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Giving It to the Enemy (Saints and Sinners MC #2)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Elena?” Saint asked.

  “You wanted me to come by after work. Work is finished.”


  Brother and sister didn’t seem to have that good a relationship. Pipe looked toward Saint, and saw his jaw tense as he clenched his teeth together.

  “That’s early,” Saint said.

  “Sarah wanted to go home, and I figured shutting the shop wouldn’t be a problem.” Elena glared toward the man at Saint’s side. Her anger was clear to see. Pipe found her anger so damn hot, and his cock thickened in his pants. “Why am I not surprised that you’re here?” she asked.

  Pipe turned toward Ralf, who had gotten tense.

  “Back off, Elena.”

  “You’re a fucking asshole.” Elena folded her arms. “What do you want, Saint?”

  “Go back to my office.”

  “I’m not going in there. Tell me now what you want so I can leave.”


  “You know, fuck you, Saint, and fuck all of you, and your damn club.” She stormed back to her car, visibly shaking with anger. “Sarah was fucking wasted on you, Ralf. I hope she finds a guy who actually treats her right.”

  “No other man will touch her,” Ralf said.

  Elena burst out laughing. “Wanna bet?”

  She climbed into the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Saint took a step closer and cursed.

  “What the fuck did she mean, ‘wanna bet’?” Ralf asked.

  “No wonder you didn’t make it as a deputy. You’ve got no fucking brains.” Pipe slapped the schedule to Saint’s chest. “I’ll expect your boy tomorrow.”

  He walked toward his bike, and took pity on Ralf. “What it means, fucker, is she’s going to make sure that Sarah is touched by another man. Little Elena is going for a night out, and taking her girl with her.”

  There was only one place she was going to go, and he was going to make sure he was there, and maybe a couple of his friends without their cuts.

  Neutral territory required no patches of any kind.

  Chapter Two

  “Elena, this isn’t me,” Sarah said, looking toward the bar on neutral ground. There was no other bar around where Sarah could dance with other men, and maybe get felt up. Also, the last time she was here, Elena had loved it. Of course, it made her think about Pipe, and the way he’d made her feel and laugh.

  “It’s not any of us, but you can’t spend all night sobbing over ice cream. We need to get out, dance with men we don’t know, and laugh.”

  Elena wasn’t here to see Pipe, or any other man for that matter. At least, that’s what she was telling herself.

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s not something you really need to think about. Ralf’s at the clubhouse, he’s got his patch back, and as far as I’m concerned, he’s an asshole.” Elena tried not to let her temper get the better of her, but it was hard to do.

  Sarah smiled. “I love him, Elena.”

  “I know, honey. You don’t have to screw any of the guys here. We don’t even have to stay all that long. We’re here for a drink, a dance, and some fun.”


  Climbing out of her car, Elena left her cell phone in the glove compartment, and together they made their way inside. It was really busy, but they got their way toward the bar. Elena ordered a soda for herself and a beer for Sarah. Her friend needed to lighten up, and even as they sat at the bar, she saw the sadness in Sarah’s eyes.

  “I bet he had a small dick,” Elena said.


  “Ralf, I’m going to say he had a small dick, really tiny. He didn’t know how to satisfy you, and he was bad in bed.”

  Sarah burst out laughing, and once she started, she just couldn’t seem to stop.

  “God, that is wrong on so many levels,” Sarah said. “He was damn good in bed, and had an amazing cock.”

  Elena chuckled. “He’s not with you, and now you can embellish all of his faults.”

  Sarah took a sip of her beer. “You’re a good friend.”

  “I try.”

  “So, any men in your life?”

  “None. They’re all afraid of Saint, and I’m not in the mood to kick my brother’s ass. It would serve him right, though. He needs his ass kicked.”

  “You can kick Saint’s ass, and I’ll do Ralf’s, or we can swap.”

  “I don’t know. I may kick Ralf in the balls so he can never father children.”

  Sarah laughed once again. “This is fun, thank you.”

  “You need to learn to listen to me more often. I’ve got good ideas.”

  They finished their first drinks and made their way onto the dance floor. An upbeat party song was playing, and Elena enjoyed dancing with her friend, swaying her hips from side to side.

  When a guy moved up behind Sarah, Elena made sure her friend was happy before she was about to take a seat at the bar, and watch. This was for Sarah, not for her.

  Elena was stopped from moving when a hard body pressed against her back.

  “Do I always have to come to a bar to get to know you?” Pipe asked.

  She froze and stared over at her friend. The man was large, and his arms were covered in ink. She should have known. The man dancing with Sarah had “biker” written all over him.

  “That’s Knife. He’s a buddy of mine, and he knows how to play nice.”

  “Don’t hurt her.”

  He growled and spun her around to face him. “This is neutral territory. You know that. It’s why you come here. Your friend is safer with him than any other fucker in this room.”


  “He’s ordered by me to give Sarah a good time, dance with her, smile, and talk. At the end of the night, he will see her to your car, and we’ll leave together.”

  “Why?” she asked, touched that he was giving her friend a good time.

  “You looked angry today, and I knew what you were going to do.”

  “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “I don’t?”

