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Mob Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Sex

Page 19

by Alexa Hart

  “I need you to fuck me,” I say. “Please.”

  He takes my body and presses me down on the couch. He kisses me and I feel the weight of his body above me as he kisses my mouth, then makes his way down to my breasts and then lower. He spreads my legs and begins to kiss the inside of my thighs. I moan and writhe. I thrust my body up to meet his lips and he chuckles.

  “All in good time, Princess,” he says. I feel his hand as his fingers begin to massage my clit and then the tender, soft warmth of his tongue as he probes me. I let my hands fall through his hair and arch my back to match the tempo of his thrusting fingers. He moves his mouth back up my body and bites gently on my nipple as his fingers continue to tease me. I feel my body tighten and I moan and clutch at Kane. His mouth presses down on mine and he continues to stroke and thrust his fingers inside me while his other hand massages my hard nipples.

  “Oh, fuck, Kane,” I say. I feel the orgasm building.

  “That’s it, Princess,” he growls. “Fuck my fingers.”

  He pinches my nipple and kisses me hard and deep while I rock and moan against his fingers inside me. I feel the heat overwhelming me, and I shudder and cry out again and again. After a moment, I relax back on the couch, Kane’s hands tight around my thighs. He’s kissing me as I feel his hand leave my breast and brushes the hair back gently from my face.

  “That was fucking unreal,” I say.

  “I hate to break it to you, but you owe a small fortune to that swear jar,” he chuckles.

  “And we aren’t even done yet,” I say. I squirm under his body and shove my hands under the waistband of his pants and briefs. The feeling of his hard cock in my hands is enough to make me clench my thighs in pleasure. He moans and rubs himself against my hands.

  “I can’t,” he shakes his head.

  “It won’t mean anything,” I say. I say this to reassure him, since I assume his fear is that I’ll turn into some lovesick puppy if he takes my virginity when what I am is like a lustful teenager. But I don’t think he likes what I say and I can see a flare of anger in his eyes. He slides away and sits up. I know I’ve said the wrong thing, but I don’t understand. Isn’t he the one who said he only does meaningless?

  “If we fuck, we can’t get an annulment. Don’t tell me you don’t care about that.”

  He’s right, I do care. I only want to get married once. But I also don’t want us to stop, and I am a smart girl.

  “Fine,” I climb off the couch and pull him up. I reach down and massage his erection still bulging under his pants. “But that doesn’t mean we are done yet.”

  “I just told you I can’t,” he says.

  “You said you won’t have sex with me. But I’m a big fan of tit for tat.”

  I trail my hands down his muscular chest and feel his breathing become tauter with my touch. I linger and trace his tattoos with my fingers.

  “Jesus, Summer, it should be illegal to look like you do right now,” he says.

  I reach down and unbutton the fly of his pants and then tug them and his boxer briefs down. I kneel down in front of him. His cock is big and hard and I reach out and inexpertly take it in my hand and move my hand up and down, taking genuine pleasure in the way it feels in my hand. I lick the shaft and cup his balls in my hand gently. He grabs my hair and moans as I take his cock in my mouth.

  “I thought you said you were a fucking virgin,” he moans.

  I lick the shaft of his pulsing cock and giggle.

  “It doesn’t mean I was a nun. Plus, Becca made me watch a bunch of YouTube tutorial videos. She said she didn’t want me to be caught unprepared.”

  I feel his hands rough in my hair as he begins to thrust his cock into my mouth. I reach around with one hand and squeeze that ass of his, as strong and perfect as I imagined. I clutch it and rock with him as his need grows in my mouth. I take his cock deep into my throat, relishing the control I have on him. The need he can’t hide. As his body quickens, he calls out my name again and again.

  Afterwards, he collapses back onto the couch with his eyes closed and I slink back next to him and wrap myself around him. He doesn’t fight me off, I’ve exhausted him too much. He kisses me gently and holds me close to his chest.

  “I’ve got to be careful with you, Princess. You’re more dangerous than you look.”

  Chapter 16


  Poppy whistles back to me as I knead a loaf of bread. “He’s here again!” She says.

