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Giving It to the Enemy (Saints and Sinners MC #2)

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-608-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank all of my wonderful readers for their love and support. This, like all of my books, is for you.


  Saints and Sinners MC, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015


  “What are you suggesting?” Saint asked.

  “My fights have been getting more and more dough. Wondering if you want a taste of the action,” Pipe said, staring at the Prez of the Saints and Sinners MC.

  “Why the fuck would you want to give us a taste of the action?” Rage asked. Ever since he’d gotten married to Penny, he’d become somewhat hesitant to take a risk. Pipe couldn’t blame the guy. A woman like Penny you didn’t allow to get away, and you always made sure she was safe. This was one of the reasons he’d decided to extend an olive branch. A few weeks back, a couple of his club had taken Penny while wearing the Hell’s Wolves MC cut. It pissed Pipe off that he’d not been the one to bash every single one of those fuckers’ heads in. Instead, he’d had to deal with the satisfaction of burning those fuckers, and burying them in shame.

  No one fucked with him and got away with it. The tension within his own club had reached a new high, and his men knew he wasn’t above fucking over the traitors. One of the prospects of his club was caught selling drugs to school kids, fucking school kids.

  Pipe waited until he got the evidence, and the night he brought it the club saw the prospect taking his last breath as Pipe injected every single packet of drugs that he’d found on the prospect into his veins.

  He wasn’t a good man.

  He wasn’t a nice man.

  Pipe would advise every single woman who got close to him to run as far from him as possible. He wasn’t the kind of man to settle down, and he loved to fuck random pussy. The club whores at the club knew to keep their damn mouths shut unless his dick was in their mouths, or their pussy.

  There was one woman he’d not given a warning to. Little Elena, Saint’s little sister. He’d been following her the day Rage and Penny got married, which was only a week ago now, but he’d not given her any kind of warning, and enjoyed the entire night with her.

  “Consider this an apology, and a hope for us to not have any incident like what happened with Penny.” He stared at Saint, wondering what the other man thought about Elena. She wasn’t part of the club, not like a lot of women born into the life.

  Elena was like club royalty, and it intrigued him that she had disappeared, only to come back, reserved.

  “We want a cut of the fights without our men, and also fifty percent when our boys are fighting,” Saint said.

  “That’s horseshit,” Shawl said.

  Pipe raised his hand. “Ten percent without your men, and forty-five percent for your men.”

  Rage leaned forward, whispering something to Saint.

  “Fifty percent. This was your offer, not ours. We don’t need to put any of our shit on the line for this.”

  “Deal,” Pipe said.

  They shook hands, and at his back, he felt Shawl’s anger. He waited for the Saints and Sinners MC to leave, and Shawl didn’t disappoint as he started growling out his questions.

  Holding his hand up, Pipe silenced them. “I’ve got my reasons for what I did.” He’d just opened up his safe passage into Sinners’ Corner by doing business with Saint, and in turn, it had given him access to Elena, which was what he wanted all along.

  Chapter One

  “They’re monsters, Elena. Never go back to them. They will hurt you and use you. They’re bad people.”

  Elena stared down at her cell phone as he called again. It had been two weeks since she had made a mistake, having a drink with her brother’s club’s enemy. Damn, she wasn’t involved with the Saints and Sinners MC, and yet she was being controlled by who was the enemy, and who wasn’t. She hated it.

  Canceling Pipe’s call, she pocketed her cell phone, and smiled at her friend Sarah, who came back into the main shop carrying a large box.

  “Are you okay?” Sarah asked.


  “Who was texting?”

  “Stop being nosy.” Elena smiled to show she was teasing. “Just some guy who won’t leave me alone.”

  Sarah groaned. “I hate men.”

  “What? Isn’t Ralf included in that?”

  Ralf used to be a patched in member of the MC, but he’d pulled out, handing in his cut, and taking the position of deputy in Sinners’ Corner.

  “Yeah, he is.”

  The pain in Sarah’s voice had Elena moving toward her friend. “What is it? What’s going on?”

  Sarah put the box down, and shook her hands in front of her face. “It’s nothing.” Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.

  “What is it?” Elena asked.

  “Ralf and I, we’re on a break.” Sarah covered her face and just started to cry.

  “Wait? What? Why? Shit, I know none of my questions are helping you right now.” She placed her hands on Sarah’s shoulders, trying to give her comfort, when none seemed to be had.

  “Life as a deputy, it’s just not working for him, and I told him he didn’t need to be a deputy. Everything is messed up, and we started arguing, and he said I cost him his cut, and there was something else as well. We did a lot of shouting. He’s unhappy, and we’re just separated.” Sarah wiped away the tears. “He quit being a deputy three days ago, and he moved out of our small apartment. He’s probably already screwing some club whore, forgetting all about me. Look at me? Why would he even want to be with me? Compared to those women, I’m ugly and frigid.”

