and Triple Alliance 575
Grey, George 424
Greek army 502
Grey, Lady Dorothy 366, 367
Grey, Sir Edward xxvii, 273, 375, 400, 419, 426, 479, 486, 498, P1.25, P1.26
ambassador to the United States 603
appearance 365
and the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum 538, 556, 557
and the Balkan issue 403, 447, 467, 554
beliefs on foreign policy 366–67
and Cambon 364, 500–501, 579, 580
wants to maintain the Entente 364, 365
agreement with Russia 194, 195, 196
chairs London conference of ambassadors 458–59
Committee of Imperial Defence 374
conservatism 365
Crowe’s memorandum 115–16
education 365–66
and the Entente 370, 371
forced to accept a degree of control by the Cabinet 428
and Franz Ferdinand’s assassination 543
and German colonial demands 424
House of Commons speech 587–88
and Italian invasion of Libya 434
on the Kaiser 126
last months of the peace 496
marriage 366
and military talks 371, 372, 500–501
proposals after the declaration of war 555
and relations with Germany 406–7, 423
tries to get Serbian deadline extended 557
on Triple Entente 497
Grey, George 424
Grimoin-Sanson, Raoul 7
Groener, General William 299, 310, 323, 326, 525, 577
Gulf States 165–66
Habsburg family 2, 3, 11, 179, 203, 204, 207, 213, 214, 275, 464, 518, 598
Habsburgs 389
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople 1, 448
Hague Convention (1899) 281
Hague international peace conferences 509
first (1899) 271, 279–82
second (1907) 282–84
Haldane, Lord 277, 367, 374, 458, 479, 489, 508, 525, 556
Hamburg (steamer) 353–54
Hamilton, Lord George 33, 47–48
Hamilton, General Sir Ian 259
Hammann, Otto 528
Harbin (Heilongjiang), China 162
Harden, Maximilian 244, 369
Hardie, Keir 276, 290
Hardinge, Sir Charles 114, 115, 122, 123, 124, 177, 394, 410
Hartwig, Nicholas 410, 442–43, 450, 534, 546
Hassan I, Sultan of Morocco 153
Hatzfeldt, Paul 56, 58, 99
Havas 511
Hawaiian islands, US control of 16, 40
Hay, John 274
Heligoland 93, 94
Henty, G.A. 250
Hereros 260
Hesse-Darmstadt 175
Hindenburg, Paul von 599, 603
Hitler, Adolf xxxi, 248, 589, 603, 604, 605
Hobbes, Thomas 247
Hobson, J.A. 255
Hofburg palace, Vienna 204–5, 444
Hofmannsthal, Hugo 229
Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst, Prince Gottfried von 57, 460
Hohenzollern (yacht) 378
Hohenzollerns 65, 70, 74, 77, 81, 329, 386, 429, 505
Holstein, Friedrich von 47, 317, 362, 363, 364
and Bülow 77, 79
character 79
close to Bismarck 79
and Eulenburg 369
and the first Hague Peace Conference 279–80
and German-French relations 357
and Germany’s encirclement 356
head of German Foreign Office 57, 74, 323
hopes for rapprochement with Britain 75
on the Kaiser’s lack of military expertise 359
‘The Monster of the Labyrinth’ 79
opposes Reinsurance Treaty 79
the power behind the scenes 79
resignation 368–69
and Tangier visit 355, 356
homosexuality 62, 229, 244, 255, 336–37, 369
Hoover, President Herbert 234
Hopman, Albert 60, 61
House, Colonel Edward 509
House of Commons 28, 423, 490, 491, 543, 587
House of Lords 28, 129, 423
Hoyos, Count Alexander 520, 521, 522, 523, 536, 602
Hull, east Yorkshire 159
Compromise (1867) 207, 208, 214
economy 201
franchise 202
independence bid (1848) 207
as an independent kingdom 207
independent state 312, 598
and the joint army 208–9, 212
language issue 208–9, 212
