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Titan Stand

Page 117

by Max Jager

Everybody had assigned tasks aboard ship, even Matt. One of the biggest was taking care of the animals they had brought along. Justin Saylor had originally suggested to Matt that they bring back a few animals and see if they could thrive. Al though Justin's dad sold farm and ranch equipment, he maintained a "hobby farm," raising a few head of cattle as well as both Justin and his sister having horses. In fact, all six of the cattle were bought from his father along with one of the horses, which was Justin's. There were also two dairy cows and a small flock of chickens. Justin was in charge of the livestock, but surprisingly, Doctor Steel offered her help as well.

  "I grew up on a farm in Iowa, so I know my way around farm animals," she told Justin. Besides feeding them, there was the unpleasant task of cleaning their makeshift stalls. All the manure was deposited in large blue barrels for later use as fertilizer. The animals didn't seem too upset by the trip, as long as they had water, and hay to munch on they remained reasonably quiet. One time while Doctor Steel, and Patricia were feeding the animals, and Justin was cleaning out the horse stall Patricia asked him.

  "You've got some nice horses Justin, but how do you think they will get along with Ladhas and Issia, and those other two, oh what are their names…Zyndon, and Tressa?" Justin looked at her a moment then slapped his forehead.

  "Oh shit! I had forgotten all about them, crap."

  "Well maybe there won't be a problem," added Doctor Steel, "As they're way down in Dinocki, and they more or less keep to themselves anyway. I must say they are rather unique beings, and to think everyone thought Greek Mythology was pure fantasy. Still, Ladhas was rather upset when I told him all we had on earth was horses and what they were."

  Justin continued to look grim,

  "Sure as hell word will get down there about the Centaurs that aren't centaurs, and thy will come galloping up to New Coryville looking to kill my horses."

  "Well you'd better talk to Matt about this," said Patricia.

  Lately, Matt found himself having to deal with Rick Patterson and Mark Jensen. For some reason they were not getting with the program, refusing to do the things Matt asked them, wandering in parts of the ship not authorized for passengers and generally being pain's in the ass. Finally the day arrived he had been secretly waiting for. Both had been working out in the atrium sparring with Masaki who held a black belt in Karate when Holliqua and Jezang showed up to do a little sparring on their own. Both also knew the opportunity at hand, so kept their stick work deceptively simple bringing on the attention of Mark and Rick, but Masaki as well.

  He told Holliqua and Jezang about Kendo, which used sticks instead of real swords, as well as armor.

  "While I have participated in the sport, I am no expert," he told them. Then Rick and Mark stepped in challenging the two to a friendly contest.

  "Well as you can see, we just happen to have two extra sticks, you never know when you might break one. By now, word was spreading throughout the ship about the impending contest. Matt happened to be on the bridge at the time with Captain Krea, so didn't hear about it right away.

  Both Patterson and Jensen approached it like the marines taught it, Holliqua and Jezang approached it from an entirely different perspective, that of a "death match." They also began with a more sophisticated strategy through false moves and cleverly staged impressions of being no more skilled than either Rick or Mark. Both men were experts with guns and knives not stick fighting, so without knowing it were carefully led into a trap…

  When Matt did hear about the contest, it was from a breathless David Coulson who came dashing in.

  "Matt you better get down to the atrium and fast your wife and that android are killing those guys!"

  By the time he arrived, practically the whole ship was watching with intense interest. It didn't take him long to see that both men were in way over their heads trying to match the lightning reflexes of two professional assassin's. He had only seen Jezang spring into the air on two occasions, and Holliqua's gymnastics were simply amazing. As he watched, Masaki sidled up to him I am simply astounded by what I'm witnessing out there, your wife and that android are trying to kill them."

  "They won't kill them Masaki, they are too well trained for that, keep it under your hat, but both are professional assassins in fact, and Jezang is as close as your ever going to get to a "Terminator." Finally, both men had had enough dropping their sticks and holding up their hands completely exhausted. Approaching them, Matt said,

  "Hopefully you two have learned a very valuable lesson here. What you two just experienced is pretty typical out here, not everyone uses guns. It's a whole different ball game. Now, if you two aren't too proud to learn a few things, I'm sure Jezang and Holliqua would be glad to offer you a little training. How about you Masaki, care to demonstrate your abilities?"

  That "night," as they kissed and cuddled in bed Matt couldn't help but snicker.

  "What's so funny? She asked.

  "The way you and Jezang really kicked their asses, I think those two will be eating generous portions of humble pie for quite awhile."

  "Well I don't know about any "pie," but it was all Jezang and I could do to keep from killing them."

  "Well like I told you," replied Matt, "They don't generally fight with weapons like that. Pugil sticks are generally weapons of last resort."

  Later, Matt thought it best to have a "sit down," with the two men as well as Jezang, and Holliqua. After trading a few sharp words with each other, Matt called for quiet.

