you to help me find this…Japan." As they prepared for take-off, Matt thought about those five bars of gold. People would kill for them, an absolute fortune, but probably a whole lot cheaper than shipping the same cargo yourself that far and certainly a whole lot quicker. Janson or more likely his congressional overseers might piss and moan over the costs, but the savings in development of a whole new program of spacecraft development what they were being given made NASA's costs dirt cheap.

  By his count, and from what Masaki had told him, there would be eight people returning with them to Endor. Right now Rick Patterson and Mark Jensen were down in the main passenger lounge trying to come to grips with the incredible adventure they were now embarked on. Nest stop was Nagano Japan, which would be close to fifteen hours away the next day by conventional means. However, Captain Krea assured him they would be there in six hours. Holliqua was sleeping completely exhausted however, he was still so wound up he couldn't sleep continuing to prowl the ship too much on his mind. In one of the small lounges, he found his friends who were sitting around chatting and drinking soda. Stepping through the portal Kaitlyn called out.

  "Matt! Get your butt over here we need to talk."

  "I'll say," He replied, I'm sorry guys I've just been so damn busy I haven't been able to touch bases with you guys."

  Plopping down into a seat, Kaitlyn asked,

  "Where's Holly?"

  "Zonked out, which is what I should be doing as well but I'm still so wound up. We've still got to make a landing in Japan. Did you guys get everything done, all the booze on the lists bought, all the tools and equipment purchased, oh and all that music Brand wanted?"

  "Relax Matt," assured Patricia, everything has been done. One thing though."

  Pointing to a box of CD's she added,

  "We've been going through all the CD's the radio station gave us and it all appears to be just 50's, 60's, 70's and some 80's, like they were cleaning house and just dumped what they didn't want on us. At least there isn't any of that country shit." Matt shoulders slumped as he sighed.

  "Beggars can't be choosers, and like it or not it is music from earth. I'll go through everything before we get back home."

  "Uh Matt, meekly asked Justin, "Did Mark's dad talk to you?"

  "Well I remember I spoke briefly with him at my folk's house. I also spoke with Ellen's parents as well. I think they were expressing an interest in going to Endor, but I never heard back from any of them," explained Matt.

  "Well, uh Mr. Danner came to me," said Justin "When you were at city hall or something he told me you said it was okay for him to go so I told him when we were leaving. He told me he had a bunch of stuff to load so he went off to find one of the crew. There were no more rooms so I helped him build a little place to sleep and you know kind of hang out on the trip home." Matt looked at Justin took a deep breath and slowly shook his head.

  "It's not your fault Justin, but he never came to me, or spoke with me any time after I talked with him at my folks house. So basically, we've got a stow-away aboard ship.

  Everyone nodded in agreement. Matt thought to himself a couple more moments then stated.

  "I wonder what Mark will say about this, I don't know how he and his dad were getting along, and in fact I only knew him from gym class and briefly talking to him in the hall between classes." Then Patricia spoke up.

  "I only knew him from geometry and science class and after his mom died, he didn't hang around the places I usually did. I think that's one of the reasons he wanted to come to Endor. I have no idea how he and his dad got along, oh jeeze, I hope there isn't a big fight or something"

  "I do too, replied Matt, "I guess I'd better go and find him, but before I go I just want to thank all you guys for your hard work. See, we're starting to work as a team already, great work everyone. Oh by the way, it looks like the government is going to pick up the tab for everything we bought, even Brand's booze. Janson made me turn over that whole box of receipts and just said NASA would take care of it. They will also start a credit account just like the cards we all carry. According to Mr. Janson, all that gold and diamonds were screwing up the economy somehow."

  "Well we'll be landing in Japan in another hour or so, so I'll catch everyone later"

  As he was setting off for the lower hold, Captain Krea called him to the bridge; thoughts of Mr. Danner quickly gave way to more pressing matters.

  Feeding the GPS coordinates Masaki gave him into the ship's navigational computer they now had a fix on where Mr. Hiroshi and company said they would be. They had departed Groom Lake around one thirty in the morning on Saturday arriving over Nagano roughly around ten thirty that night.

  "I've had no chance to contact Hiroshi," fretted Matt and I don't think he would realize that it only took us six hours to go get here, oh well."

  As they neared the ground, a large ring suddenly lit up outlining a landing zone,

  "There," exclaimed Matt as the captain adjusted their decent to land inside the ring.

