May, Lou & Cass
Page 31
109 – JA to Charles Austen, 6 April 1817, Le Faye, Letters, no. 157.
110 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 4 March 1817, CKS, Knatchbull Archive,U951/C109/7. Sophia Cage, their cousin, would marry Henry Knight in 1832.
111 – JA to FCK, 20–21 February 1817, Le Faye, Letters, no. 151.
112 – JA to FCK, 13 March 1817, Le Faye, Letters, no. 153.
113 – Ibid.
114 – Jenkins, Biography, 133.
115 – JA to FCK, 23–25 March 1817, Le Faye, Letters, no. 155.
116 – JA to Anne Sharp, 22 May 1817, Le Faye, Letters, no. 159.
117 – Ibid.
118 – JA to JEAL, 27 May 1817, Le Faye, Letters, no. 160.
119 – JEAL, Memoir, 155.
120 – CEA to FCK, 29 July 1817, Le Faye, Letters, CEA/3.
121 – FCK, 20 July 1817, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/19.
122 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 10 August 1817, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/8.
Notes: Chapter 2
1 – Evelyn, Viscountess Templetown (née Finch-Hatton), in Jane Corder, Akin to Jane: Family Genealogy of Jane Austen’s Siblings and Descendants, 1760–1953, MS compiled 1953, Jane Austen’s House Museum (JAHM), Chawton, Hants, 51. Second copy lodged at College of Arms, London.
2 – Ibid.
3 – Ibid.
4 – Margaret Wilson, Almost Another Sister: The Family Life of Fanny Knight, Jane Austen’s Favourite Niece (Kent: Kent Arts & Libraries, 1990), 107.
5 – Corder, Akin to Jane, 51.
6 – M.C. Hammond, Relating to Jane: Studies on the Life and Novels of Jane Austen with a Life of her Niece Elizabeth Austen/Knight. (London; Minerva Press, 1998), 196.
7 – Corder, Akin to Jane, 52.
8 – Elizabeth Austen to EKR, 2 September 1807, CKS, Rice Archive, EK-U116 (uncatalogued), Hammond no. 1/2.
9 – JA to CEA, 15–17 June 1808. Deirdre Le Faye, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters (1995; reprint, London: The Folio Society, 2003), no. 52.
10 – Mary Augusta Austen Leigh (MAAL), James Edward Austen Leigh: A Memoir by his Daughter, privately printed, 1911, 11.
11 – Ibid., 70.
12 – JA to JEAL, 16–17 December 1816, Le Faye, Letters, no. 146.
13 – Ibid. The silhouette of Jane Austen known as ‘L’Aimable Jane’, entitled on its first appearance in JEAL’s Memoir as ‘L’Amiable Jane’, as Jane spelled it in her letter, is thought to have been executed by James Edward. See R.W.Chapman, Jane Austen: Facts and Problems (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1948), 214.
14 – MAAL, James Edward Austen Leigh: A Memoir, 22.
15 – Ibid.
16 – Chris Viveash, ‘James Edward Austen at Oxford’, The Jane Austen Society Report (2008): 115.
17 – MAAL, James Edward Austen Leigh: A Memoir, 28.
18 – Ibid., 23.
19 – Ibid., 24.
20 – Viveash, ‘James Edward Austen at Oxford’, 115.
21 – Caroline Austen to JEAL, 4 May 1819, HRO, Austen Leigh Family Archive, 23 M93/86/3; Chronology, 599.
22 – MAAL, James Edward Ausen Leigh: Memoir, 18.
23 – JEAL, ‘Lines accompanying a pearl pin, addressed to William Heathcote on Friday May 17th: 1822. On which day he came of age’, Fugitive Pieces: Trifles Light as Air: The Poems of James Edward Austen Leigh, Nephew and Biographer of Jane Austen, ed. David Selwyn (Winchester: The Jane Austen Society, 2006), 74; MAAL, James Edward Austen Leigh: Memoir, 26.
24 – Claire Tomalin, Jane Austen: A Life (London: Viking, 1997), 276.
25 – MAAL, James Edward Austen Leigh: Memoir, 31; 39.
26 – Deirdre Le Faye, A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 655.
27 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 25 March 1819, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/9. Mrs Deedes of Sandling had been Sophia Leigh, sister of Mrs George Austen, née Cassandra Leigh.
28 – Hammond, Relating to Jane, 230–2. This child was Edward Bridges Knight (1819–1902).
29 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 13 December 1819, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/10.
30 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 54.
31 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 18 September 1820, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/11.
32 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 50.
33 – Ibid., 53.
