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Master Zane_The Rogue Aristocrat

Page 17

by Maggie Carpenter

  Seeing the emotion overwhelming her daughter, Margaret hurried forward and scooted George from the room, then putting an arm around her, she wiped the tears from her daughter's face.

  "My dear child, you must think about Zane. He's waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs."

  "Goodness, I'm just all of a dither."

  "It's all right. It's natural, but now you must take a breath and head off to your new life."

  "Right," she sniffled, "yes, you're right, and I'm fine now, sorry."

  A minute later, with Anne on one side and her mother on the other, wearing an aqua dress and cream and aqua jacket, Flora descended the stairs. The many ladies gathered at the bottom of the staircase applauded, and as Anne and her mother left to join them, Flora paused, turned, then tossed the bouquet over her shoulder. She heard a squeal, then laughter, and when she turned back around she saw Zane waiting for her and one of her friends waving the bouquet.

  "Are you ready?" he asked, moving forward and extending his elbow.

  "I am very ready," she smiled, and looping her arm through his, with cheers and warm wishes surrounding her she walked outside with her brand new husband and into the waiting carriage.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Inside the empty banquet room Millicent was eating a very large piece of cake. When she had stopped crying, cake was what she'd wanted. A very big slice with lots of cream.

  "I see you're enjoying that. I think I'll join you," George said as he approached. She didn't look up, so he added, "You missed the bouquet toss."

  "I wasn't interested," she muttered, cutting through the thick sponge with her spoon. "I'd rather have this."

  "You didn't miss much," George continued, standing in front of her. "Besides, this is the only bouquet you should have, because this one is just for you."

  Raising her eyes she saw he was holding a bunch of red roses, their stalks awkwardly tied with a piece of white ribbon, and sticking out of the top was a piece of paper that read, "I love you, Millicent. Please will you marry me?"

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  "The Savoy? We're staying at the Savoy?" Flora exclaimed as the coach came to a stop. "Oh, my goodness I'm so excited."

  The Savoy was the newest ritziest hotel in London, and was frequented by foreign royalty, the wealthy and the celebrated. Open only a year it was the first luxury hotel to offer electric lights, lifts, en-suite bathrooms, and as much hot water as a guest could want.

  "I've reserved a suite that overlooks the Thames. It has an incredible view. You won't believe it," Zane said finding her excitement contagious.

  "Have you stayed here before?"

  "No and I'm glad of it. This will be a new experience for us both."

  "I feel as if I'm living a fairytale and you're my handsome prince, and you really are!"

  "I have the same feeling, and you're my beautiful princess," he said softly, tracing her face with the tip of his finger.

  A short time later they entered the luxurious suite, and Flora walked swiftly to the window. The sight was breathtaking, and moments later Zane moved up behind and wrapped her up in his arms.

  "It is indescribable. I've never seen London this way."

  "You are indescribable," he whispered, his breath warm in her ear.

  Turning her around he sent his lips to hers in a long, warm, languid kiss, and when he finally broke away she fell against him, her knees weak and her heart thumping.

  "I just melted, and I'm so happy to be alone with you."

  "Did you remember your instruction? I trust your underthings won't need any help."

  "I've been thinking about it constantly, but…"


  "May I show you something?"

  "Of course."

  Slipping from his arms, she retrieved the tiny white box hiding under her clothes in her small suitcase.

  "I, uh, I've been thinking about these constantly as well."

  "Aah, well then, I must satisfy your curiosity," he murmured, and taking the box from her hands he guided her into the bedroom.

  Laying the nipple clamps on the nightstand, he settled on the bed and watched her peel off her clothes, but the frustrating week and long day got the better of him. Unable to resist he leapt off the bed and hastily removed them himself, then hurriedly stripped and pulled her on the bed.

  "I have been yearning for you," he growled as he devoured her body, tonguing her skin and sucking hungrily on her nipples. "I want to make you mine."

  "I am already yours, totally and completely."

  "In your heart and soul of course you are, but now I will possess your body."

  Though his cock was craving the joy of her hot depths, he paused to place the clamps on her nipples, adjusting the tension so their bite would be gentle. Even then the tweak had been enough to elicit a squealed protest.

  Though she had assumed the pinch would carry some pain, she hadn't been prepared for the sharp sensation, but as he sent his fingers back to her pussy and fervently massaged her magic nub, the keen soreness began to change. A tantalizing ache throbbed through her breasts accelerating the onset of her orgasm, and when he abruptly withdrew his fingers from her sex, she begged him not to stop.

  "Don't worry my sweetheart, I just need to take these off," he said softly as he gently removed the spicy little clips, rubbing her nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he did. "You're ready for me, but you should know there might be a little blood and some discomfort, though you mustn't worry. It will be fleeting."

  "I'm not worried, not even a little bit. I just want to feel you inside me."

  "And you will, right now."

