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Mob Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Sex

Page 18

by Alexa Hart

  He nods. “In the closet.”

  I go over and pull the blue kit from the closet. I sit down on the edge of the bed and signal for him to sit next to me. He hesitates and I feel my blood boil.

  “I won’t bite,” I say.

  “Too bad,” he says, sitting next to me. Something about the injury makes him more relaxed around me, like the pain makes him forget he’s trying to be cold.

  I take some antiseptic and clean the wound with some gauze. He flinches and I chuckle. “Didn’t realize you were such a big baby,” I say.

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t realize you were such a terrible nurse.”

  I shove him playfully and he smiles.

  “What happened to you anyway?” I ask.

  “Workplace hazard,” he shrugs.

  “This happens a lot?” I ask.

  “Like I said, workplace hazard.”

  “You should find a new job,” I say.

  “This is the only job I’m good at, Princess. Not all of us were valedictorians.”

  I peel off a large bandage and place it over the cleaned wound. I pat it once kind of hard with my hand.

  “Ow,” he says, laughing.

  “Sorry,” I shrug. “I was a good student and a bad, bad nurse.”

  I go to pat him again, playfully, but to my surprise, he takes my arm with his hand and pulls me in close to him.

  “You’re driving me crazy, you know that?” He says, his face nuzzling near my ear.

  I shake my head. He pulls me just a little and I land, easily, cradled in his lap. I squirm a little at the sudden surprise of being on top of him and he groans.

  “Fuck, Summer,” he says. “You have no idea how hot you are.”

  “Maybe…” I say, feeling a little dizzy from his confession that I do have an effect on him, and the feeling of his erection beneath me. “Maybe you could show me?”

  “What about the contract?” he says.

  “I think this qualifies as necessary contact,” I say, quietly and shyly.

  Kane pulls me closer, crushing my chest against his, and he is kissing me. The kisses are deep, but unlike me, he seems to be keeping some small amount of control as he explores my mouth with his tongue and teases our lips against each other in longer, more gasp-inducing kisses. I feel his hands move up the back of my t-shirt then around my ribs until he is cupping my naked breasts under the fabric, nipples hard and tight in his strong hands. I groan into his mouth as we kiss and he pinches my nipples, twisting them between his thumb and index finger. I’ve never felt pain like that, pain that made my entire body ache in pleasure. He takes one hand from my breast, and runs it through my hair, pulling me closer to his mouth. I’ve never kissed anyone like this. I move one leg so I am straddling him and I can feel his erection underneath the thin, damp film of my panties. He pulls my shirt off over my head and drops his mouth to my breast, taking one of my nipples into his mouth and teasing it with his teeth and tongue.

  “You feel so good,” I say breathlessly. I need to feel his mouth on every part of my body. I need to feel him inside me. His cock feels amazing under me and I ache for the heat of him to be inside me.

  He licks my nipple and then traces his lips up so they are nearly touching mine. “You feel pretty fucking amazing yourself,” he chuckles.

  He kisses me hard and rough, my lips swollen from the lust of his touch. I rock against him and I think I might orgasm just like this, still in my damp panties. God, if this is what it feels like, why did I not do it sooner. But even as I think it, I know, it’s because it’s Kane that it feels this good.

  I rub against his bulging cock and moan. “I just….I need to tell you one, teensy, small thing,” I say.

  “I’m all ears, Princess,” he says as he kisses my neck and rocks me back and forth on his erection. “But make it quick. We have a busy night ahead.”

  “I’m a….” I look into his eyes and he pauses. This isn’t easy for me, but I know someone like Kane will have expectations. And I don’t want to be a disappointment. I take a deep breath. “I’m a virgin. So just, don’t expect”

  “You’re a virgin?” he asks. He drops his hands slowly from my body.

  “I mean,” I cover my now exposed breasts with my hands, feeling suddenly vulnerable. “It’s not like that’s a big deal,” I say.

