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Notes: Introduction
1 – William Austen Leigh and Richard Arthur Austen Leigh, Jane Austen: Her Life and Letters, A Family Record (London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1913).
2 – R.W. Chapman, Jane Austen: Facts and Problems (1948; reprint, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970), 132–4.
3 – Jane Austen (hereafter JA) to Cassandra Elizabeth Austen (hereafter CEA), 15 June 1808. Deirdre Le Faye, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters (1995; reprint, London: The Folio Society, 2003), no. 52.
4 – The needlecase and slippers are displayed at Jane Austen’s House Museum, Chawton, Alton, Hants.
5 – Chris Viveash, ‘James Edward Austen at Oxford,’ The Jane Austen Society Report (2008): 114–23.
6 – Amanda Vickery, The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England (New Haven and London: Yale Nota Bene, Yale University Press, 2003), 54.
7 – Stella Tillyard, ‘The Madness of the Regency,’ BBC History Magazine 12, no. 2 (February 2011): 52 . See also John Brewer, ‘England: The Big Change’, review of A Mad, Bad and Dangerous People? England 1783–1846 by Boyd Hilton in The New York Review of Books 55, no. 11 (26 June 2008): 54–8.
8 – Ibid.
9 – Matthew Kelly, ‘With Bit and Bridle’, review of Eighteenth-Century Ireland: The Isle of Slaves, by Ian McBride, London Review of Books 32, no. 15 (5 August 2010): 13
10 – Ibid.
Notes: Chapter 1
1 – Elizabeth Jenkins, Jane Austen: A Biography (1938; London: Victor Gollancz, 1986), 45.
2 – Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1813; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 186. All subsequent references to JA’s novels are to this edition, The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen, under the general editorship of Janet Todd, with the exception of Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon, for which the Penguin English Library edition of 1974, with an introduction by Margaret Drabble, has been used.
3 – James Edward Austen Leigh, A Memoir of Jane Austen (1870, 2nd enlarged ed. 1871; rev. ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926, ed. R.W. Chapman; reprint, London: the Folio Society, 1989), 77–8; Mary Augusta Austen
Leigh (hereafter MAAL), Personal Aspects of Jane Austen (London: John Murray, 1920), 23; 51.
4 – Claire Tomalin, Jane Austen: A Life (London: Viking, 1997), 11–20.
5 – Ibid., 14.
6 – Ibid., 180–2.
7 – MK to Montagu George Knight, 28 September 1890, Knight Family Archive, 39M89/F124/15, HRO, Winchester, Hants.
8 – Nigel Nicolson, Godmersham Park, Kent: Before, During and Since Jane Austen’s Day (Chawton, Hants: The Jane Austen Society, 1996), 13.
9 – William Austen Leigh, Richard Arthur – Austen Leigh and Deirdre Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record (London: The British Library, 1989), 40–1.
10 – Ibid., 15.
11 – Lady Bridges to Mrs Fielding, 2 March 1791, quoted in Margaret Wilson, Almost Another Sister: The Family Life of Fanny Knight, Jane Austen’s Favourite Niece (Kent: Kent Arts & Libraries, 1990), 6.
12 – Nicolson, Godmersham Park, 7.
13 – Catherine Knight to Edward Austen, later Knight, Knight Family Archive, HRO, 39M89/ F111/1–2. See also Deirdre Le Faye, A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 202.
14 – JA to CEA, 8 January 1799. Deirdre Le Faye, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters (1995; reprint, London: The Folio Society, 2003), no. 17.
15 – JA to CEA, 27 October 1798, Le Faye, Letters, no. 10.
16 – JA to CEA, 27 August 1805, Le Faye, Letters, no 46. Sophia Cage, daughter of the former Fanny Bridges, sister of Edward Austen’s wife Elizabeth. She later married Henry Knight, and died in 1833. A third sister, Sophia Bridges, married William Deedes of Sandling. See Austen Leigh, Austen Leigh and Le Faye, A Family Record, 66.
17 – George Austen (1765–1838) suffered from fits, and remained in care in a neighbouring village throughout his life. See Tomalin, Life, 5–6.
18 – JA to CEA, 1 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 56.