  “Don’t ever say that,” Elena said, getting angry. She was so going to kick Ralf’s ass. How dare he be so cruel to her friend?

  She had lost Saint growing up because her mother took her away from the club. Elena cut off the pain of leaving behind her family. The Saints and Sinners MC was no longer her family. Saint made sure she was kept out of club business.

  Pipe entered her mind, and she gritted her teeth. There’s no way she should even be talking to him. Pipe was the president of the Hell’s Wolves MC, and a rival club to her brother’s. She hadn’t spoken to him since spending the night with him, not having sex, just having fun. He had relaxed with her, having a drink, playing pool, and even dancing. For a couple of hours, she was able to forget that she was Saint’s sister.

  “I’m sorry.” Sarah wiped away the tears. “I should have known it was never going to last. We were two different people.”

  Ralf had chased after Sarah, not the other way around. “Don’t think this is your fault. He’s an ass, and you shouldn’t ever make excuses for him.”

  Sarah took a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m fine. Everything is fine, and we’re all good.”

  Her friend stood, placed a hand on her stomach, and took another deep breath.

  Elena saw she was putting on a front. “Do you want to come by
my place? Ice cream? I’ll even find a picture of Ralf, and place him on a dart board. We can throw darts at his ugly face?”

  Sarah burst out laughing. “Nah, I’m good. I don’t need that. Can I take a rain check on the ice cream?”


  Elena moved toward the stock orders while Sarah started putting some of the products on the shelves. Dirty Deeds was a sex shop, and a damn good one that not only supplied to the locals, but also distributed online as well. Elena wasn’t an idiot, and knew it was only one of many business ventures the club had. She was paid good money, and it meant she stayed in town, without even looking elsewhere to move. Had her brother done it on purpose? There was a time when she used to idolize her brother. Now, she couldn’t even think of a reason to like him. There was a distance between them that had been created by more than years of separation. Her mother’s warning and cruelty had made it hard for her to reach out to her brother.

  It seemed ironic to her. Her mother took her away from the danger of the club, and the real danger had been with her.

  She’d not told Saint of the beatings and the starvation her mother made her go through to “rid her soul of the evil of the club”. Three years ago, her mother had died, and Elena had come home at Saint’s urging. During her ten years away from the club, everything had changed, and Elena knew she wasn’t the same person.

  Cutting off the thought of her mother, Elena forced herself to focus on the here and now. This was how she kept on going, ignoring the past, and moving on. Dwelling on the past didn’t help her. All that did was remind her of everything she’d lost.

  Her cell phone started to ring, and she pulled it out of her pocket expecting to see Pipe calling. It wasn’t. Her brother was calling.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Will you stop by the club? I’ve got something for the shop.”

  “Can’t you come out?” She hated visiting the club. It only served to remind her what she was missing.

  “I’m tied up right now. We’re all busy with club business.”

  Another way of saying, “shit you don’t need to know”.

  “Fine. I’ll be there tonight when I finish work.”


  “What?” She snapped the word out, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sarah was shocked.

  “What’s going on?” Saint asked, sounding like the concerned brother, which only served to make her feel guilty.


  “You can tell me anything.”

  No, she really couldn’t. Saint was her brother, and he wasn’t. She didn’t trust him, not really. They were two different people, and that was hard for her to get over right now.

  “I’ve got work to do. I’ll see you later.” She hung up the phone, and turned it off.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Sarah asked.

  She was tempted to talk to her friend, to see what she thought of the whole Pipe business, but then, her gut was telling her to stop. “I’m fine. Nothing is going on. I promise.” She gave her friend the best smile she could, and she was saved by several customers entering the shop. Elena left Sarah to place the stock on the shelves to serve the customers. She forced a smile to her lips, and went about making some women happy.


  Pipe smirked down at his cell phone. He hadn’t even bothered placing his cell phone to his ear. He knew she was going to cancel his call. She’d canceled every other call, and he’d not expected any different. Elena was sure one tough cookie. Saint should be proud of her.

  “What is going on?” Shawl asked.

  “Nothing.” He pocketed his cell phone, and stared up at his VP. “So, tell me what we’ve got.” He faced the large warehouse that dealt in illegal fighting. One of his ways to earn money was to pitch fights, and to score big. Some of his clients were big money, and they liked a bloodbath. His setup wasn’t anything like Ned Walker, but he wasn’t in Vegas, and there was less chance of him being caught, especially as he had friends within law enforcement. Not only did he have a lot of friends in high places, he’d also struck up a deal with Saint about pitting their prospects against each other.

  The ring wasn’t a fight to the death, just until an opponent was knocked out.

  “Here is Lugi’s competitor. His name is Victor, and he’s a deadly motherfucker.” On and on Shawl talked about their latest bunch of fights, and Pipe just wasn’t interested. Instead, a little blonde with intense blue eyes, and smile that had his dick rock hard, was distracting him. All he had to do was think about her full tits and rounded curves, and it was hard to keep his attention on anything else. Yes, Elena was a bigger girl, but he liked that. He couldn’t wait to have her riding his cock.