  "What are those lights?" Wondered Captain Krea, I wasn't aware they had a landing area for us."

  "They don't," replied Matt, as he studied the scanner with his ocular lens.

  "Looks like a ring of car headlights, looks like we are going to have another "key-to-the-city" type welcome." It was now also clear that the police had also formed a ring as well to keep back the crowd. Captain Krea set the Kaalsia down dead center inside the ring, switched on the xenon ground lights, and waited until the computer gave the okay that everything was decontaminated.

  "Let's go meet our public," sighed Matt.

  By now, the ship's passengers were all forming at the top of the ramp Mark Jensen asking where they were. Nagano Japan," said Matt, we've got a few more to pick up then it's a long haul towards home." Masaki came bounding up the ramp greeting everyone then bowing to the Captain Krea before Matt asked,

  "Welcome aboard Mr. Hiroshi I see you've got a big send off out there."

  Shaking Matt's hand, he replied,

  "I apologize for that, but as you no doubt know
word travels fast the mayor as well as some others would like to meet you as well as the Captain here." Just then, Steve Hines appeared shaking hands with Masaki.

  "Great to see you again Masaki, they told me you would be coming with us. Need any help?"

  They followed him down the ramp where a full round of introductions began. First were the quick intros to his family and Ichirou Haruto a man he had known since grade school, along with his son Rokurou, and his wife Michi. Nobody with the exception of Masaki and his wife Yoshi could speak English. Matt quickly discovered that his translator also worked with Japanese, and apparently, when he replied, they heard it as Japanese. After the family came all the local officials, the mayor, police chief, local politicians but most importantly the Japanese ambassador to the UN who sincerely apologized to Slavek and Tiag for the rude treatment they received at the hands of the UN. Slavek, Tiag and Kaitlyn spoke to him privately thanking him for his concern and thanking the Japanese people for their support and turn out.

  While alls this was going on Masaki and Ichirou were seeing that all their gear, equipment and tools were being loaded on board. Before take off a Shinto priest performed a ceremony blessing all who were traveling to a distant star, as well as the Kaalsia. Masaki, Ichirou, and even his son Rokurou wore headscarves with the red sun and covered with Japanese writing. Later he asked them what that was about as he had seen pictures of Japanese kamikaze pilots wearing similar headscarves.

  "Relax Matt all that writing is merely prayers and wishes from all our friends. During the war, they would have been prayers for victory, now they are prayers for a safe trip and wonderful lives on Endor. By the way, how is it the planet has the same name as the Ewok planet in Star Wars?" Matt Laughed, Originally the planet was called Z'ha'dum. When the Loridian Trading people declared it a human planet after the Neistrian's left they told us we could name it anything we wanted, one free name change. As you will see, it does look a lot like the Ewok planet lots and lots of trees, but so far no little furry animals running around. I have a couple good friends whom you will also meet that have recently turned the vacated Neistrian city into a sort of resort, the place being called Mos Eisley." It was close to three in the morning when the Kaalsia lifted off. As per Matt's request, he dropped speed as they began to move away from earth giving everyone one last look at home. By that time, Matt had collapsed in bed completely oblivious to the world, so when Mr. Danner came looking for him he wasn't available.

  When he finally awoke Holliqua was lying next to him fully clothed. Smiling at him.

  "How long have I been out?"

  "Umm close to twelve milacentons now you must have really been tired lover. By the way, there was a man who came by looking fro you, a Mr. Danner? I told him you were sleeping but that I would let you know he had come by. Who is he?" Matt let out a little groan,

  "He's the father to one of the kids who stayed back. Guy asked me at my folk's house right after we first arrived about joining us on Endor, but I got busy, and heard no more about it. Well he approached Justin who not knowing any better told him it was okay and to find a place on board. I was going to see the guy but then we landed in Japan, I was sidetracked. Man, I'm still tired. So what do you think of our passengers?" Holliqua kissed him and began to nuzzle him,

  "Your planet certainly has a varied number of races living on it, they were all very leery of Slavek, Tiag and me at first but I think we were able to put their minds at ease. Those two that are here because of Falkner sure give me strange looks, remind me again why they are here." "Don says they would be perfect for helping to start our militia force Jensen is supposedly an ex-seal…"

  "What's that?"