19 – Tomalin, Life, 135.
20 – JA to CEA, 18 December 1798, Le Faye, Letters, no. 14.
21 – Mrs Austen’s income of £460 could, in today’s terms, be worth approximately £15,000.
22 – JA to CEA, 20 June 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 53
23 – Tomalin, Life, 267; Jenkins, Biography, 133.
24 – Elizabeth Bridges Austen died in 1808, four years before the change of name from Austen to Knight.
25 – Austen Leigh, Austen Leigh and Le Faye, Family Record, 161–2.
26 – Ibid.
27 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 13.
28 – Ibid., 8.
29 – Henry Austen was still a Captain in the 33rd Regiment of Foot, under Cornwallis as Colonel and Arthur Wellesley as Lieutenant Colonel in March 1801, having begun his service there on 1 March 1798. A List of All the Officers of the Army and Royal Marines On Full and Half-Pay, with An Index and A Succession of Colonels (London: The War Office, 10 January 1803), 145.
30 – Jenkins, Biography, 228; Tomalin, Life, 153.
31 – MK to Fanny Catherine Knatchbull (FCK), 31 October 1867, Knatchbull Family Archive, Centre for Kentish Studies (hereafter CKS), Maidstone, Kent, Knatchbull Family Archive, U951/C113/7.
32 – JA to CEA, 20–22 February 1807, Le Faye, Letters, no. 51.
33 – Elizabeth Bridges Austen to Elizabeth (Lizzy) Austen, later Knight and Rice (EKR), 2 September 1807, CKS, Rice Archive EK/U116/10/2 (uncatalogued), Hammond no. 112.
34 – JA to CEA, 15–17 June 1807, Le Faye, Letters, no. 52.
35 – JA to CEA, 20–22 June 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 53.
36 – JA to CEA, 30 June–1 July 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 55.
37 – Ibid.
38 – JA to CEA, 1–2 October 1808; 7–9 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, nos. 56 and 57.
39 – FCK, 10 October 1808, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/5.
40 – JA to CEA, 13 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 58.
41 – JA to CEA, 15–16 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 59.
42 – JA to CEA, 7–9 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 57.
43 – JA to CEA, 15–16 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, ed., no. 59.
44 – Ibid.
45 – JA to CEA, 24–25 October 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 60.
46 – JA to CEA, 10–11 January 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 64.
47 – JA to CEA, 24 January 1809, Le Faye, Letters, no. 66.
48 – JA to CEA, 30 January 1809, Le Faye, Letters, no. 67.
49 – Susanna Sackree to Miss Dorothy Chapman, 18 February 1809, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C107/12; Le Faye, Chronology, 366.
50 – FCK, 17 June 1809, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/6; Le Faye, Chronology, 370.
51 – FCK, 20 October 1809, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/6; Le Faye, Chronology, 373.
52 – FCK, 31 December 1810, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/7; Le Faye, Chronology, 394.
53 – JA to CEA, 30 April 1811, Le Faye, Letters, no. 72.
54 – FCK, 9 November 1812, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/9; Le Faye, Chronology, 432.
55 – JA to CEA, 30 April 1811, Le Faye, Letters, no. 72.
56 – Tomalin, Life, 237.
57 – Le Faye, Chronology, 360.
58 – JA to CEA, 20 November 1808, Le Faye, Letters, no. 61.
59 – Austen Leigh, Austen Leigh and Le Faye, Family Record, 154–5.
60 – Ibid., 155.
61 – Ibid., 113.
62 – JA is believed to have abandoned work on the fragment known as The Watsons, written in Bath during 1804, after the death of her father in 1805. See Margaret Drabble, ‘Introduction’, Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974), 16.
63 – JA to Francis Austen, 3 July 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 86.
64 – Charlotte-Maria Beckford, née Middleton, 1875, quoted in Deirdre Le Faye, letter to Times Literary Supplement, 3 May 1985, 495.
65 – Ibid. Charlotte-Maria may have been correct in her assessment as the name Middleton is used in Sense and Sensibility for the well-intentioned, if intrusive, Sir John.