  He picks me up and places me next to him. He runs his hands through his hair. “It’s a very big fucking deal, Summer!” He says harshly. “Get dressed,” he orders as he tosses my shirt at me, stands up and heads out the door, slamming it on his way out. A minute later I hear the shower running and I wait for him to at least come back to bed. But instead he heads down the stairs and I hear the front door open and close. I pull the blanket up over my body. I don’t understand what just happened. He had seemed so interested. I mean, I could feel his interest rubbing hard and needy against my body and his very interested mouth on my lips, my nipples. I shudder. Once again, I basically threw myself at him and he must think it wouldn’t be any good with someone so inexperienced and young. Or was he worried I’d think I needed it to mean something? Becca always said saving my virginity would make it too big a deal.

  I pull the pillow over my head. I want to smother the truth bubbling underneath my internal interrogation. Because I have always wanted losing my virginity to mean something, and for a brief moment when he had his hands in my hair and his tongue deliciously intertwined with mine, I had felt something deeper, truer, than lust. He was right to run. I was starting to forget that all this was fake.

  As I finally start to fall asleep, I wonder how I’ll ever face him again.

  Chapter 14


  I go the bar and get good and drunk.

  I mean, a virgin. A fucking actual virgin. She hadn’t felt like it, not for one second when she was rocking against my cock and kissing like she’d been born to tease a man into submission. I cannot believe I married a fucking virgin! I should have asked Trixie. At least the two of us could have had a little fun. Sure, Danny would have been pissed, but he’d have forgiven me. And sure, Trixie doesn’t look so much like a princess that no caseworker in the world would ever suggest Maddie not stay with us over Julie and her ice-cold parents, but at least I wouldn’t be in this mess. Because I have never wanted a woman more, and I have never known how much I shouldn’t have one. If Summer is a virgin it’s because she’s chosen to be. No way she hasn’t been lusted after plenty of times before, and probably by boys in loafers and khakis with cushy bank accounts, so she’s the one calling the shots. I don’t know why she’s been waiting, but I imagine it doesn’t have to do with finding prince charming in the guise of one busted-up single dad ready to lose his mind over her lush, soft body. And that’s what nearly happened. God, I really felt like I was going to lose my mind cupping her breasts, soft and pale and luscious in my hands, and hearing her gasping desperate need.

  I finish the glass of whiskey at the bar in frustration. If I can’t get her out of my head I’m going to need more than cold showers to survive the next few months. I picture her back at the house, sexy as hell, and probably pretty pissed, and worse, disappointed that I am not coming back. But I can’t give her what she wants, which is some fairytale. My dick aches at the thought of her and I scan the bar. A little blonde number in a low-hanging halter-top winks at me. I order another drink and ignore the blonde.

  Fuck, this is going to be a long few months until I’m free of her. And I’m starting to worry that I don’t want freedom either. And that scares me shitless.

  Chapter 15


  After our little incident the other night, Kane seems to double down on the avoidance technique. But the morning of our appointment with the caseworker, he can’t leave. Honestly, I thought having him avoid me was bad, but watching him pace around the house like a trapped bear is way worse. And I know he’s worried. Harry has made it clear that this caseworker has a lot of sway.

  “Here,” I say. I
baked cookies for the case worker’s arrival, and I slide one onto a plate. “Sit down and eat this. You’ll ruin the new rugs if you wear holes in them from pacing.”

  He frowns but begrudgingly sits down.

  I hand him the plate. “Maddie told me when she and I first met that you have a sweet tooth, but you never eat my treats,” I say. “It’s giving me a complex.”

  He laughs and takes the cookie. “It’s not that I don’t want to,” he says. “I’m just afraid once I start, I won’t be able to stop.” We look at each other and all I can think of, despite the week in between, is that night. The doorbell rings and he sets the uneaten cookie down. I’m really starting to hate that doorbell.

  The caseworker is a middle-aged woman named Doris. She wears a pantsuit and looks tired and perennially overworked as I open the door and usher her into the house. Kane’s nerves are rubbing off on me, and I start to feel a little nervous about the whole thing myself. I’m not exactly famous for my lying skills. Kane must be able to tell because he takes my hand and holds it in his own as we give her a tour of the house. I know it’s probably more for show, our contract did state public affection when necessary, and nothing is more necessary than impressing Doris, but it has the side effect of making both of us feel calmer. Like we really are a team. She seems pleased with everything. She even compliments the throw pillows and I give Kane an arched, I-told-you-so, eyebrow. She also stops and looks at the swear jar on the mantle.