  He pressed his lips upon hers, sending all his love and adoration through his kiss as he moved on top of her and placed his cock at her entrance. Her pussy was slick, and he sensed the battering of her gate would be swift. He was right. After knocking only a few times the passage gloriously gave way and he thrust forward. She let out a cry, but a moment later he heard only moans and gasps of pleasure.

  "You are filling me," she bleated, "filling me so wonderfully."

  "Does it hurt my love?"

  "Just a tiny bit but I want you to move. Please, Zane, please move."

  Her enticing words spurred him on, and closing his eyes he lost himself in the joy of the moment. She was everything he'd dreamed she would be, passionate, amorous and surprisingly uninhibited, and though he was trying to control the pace his cock was refusing to listen. When her ardent utterances told him she was nearing her orgasm he accelerated his strokes, and as her body grew taut and she wailed out her ecstasy, he exploded inside her, his groans meeting her euphoric cries. The sizzling spasms seemed never-ending, but finally collapsing together spent and breathless, they curled into each other's arms.

  When they rose from their serene post-orgasmic bliss, Flora shifted in his hold to stare up at his handsome face and mesmerizing chocolate eyes.

  "Thank you for keeping this sacred. Thank you for saving it for today. I understand now, I understand completely."

  Letting out a heavy sigh he wiped away some rogue hairs falling across her cheeks and gazed into her sparkling emerald eyes.

  "It is I who must thank you, Flora, for showing me what it means to love another more than myself."


  After two days and two nights in the sumptuous suite the happy couple had boarded a train to Dover, and when Flora had seen Zane's boat she could scarcely believe her eyes. It was a small version of an ocean liner.

  "Zane, I know you're not a pauper but this is incredible," she exclaimed as she stood on the dock and stared at the small ship. "It must have cost a fortune, and it must still cost a fortune."

  "Actually, it's very close to paying for itself. I'll soon be in profit."

  "But how?"

  "Wealthy Americans."

  "I don't understand."

  "They pay me an exorbitant amount of money to rent it. Quite frankly I was lucky it was available. It's completely booked until

  "My gosh, you are the cleverest man in the world," she exclaimed beaming up at him.

  "I'll take that title. Making you my wife qualifies me for it," he replied with a wink. "Are you ready to board?"

  "I certainly am, but speaking of titles, won't you please tell me what mine is now? As your wife, I mean. Wife to the Prince of France or the Prince of the French or whatever you call it."

  "Your title is Mrs."


  "Pick something and it shall be yours," he chuckled. "I told you, the French no longer honor titles so it's—"

  "It's not fair! That's what it is. Not fair."

  "Let get on board. I'm going to spank you the minute we're in our stateroom."


  "Because I'm in the mood, that's why."

  And he did. The moment they entered the expansive cabin he bent her over his knee and turned her bottom a bright pink, but the remainder of the ninety-minute voyage was spent on the deck. Flora had never been at sea, and she found it exciting and invigorating, and to Zane's relief she had sea legs. He'd taken others out only to have them fall violently ill.

  If the ship had taken her breath away, it was nothing compared to the reaction she had when they finally arrived at his chateau. It was astoundingly white, two-storied, with tall grey coned turrets that pierced the sky. The landscaped grounds were so pristine she likened them to an oil painting, and the finishing touch was a fountain sitting proudly in the center of the courtyard.

  "You actually live here?" she mumbled as she gazed at the majestic chateau from the carriage. "Don't you get lost? How many rooms are there? You must have oodles of servants."

  "You live here too now, and you're the mistress of the house so you must be very well-behaved."

  "I thought you were a non-conformist," she quipped frowning at him. "Did I just marry a man I thought was dashing and adventurous only to find out he's a stuffy aristocrat and not a rogue after all?"

  "Heavens no," he laughed, "but I do expect you to treat the servants appropriately and—"

  "No, no, and no! I'll be myself. You married me for me and I'm not about to change."

  He stared at her for a moment, then laughed out loud.

  "Flora, my darling, you're quite right. I want you to stay just as you are. Now, wife of mine, out of the carriage," he joked. "We must freshen up, then I'll take you on a tour."

  The door was opened by a liveried young man, and as she stepped out and continued to stare at the opulent surroundings, Zane stepped away to speak to another similarly dressed lad. He nodded, then broke into a run, disappearing around the side of the unique French castle.

  "We need to wait for just a moment," Zane said returning to her.


  "I have another wedding present for you."

  "You've already given me so much. You're spoiling me."

  "I know and it's making me very happy."

  As more servants arrived and began unloading the carriage, Flora started to pace.

  "What is this present?" she finally asked, wondering what could be taking so long. "Can't you at least give me a hint?"

  "I don't need to," he replied breaking into a wide smile as he pointed over her shoulder. "The gift is not an it, the gift is a she, and she has arrived. Look."

  Turning around she let out a shocked gasp. An elegant dapple grey mare was being led towards her.