  “No.” She got a thrill from him being close to her, and she loved the way he held her. His large hand rested on her hip, holding her in place.

  “Then tell me what the hell I’m doing here, and lo and behold, here you are.”

  She couldn’t answer him. She tried to move out of his hold, but he wouldn’t let her, tightening his grip on her waist.

  “Sarah needed some fun.”

  “Bad break up with the deputy.”

  “What were you doing at my brother’s club today?” The moment she saw him, she’d panicked, thinking he was there to tell Saint that they’d had fun a couple of weeks ago.

  “That’s club business, baby.”

  “Which is a polite way of saying keep my nose out of it.”

  “Look, club business isn’t something for you to know about, okay? It’s a deal between Saint and me.”

  “Did you tell him about us?” she asked, biting her lip.

  “No. What we’ve got here, it’s not breaking any rules.”

  “Have you ever killed a woman?” She didn’t know where she was getting the confidence to ask these kinds of questions. Elena was used to keeping to herself, and keeping her questions locked up tight.

  Asking questions always got her in trouble.

  “Where’s Daddy and Saint?”

  “Why can’t I go live with them?”

  “I miss them.”

  “Why do you keep hurting me, Mommy?”

  “Do you really want to know the answer to that question?”


  He released a sigh. “Fine, baby. I’ve killed traitors to my club, and if they’ve had a cunt, then yes, women are dead, too.”

  “What do you consider a traitor?”

  “Someone who turns their backs on the club.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared into his. “Then you believe I’m a traitor.”

  “What? No.”

  “I’m with you, so by you
r very definition of a traitor, I’m it.”

  Biting her lip, she tried to compose herself.

  Pipe grabbed her hand, and they moved away from the dance floor. She didn’t want to go with him, but he seemed pretty determined to make sure she didn’t have a choice. He moved out of the side of the club, and pressed her against the wall. The warmth of the night surrounded her.

  He pressed his hands either side of her head, and his body was so close that she didn’t have anywhere to go.

  “You’re not a traitor. I told you before, we’re just two people sharing some fun in the bar.”

  “What about outside of it?” she asked. “You’re pretty determined to stay in contact with me.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “By your words, I’m a traitor to my club.”

  “Is it your club, Elena? Is it? From where I was standing today, you’re just a sister, and have nothing to do with the club. Saint, he makes sure you’re followed, and protected to the point no man will approach you. You’re living alone, and your only friend has just had her heart broken by a club boy.”

  “Sarah’s not my only friend.”

  “Given the choice, Penny also belongs to the club more than you. She wears Rage’s cut, and his name. I know what the Saints and Sinners want from their women.”

  Elene pressed her hand against his chest. “What do you want from me?”

  He cupped her face and ran this thumb across her lips. “What do you want, Elena?”

  No one had ever asked that of her before. Her mother had taken her away from her family. Saint had brought her back to another family where she truly believed she didn’t belong.

  Her heart was all over the place.

  “I don’t know.”


  Pipe couldn’t wait any longer. Leaning in close, he pressed his lips to hers, and took a chance. Elena wasn’t a traitor as she didn’t belong to anyone. Saint adored her, but there was still a distance between brother and sister. Pipe had witnessed Elena’s pain two weeks ago, and today in the clubhouse parking lot, he’d seen it again.

  She was hurting, and no one saw the truth. They refused to see it, and it broke his heart to see her in pain.

  He’d killed women for being traitors to his club. It wasn’t his finest moment in life, but there was nothing he could do about it. His club had always come first, and the bitches were always willing to sell club information for cash.

  Plunging his tongue into Elena’s mouth, he cupped her face with both of his hands, and tilted her head back as pleasure overtook him.

  She grabbed his head and kissed him back with a passion that surprised him. When he moved his hand to sink into her hair, she gasped, and he held onto her, ravishing her mouth.

  Seconds passed, and he released her lips but didn’t pull away.

  “You’re not a traitor, and I wouldn’t harm you, not ever.”

  “You’re a rival club.”

  “Don’t bring our clubs into this.”

  Her hands went to his shoulders. “Our clubs are always going to be part of this, Pipe. You’re the leader of the Hell’s Wolves, and I’m—I don’t know what I am, but I’m not just some civilian. Saint is my brother. I can’t do that to him.”

  “What about you? When do you get to do what you want?” he asked.

  She was struggling to take what she wanted, and it hurt him to see her like this. He’d never known Elena, never gotten close to her, and yet she was part of him. Her pain was his pain.

  “I don’t get to have what I want.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you’re trying to make your life difficult.”

  “Tell me, Pipe, tell me how we can make this work?” she asked. “I live in a town that is owned by a club, and you’re not part of that.”

  “Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me your pussy is not soaking wet right now, and that you’re not temped to take a chance with me?” He wasn’t going to back down, or back away.

  She opened her mouth, and he slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her again. He gripped her waist, pressing his cock against her pussy, and moaning as she held him even tighter.

  “Elena,” Sarah said, interrupting them.

  Pulling away, he saw Knife was standing behind Sarah as they leaned out of the door.

  “What is it?” Elena asked, tucking some hair behind her ear.