  “What’s this?” she asks.

  “’s a swear jar,” I say. “We had one growing up. When someone swears you have to put a dollar in the jar. When it’s full, you go out to eat or buy someone a gift. It’s silly, really…”

  Kane squeezes my hand. “Not silly,” he says. “Though Summer puts a lot less in there than I do.”

  Doris looks from the jar to us and then jots something down in her little notebook.

  “You know, on paper you two are a bit of a surprising pair. How did you meet?”

  “She threw a cookie tin at me,” he says. “It was love at first strike.”

  “That’s not the answer I was expecting,” Doris says. She’s smiling though. Kane is good at charming just about any woman if he wants to. I wish he’d want to charm me. He motions for Doris to sit down on the couch and he sits across from her. He tugs me down gently and puts his arm around me. “The thing is, when she threw it, she thought she was protecting Maddie from a stranger and anyone who’ll look out for Maddie that way...well, she’s worth holding on to.”

  “Maddie’s special,” I say to Doris. “You’ll see that when you meet her next time. She’s got that light in her eyes, and she’s super smart. And that’s all because Kane’s taken such good care of her. She’s lucky. Lucky to be that loved.”

  I say the words with full conviction. The more time I spend with Kane and Maddie, the surer I am he is the one who should take care of her, even if he does have a dangerous lifestyle.

  Doris starts asking Kane a bunch of different questions, and I excuse myself to make her coffee, which she nods appreciatively in agreement with. When I come back out, I bring the cookies. Doris takes a bite of one of the cookies and nods her head in approval. She seems impressed when I explain that Maddie and I made them together and scribbles something down in her little notebook. I sit down again next to Kane on the couch and he takes my hand.

  “These are delicious,” Doris says.

  “Thanks,” I say. “Maddie and I are trying to perfect gingerbread in time for the holiday rush. This one has some orange zest.”

  Doris smiles. “La Florentina, correct?” She checks her notes. “That’s where you work?”

  I nod. “It was my grandparent’s bakery. I’m there now helping while my uncle recovers from back surgery. I’m not much of a baker, actually,” I laugh. “I majored in psychology! Just passing along to Maddie what my mother taught me.”

  Doris nods. “My dad used to take me to La Florentina when I was a kid. I loved the cannoli,” Doris says.

  “Right!” I laugh. “My grandfather’s specialty and my mother’s favorite.”

  “They stopped making them,” Doris says. “A while back. It was disappointing.”

  “Mmm,” I nod. “After my parents and grandparents died, Uncle Rudy just didn’t have the heart to make them anymore. My best friend’s parents took me after the accident until I was eighteen, but Rudy and the bakery, they’re all I have left of my family. That place….it means a great deal to me. Maddie really likes it there too. She helps every day after school,” I say. “Kind of passing on the family tradition to her.”

  Doris scribbles something else and I lean forward. “But, homework comes first. We...I didn’t have much money for college and I got through with scholarships. Schoolwork always comes first.”

  Doris looks up at me and smiles. “Don’t worry, Dear. I think it’s wonderful. Maddie seems lucky to have two people who care about her so deeply. And who care about each other.”

  I risk a glance at Kane. I mean, I never really talk about my parents, but with him it seems, I don’t know, like the fear of the emotions being too much for me isn’t a problem. Like Kane is tough enough, strong enough, to keep me from falling into the grief I always run from. He’s looking at me with deep, caring eyes that nearly take my breath away. He takes his hand and brushes a strand of hair from my eyes. I keep talking but I’m talking more to Kane than Doris.

  “Losing my mom makes me feel...I really want Maddie to have what I didn’t. She deserves so much and I want her to have someone to bake cookies with, to talk to about boys or school or her dreams. She wants to be a veterinarian, you know, and I think she ought to have a dog,” I break my gaze away from Kane because if I don’t, I might just melt from the heat of his gaze. I try to laugh and turn back to Doris. “But I doubt Kane will go for it ...yet,” I smile. I can’t help it, with Doris as the audience I feel like imagining it all as if it could be true. “It will have to be a dog. Because he clearly isn’t a cat person,” I laugh.

