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Master Zane_The Rogue Aristocrat

Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  "It's a shawl. It's incredibly soft, the softest fabric I've ever felt. Perhaps this, uh, clip thing is to hold it together."

  As Flora handed the sparkling piece of jewelry to her mother, Anne and Millicent leaned forward so they could view the unique item. Two small silver clips boasting fine tiny gems were held together by a fine silver chain.

  "How clever, yes, it's a piece of jewelry to hold the shawl," her mother said with authority. "It must be the latest fashion accessory from Paris."

  "No doubt you're right," Anne agreed. "That's exactly what it is, and isn't it beautiful."

  Watching her dear friend, Flora detected something cheeky in her voice, and spotted a sparkle in her eye. When the tea came to an end and the small group broke up, Flora waited until Millicent had left, then asked Anne up to her room to ask her opinion about a dress. The moment they entered, Flora closed her door, opened the box, and held it out to her.

  "I'm not convinced these clips are for holding anything together, but you know that, don't you, Anne?"

  "I can hide nothing from you," Anne said with a resigned sigh, "but I'm not sure I should be the one to describe their use."

  "I don't understand."

  "Did Zane put a note in the box?"

  "A note? Silly me, I didn't check," Flora replied moving quickly to her bed and rifling through the packing material. "He did, and the envelope is sealed with his wax stamp. That means it must be kept private and…"


  "I must burn them. I hate to do it, but he insisted."

  "Smart. Servants can be awfully nosy sometimes, but regardless, since he included the letter let him be the one to explain about the clips, and I wouldn't be bandying them about. Someone else might know what they are, someone who might gossip. Now I must be off."

  "Thank you, Anne. Thank you for everything."

  "It's always my pleasure," she smiled, and kissing Flora on the cheek she left her to read her letter.

  Closing the door behind her dear friend, Flora anxiously ripped open the envelope and pulled out the folded piece of paper.

  My Darling Flora:

  You're wondering what the clips are for, and though I'm sure you have many ideas, I doubt any of them will be correct. They are for your naughty nipples but you're not to try them. I can promise you, when I do put them in place, they will electrify you. In the meantime they will serve as one more thing to keep your beautiful brain busy.

  I love and miss you very much. You will soon be back in my arms where you belong.


  Flora had felt a hot flush cross her face, and an immediate desire to see how they felt, but she resisted. He'd sent them so she could think about them. Putting them back in their box, she'd carried them to her small locked trunk. She kept the key hidden under the clothes in the top drawer of her dresser, and as she'd unlocked it and lifted the lid, she'd gazed down at the other wicked items he had sent her. A small, fat riding crop, a leather strap that was split in two at the end, leather cuffs, and an odd-looking harness, but there were also exquisite pieces of lingerie made from the finest silk. Staring at the bizarre collection of items she'd felt her butterflies begin their fluttering, and adding the box to the tantalizing contents, she'd closed and locked the lid. She had no doubts about her future, only a pulsing excited anticipation.

  Now that future was upon her. She was in her bedroom, dressed in her gorgeous gown, and was about to become Zane's wife. She would soon learn about the salacious gifts he'd sent her, but the clips…the clips had been haunting her more than any of the other items.

  "Thank you Anne, thank you Milly, and thank you mother, for everything you've done these last three months. I know we have to head down but may I have just a moment? I need to sit and collect my thoughts for a minute."

  "Of course, my dear," her mother said kindly. "You take all the time you need. Your handsome prince will wait."

  The four excited women kissed and hugged, and finally alone Flora retrieved the box containing the intriguing clips and tucked it under her clothes in the small suitcase she'd be keeping with her. The thought of them sitting there waiting for Zane sent a tingling rush through her body.

  "Zane, how I've missed you. I want all the celebrations behind us," she muttered. "I don't care about any of it. I just want to be wrapped up in your arms."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Zane had not planned to be in France for more than a month, but when he'd arrived he'd discovered there were business opportunities that could not be ignored. From the moment he woke up in the morning until he went to bed late in the evening, he'd been making decisions, dealing with complex financial matters, and calming the nerves of overwhelmed managers. Through it all Flora was in the forefront of his mind, and his shopping trips to buy her presents had been the highlight of his days.

  He'd also been overseeing the renovations to his bedroom apartment in his chateau, and that had been extremely time-consuming. He wanted the dressing rooms to be accessible from the bedroom, so doors had to be installed, and the room behind the wall completely renovated. The work was still being finished when he left to return to England, but he had every confidence in the man he'd left in charge.

  Seeing Flora again had sent his heart thumping and his blood racing. He'd wanted to run off with her and marry quietly, and had he returned sooner he might well have done just that, but the wedding plans were well under way. Trying to see her had been maddening. She was always busy with wedding preparations, but he knew he would soon have her all to himself, and the stolen moments they'd shared were times he knew he'd always treasure. Now the day of his wedding, a day he'd never thought he'd see, was upon him.