  She is referring to a young man named Peter, who’s become a regular customer in the last few weeks. He’s some sort of big deal advertising exec and he usually gets a coffee and a muffin and sits at one of the tables and works for an hour or two. Kane helped me set-up free wifi when I first started fixing the place up since I thought it would help attract younger customers, and it has! But Poppy is convinced that this particular customer keeps coming around because he is interested in more than just the free refills and wifi.

  “He’s always checking you out when you bring up goodies to the counter,” she says.

  “He is not,” I say back.

  “Summer, I really don’t think you realize what a goodie you are,” she shakes her head. “It’s really such a waste. I’d make good use of your body, for sure.”

  “You really think he’s interested in me?” I ask.

  The truth is, I’m not interested in Peter, but ever since that day on the couch, Kane’s gone back to being distant. I think it’s that he doesn’t want to be the one to take my virginity, even though I basically ordered him to and now I’m not sure he trusts himself or me to be able to stop. It’s been a week and he’s taken to sleeping on the couch if he comes home at all. I guess he really does think I’ll cling to him like some lovesick puppy. But what I really want is just for Kane to fuck me all the time. I feel a little guilty swearing even in my head, but that’s what I want him to do to me, and just like how I know I shouldn’t want my fake husband, the wanting something so wrong feels really, really right. So maybe Kane is right. We are in dangerous territory. After everything that I’ve lost, falling for a guy who lives a lifestyle where he comes home with bruises and has to lie about his life isn’t exactly the smart and safe move. And his fear that I’ll go gaga-eyes on him shows he’s not interested in more than a little fun. But Peter, a marketing exec who’s stable and wears chinos and polo shirts, seems like someone who wouldn’t mind a virgin, and someone who wants a white picket fence kind of life one day. He seems totally safe.

  So this time, when I bring out a tray of fresh chocolate chip cookies and start stacking them in the display case, I look up and catch his eye. And just like Poppy had said, his eyes were already on me. He has sandy brown hair, a square jaw, and the look of someone who knows how to sail. He’s much more my Oxford boy than Kane, but the idea doesn’t thrill me as it should. Still, I remind myself, he’s what I always said I wanted.

  “Want to try one?” I ask. I hold out a freshly baked pastry in my hand. “On the house.”

  Peter smiles and stands up. He comes over to the counter and takes the treat from my hand. “Only if you’ll join me for a bit,” he smiles. He has the most wholesome smile. I bet he was a boy scout as a kid. I nod. We sit down at his table and start talking.

  Peter is actually really pleasant company, and he’s funnier than I thought he’d be. He’s from Michigan originally and moved out to Chicago after college to help his friend with a start-up, a hip marketing firm that specializes in algorithms or something like that. It all sounds completely good and healthy and he even offers to help out the bakery with a marketing campaign. I know he’s flirting and I see him glance at my fingers. I don’t wear the wedding ring at the bakery because I still haven’t really explained to anyone what I did, especially not Rudy, who’s still at the hospital, though I tell Maddie it’s because I don’t want to get the ring covered in dough. His glance tells me something. And while Becca always said I was terrible at taking cues and that’s why I never dated much what she doesn’
t know is that I could sometimes tell, I mean I’m not a total dating idiot, but none of them interested me, even if they were exactly what I thought I wanted. But with Kane, I hadn’t just taken the cues, I’d given the orders. For a moment I realize how messed up this whole last month has been--I can’t want what I want, it’s too dangerous and it has a clear expiration date. We’re only playing at being a family. When Kane and Maddie are gone, I’ll be alone again. I’m so lost in my thoughts, half-listening to Peter chatting that I don’t even hear the bakery door open until I feel the heat on the back of my neck. The heat that only comes from one person. The heat that has as much potential to warm me as burn me to ashes. I turn around and find Kane glaring at me. Maddie holds a sleeping bag and a small backpack next to him. She waves at me.

  “Oh, hey,” I wave back. I look at Peter. “I have to go. My apprentice is here,” I say.

  “I’m going to start the cookies,” she says, and eagerly sprints back into the kitchen. Kane doesn’t budge.

