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What Might Kill Us

Page 14

by M. N. Forgy

  She laughs, tossing more brand new bottles of alcohol in the trash. We clean the entire fucking bar, leaving only soda and water.

  Looking back at Dani, there’s an unspoken respect present on her face.

  “You really care for my dad, don’t you?” The question is more of a statement than a question.

  I shrug, a smirk pulling at the corner of my mouth.

  “I know you look at me and think I’m too young to be with your dad, but age is just a number. The soul doesn’t care about age, or weight, or skin color. The heart wants what the heart wants, even when we don’t want to agree with it sometimes.”

  Her eyes shine and she nods. “I know exactly what you mean, actually.”

  She tells me all about how she met Shadow, and how it was frowned upon for him to be with the president’s daughter. It was a love story you’d never see in a book and it’s the best one I’ve heard.

  Some girls walk in as Dani and I make small chat and I tense.

  A redhead I haven’t met yet, Simone, Doc, and Vera.

  “This is Cherry,” she points at the redhead. “You’ve met Simone,” she waves, with a smile. She’s been hanging around the club since we got back. “This is Doc and Vera,” she points at Vera who is glaring at me with pursed lips.

  “Did you clean out the whole fucking bar?” Vera asks displeased, looking into the trashcan.

  “She did. She did it for Dad, he’s sober and doesn’t need this around him right now,” Dani states, having my back. Cherry and Doc’s heads snap up, appreciation in their eyes.

  “Welcome to the club,” Cherry smiles.

  “We’re all misfits here,” Dani winks.

  Misfit. The word describes me well, as I have no place that I fit in.

  “A place for lost souls,” Vera continues, a bit more morbid. And Dani gives her a puzzled look that makes me laugh.

  “Cherry, is that your real name?” I question.

  “No, we have road names, usually our men give them to us,” Dani informs, pointing to a patch that says Firefly on her leather vest.

  “You won’t have to worry about that, you won’t be here long enough to earn a road name,” a voice with a British accent says rudely from behind us. Turning, I find a tall female who looks like she’s a model rather than in a biker club. She has an off the shoulder olive green dress shirt on white designer shorts, bangles around her wrists, and expensive looking earrings in her ears.

  “Anahi, this is London,” Dani rolls her eyes as she introduces her to me.

  She stops, looking between Dani and I. “I know who she is,” London clips, eyeing me. “You fucking him?” My eyes widen, shocked at her forwardness.

  “Chill out, London,” Cherry defends.

  “Seems Dad has taken a liking to her,” Dani smarts as she crosses her arms.

  London glares at me, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, for now,” she mutters. “She’s not old lady material, though,” she hisses, stomping past me and down the hall.

  Running my hand through my hair I look at the girls, curious what that was about.

  “Bull used to fuck her. They were exclusive, but that is as far as it went,” Dani shrugs and jealousy rears its ugly head in my chest, making me feel like I can’t breathe.

  “That’s because she’s too stuck up,” Cherry chimes.

  “That girl has a story, one day I’d like to hear it,” Vera adds, looking in the direction London went in.

  “She ain’t nothing special,” Cherry raises a brow.

  “Ha, I was talking to her in the kitchen the other day and the bitch threw a dagger at me,” Vera’s eyebrows raise to her hairline. “Bitch took the apple right out of my hand and pinned it against the wall with that thing.”

  “What?! No way,” Dani twists her mouth in disbelief.

  “I ain’t lying!” Vera shouts excitedly.

  “You probably deserved it,” Cherry says seriously, and Vera flips her off.

  “Still, Dad wouldn’t make her an old lady,” Dani ensures.

  I look down the hallway where London disappeared to. I never would have pegged her to be a bad ass. I better watch my back, or before I know it I might have a literal knife in it.

  “What does old lady mean?” I ask, the term something I’ve never heard until Bull.

  “If one of the patched in members likes a girl, they patch her in as an old lady,” Dani informs. “This way she is protected by the club and surrounding clubs and she becomes family.”

  “That patch is as good as a wedding ring in our world,” Cherry smiles.