Ottoman control 380
parliament 208, 209
Rumanians demanded political rights in 387
Huysmans, Camille 293
imperialism 276
imperial over-stretch 37, 182
opposed by US 27
Salisbury on 252
scramble for colonies xxi
seen as a measure of a nation’s power and vitality 251
and socialism 292
supply of unclaimed land running out 39
tensions caused by 14, 27
Inchon, Korea 162
India 182, 372, 415, 419, 446, 568
industrial revolution 14, 15, 183, 233, 296, 301, 304
industrialisation 32, 67, 164, 231, 237, 284
achievements in xxviii, 6
British industries being overtaken 37–38, 55
growth in industrial working classes 7
increased output 7
Russia shifts from agriculture to industry 12
influenza epidemic (1918) xx
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation (IMRO) 439
international arbitration 278, 279
annual conference on (Lake Mohonk, New York State) 275
International Museum of War and Peace, Lucerne, Switzerland 272
International Peace Bureau, Berne, Switzerland 274
Interparliamentary Union 274, 509
Invincible (heavy battlecruiser) 112
Iran 514
see also Persia
Iraq 493, 519, 597
Irish Home Rule 44, 154, 423, 490, 491, 543
Irish question xxvii, 107, 231, 486, 489–91, 543, 544
Isonzo River 219
Israel 493
Istanbul see Constantinople
Istria 389
Italian army 332, 402, 433, 560
Italian constructivists 230
Italian navy 432, 499, 560
Italian Socialist Party 292
Italo-Turkish War (1911–12) 265, 292
alliance with Austria- Hungary 496
ambitions for expansion 222
Austria-Hungarian fortifications and exercises at the border 218–19
Bosnian annexation crisis 432
Conrad’s desire for war 218, 220
economy 432
emigration 431
foreign relations 432
in Great War 597
imperialism in Africa 131
industrialising and modernising 13
naval building programme 128
neutrality 584
Paris Universal Exposition 4
population 431
pre-war dilemmas 559–60
relations with Austria-Hungary 199, 200, 214–15, 216, 222, 291, 332, 492–93
relations with Britain 35, 75, 332
relations with France 145, 221–22, 332, 357
seizure of Tripoli and Cyrenaica 413, 441
strikes in 473, 599
in Triple Alliance xxix, 38, 45, 74, 78, 147, 187, 190, 199, 216, 221–22, 312, 332, 433, 493, 559, 561
and Tunis 150, 221
unification 215, 221–22, 306, 391, 433, 439
wants its place in the sun 471
war with Ottoman Empire over Libya (1911) 220, 431, 433–3
5, 441, 447, 473, 560
Ito Hirobumi, Prince 49–50
Ivan the Terrible 181
Izvolsky, Alexander (Russian Foreign Minister, 1906–10) 183, 191, 192, 339, 391, 392, 428, 495, 533, 583, P1.24
appearance 193
attitude to Europe 192–93
background 193
blames Britain for impending war 558
Bosnia-Herzegovina annexation 395, 396, 398, 401–2
a broken man 403
character 193, 393
dies in exile 602
education 193
Lamsdorff’s successor 192
opposes disarmament 282–83
and Poincaré 486
Reval meeting 394
and second Moroccan crisis 422–23
subsequent career 602
talks with Aehrenthal 393–94, 395–96, 602
Jagow, Gottlieb von 328, 329, 461, 478, 521, 526, 527, 528, 533, 535, 541, 558
James, Henry 6, 17, 592
Jameson Raid 56
adaptation to the modern world 15, 40, 160
Anglo-Japanese Alliance 48–50
declares war on Germany (1914) 597
enters the industrial age 55
first Hague Peace Conference 281
helps patrol the world’s waterways xx
interest in Korea 50, 160–61
and international relations 15
and Manchuria 161, 163