  He had friends in from Paris, some of whom were staying at his house, and the time to leave for the Braithwaite home was imminent, but he'd asked for a few minutes alone in his study. Gazing down at the empty fireplace, he couldn't help but think back to last time he'd been there. Flames had been crackling, rain had been spraying the city, and he and Flora were experiencing the initial blossoming of their love. While he was happy it was a beautiful day for the wedding, the empty hearth reminded him of the time that had passed. Three months. It felt like three days and three years all at the same time. A gentle knock broke into his reverie, and turning around he faced the door.


  "Excuse me, your lordship," Bancroft said as he stepped in. "The carriages have arrived and your guests have begun to move outside."

  "Ah, yes, thank you."

  "If I may, on behalf of Mrs. Davis and the staff, we want to wish you a very happy day, my lord, and thank you for our celebration meal. We're all looking forward to it."

  "It's my pleasure. Please tell my guests I'll be right there."

  "Yes, my lord."

  Bancroft closed the door, and filled with a strange mix of emotions, Zane rubbed his face with this hands. He was thrilled to be marrying Flora, but he was also bathed in nostalgia. His life was completely changing. Knowing it was only natural to be feeling slightly overwhelmed, he squared his shoulders and headed from his study and into the foyer. Bancroft was holding the front door open, but as Zane strode across the foyer, he suddenly paused.

  "Is there something wrong, my lord?" Bancroft asked, seeing an odd expression on his employer's face.

  "No, nothing's wrong. I'll only be a moment!"

  Walking briskly across to the staircase he trotted up the stairs, then hurried down the hall and into the room where he'd taken Flora on that stormy fateful night. It was astounding how they'd met. If he'd stepped from his carriage just one minute earlier or one minute later their paths might never have crossed. Sitting on the bed, remembering how she'd been utterly drenched, confused and scared, he shook his head in wonder.

  He had no idea why he'd felt compelled to return there, and why he wanted to sit there a while longer. He knew everyone was waiting for him, he knew he had to leave, and his logic was telling him to get up and go, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Dropping hi
s head in his hands he tried to figure out what was keeping him there, then raising his eyes he glanced around the room. Suddenly he saw it. He knew exactly why he was there.


  There had never been a more beautiful bride, nor a more handsome groom. That was the main topic of conversation as the guests mingled in the large reception room. The gourmet food was bountiful, the drinks were flowing, and the celebrating guests were soon on their feet dancing to the small orchestra, but both Zane and Flora were aching to leave. Finally believing enough time had passed and they had fulfilled their obligations, Flora disappeared up the stairs to change, and Zane set about hunting for his best man. There was a very important job that needed doing.

  "Marvelous event, don't you think?" George asked Millicent as he piled his plate with more food. "Mother really excelled herself this time. You really must try this lamb and mint sauce. Cook added something to it. I don't know what it is but I'm going to request it every time I come home."

  "It's lemon zest."

  "Lemon? That's it, Milly you're so clever sometimes."

  "I'm surprised you noticed."

  "What? Of course I noticed. You're one of the cleverest girls I know."

  "Really? And just how many others are there?"

  "Others?" he frowned beginning to sense Millicent was out of sorts.

  "You know, girls that are girls but aren't me that you know."

  "That sentence made absolutely no sense. Are you a bit squiffy?"

  "I'll admit I've had a couple of glasses of champagne but I'm glad of it. George, I need to ask you a question."

  "That sounds ominous," he said with a chuckle. "Should I be worried?"

  "For pity's sake will you stop joking around. I need you to come outside with me."

  "But I just finished filling my plate."

  "Are you saying eating that food is more important than me?" she demanded her voice rising.

  "Milly, what on earth is wrong with you?"

  "If there's something wrong with someone around here it's not me! Are you coming or not?"

  He had done something to upset her, that was now abundantly obvious, but he had no idea what on earth it could be.

  "Absolutely, yes, of course, lead the way."

  Reluctantly putting his carefully piled plate on the banquet table, knowing one of the ever-efficient servants would swoop it up thinking it had been abandoned, he followed her through the throng and out to the patio that overlooked the rose garden.

  "You're going to miss Flora's bouquet toss if we're too long," he remarked as Millicent walked down the steps and moved among the flowers. "Though she does take her own sweet time about things."

  "George," she began, turning around to face him, "I'm going to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth. Do you promise?"


  "Do you promise?"

  "Very well. Yes, I promise."

  "Right, well, here I go," she mumbled, and taking a deep breath she stepped closer to him, tilted up her chin, and looked him in the eye. "Do you love me, George? I mean, really love me? Do you miss me when you're at school? Do you think about me? Do you look forward to seeing me when you come home? Do you love me like that? Really love me with everything in you?"

  Millicent's heart was thumping so fast she thought it would leap through her rib cage and land on the ground between them, but she wasn't sorry that she'd stepped out of her safe little box and asked him. Flora was amazingly brave, and if Zane had dilly-dallied Millicent was fairly certain Flora would have put him on the spot. Millicent knew she wasn't particularly brave or especially forthcoming like her friend, but she had her moments and this was one of them.

  "Well? Do you?"

  "I, uh, what sort of thing is that to ask a chap?"

  "The sort of thing a girl needs to know," she retorted, "and it's clear you don't."

  With hot tears threatening to break she pushed past him and headed back inside.