  “Any woman who knows what it is, wants it and London wants to be Bull’s old lady,” Vera adds.

  I look off into the distance, the thought of competition sitting heavy on me. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before. Do I punch her in the face and get my point across now? Or will that scare Bull off seeing me go crazy like that?

  Bull is protecting me and has called me his but I haven’t received any patch deeming me as an old lady.

  My head suddenly aches.

  Why does love have to be so complicated?

  “Let’s get this in the dumpster before one of the men sees us,” Dani suggests, changing the topic at hand.

  The girls help me push and tug the trash can out back. There’s a ton of motorcycles, some parked out back, a bunch of parts laying around them. I can’t help but think of Fixie. I wonder if Bull or one of the guys would help me put one together, maybe one that will make it further than a block.

  “What are you guys doing out here?”

  My head whips in the direction of the backdoor finding Bull standing in the doorway, his hand on his neck as he looks us over.

  “Cleaning,” I reply, rubbing my palms on my shorts.

  He strides over to me, no shoes on and damn if it isn’t sexy to see him bare footed.

  “Did I say you could leave?” he looks down at me. His tone sounding demanding and cold, but his eyes shine with a longing that only I understand. “When I woke up this morning I fully intended on fucking you, and yet you were nowhere to be found, Little Bee.”

  I don’t know whether to laugh or smack him in the head for that nickname.

  “And that’s my cue,” Dani states in disgust, walking around us with the rest of the girls.

  Bull looks over his shoulder, watching them go inside the club.

  “So are you ladies getting along?” he inquires.

  “I think so,” I shrug. I think in getting Dani’s approval, I gained all of the lady’s respect.

  Bulls bends his knees and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder like a madman. I giggle like a little school girl and he slaps my ass.

  Instantly heat blossoms on my left cheek.

  “Back to my cave you go little girl; where we can start our day out properly.”

  “And how’s that,” I ask on a laugh, my head bobbing and weaving with every step he takes.

  “With my cock buried inside of you,” he answers like it’s a no brainer.

  Walking inside we pass the bar and Bull stops, pointing at the dusty shelves that are now empty.

  “Where did all the booze go?” he questions.

  Dani and the girls look anywhere but at me, the room growing in tension.

  Using my hands, I push myself up on Bull’s shoulders. “I got rid of it, just for now until you know… you feel better,” I state, not wanting to blurt out I did it so he didn’t relapse in front of everyone.

  “We’ll be talking about this, Anahi,” he growls. His fingers digging into my ass cheeks as he continues his way down the hall. I swallow the sudden lump in my throat, nervous what he means by that.

  London pops out of a bathroom as we stride past, and her eyes catch mine. I can’t help myself. I flip her off, a Cheshire grin spreading across my face as Bull takes me into his room.

  Pulling my face out from in between Anahi’s thick thighs I find her lying tits up on the mattress, her dark hair a tangled mess, and cheeks fl
ushed like I like them. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly, the apex of her thighs soaked with the smell of her.

  My cock presses into the mattress, ready for its turn to dive into her slick heat but I’m late for church so it’ll have to wait.

  Pushing myself up and off the bed, Anahi exhales a shaky breath.

  “I’ve never…” her words catch in her throat, and I smirk knowing what she’s about to say. She’s never had someone eat her out before. Knowing that, I made sure I devoured that pussy.

  “I know babe, you told me before I went down on that sweet cunt.” I wink and she laughs a girly giggle.

  She keeps me young, I swear.

  “Bull? Am I your old lady?” she asks, her perky tits red from my groping. I still, my eyes fixated on the floor as I take in what she just asked. Biting the inside of my cheek I swing my gaze her way.

  “What do you know about being an old lady?”

  She shrugs, picking at a stray thread from the sheet. “I don’t know, just that I’d be a part of the family.” She looks up at me. “That I’d be yours.”

  Striding over to her I brush the hair from her sweaty face.

  “I have church, so I’ll be back,” I say, taking the conversation elsewhere. Making her my old lady is a big step, one I want to make sure we’re both ready for.