  "Look you two," he said to Patterson and Jensen, "I know you two don't kike taking orders from a "kid," but believe it or don't I'm in charge. Now Mr. Falkner insisted that you two would be ideal in helping him with security but I'm beginning to have my doubts. Jezang and Holliqua are real professionals I've been in some pretty edgy situations with them. Believe me; you would do well to learn from them. We are all on the same team here." The ass whipping must have had an effect as both men apologized to Jezang and Holliqua, even asking for a full briefing on who these raiders were and how they operated.

  "One thing guys," added Matt, "And this is about your guns. The technology exists that allows anyone to scan your ship, home, or whatever and be able to detect beam and pulse weapons. However, this is not the case with our powder-based weapons. Luckily this has given us a major advantage, so far, but I don't expect it to last much longer, that's just the way it is, and we have to plan accordingly."

  "Which are more powerful?" Asked Rick, "These beam weapons or ours?"

  "Hard to say," replied Matt. "The pistols are pretty crappy but they will definitely do a job on you. The Krima Proton rifle on the other hand will definitely mess up your day. However compared to say an AK or an AR, it has a slower rate of fire and you can see those beams coming at you. Like all beam and pulse weapons, they are designed not to damage the inside of ships and they don't make a fraction of the noise an AK or shotgun does inside the confines of a ship. I was afraid at first that bullets would punch holes in a ship's hull or damage vital equipment, but so far, that hasn't been the case. I'm not sure, but I think all that noise our auto weapons and shotguns make throws off enemies, they are expecting the sound of beam weapons but all that noise messes up their ears, your's too if you don't wear proper hearing protection."

  He left a situation a lot less volatile than when he arrived, Patterson and Jensen now seemed willing to listen to what Holliqua and Jezang had to tell them.

  Later, he and Holliqua joined Slavek, Tiag, Kaitlyn, Grak and Karlt for lunch in the lower passenger lounge.

  "So Grak, did you and Karlt enjoy yourselves on earth? Admittedly, it wasn't the best time of year, summer is better for sight-seeing."

  "We didn't really mind," replied Grak.

  "I think we had a pretty good time,"

  "I know I enjoyed myself," added Karlt, "I talked to a lot of your people, and the snow was certainly different. Maybe we can return at a later time during warmer weather."

  "Well I'm glad you guys had a good time," said Matt, "I
know I wasn't able to personally show you around as much as I wanted."

  "We had a good time as well," added Slavek, "However we are rather disappointed in your United Nations, but we were still able to speak privately with others."

  "Yeah, well they just screwed themselves," growled Matt, "From now on I think its best you just deal with NASA. Janson's has an agenda, no doubt about that, but he will deal honestly."

  "Of course he will," added Kaitlyn, "Look how much we are saving him on transportation costs and time, he just knows which side of the bread his butter is on." Both Slavek and Tiag gave her a puzzled look over the analogy but made no comment.

  "So Kaitlyn," asked Matt, "Do you think David and Patricia are ready?"

  "Well they certainly act motivated enough."

  "I think they are," added Tiag, "I've spent a lot of time explaining things to them, answering their questions I think both will do just fine."

  "A lot of it involves ways of thinking and doing things that we of earth just aren't familiar with or had any experience with," added Kaitlyn. That was, and in many ways still is for me, but once you get your mind into the Ruddorian way of doing things everything gets easier," she added. "Another thing, a lot of the different races out here speak a diplomatic language, and use terms you don't normally run into in everyday language."

  "Well more power to them and to you as well Kaitlyn," said Matt, "I'm really glad to see that you have really gotten into the swing of things out here."

  Kaitlyn gave out a small chuckle.

  "Who would have ever guessed I had a natural talent for this sort of thing."

  Later, as they were laying in bed Matt asked Holliqua about the martial arts class she and Jezang were conducting.

  "Well as you know, we conduct two levels," she explained.

  "The first is just the basics, being aware of your surroundings, spotting potential threats and basic moves. That's our biggest class. We don't get too rough but at the same time, we try and maintain interest as well as offer a way to keep muscles toned. The other class involves serious physical combat. Patterson, and that Jensen fellow as well as Hiroshi are our students, and I must say they have all come around to taking our instruction very seriously. Hiroshi has been demonstrating to us this Karate of his and I must say there are things I like about it. To be sure, much of what we do involves something very similar but he's shown us a few things Jezang and I are very interested in."

  "Well I know I've been putting it off, and you haven't really said anything, but I need to learn some of that as well," said Matt.

  "You certainly do," snickered Holliqua. "After we return to Endor, I've got to leave for awhile, but once I return, we'll set aside some time, just you and I."

  "Sounds great," he replied.

  When they were nearer to Fort Kamata, Matt called a meeting of all newcomers in the main passenger lounge.

  Rick Patterson, Mark Jensen Steven Haines, Masaki Hiroshi, and his wife, Ichirou Haruto, his son and daughter-in-law, and finally Mr. Danner.