martial spirit 259
Nicholas II’s attitude to 171, 174
Paris Universal Exposition 15, 21
relations with China 27, 40–41, 48, 160–61
rise of xx, xxi, 48, 101, 259, 270
Russo-Japanese war xxvi, 13, 112, 118, P1.12
and Spithead naval review 27
US establishes a presence 16
Japan Society 49
Japanese army 304
Japanese art 21
Japanese Empire 161
Japanese navy 100
and Anglo-Japanese Alliance 50
rise of 49, 283
victory against Russia at Tsushima Strait 112
Jaurès, Jean 139, 510, 547, 581, 589, 594, P1.13
appearance 288
background 288
belief in socialist solidarity 287
character 287–88
death 582
education 288–89
major speech at Basle 291
member of the French parliament 289
on Morocco 150, 362–63
prophesies the future war 289
wants citizens’ militia 481
Jesuits 145, 262
Jews xxx, 1, 142, 187, 201, 213, 234, 245, 248, 249, 258, 283, 305, 340, 380, 418, 475, 605
Joffre, General Joseph 302, 309, 345, 347–51, 375, 422, 429, 481, 554, 582, 585, P1.17
Joll, James 230
Jordan 493
July crisis (1914) 208
Junkers 69, 295, 309, 315, 418, 595
Karageorgević, Peter 388
Karl, Emperor of Austria 601
Keim, Major General August 472
Kennan, George 180
‘Long Telegram’ 116
Kennedy, John F. 302, 592
Kennedy, Paul 182
Keppel, Alice 277
Kerr, Alfred 245
Kessler, Count Harry 419, 477, 483, 540
acceptance of war as a probability 247
and Anglo-German relations 277
background 228
character 21, 229
cultural life 229–30
duelling 235
education 228–29
on Japan 21
on Nietzsche 238
returns to his old house in Weimar 600–601
on staff officers 325
Kiachow Bay, China 90, 99, 185
Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred von 61, 62, 405, 419–21, 425, 426, 427, 429, 456, 458, 461, 478, 480, 545
Kiel 119
naval base 89, 92, 513
Kiel Canal 117, 130, 429–30, 525
Kiel Yacht Club 89
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 215
Kitchener, Lord
brutal policy towards Afrikaners 3, 23
at Fashoda 134
ordered to retake the Sudan 134
and Russian expansion 182
Kleinmichel, Countess 164
Klimt, Gustav 230, 239
Kokovtsov, Vladimir 186, 398, 473–74, 494, 495
Kolchak, Admiral 602
Köpenick, Germany 262
Korea 160
Japanese interest in 50, 160–61
Russian interest in 174, 185
Korean War (1950–53) 162
Kosovo 454, 462
Kraepelin, Dr Emil 244
Krasnoye Selo, Russia 551, 552, 559
Kraus, Karl 212
Krivoshein, Alexander 550, 552
Krobatin, General Alexander 466, 520, 530, 535
Kronberg meetings (1908) 122–24
Kronstadt naval base, Russia 148
Kruger, Paul 23
Kruger telegram 56, 76
Krupp 257, 445
Krupp, Alfred 472
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav 529
Kuprin, Aleksander: The Duel 257
Kuropatkin, General Aleksei 163, 172, 181, 184
labour movement xxii, xxviii
Labour Party (Britain) 107, 276, 277, 284, 560, 588
Lads Drill Association 260
Lamsdorff, Count Vladimir 174, 185, 186–87, 190–91, 192, 193, 383
landed classes
Austria-Hungary 202
British 28–29, 128
Hungarian 464
and People’s Budget 128
privileges challenged and competition for power 32
Russia 475
Lansdowne, Lord 360–61
background 154
becomes Foreign Secretary 47, 151
and Cambon 151, 154, 155, 157, 361, 364
character 154–55
Dogger Bank incident 160
and the Entente Cordiale 156, 158
from Liberal to Conservative 154
and Grey 364
and Ito 50
moves away from isolation 47, 367
suspicious of German interest in Morocco 360