  “Church?” she frowns in confusion, tilting her head to the side.

  “Yeah, where me and the boys meet and discuss club business.” I slide a shirt over my head, and ruffle my hair so it doesn’t look like I just had it tugged on for a good hour. “I’m going to send my best men out to find Alvaro, see if they can find a connection between Babs’ death and The Cartel.”

  Anahi flinches at the mention of Babs’ name, instantly putting me on alert.

  “What’s wrong?” I question, and her eyes pop to mine. She gives a tight-lipped smile and shakes her head, as if she’s fine. Stepping over to her I fist her hair gently, but with force and make her look me in the eye. “Tell me,” I demand straight out, no time for games.

  Her mouth parts and her eyes flutter with vulnerability. Seeing her melt in my hold makes my affection for her that much more true.

  “I’m not Babs and I fear I won’t be able to meet the standards you have for her, Bull,” she tells me honestly, and her words hit me right in the dick. I don’t know whether to feel defensive or like an asshole.

  My mouth suddenly feels dry, and I feel hot all over from my head to my toes. I have gone on about Babs and the love I shared with her more than once around Anahi, and to fuck her with my mouth then pull up and say Babs’ name minutes later; I’m sure it wouldn’t make any girl feel good.

  Digging into my soul, I know that I need to let Babs go and focus on Anahi. I’m still living in the past and that makes me a liability because if I’m distracted by it Alvaro will swoop in and take Anahi from me as soon as my guard is down again. And this time he might actually kill her.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper gravely. Her eyes widen, as if she’s shocked I just apologized. I can’t help but smirk at her reaction. I was wrong and I know it, so I’m going to be a man and fess up to it.

  “Don’t be sorry, I just…” she fumbles on her words and it’s adorable. Tension rises in the room and I suddenly feel like I need to explain further. Why? I don’t know. This girl is breaking down my fucking walls and will be taking my man card very soon.

  “Babs was family, and I don’t feel like I can fully lay her to rest in my head until the gang that is responsible for her death pays fully. When I met Augustus, the guy that killed her, I couldn’t do much about it because I was surrounded by his men. Eventually he died, but it wasn’t by my hands and I was okay with that because for years I thought his gang died with him, but seeing you and The Cartel in Texas I know he was just a piece of what happened.” I lean down, my lips a breath from hers. “I let that fucking Cartel take one girl from me, and I’ll be damned if they take you from me, Anahi.” I press my lips to hers and she sucks in a tight breath, the warmth of her mouth against mine grounds me, making my world of wrong finally feel right.

  “If it means anything, what I feel for you is stronger than even I can comprehend at the moment,” I whisper against her hot mouth right before pulling away and leaving her with that last thought.

  Sitting at the table I watch my men interact and talk bullshit. My eyes stop at a grinning Shadow, the wolfish look on his face misplaced.

  “What?” I furrow my brows in question.

  He points to his mouth, his finger circling the area. Conveying there’s something on mine. Pressing my fingers to my beard I find it wet and semi sticky.

  My eyes widen when I realize it’s from Anahi’s pussy. Fuck.

  Using my shirt, I wipe my mouth off; Bobby, Lip, and Shadow now laughing at my expense.

  “Yeah, well at least one of us is getting laid,” I clip back, slamming the gavel down.

  “So most of you know I have brought someone back with me, her name is Anahi—“

  “Yeah, the little bitch cleared out all the booze!” Old Man sneers from the back of the table. He’s with Vera and they’re perfect for one another. Both being a pain in the fucking ass.

  I can’t believe she had the balls to do that. I was going to chew her ass out for it, but she did it for me.

  That is something that means more to me than the cost I just ate from wasted booze.

  In the end, I’m grateful. There’s been a few times I wanted just a sip, which would lead me back on the path of drinking and isolation.

  “I think it was romantic why she did it,” Bobby says seriously.

  “Shadow, slap him in the fucking head for me,” I order Shadow who is sitting right next to Bobby. Shadow does it gladly, slapping Bobby right upside the head.