66 – Caroline Austen, My Aunt Jane Austen: A Memoir (London and Colchester: the Jane Austen Society, 1991), 6–7.
67 – Charlotte Maria Beckford, in Le Faye to TLS, 3 May 1985, 495.
68 – JA to CEA, 4 February 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 80.
69 – JA to CEA, 31 May 1811, Le Faye, Letters, no. 74.
70 – Austen Leigh, Austen Leigh and Le Faye, Family Record, 158.
71 – Caroline Austen, My Aunt Jane Austen, 6–7.
72 – James Edward Austen Leigh, Memoir, 78.
73 – JA to Martha Lloyd, 29–30 November 1812, Le Faye, Letters, no. 77.
74 – FCK, 6 December 1812, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/9; Le Faye, Chronology, 435.
75 – FCK, 21 April 1813, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/10; Austen Leigh, Austen Leigh and Le Faye, Family Record, 178.
76 – FCK to Miss Chapman, October 1813, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/2.
77 – Elizabeth Jenkins, ‘Some Notes on Background,’ Address Given at the Annual General Meeting of the Jane Austen Society, 1980, Collected Reports 2 (1966–1985), 166.
78 – Ibid.
79 – Constance Hill, Jane Austen; Her Homes & her Friends (London and New York: John Lane, 1902), 202.
80 – Ibid.
81 – Jenkins, Biography, 164.
82 – FCK, 5 June 1813, Pocket Books, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/F24/10; Le Faye, Chronology, 447.
83 – JA to CEA, 24 May 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 85.
84 – FCK to Miss Chapman, October 1813, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/2.
85 – JA to Francis Austen, 3 July 1813, Le Faye, – – Letters, no. 86.
86 – Edward, 1st Lord Brabourne, ed., Letters – – of Jane Austen, 2 vols. (London: Richard – Bentley and Son, 1884), 1: 26.
87 – Deirdre Le Faye, ‘The Nephew Who
Missed Jane Austen’, Notes and Queries, NS 31/4, December 1984, 472.
88 – JA to Francis Austen, 25 September 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 90.
89 – JA to CEA, 15–16 September 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 87.
90 – Ibid.
91 – Ibid. See also Victor Lucas, ‘Jane Austen’s Don Juan’ in The Jane Austen Society Reports for 1989, Collected Reports, 4, 255–63.
92 – JA to CEA, 16 September 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 88.
93 – Tomalin, Life, 241.
94 – JA to CEA, 11–12 October 1813, Le Faye, Letters, no. 91.
95 – JA to CEA, 30 November 1814, Le Faye, Letters, no. 114.
96 – Wilson, Almost Another Sister, 40.
97 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 13 February 1814, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/3.
98 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 13 August 1814, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/4. As if the preparation of her sisters for society were not enough for a young woman of twenty-one, Fanny had the anxiety in July 1815 of the likely loss of an eye by her youngest brother John, then almost seven, following an incident involving an arrow. ‘My little darling’s eye,’ she wrote to Miss Chapman, in distress. ‘[There is] ... hardly any chance of his regaining the sight’ (FCK to Miss Chapman, 18 July 1815, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/5).
99 – FCK to Miss Chapman, 29 May 1815, CKS, Knatchbull Archive, U951/C109/6.
100 – JA to CEA, 17–18 October 1815, Le Faye, Letters, no. 121.
101 – David Cecil, A Portrait of Jane Austen (London: Constable, 1978; reprint, 1989), 182.
102 – Tomalin, Life, 254.
103 – Austen Leigh, Austen Leigh and Le Faye, Family Record, 194–5.
104 – Caroline Austen, My Aunt Jane Austen, 47–8.
105 – JA to James Edward Austen, later James Edward Austen Leigh (JEAL), 16 December 1816, Le Faye, Letters, no. 146.
106 – Cecil, Portrait, 183. Theories of the source of her symptoms have included Addison’s Disease, cancer of the lymphatic system, and tuberculosis caught from cattle. See also Owen Bowcott, ‘Cause of Austen’s Death Not Universally Acknowledged’, Guardian, 1 December 2009, 13.
107 – Tomalin, Life, 264.
108 – Drabble, ‘Introduction’, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon, 24.