  "She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She's like that horse in the painting that was hanging in my room. Zane, I think I might cry. It's a dream come true. Everything is a dream come true!"

  "The painting is also here. It's yours now and you may hang it wherever you wish. It will always be a reminder of how fate brought us together," he said softly, almost in tears himself. "You said you'd always wanted a horse like the one in the picture, a mare, and now you have her, but I must confess the idea didn't come to me until the morning of our wedding. Several people have worked around the clock to find her."

  "What's her name?"

  "Spirit, but you may call her whatever you wish."

  "I love that name. Spirit. It's beautiful, like her. Zane, how can I ever thank you for…for everything?"

  "That's easy," he said, and lowering his lips to her ear he whispered, "every morning when you wake up, kiss me softly and tell me you love me, and do the same every night before you go to sleep, no matter what."

  "I promise I will," she murmured, "even if I'm really angry at you."

  "That's when it will matter the most," he said smiling down at her. "Shall we go and meet your lovely Spirit?"

  "Most definitely!"

  Hand-in-hand they began ambling across to meet the beautiful dapple grey mare, but as they approached Flora paused her step and gently pulled them to a stop.

  "Zane, may I ask you something?"

  "Of course, and you don't have to ask permission every time you have a question."

  "I'll try to remember that," she said with a grin, "but this isn't a mundane inquiry."

  "I can't imagine you ever making a mundane inquiry."

  "Your other title…"

  "Other title? What other title?"

  "You know, The Rogue Aristocrat."

  "Ah what about it?"

  "Now that we're married…"

  "Flora, I will always be a rogue aristocrat."

  "You will?" she said, her face crinkling as she looked up at him. "I'm not sure I understand."

  "You don't? A clever girl like you?" he said with a wry grin. "I will still be a rogue aristocrat, but I will be your rogue aristocrat, Flora, yours and yours alone."


  A Word From Maggie

  If you liked this book (or even if you didn't), I would really appreciate you leaving a review on the site from which it was purchased. Reviews provide useful feedback, and allows me to work even harder to provide you with the very best reading experience I can offer.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Latest Releases by Maggie Carpenter

  Motorcycle Master

  Marco D'Angelo is living a lie. The no-nonsense cop is working undercover for the D.E.A. pursuing a shadowy drug lord. Embedded in a nefarious motorcycle gang he lives in constant danger, duty-bound to shun romantic entanglements.

  Trouble appears in the shape of a crazy-hot, raven-haired, green-eyed vixen named Kat. From the moment their eyes touch he's inexplicably drawn to her, but who is she, and why is she there alone and unprotected?

  He abruptly finds himself under orders to punish her, but when the discipline is over she stares up at him with challenge in her deep green eyes.

  The sparking chemistry blazes.

  Can he resist...?

  If you love an alpha male, a sizzling romance, and a story full of twist and turns, look no further than MOTORCYCLE MASTER. Spanking Romance Reviews Award Winner Maggie Carpenter delivers another gripping page-turner. Click the link, jump on board, and hold on tight.

  This is the first of a series of motorcycle romance novels and is a STAND ALONE, HEA book.

  Protecting Paige

  Though many women would jump at the chance to spend a few days at a tropical resort with Cole Barrington, publicist Paige Brooks already fell for the handsome movie producer's charm once and she has no intention of letting herself get burned a second time.

  Unfortunately, Cole is one of her company's best clients, and when Paige is tasked with ensuring his trip to a celebrity ch
arity event goes well, she vows to put the past behind her and act like a professional. But Cole is still just as sexy and dominant as he was the first time Paige shared his bed, and when he promises to take her over his knee to deal with her attitude, the warning leaves her heart racing, her cheeks blushing, and her panties soaked.

  Before he has a chance to carry out his threat, however, the small seaplane Cole booked to take them to the resort is forced to make an emergency landing just offshore from a tiny, uninhabited island in the Caribbean. Stranded without a working radio, Cole and Paige must stick together, and the intense passion they once shared quickly resurfaces.

  Soon enough, Paige is promising to be a good girl as Cole spanks her bare bottom soundly and then writhing in ecstasy as he claims her more thoroughly than he ever did before. But when they discover that the island may be the location of a long-buried treasure, the young couple find themselves facing off against criminals set on recovering the loot for themselves. Does Cole have what it takes to protect Paige from both hired thugs and her own impetuous behavior?

  If you enjoy a suspenseful romance filled with panty-melting sex, look no further than this passion-filled page-turner from Maggie Carpenter.

  Tucker's Justice

  Wild West Cowboys

  Book One

  Stand Alone

  When hardened gunslinger Tucker Prescott is tasked with bringing law and order back to a town overrun by a gang of criminals, he quickly realizes that his biggest challenge won't be the villainous McGill brothers. The one who will truly put him to the test is Dolly Baker, the beautiful, feisty twenty-two-year-old daughter of the man who hired him.


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