  “Goddamn!” Bobby whines, rubbing his head.

  “Next time that pussy shit comes out of your mouth I’m putting you in high heels and making you clean the whole fucking club,” I point at him.

  The boys catcall and whistle, giving him a hard time before Bobby flips them all off.

  “Alright!” I grab their attention. “Shadow, I need you to find this fucker Alvaro. He’s not going to let Anahi go without a fight,” I state. “He’s out there waiting for me to look the other way.” I rub my beard, staring at the window as if Alvaro might just appear.

  “I’m on it.” Shadow takes the order without hesitation.

  “You find him, kill him,” I give a curt nod.

  “Sounds like fun,” Shadow grins. Being given the order to kill someone just made his fucking day. Killing is what Shadow does best.

  “Kane, what drugs did we pull out of there?” I look his way.

  “We got a little of everything. Good shit, bad shit…you name it,” he lets us know.

  I nod, rubbing my beard. “Sit on it, we might need it.”

  “You got it, Prez.”

  “So are you claiming, Anahi?” Old Man asks, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. What he’s really asking is if he can fuck her. He messes around on Vera a lot and from the looks of it has his eyes on Anahi.

  “She’s mine,” my words bite out with venom. I will fucking kill him if he comes near her. God be damned that he’s one of our own.

  “Sooo, she’s your old lady?” he taunts, his head tilted to the side. He’s throwing the goddamn book at me. The rules my pops and I made.

  Looking down at the table I inhale a calming breath, not sure if I want to make her my old lady or not.

  “She’s just mine. You go near her I’ll rip your dick off and hand it to Vera, understand?” I glare at him, hoping he takes this further because I will jump over this fucking table and pistol whip his ass.

  The idea of violence has me anxious and ready to start a fight.

  He laughs, putting his hands up in the air.

  “So London is fair game?” he continues. I shake my head with a smirk. There’s no way London will go near him. Her and I are done anyway. We had fun while it la
sted, but that’s all it was. Fun.

  “Go at it,” I grin.

  “That party is in two weeks, we still having it?” Shadow asks, breaking the pissing contest Old Man and I are having.

  “Party?” I ask confused.

  “Yeah, Lip’s birthday,” Bobby reminds.

  “Guys, please don’t have a party,” Lip asks seriously, running his hand through his short hair.

  Bobby nudges him. “Yeah, Cherry might get pissed if another chick bounces on the birthday boy’s lap.”

  The boys start laughing, laying into Lip. I can’t help but laugh myself.

  “How about instead of the usual party we have, we do something family oriented?” I offer, trying to save him from an ass whooping from Cherry. The girl is feisty and if I had to put my money on any girl in this club kicking her man’s ass, it’d be her.

  “Perfect!” Lip shouts above the chaos.

  I laugh once more then I slam the gavel, declaring the meeting over.

  A hand cups my cheek and I groan, stretching in the bed.

  “Wake up, Little Bee,” a gravelly voice demands, turning me on instantly. My eyes flutter open and a blurry Bull stands over me. He must be ready for morning sex. Grinning, I sit up on my knees and shove my hand down his pants. Grabbing his cock in my hand it begins to swell in my grip.

  He moans, eyes closed as his head falls back. I pump it, my mouth watering to take it in.

  Leaning down but keeping my eyes locked on his handsome face, I flick the head of his dick with my tongue and watch his head pop forward.

  “You don’t have to do that,” he states with a husky voice.

  I shrug. “I want to.”

  He smirks, his hand fingering my hair and guiding me to his hard tip.

  I lick the head again, the taste of salt filling my mouth and the smell of musk filling my nostrils.

  I suck it into my mouth, my lips stretching around its girth. His hand pushes my mouth further onto the shaft, the head of his cock hitting the back of my throat. My eyes water, and I have to breathe through my nose as I suck down on it like a sucker.

  He hisses, my head beginning to bob up and down. Wetness drips down my thighs knowing the pleasure my mouth is giving him, the throbbing in between my legs becoming unbearable.


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