  “Saint has just entered the bar,” Sarah said. “With Ralf.”

  Sarah’s lip wobbled, and Pipe actually felt sorry for her.

  “Crap!” Elena looked toward him, and then her friend. “What do you want to do, honey?”

  “I don’t want to see Ralf. I don’t want to be near him.”

  He looked toward Knife, who was staring at Sarah.

  “Go,” Pipe said.


  “Go straight down that path, and you’ll get to your car. I’ll handle Saint.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Yes. Go.”

  Knife held the door open as Sarah and Elena left the back of the bar. He made sure Knife held the door open, and he moved toward the side of the bar, watching as Elena climbed behind her wheel. She gave him a smile and a wave.

  Making his way back to the door, Knife was smiling.

  “What’s your fucking problem?”

  “I’ve got no problem, none at all.”

  “You’ve clearly got something to say, so fucking spill it.”

  Knife smiled. “You like Saint’s sister.”

  Wrapping his fingers around Knife’s throat, Pipe started to squeeze so Knife knew not to mess with him.

  “You keep that shit to yourself, do you understand? You’re not going to tell anyone, not the club, not Saint, no one.”

  Knife nodded, and Pipe let him go. “I’m not exactly going to start telling the guys that you’ve got a thing for Elena, when Sarah has caught my attention.”


  “She’s a nice girl, and she tries to play the bad girl, when she’s not. There’s something about her, and I just don’t know what it is.” Knife smiled. “I guess we’re both fucked seeing as she belonged to the good old deputy.”

  “They’re not together anymore.”

  “We’re talking like a couple of pussies here.” Knife shook his head. “This could get ugly.”

  Pipe laughed, and together they made their way back toward the main bar. He wasn’t scared of Saint. He wasn’t scared of anything.

  “Sarah, huh?” Pipe asked.

  “I don’t know. She’s nice, and I guess in our world we don’t do nice. We deal with bitches, and bitches are not nice.”

  Pipe couldn’t fault the man. Elena wasn’t like any other bitch he’d ever known. In fact, even thinking about her as a bitch left a bad taste in his mouth.

  The moment they entered the main bar, he saw Saint and several bikers scanning the crowd. Pipe and Knife took a seat at the end of the bar, and signaled the barman to give them a beer.

  It didn’t take long for Saint to spot them.

  “What the fuck are you two doing here?” Saint asked.

  Pipe turned toward the other Prez and smiled. “We’re not wearing any patches. We’ve got a right to be here, just like you.”

  None of the Saints and Sinners were wearing patches either.

  “Where’s Sarah?” Ralf asked, coming to stand next to Saint.

  “Who’s Sarah?” He glanced at Knife. “Do you know a Sarah?”

  “All of these bitches could be a Sarah to me.”

  “Don’t talk about my woman like that!” Ralf moved to grab Knife, who quickly drew what he’d been named for.

  “You really want to do this here?” Pipe asked, standing up. The whole room had gone tense, and the silence was deafening. “We’re in neutral ground. Nothing going down here. You want a fight, I’ll give you one, but it’ll be the Saints and Sinners Prez who would have started it. Do you want that?” he asked.

  “Fuck! Back off, Ralf, now.”


  “Now. Pipe’s right. This is not the time or the place to be having this kind of fight. Back off.”

  Knife waited for Ralf to lower his fists, and they all took a step back.

  “I’m going to back away, and you’re going to back away,” Pipe said, grabbing Knife’s arm, and making his way toward the back of the bar. “We’ll call this one a close call.”


  Slowly, they exited the large room, and as they were leaving the bar, Pipe heard the silence disappear as the locals started talking once again.

  “I could have fucked him up,” Knife said.

  “It’s not the right time, nor is it the right place. We’d have fucked ourselves over with this.”

  “I don’t like it. Sarah’s sobbing over that little shit? He’s not fucking worth shit. He can’t even hack it as a deputy. Little shit.”

  “Tell me how you feel,” Pipe said, moving toward his bike. He may not wear his cut, but he’d always ride his bike.

  Knife shook his head. “Why did you invite me?”

  He’d had his pick of the club to invite.

  Pipe shrugged. “I figured you’d be the only one not threatening toward Sarah.”

  “You do know this is going to end badly for both you and Elena, right?”

  He released a sigh. Knife and Elena seemed to like telling him what he could or couldn’t have. It infuriated him and pissed him off.

  “Let me deal with what I can and can’t have.”

  “Saint will start a war if he thinks you’re taking advantage of his sister.”

  “I’m not taking advantage, asshole. He’s not going to do anything if he knows that Elena wants me as well.”

  Knife started laughing.

  “What’s your fucking problem?”

  “I don’t know. Saint has done a great deal to make it so no one knows about Elena being his sister, and yet everyone knows. It’s kind of pointless, don’t you think?”

  “He was protecting her.”

  “Yet, he’s done more damage trying to protect her. Just the way it looks to me.”

  Pipe couldn’t argue with him. Elena was in pain, and when it came to her brother he saw it clearly in her eyes. She was damaged by something in her life, and he just wanted to know in what way she was damaged.


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