  Spending an hour going through the lineup of fights, he had to put a call through to Saint.

  “What can I help you with?” Saint asked, sounding less than happy to hear from him.

  “We’ve got business to attend to. First fight with one of your boys takes place tomorrow night. I’ve got a copy of the schedule. Do you want to swing by and pick it up?” Pipe asked.

  “Shit, I’ve not got time. No, bring it to the club.”

  “You want me to enter Saints and Sinners territory alone?”

  “For fuck’s sake, bring some of your men. I don’t give a fuck, Pipe. I’ve got better things to do than worry about your sorry old ass. Bring the schedule, and I’ll give you the information you need on my guy.”

  Saint hung up, and Pipe smiled.

  “What’s going on with you?” Egg asked.

  Egg was the one who’d told him about Sean’s attempt to take over power of the Hell’s Wolves. The club belonged to him. Pipe had not only fought his old man for the right of Prez, he’d also killed his old man. The fucker had wanted to get into selling kids, and take the club down a dark path. Pipe was dark, but he drew the line at kids. Women, they could fuck whoever the hell they wanted so long as none of them caused him a problem.

  Elena wasn’t like any of the women he’d been with. Her smile had been pure, and yet filled with so much pain. Pipe wanted to know what made her tick. The moment he learned the truth about her existence, he’d been curious, but now he was fucking addicted. He needed to see her again, and to know that she was okay.

  “Nothing is going on. Just got work to do.”

  “Do you want one of us to come with you?” Pocket asked, shouting toward him.

  Pipe shook his head. “I can handle one trip to Saint’s club.”

  “I don’t trust them,” Shawl said.

  “It’s not your position to trust them. Remember our boys struck against them first, not the other way around. They have a right to be pissed. We’re in business together. I’m not out to start a war, do you hear me?”

  He stared at some of his men that were present within the warehouse.

  “We hear you,” Shawl said. “Just be careful.”

  Pipe was the only one who had the ability to handle the club. Shawl had already voiced his fear to him, and he understood Shawl’s concern. All of his men were bloodthirsty, and used to spilling blood regularly. His father had seen that the Hell’s Wolves were vicious, and showed no mercy. In the past couple of years, Pipe had forced them to use their heads rather than their guns. He didn’t want to bury any more men. The ones he’d put in the ground himself had been necessary.

  No one fucked with him and lived to tell the tale.

  He was known as “Pipe” for bashing people’s heads in with a steel pipe, but that was only part of the story. Pipe didn’t stop until he’d made people beg for death long before he gave it. He was a monster, and he openly admitted to it.

  If Saint knew for a second that he was interested in Elena, Pipe didn’t doubt a war would be declared.

  Taking the schedule from Shawl, he nodded at all of his men, and made his way out toward his bike. It had been a long day, and Elena had sent all of his calls to voicemail. He wasn’t going to be leaving her a message, and she damn well knew it.
Pipe listened to her voice as she told people that they’d missed her.

  He wanted to see her again. It had been too long since they were last together.

  Straddling his bike, he shoved the schedule within his jacket, before riding out of the warehouse. He rode out toward Sinners’ Corner. The town was quite large, and in fact a nice village. He’d yet to have the pleasure of eating in the town as his club wasn’t allowed unless invited by Saint himself, which had yet to happen.

  She’s just another bitch.

  Even as he thought it, he knew it was a lie.

  Elena wasn’t just another bitch. She was a keeper. Shawl had shown him what a keeper really was. The brother had been married for six years, and four kids, and hadn’t strayed toward one of the club women. It was why Pipe had made him VP. Shawl didn’t go hunting for wars or trouble. He had his wife and children to worry about.

  Pushing thoughts of Shawl out of his mind, he drove down the long strip of town, glancing over at Dirty Deeds. He was surprised to see it shut, as it was usually open all the time.

  There was no chance of him catching sight of Elena now. Riding toward the clubhouse, he focused on the road ahead of him, ignoring the curious looks from the locals. Pulling into the clubhouse, he spotted Saint standing with the good old deputy, Ralf. The only problem, Ralf wasn’t wearing his uniform but a leather cut. That was a shock. Wow, everyone was just full of surprises lately.

  Parking his bike, Pipe saw several of the Saints and Sinners go for their weapons, but they didn’t draw. Climbing off his bike, he smiled, and gave them a whistle.

  “I’ve got a little gathering of followers. I’m impressed.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Pipe. Just give me the fucking schedule.”

  He was moving toward Saint just as another car pulled into the parking lot. She parked in the entrance so no one could get in or get out. Pipe watched as Elena kept the motor running but climbed out of the car. She froze the moment she caught sight of him, and he wondered what she was going to say.


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