  “Yeah, um, hey,” Peter looks a little shy and I don’t blame him. He starts to pack up. “I should get back to the office.” Kane has shifted his heated gaze to Peter and this time it is more the I will kill you kind of look he is drilling into Peter’s head. “I’ll see you around,” he says. I want to turn around and murder Kane myself. He doesn’t get to chase out the one man who might be interested in me without a binding contract.

  I’ve changed my mind about Peter. He’s perfect and in a few months I’ll be free to date whoever I want. Hell, I can do it now as long as it’s not obvious. And I have needs. Kane has made that clear to me. So if Kane doesn’t want me, I’ll find someone who does!

  “Peter, wait,” I say. I hand him my phone. “Can I have your number? In case I need help marketing the place.”

  “Yeah, sure,” he says, taking my phone and punching in his number.

  I head back into the kitchen. Usually Kane stalks after Maddie and says a few terse words to me or helps out around the back fixing things up, he’s actually pretty handy. I tell myself he hangs out and helps just to be around Maddie and take us home so she doesn’t have to ride the bus, but sometimes I wonder. This time though, he just leaves without a word.

  “Where’d your dad go?” I ask, trying not to sound too curious or hurt.

  “Dunno,” Maddie pours a cup of chocolate chips into a mixer. “Do you want me to call him?”

  “No, no!” I try to act nonchalant. “I guess we’ll see him when he picks us up later, right?”

  Maddie shakes her head. “It’s Friday, remember? I’ve got a sleepover at Andrea’s so her mom is picking me up here at six? Dad said he won’t come back tonight since you don’t need him for anything.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I smile, feeling a little deflated. So he did only really hang around for Maddie. He’s protective, I get that, but I thought maybe….

  “You okay?” Maddie asks, looking at me with her smart, inquisitive eyes.

  “Great!” I say and I shrug off the disappointment of Kane’s disappearing act. This is Maddie’s first big sleepover and she’s been super excited since getting the invitation last week. “I’ll bake you all something special!”

  Maddie fishes a piece of paper out of her pocket. “I thought you’d say that! So here, Andrea ranked her favorites from what you’ve been packing in my lunch!”

  I laugh. “Okay. She’s got excellent taste. Marshmallow chocolate chip bars. We’ll do those next. Now,” I toss her an apron. “We’d better get baking!”

  Chapter 17


  After Andrea’s mom picks up Maddie, I send Poppy home. Poppy had plans to see a movie with friends so I offer to stay and close up solo. I’m dreading going back to Kane’s house without Maddie there and Kane probably off with some woman like Trixie, who Maddie says has wanted to marry her dad “forever”, some woman that has the skills to give Kane what he wants. I finish cleaning up the place and turn off the lights in the front area. I head back into the kitchen and pull my phone out. I look up Peter’s number. It’s Friday night, most girls my age are going out to a bar or a date or a club or something. I know it’s messed up, but I don’t want any of those things. I want to be at home with Kane and Maddie. Still, I can’t sit here in the dark bakery and wallow. I flip off the main lights and take a deep breath. Then I put the phone up to my ear.

  As the call goes to voicemail I leave my message. “Hi, Peter, it’s Summer from La Florentina. I was calling to see if you’d, um, like to have dinner sometime?”

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  I jump in fright. Kane is standing in shadow at the kitchen entry and he looks livid.

  I glare at him. He scared me half to death. “None of your business,” I say. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came for you,” he says.

  My heart skips a beat, but I shake my head. “You don’t need to protect me.”

  “Like hell I don’t,” Kane stalks toward me and takes the phone out of my hand. “Now, call him back and cancel,” he says.


  “Because you are married to me!” He says, frustrated.

  I take my phone back and shove it in my pocket. “Nothing in the contract says I can’t fool around. I’m sure you do.” I say.

  “Excuse me?” He freezes. He backs me up against the table and he looks so overcome with anger and frustration I really don’t know what to think. He’s standing over me, so close that I can feel his body against mine. I can only make out the dim shadow of his face from the streetlights. I want very badly to run my hands under his shirt, to feel his body against mine. I do want him to protect me. I hate the way I feel.