  Kane raises his eyebrows in mock affront. “Says who?”

  I laugh. “You like cats?”

  “I mean, no, but I don’t get how you can just tell that about me.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I laugh. “Sorry I misjudged again. Clearly in a former life, you were a cat lady.”

  Doris clears her throat and we turn back, caught up again in our own energy and ignoring the woman, the reason, why we are together. And why we aren’t real.

  “I think this is good for today. I’ll have one more visit with Maddie home as well and then I’ll report my findings to both lawyers.”

  I stand up and walk Doris to the door. I bring the tray of cookies. “Will you take a few more for the road. And if you want, I can make the cannoli next time you come. It’s probably time to dust off the recipe,” I say.

  “My dear, I am not someone who can be bribed, but, if I were ever to be bribed, it would certainly be with cannoli,” she winks at me and takes two more cookies off the tray. Kane has started cleaning up the coffee cups from the table and as he leans over I see Doris’s eyes stray to his very handsome behind. “And might I add that Maddie is not the only lucky lady in this house,” she shakes her head. “The way he looks...and the way he looks at won’t need a fireplace in the winter to heat this house.”

  We both giggle and Kane looks up. “What?” he asks.

  Doris winks at me and heads out the door. I close it behind her. I walk over to him and have a sudden, delicious feeling. Doris sees it too. I am not hallucinating this because I want him. The look he gave me earlier, his touch. He’s not avoiding me because he doesn’t want me, he’s avoiding me because he does. The virgin thing must seem like too much pressure. So I just need to show him I don’t need anything more than whatever it is he is willing to offer.

  “You’re looking at me like you’re a lion and I’m dinner,” he says. “It’s unnerving.”

  I shove him gently down on the couch and he falls back in s
urprise, but I also see his eyes flare. He’s been avoiding me because he wants me. The rush of power in this sudden understanding is amazing.

  I hike my skirt up and straddle him. “Wait...whoa,” he says. “What are you doing?”

  I pull my hair around my shoulder and lean down so our lips are close. I know he wants to resist but his eyes darken and his voice is husky.

  “I’m testing a theory,” I say. I reach down and pull his shirt off over his head.

  “Summer…” he says. I stop him from talking by kissing him, slowly at first, and then, as he gives in to the temptation of my body on his, the kiss deepens and becomes urgent. His tongue touches mine and a jolt of intense electricity shakes me. I groan into his mouth and his hands ride up my thighs, my skirt bunched at my waist, and he rubs the edge of my panties with his thumbs. I can feel his erection build beneath me. As he kisses me, he moves his hands reluctantly away from my panties and begins to unbutton my blouse. The blouse falls to the ground and he tugs the cups of my pink lace bra down so that he can rub my nipples between his strong, calloused fingers. I lean back and break away from his kiss. Then I reach down and stick my hand into his pants pocket.

  “That’s not where I want you to put your hands,” he says.

  “Shut up,” I laugh. I pull out a dollar bill from his pocket and hold it out in front of him. “This is for the swear jar,” I say.

  “But I didn’t swear,” he says.

  “But I am about to,” I say. I lean forward and put my lips to his ear. “Because I want you to fuck me. Hard.”

  He freezes. Just like last time.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I repeat. I let the dollar fall onto the couch and now I do lower my hands down and massage the bulge pulsing between my spread legs. “And I think you want to fuck me too.” I reach back and unfasten my bra. This time he isn’t pushing me off of him, but I can see the fight going on inside his head. Is he trying to protect me from himself? God, the idea that he’s trying to protect me, even now, even from himself makes me so hot I can barely breathe. I take his face in my hands and kiss him slowly and deeply. I rock gently against him and I can feel his resolve melting in the same heat he feels. And then, before I know it, I am being lifted up off of him again. My heart drops. He’s rejecting me again. Even though I basically begged him. But then as I stand in front of him, I feel his hand inch up my skirt and with one hand on my back, he pulls my skirt and panties down. I step out of them and now I stand in front of him naked. His chest is rising and falling and I watch as his eyes take me in. I should feel exposed or embarrassed but the way he looks at me makes me feel needy and desperate.


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