talks with Benckendorff 183
Lascelles, Sir Frank 114, 118, 119, 123
Latin America 138, 151, 283
Law, Bonar 490, 491, 543, 584, 588
Le Bon, Gustave 20
Le Queux, William
The Great War in England in 1897 181–82
The Invasion of 1910 107, 260
League of the Three Emperors (formed 1873) 221, 227, 384
Lebanon 493
Lebensraum 251
left, the
attitude to militarism and the military 258
blamed by the right for the war xxx
blames capitalism or ‘merchants of death’ for the war xxx
in Russia 475
wants a citizens’ army 346
wants greater use of reserves 346
Leipzig, Battle of (1813) 250, 307
Lenin, Vladimir 165, 174, 581, 598
Leopold II, King of Belgium 329–30, 586
Lerchenfeld, Count 59, 63
Liberal Party (Britain) 366–67, 371, 498, 560, 587, 603
belief in intervening in Europe 33–34
Daily Telegraph affair 127
Foreign Affairs Committee 573
in government 107, 121, 194, 277, 364, 488, 490, 499
and Home Rule for Ireland 154
Liberal Unionists 44
American 597
and Anglo-French friendship 157
anti-war 265, 285
and capitalism 256, 285
French 142
German 90, 126, 274–75, 318, 418
German-speaking 275
middle-class 202, 261
and the military 260
Russian 177, 182, 185, 187
Libya, war between Ottoman Empire and Italy over Libya (1911) 220, 431, 433–35, 473, 560
Lichnowsky, Prince Karl 458, 459, 495, 554, 557, 569, 570, 577, 584, 587, 589, 591, 592
Liebknecht, Karl 285
Liège, Belgium 328, 329, 505, 569, 574, 586, 595
Ligue des Droits de l’Homme 276
Ligue des Patriotes 249
Liman von Sanders, Otto 494, 495
Liman von Sanders affair 495–96
Lipton family 32
literacy 8, 102, 165, 265
Lloyd George, David xxx, 108, 127, 128–29, 158, 365, 372, 374, 406
Budget (1909) 489
financial scandal 486
Mansion House speech 424–25
naval estimates row 488
strong wartime leader 603
wants peace 561, 579
Lombardy, Italy 222
London, financial centre 232, 270, 578–79
London, Treaty of (1913) 462, 568
London Chamber of Commerce, Defence Committee 128
London conference of ambassadors (1912–13) 458–59
Longchamps races, near Paris 511
Lorraine (Lothringen), French loss to Germany (1871) 137, 138, 139, 149, 253, 280, 293, 319, 327, 357, 546, 603, P1.36
Loubet, President Emile 101
Cambon on 149
Déroulède’s attempted coup 142
Dreyfus affair 143
Edward VII’s successful visit 132
and Paris Universal Exposition 1, 22
visits London 156
Louis XIV, King of France 134, 136, 137, 272
Louis of Battenberg, Prince 106
Louisa Augusta, Queen of Prussia 190
Louvain, Belgium
burning of university library xvii, xviii–xix, P1.37
Cloth Hall xvii
sack of (August 1914) xvii–xviii, xix
Lucheni, Luigi 241–42
Ludendorff, General Erich 350, 478–79, 599, 603
Ludwig Victor, Archduke of Austria 213
Lueger, Karl 248
Lusitania, RMS xix, 112
Lutyens, Edwin 4
Luxembourg 313, 345, 584
MacDonald, Ramsay 277, 288, 293, 588
Macedonia 226, 227, 380, 382, 383, 385, 387, 390, 393, 394, 409, 439, 443, 444, 462
McKenna, Reginald 127
McKinley, President William 18, 241
Maclean, Kaid 154, 354
MacMahon, Marshal 140–41
Madagascar 162
and Entente Cordiale 156
French annexation of 42, 135
Madame Tussaud’s waxworks, London 262
Maeterlinck, Maurice 235
Mahan, Captain Alfred 75, 281
The Influence of Sea Power upon History 87–89, 96
Mahdi, the 132, 133, 134
Mahler, Gustave 229
Mallet, Louis 115
Malta 499, 500
Manchester 25
Manchuria 46, 160
The War that Ended Peace Page 89