  I sigh and try to push him gently back. “Listen, this thing between’s fake and we won over the caseworker. Nothing in the contract says we have to be faithful. I’ll be discreet. And the marriage isn’t real. I want something real,” I say.

  Instead of pushing him away, I just rest my arms against him. “I want to belong to someone.”

  I think for a moment, he’s going to pull away, but then I hear a shuddering breath. I look up and his jaw is tense. “It can’t be that guy,” he says.

  “Why not?” I say. “Tell me why not?”

  “Because ...You belong to me,” he says. And then, swiftly and with a sudden rush of heat, he crushes me to him and kisses me. I rope my arms around him and meet his passion. This time, I know, I won’t let him stop. This time I don’t think even he can make himself stop.

  He pushes my ass up so that I teeter at the edge of the table, my skirt riding up to my thighs.

  I place my hands on the table to brace myself as he leans into my body. His hands are rough as they tighten around me and tug me closer to him. Then he’s crushing me to his lips and my legs are tight around his waist. He unbuttons my blouse and roughly tugs down the cups of my bra, squeezing and pinching my taut nipples. His kisses become deeper, longer, and his tongue is as rough as his hands as he rubs my nipples into tight, hard buds. I peel his shirt off, lowering my mouth to lick and tease his chest, following the contours of his tattoos. He reaches his hands down and cups my ass harder, lifting me at an angle just enough to grind himself into my soaked panties. I moan with pleasure. The friction is delicious and I want him. All of him. And I don’t care about the ramifications. With one hand still firmly lifting up my ass, his other hand slides my panties down so that my skirt, riding high up on my thighs, and my pushed down bra are all that I am wearing. He moves to bring his fingers down to enter me, but I stop him. I reach out and begin to unzip his pants, releasing the massive erection swelling beneath his jeans. I kiss him slowly as I lower the zipper and tug down his underwear, running my hands over his exposed, rock-hard cock. I see his hesitation again, his concern over my virginity, but this time I lean in, pressing my body against him. “I belong to you,” I say.

  With that, he leans me back on the table and gently, gently slides himself into me. For a moment the tightness of it m
akes me bite back a cry of pain, but as he moves back and forth, my back arched and moving to meet his movements, the pain melts into pleasure. He lifts my ass up and leans me back just a little and I feel him deeper inside me. His cock is so hard and the pressure of him inside me is amazing.

  “That’s it, baby,” he says. “You’re so fucking wet for me.” As he leans forward he begins to thrust harder, seeing the pleasure on my face. I pull myself up and wrap my arms around him, my breasts pushed hard against his chest as he uses his strong arms on my hips to move me up and down in a slow, wet, torturous rhythm. I bite my lip and I hear him groan as we move together against the table.

  “You don’t know what that does to me,” he says as he kisses the indent in my lip where I had just bitten down. He kisses my neck and finds my mouth again, crushing it with his own. I writhe and rock against him and the warmth building in my body is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. I feel my hips roll and clench in pleasure against Kane’s every thrust. He’s got one hand rubbing my nipple and the feeling is exquisite. He reaches around and cups my ass hard, parting my cheeks so that his cock can push into me even deeper and I cry out, wanting more. I wrap my arms around his neck, lifting my hips up and down as he holds my ass, squeezing my pussy around his cock in exquisite, tight pulses. He’s breathing hard, watching me with a hunger that only makes me moan more every time he thrusts into me. He’s right, I do belong to him, but as he moves faster and faster, barely able to contain his need as he fucks me, I have a sense that he might belong to me too. He lowers me down on the table, and I lay back. I brace the sides of the table as he grabs both my hips and raises them up higher and off the table. He’s slamming into me now, the table rocking beneath us. I shudder and cry out with an unfathomable pleasure and as if my orgasm gives him permission to finally lose all control, a moment later he’s thrusting faster, his hands digging into my hips, his breathing heavy and erratic and then shuddering to a sudden, ecstatic climax himself.


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