34 – Ibid., 54.
35 – Ibid., 49.
36 – Ibid., 48.
37 – Ibid., 52.
38 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 18 September 1820, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/11.
39 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 1 December 1820, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/13.
40 – Hammond, Relating to Jane, 240. This child was Henry Rice (1821–1848).
41 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 56.
42 – Ibid., 58.
43 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 2 September 1821, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/14.
44 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 9–12 March 1822, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/16.
45 – FCK, 19 November 1822, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/19. See also Billington Family Archive, CKS, U1045/F1-15. John Billington would marry Maria Wyndham in 1829, and remain a family friend of the Knights at Godmersham. His son George Moyle Billington would later distinguish himself in the Crimea.
46 – Hammond, Relating to Jane, 240–1.
47 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 70.
48 – Tomalin, Life, 275.
49 – ‘When William Knight married Caroline Portal in [1825] old Mrs Austen commented, “… Well, my dear, only think of old Joe Portal’s daughter marrying my grandson!” Joe Portal was the grandson of a French emigré but he had married a Miss Hasker, whose parents kept a marine store and clothing shop in Portsmouth, a connection which made him and his family socially suspect.’ Hammond, Relating to Jane, 217–8.
50 – Hammond, Relating to Jane, 245.
51 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 71.
52 – Ibid., 70.
53 – FCK, 31 December 1824, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/21.
54 – FCK, December 1825, Pocket Books, CKS Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/22.
55 – FCK, January 1826, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/23.
56 – FCK, 13–14 May 1826, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/23.
57 – Ibid., 17 May 1826.
58 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 72; Le Faye, Chronology, 630.
59 – Le Faye, Chronology, 630.
60 – Ibid.
61 – FCK, 13–14 May 1826, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/23.
62 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 73.
Notes: Chapter 3
1 – William Austen Leigh and Montagu George Knight, Chawton Manor and its Owners: A Family History (London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1911), 173.
2 – Ibid., 172; Jane Corder, Akin to Jane: Family Genealogy of Jane Austen’s Siblings and Descendants, 1760–1953, MS compiled 1953, Jane Austen’s House Museum, Chawton, Hants, 121.
3 – FCK, 7 June 1827, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/24.
4 – FCK, 8 May 1827, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/24.
5 – Ibid., 17 May 1827. Lady Salisbury, the former Lady Mary Amelia (Emily) Hill (1750–1835) married James Cecil, 1st Marquess of Salisbury in 1773. A powerful and flamboyant figure, she died in a tragic accident when fire broke out in her apartments at Hatfield House on 22 November 1835. The young Charles Dickens, reporting the fire, was so struck by it that he included an account in the novel he was then writing. See The Adventures of Oliver Twist (1837; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981), 368–70.
6 – Ibid., 26 June 1827. Fanny spells his name in both forms, but eventually settles for ‘Burrows’ in her yearly summary: ‘Mr Burrows, son of Sir B. Burrows proposed to Cass & was refused.’ FCK, 31 December 1827, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/24.
7 – Jane Austen, P
ersuasion (1818; reprint, ed. Janet Todd and Antje Blank, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 197-207.
8 – FCK, 11 August 1827, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/24.
9 – FCK, 27 August 1827, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/24.
10 – Ibid., 29 August 1827.
11 – Capt. John Hart to Viscountess Forbes, 17 September 1834, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (hereafter PRONI), Granard Papers, Register of Irish Archives, K/3/1; A.P.W. Malcomson, The Pursuit of the Heiress (Belfast; Ulster Historical Foundation, 2006), 174.
12 – FCK, 31 December 1827, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/24.
13 – Richard James Lane, Lord George Hill, National Portrait Gallery, London, NPG/D22025/17-C-10.
14 – Corder, Akin to Jane. The Marquess, or Marquess, of Downshire was also styled as ‘Earl and Viscount of Hillsborough, Viscount Kilwarlin and Baron Hill of Kilwarlin, in Ireland. Earl of Hillsborough, Viscount Fairford and Baron Harwich in Great Britain’.
15 – W.A. Maguire, The Downshire Estates in Ireland: 1801–1845 (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1972), 1–8.
16 – Malcomson, Pursuit of the Heiress, 121; PRONI, Downshire Papers, D/3880, ‘Continental Disbursements on Account of Lords Augustus and George Hill’, 21 November 1818–10 December 1819.
17 – See Maguire, Downshire Estates, 86–7: ‘The considerable property in Ireland –namely the estates at Dundrum in county Down and Edenderry in King’s county – which [Lady Downshire] brought to the family was to be security for the raising of portions for the younger children of the marriage: £20,000 if one child, £30,000 if two, £40, 000 if three or more ... It was left to her to decide on the divisions of the portions for the younger children.’