  George realized he'd just made a terrible mess of things and reached out to catch her wrist, but he was just a hair too late.

  "Blast it Milly, of course I love you," he called after her, "and yes, I think about you all the time…Milly…"

  But she was gone.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  In her bedroom changing, with Anne and her mother keeping her company, Flora was so happy she was almost giddy. The wedding ceremony had been a dream come true. Zane had never looked so handsome, he hadn't left her side for a moment, and very shortly she would be with him on her way to a mysterious destination. Before traveling by train to Dover and boarding his boat, he'd told her they'd be staying in London for two nights, but he'd refused to tell her where, and as Lucy fussed with her hair Flora was still trying to guess.

  "I wonder if it will be one of those small guest house hotels. What do you think mother?"

  "I think you should stop trying to figure it out. You'll know soon enough."

  "I suppose, but a girl can't help but wonder."

  "You must write regularly," her mother said, determined not to cry. "I shall worry if I don't hear from you."

  "We'll only be gone a month," she said reassuringly as Lucy put the final touches on her hair, "and Zane has made it clear he wants us to spend just as much time here as we do in France. He doesn't want to deprive me of you and father, and George too of course, and all my friends."

  "Such a lovely man," her mother said with a sigh. "Lovely, lovely, and above reproach."

  "He will be now," Flora mumbled under her breath.

  "What's that dear?"

  "Nothing, nothing, Anne, do you have my bouquet?" she asked, rising to her feet. "I believe I'm ready."

  "Yes, here it is, ribbons and all."

  "Congratulations, my lady," Lucy said demurely. "I'm ever so happy for you."

  "Thank you, Lucy."

  "And may I say, my lady, you looked like a fairy princess. Today is a day I'll never forget."

  "You're very sweet, Lucy, and you mustn't worry. I know we haven't discussed it yet but when I return and get settled I'll see about bringing you over."

  "Thank you ever so much, your ladyship."

  "Lucy knows I'll be keeping her busy until you get back," Margaret interjected.

  "Come along, Mrs. De'Ville," Anne said briskly. "Everyone is waiting, oh, and by the way, what's your title now?"

  "Zane won't tell me," Flora giggled as they left the room, "and I don't care. As long as I'm with him people can call me anything they want."

  "He won't tell you?" Margaret repeated, trying to keep pace with her daughter and Anne as they moved swiftly down the hall. "I wondered why you never mentioned it. Never mind. It will come out sooner or later."

  "Honestly, mother, I really don't care."

  "People will," she tutted, "believe me, my dear, people will."

  "I say, Flora!"

  "George!" Flora exclaimed, seeing her brother walking towards her. "I'm so pleased you came up. I was worried I wouldn't have a chance to say a proper goodbye. I'm about to throw the bouquet and then I'll be gone."

  "Yes, I know. Um, could we have a private word?"

  "Only a quick one, George," Margaret said briskly. "She can't keep the ladies waiting too much longer."

  "This will only take a minute. Can we go back in your room?"

  "Yes, George, of course we can," she said, taking his hand and turning back down the hallway. "We won't be long mother. Keep the excited hordes at bay."

  "What's the matter?" she asked as they entered her room. "Don't dance around things like you usually do. Mother's right, I don't have much time."

  "I know, sorry Flora, the thing is, I'm afraid I've made a bit of a mess of things."

  "What things? What have you done?"

  "Apparently it's more about what I haven't done. It's Milly. I do love her you know."

  "Oh, dear, have you had words?"

  "I suppose you could call it that. She asked me point blank if I loved her and it c
aught me completely off guard. She thought I didn't answer her right away because I don't, but I do, very much. Flora, what should I do?"

  "Do you want to marry her?"

  "Of course. I haven't said anything because, well, I didn't know how to go about it, and a chap doesn't like to rush a girl or seem too eager."

  "You've been an idiot."

  "I rather think I have," he said grimly, "but she asked me out of nowhere."

  "You two have been brewing for a while and you're at your sister's wedding," Flora declared. "I would have almost expected it."

  "Ah, yes, I see your point, but that doesn't answer my question. What should I do?"

  "You need a grand gesture. Let me think…yes, that will work. Listen carefully."

  As Flora outlined her suggestion, George listened without interruption then nodded his head.

  "I'll do it. You really are something, Flora. I'm going to miss you terribly. It won't be the same around here."

  "No, it won't, it will be better. There won't be anyone stealing your toast in the morning."

  "I shall miss that too," he said solemnly.

  "George, stop it, you'll make me cry."

  "This is strange. I feel strange. I shouldn't but there it is. It seems like yesterday you were hiding my cricket balls."

  "I know," she said swallowing back a sudden attack of nostalgia. "You're right, it does feel strange."

  "Tell Zane I expect an invitation to his chateau."

  "You don't need one. It's my home now too, and you can show up at my doorstep any time you want."

  "Flora, you really must come along," her mother said brusquely, opening the door and interrupting them. "Quickly now, you must come down, everyone is waiting."

  "Bye, George, good luck with Milly," she said wistfully.

  The heat was burning through her throat, and impulsively she threw her arms around him.

  "You really are the very best brother a girl could have," she sobbed surrendering to her tears.


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