  "Okay everyone, here's the drill; Late tomorrow or solar day as we call them we will be stopping at Fort Kamata While Captain Krea fuels the ship we will be registering with the Oxnian Trading Company and indirectly with the Galactic Union. This will take awhile but we don't go anywhere until the job is done. After that, we have to get most of you set up with translators something like I'm wearing. Now, not all of you are going to get one, and some will get better ones than others. Rick Patterson, Mark Jensen, Steve Haines, and Masaki Hiroshi, will receive the more expensive ones while Yoshi Hiroshi, Ichirou, and Rokurou along with Mr. Danner will receive cheaper ones. Now before anyone gets mad, the decision as to who gets what is based entirely on how much interaction you will be having with aliens. Eventually everyone will have good quality equipment but as these things are so damn expensive I've had to cut corners here and there. I'm sorry, but for now, that's just the way it is. Now, once we land and go through security, I've got to vouch for all of you so it's very important that everyone stay together. Don't gawk. Kamata is usually a madhouse with freighter and transport crews coming and going. The passageways aren't very wide, and a lot of these people are carrying gear and equipment stay out of their way. Now I know all you folks have seen aliens by now, but Fort Kamata is where it all comes home, you will be guests on an alien world, this is where all those sci-fi movies and stories you've ever read come home. Just smile and offer them the right-of-way in the corridors, and once again, don't stare."

  Then looking at Masaki and Mr. Danner, Matt asked;

  Masaki, I know NASA has paid you and your wife's passage as well as your's Mr. Haines, but how about you Ichirou, as well as you Mr. Danner?"

  Ichirou approached him,

  "I have already spoken to the captain and he has agreed to take these in payment. I will also be paying for Mr. Danner who didn't have quite enough gold." Holding out his hand, he revealed eight perfect pearls.

  "Are those pearls?" Asked Matt.

  "They are," replied Ichirou, "According to Captain Krea, they are extremely rare, and not near this quality. I not only have paid passage for myself, as well as my son and daughter, but helped Mr. Danner as well. I have two left, do you think they would pay for the better translators?" In looking at the pearls, Matt had no idea of what they might really be worth although it was sounding like they were as rare out here as blue diamonds were around home.

  "I'm not sure Mr. Haruto; you'll have to take that up with the shopkeeper."

  He had to admit that he got a kick out of leading these people through the busy port, after all he knew his way around, and they did not. Grak and Karlt were getting off here although they promised to meet Matt and the other's in the bar for a drink.

  Chapter 140

  Titan Stand Chapter 140

  As he expected, the Fort Kamata experience was a real revelation for the new people, but with Holliqua, and Jezang's help they got to the Oxnian field office without too much delay. Once again, Zeb Kifire, and his supervisor Deev Mocon welcomed everyone to Fort Kamata.

  "I see you brought a few more of your people," observed Deev, "Well let's see if we can get everyone registered." Matt introduced the newcomers, pointing out that Masaki and Steve were part of NASA as was Doctor Steel. Waiting until everyone had been registered, and issued Identa-cards, he then told the Oxnian reps about the raiders and how they followed them all the way home.

  "We left two wrecked spacecraft, a fighter and a scout transport ship on Mars."

  "Well we were tracking that scout ship and had notified not only our security but the Malhazar's as well," said Zeb, "However the raider craft disappeared off our scanners moments later and by the time security, as well as the Malhazar's showed up it was long gone."

  "I told Frank Janson who is the NASA director about those craft being on mars, however the United States doesn't have the technology to send people to mars much less recover those craft," said Matt.

  "I'm not so sure that was a good idea," said Mocon, "We don't want that kind of technology falling into the wrong hands."

  "Couldn't you just send a recovery ship to get those ships?" Asked Matt. Deev thought for a moment then replied.

  "That is an incredibly long way to go but then again it might be worth it. Either way, I'll have to pass this information up to higher authority; they'll have to make the final decision."

  As soon as everyone was properly registered as citizens of Endor Matt announced that, it was time to get outfitted with translators. The shop owner recognized him then offered a bit of information.

  "I see that you are wearing a model 448 were you aware that there is an upgrade? What's more, if you permit me to install the upgrade, I will offer you another Psypyx at half price. He then asked,

  "Are all these people with you?"

  "They are," said Matt, "Looks like we are going to have to outfit everyone with translators; however I can't afford Psypyx's for everyone so we'll have to go with the cheaper basic models for about ha

  "I see," replied the shopkeeper perhaps then we can do a little bit of business then."

  "One thing I want everyone to be aware of once you put these devices on your heads. At first, it will feel like bugs are crawling in your ear and in a manner of speaking, they are. Don't scratch or stick your fingers in your ears for any reason. What you are feeling is nanobytes conforming to your brain as well as your personality. That feeling won't last long and it's only a one-time thing. Mark your headset and don't let anyone else wear it is that clear?"

  With the help of the shopkeeper and his assistant, everyone was fitted. Matt took the upgrade getting Rick Patterson's headset at half price, an upgraded optic lens, and slightly improved audio and mic capabilities. The shopkeeper readily accepted Ichirou Haruto's remaining pearls offering enough so that Ichirou could afford a model 2010 Cata which lacked the scanner lens. As expected, everyone carried on about the nanobyte organisms adjusting to their brains and Matt stood by making sure no one tried sticking their fingers in their ear.


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