18 – Ibid., 6. See also A.P.W. Malcomson, ‘The Gentle Leviathan: Arthur Hill, 2nd Marquess of Downshire, 1753–1801’, in Plantation to Partition: Essays in Ulster History in Honour of J.L. McCracken, ed. Peter Roebuck (Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1981), 102.
19 – Maguire, Downshire Estates, 6.
20 – Ibid., 9; 80.
21 – Ibid., 121.
22 – Ibid., 122.
23 – Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon, ed. Drabble, 166.
24 – Pride and Prejudice (1813; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 173.
25 – FCK, 31 December 1828, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Achive, U951/F24/25.
26 – Margaret Wilson, Almost Another Sister: The Family Life of Fanny Knight, Jane Austen’s Favourite Niece (Kent: Kent Arts & Libraries, 1990), 27.
27 – JA to CEA, 23–24 August 1814. Deirdre Le Faye, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters (1995; reprint, London: The Folio Society, 2003), no. 105.
28 – M.C. Hammond, Relating to Jane: Studies on the Life and Novels of Jane Austen with a Life of her Niece Elizabeth Austen/Knight. (London; Minerva Press, 1998), 247.
29 – Margaret Wilson to Sophia Hillan, 17 June 2010.
30 – ‘Pourquoi Pas’, in Poems, Etc. By George Chichester Oxenden (1829; Breinigsville, PA: Legacy Reprint Series, 2010), 59–60.
31 – FCK, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/ 26; U951/F24/27.
32 – The silhouette is on display, JAHM. See also Jane Austen Society, Collected Reports, 3, 299–300.
33 – Diaries of Charles Bridges Knight (CBK) 1832–1847, MS in 13 volumes, numbered 2–15, held at JAHM.
34 – CBK, 30 January 1832, Diaries, 2, JAHM.
35 – CBK, 26 January 1835, Diaries, 8, JAHM. In Corder, Akin to Jane, Brook John Knight is described as ‘Captain, Unattached List’ in June 1835; he exchanged to, first, the 48th Regiment of Foot (July 1835), then the 51st Regiment of Foot (1837), and was on the unattached list, on half-pay, by October 1837. He exchanged to the 6th Dragoon Guards in February 1839, and was by August 1844 again on half-pay in the Staff Corps.
36 – CBK, 20 September 1832, Diaries, 3, JAHM.
37 – CBK, 18 March 1832, Diaries, 2, JAHM.
38 – CBK, 12 July 1833, Diaries, 6, JAHM.
39 – CBK, 16 May 1832, Diaries, 2, JAHM.
40 – CBK, 15 May 1833, Diaries, 6, JAHM.
41 – CBK, 23 August 1823, Diaries, 3, JAHM.
42 – CBK, 5 October 1832, Diaries, 3, JAHM.
43 – CBK, 17 May 1832, Diaries, 2; 27 April 1833, Diaries, 5, JAHM.
44 – CBK, 26 January 1833, Diaries, 5, JAHM.
45 – CBK, 23 April 1832, Diaries, 2, JAHM.
46 – CBK, 19 July 1833, Diaries, 6, JAHM.
47 – CBK, 23 May 1833, Diaries, 6, JAHM.
48 – CBK, 25 February 1832, Diaries, 2, JAHM.
49 – CBK, 5 March 1835, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
50 – Nora Robertson, Crowned Harp; Memories of the Last Years of the Crown in Ireland (Dublin: Allen Figgis & Co. Ltd., 1960), 74.
51 – ‘Hillsborough House Twelfth Night Ball’, Newry Commercial Telegraph, 15 January 1828.
52 – FCK, 31 December 1829, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/26.
53 – Lord George Hill (LGH) to Lord Down- shire, PRONI, Downshire Papers, D/671/C/348/2.
54 – Maguire, Downshire Estates, 10–12.
55 – LGH to Lord Downshire, 1828–1844, PRONI, D/671/C/348/1–25.
56 – See S.J. Connolly, ‘Mass Politics and Sectarian Conflict, 1823–30’, in A New History of Ireland, 5: Ireland Under the Union, 1, 1801–1870 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989), 106.
57 – Maguire, Downshire Estates, 11.
58 – Maguire, Downshire Estates, 10; PRONI, Downshire Papers, D/3880.