  "His profession is a lot like yours whenever you and Jezang feel like it challenge them check them out see what they are made of, but don't kill them."

  His first order of business would have been to speak with all the new comers, but r. Danner came first. He was sitting in the small passenger lounge talking with David when Matt spotted him.

  "Ah Mr. Danner, we finally meet."

  I tried to see you earlier but you were always so busy I went ahead and turned over the business to my partner and bought a portable dental chair and tools. Sitting down as David discreetly left, Matt replied,

  "That's all well and good Mr. Danner, but I really wish you had spoken to me earlier. I know you really want to be near Mark but does Mark want to be near you?"

  "What kind of remark is that supposed to be?" demanded Mr. Danner.

  "It's an honest one Mr. Danner. I'm also asking you if you have thoroughly thought this thing through, if you don't like it, you're stuck. I don't know what the situation between you and Mark is as it's none of my business, but what if he rejects your coming, then what are we supposed to do?" Danner said nothing for several moments then shook his head.

  "Okay so we haven't been seeing eye to eye, somehow he blames me for his mother's death. I might be willing to accept partial blame, but we will never come together while I remained back on earth and he's out here. For better or worse, Hell or high water, eventually we are going to have to come together and thrash this thing out. I've been talking with Doctor Steel and she has been telling me about the elves. For the most part their teeth remain sound, but she feels that were I to establish a practice in the little clinic she opened in their village I would be far enough away from Mark yet close enough to evenly seek closure. How far is it from this Dinocki to New Coryville?"

  "A little over two hundred some odd miles by land but the shuttle can fly down there in under half an hour."

  "Look Matt, I've got nothing on earth anymore my only son is on this planet of yours for better or worse it's my only option."

  "All right then Mr. Danner do you want me to tell him or do you?"

  "I'll tell him then see how it goes from there." Matt remained skeptical, but decided to see how the whole thing played out first. Right now, it was time to visit Mr. Masaki and his family as well as talk with his friend Ichirou Haruto concerning the growing of Dreeda.

  Everyone was sitting in front of what was probably everything they now owned and all stood as Matt approached. He shook hands with Masaki, Ichirou, and Rokurou once more as he sat down in front of them.

  "Once again, thanks for coming everyone." Them Masaki asked him.

  "I didn't know you spoke Japanese, at least that's how I'm hearing you." Matt smiled and tapped his headset.

  "It's my translator, I got it to be able to speak with aliens, I didn't realize it would work with earth languages as well."

  Masaki then spoke of his friend Ichirou.

  "We have been close friends since we were practically babies; Ichirou is a man you can trust." Matt then directed his next comments to that man.

  "Mr. Ichirou I so glad you decided to come, your talents are going to be very important. In the solar system we are traveling to, they have a grain very similar to rice, and it figures into many of their foods. It's called "Dreeda," the grain is a little longer than our rice and it's brown. However, it cooks up just like the rice you're familiar with and it's my understanding that it's grown in much the same way as it is on earth. Out here though, they don't grow it in big rice patties. The Loridian agricultural people showed us a hologram, which I will show you a little later. We will discuss all of this in more detail later on, but for right now, I would like you to take charge of the Dreeda program, once we arrive home, you will want to speak with the agricultural people from the Oxnian Trading Company. Dreeda is an excellent cash crop and it could become an excellent little money maker for us. But like I say, you're going to get with the Loridian people first. Curious as to possible skills Rokurou and his wife might have he learned that Rokurou was a civil engineer, and his wife had been an accountant.

  "This keeps getting better and better," he exclaimed. Rokurou, we are certainly going to need your skills and experience, you too Michi, the one thing we are moving too slowly on is getting an organizational structure put together and I'll tell both of
you right now you are going to be department heads.

  "Will there be a problem over the fact that Rokurou and I cannot speak English?"

  "Not really," he replied. Playing with his headset Matt added,

  "Before we arrive on Endor, we will be stopping at a place called Fort Kamata. Here we will re-fuel, get you, and all the new-comers registered, and issued ID cards like the one I'm holding. I will also be buying translators for everyone. When you wear one you can speak and understand anyone, be it a Golian, an elf, or my friends and I. I can't speak or understand your language, yet I know exactly what you are saying and you are able to understand me. Tomorrow there will be an orientation meeting for everyone so plan on attending. It will be down in the atrium so we will see you all then."

  Chapter 139

  Titan Stand Chapter 139


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