59 – Gweedore Hotel Book, 1, 123. MS in 2 volumes, volume 1 held at Donegal County Archives, Lifford, County Donegal, P/46,: volume 2 in possession of Patricia Doherty, at An Chúirt, Gweedore Court Hotel and Heritage Centre, Gweedore, County Donegal, formerly the Gweedore Hotel.
60 – He was a member of the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin, founded in 1785, and possessed an extensive library of ancient and mediaeval Irish texts. These include handwritten transcriptions of, among others, Gaelic poet Brian Merriman’s eighteenth-century epic The Midnight Court in ‘A Collection of Ossianic poems and tales, Ulster tales and poems, including Cúirt an Mhéodhan Oidche’. Scribe: Muiris Ó Riagáin, Doneraile, c. 1817–27 [From the library of Lord George Hill], Manuscripts Reading Room, National Library of Ireland, MS G.1.121.
61 – Gweedore Hotel Book, 1, 123, Donegal County Archives, Lifford, County Donegal.
Notes: Chapter 4
1 – CBK, 21 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
2 – Ibid.
3 – Claire Tomalin, Jane Austen: A Life (London: Viking, 1997), 180–2.
4 – Harris Family Archive, CKS, U624/C6; C23/1–15; Margaret Wilson to Sophia Hillan, 17 June 2010.
5 – FCK, 10 July – 1 August 1834, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/31.
6 – Caroline Austen to Emma Austen (later Austen Leigh), 10 August 1834, HRO, Austen Leigh Family Archive, 23M93/87/3; Deirdre Le Faye, A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 650.
7 – Ibid.
8 – JA to CEA, 20–22 June 1808. Deirdre Le Faye, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters (1995; reprint, London: The Folio Society, 2003), no. 53.
9 – FCK, 31 December 1834, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Achive, U951/F24/31.
10 – Lushington Family Tree, CKS, Harris Archive, U624. Anne Elizabeth Harris (1780–1856) married Stephen Rumbold Lushington (1776–1868). Their daughter, Mary Anne, married James Wildman of Chilham Castle.
11 – FCK, 19–21 August 1834, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/31.
12 – Captain John Hart to Viscountess Forbes, 17 September 1834, PRONI, Granard Papers, Register of Irish Archives, K/3/1.
13 – CBK, 17 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
14 – CBK, 18 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
15 – CBK, 19 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
16 – CBK, 20 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
17 – Ibid.
18 – See Malcolm Day, Voices from the World of Jane Austen (London; David and Charles, 2007), 137–142 for discussion of various qualities of carriage and conditions of travel.
19 – CBK, 20 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
20 – CBK, 21 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
21 – Ibid.
22 – Ibid.
23 – Ibid.
24 – Ibid.
25 – Lord George’s brother, Lord Downshire, had two daughters, Ladies Charlotte and Mary Hill, then nineteen and seventeen.
26 – ‘In spite of her sense of rank, she was not a dignified figure, especially at this stage of her career.’ David Cecil, The Cecils of Hatfield House (London: Constable & Co., 1973), 192.
27 – CBK, 21 October 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM. The diary before this, vol. 7, in which CBK may have given details of Cassandra’s engagement to Musgrave Harris and explained why it was ‘such a shocking thing’ is one of two missing from the collection at Jane Austen’s House. It is not known whether they are still in existence.
28 – CBK, 22 October, 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
29 – Ibid.
30 – Ibid.
31 – CBK, October – November 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
32 – CBK, 19 November 1835, Diaries, 9, JAHM; January 1836, 10, JAHM.
33 – Inventory of clothing and linen belonging to Lady George Hill, 1834, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C132/2.
34 – Ibid.
35 – CBK, 12 December 1834, Diaries, 8, JAHM.
36 – CBK, 29 December 1835, Diaries, 9, JAHM.
37 – CBK, 25 January 1835, Diaries, 10, JAHM.
38 – W.A. Maguire, The Downshire Estates in Ireland: 1801–1845 (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1972), 88.
39 – Estyn Evans, introduction to Facts from Gweedore, Compiled from the Notes of Lord George Hill, M.R.I.A., A facsimile Reprint of the Fifth Edition, 1887 (Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, 1971), vi.
40 – Le Faye, Chronology, 657.
41 – Margaret Wilson, Almost Another Sister: The Family Life of Fanny Knight, Jane Austen’s Favourite Niece (Kent: Kent Arts & Libraries, 1990), 106.
42 – CBK, 31 December 1837, Diaries, 11, JAHM; JA to CEA, 9 December 1808, Letters, ed. Le Faye, no. 62.
43 – Sir Edward Knatchbull to FCK, 18 March 1838, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C128/14.