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Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  Maxim had twisted and squeezed that part of her when he’d kidnapped her from the hotel. Even now, days later, the injury pulsed and ached. Then again, her whole body hurt so she wasn’t sure how bad off she really was.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, prepared for another dose of pain only… it didn’t come. Large, warm hands grasped her arms, fingers curling around her biceps and halting her progress. She looked at the ground, dirty stones less than a foot from her face, and sighed in relief. No more injuries.

  Score one for Hawkins. His scent crept inside her, stroking her frayed nerves. Petting them with a tender touch. Yes, definitely got a point for the quick save.

  Then again, maybe not. A new bout of agony overtook her. That simmering burn she’d experienced in the SUV increased. It pounded against her skin, the shoves coming in time with her heartbeat, and she was sure the magic would tear her apart. The pain attacked her, power fighting to get free of her body and fill the air. No. It wanted to… go to Hawkins and Chance? What the hell?

  “Drop her!” The female voice rang with pure authority.

  The compulsion slid over Paisley and she felt it slam into Hawkins, causing the man to jerk and groan. Which had two effects: it pissed off Paisley and really enraged her magic. That part of her no longer reached for Hawkins and Chance. No, it was entirely focused on the speaker. It tore free of her body, flying toward the voice’s source. It hunted for the woman who’d dare attack her… mate?

  No. That had Paisley’s attention stuttering a brief moment, her concentration trembling, and then the large hands holding her steady released her. She dropped to the ground with a heavy thud, a grunt escaping her lips only to be followed by a groan. Bruises that’d slowly calmed now reminded her of their presence. Pain radiated from nearly a dozen places on her body, sending the hurt ricocheting against her bones.

  She was really gonna kick that chick’s ass now. First that woman yelled at Hawkins. Then did some weird magic thing, and then forced Hawk to drop her.

  Yeah, just as soon as Paisley got over needing to cry, she was gonna do some ass kicking.

  She raised her head, searching for the female, and noted a woman racing forward. Power hovered around her, the chick’s skin glowing and triangular shaped, bright swirls covered her.

  Yeah, Paisley had some of that energy surrounding her, but it was nothing like the woman approaching the SUV.

  So, maybe the ass kicking was on hold for a little bit.

  Snarls and growls filled the air around her, one from beside Paisley and another at her back. Alright, Hawkins and Chance were pissed, too. At least it wasn’t only her.

  Getting her hands beneath her, she carefully eased to all fours and then just as slowly pushed to her feet. She clutched the SUV door’s arm rest, using it to hold her steady. She was five and a half feet of battered and bruised woman, and she really hoped something soft and horizontal was in her near future.

  Hawkins’ scent invaded her space while his presence heated her back, reminding her she still blocked his path. She shuffled to the side, giving him room, and the man shot past her until he stood in front of her. No, both men shielded her from the newcomer.

  Paisley peeked past the men and spied the woman. Okay, the newcomer and two other wolves who bracketed her. All three were surrounded by the pale light she’d come to associate with Wardens. So, they were a trio. Probably mated if what Hawkins and Chance told her was true.

  The closer they came, the brighter Hawkins and Chance became. Their shoulders widened, seeming to grow before her eyes, and a new menace encompassed them. Damn, the boys were ready to fight the coming trio.

  So not a good idea. Paisley didn’t have it in her to endure more injuries.

  “Guys?” She reached for Hawkins. He was the elder of the two men and she sensed that Chance was the softer of them. If a battle ensued, it’d be because Hawk was going all in. Her fingers hovered above Hawk’s back, sparks arching between them. “Maybe we shouldn’t kill the lady and her mates. I mean, she’s bossy and all, but… Guys?” Neither man paid her any attention. She tapped Hawk and hissed, a shot of pain racing up her arm and straight to her heart.

  The stranger yelled again, “No. Touching!”

  Well, excuse the hell outta Paisley if she was trying to save the three approaching strangers. True, it’d hurt to connect with Hawkins and she didn’t anticipate doing it again anytime soon, but she wanted the option. She had half a mind to slap her entire front side against one of the men just to spite the chick.

  But she didn’t get the opportunity because then the bossy woman shoved her way past Hawkins and Chance while the lady’s mates hauled the two men away from Paisley.

  Not cool.

  “Hi, I’m Whitney and you’re Paisley and touching those two is a very bad, not good idea. Horrible and life ending, even.” Whitney didn’t reach for her, but her gaze did scan Paisley from head to toe, seeming to catalog her injuries. “Okay, let’s get you upstairs. I’ve got a couple of healing Wardens in Scarlet’s suite. They’ll fix you up. Then you can shower. And then Scarlet, Gabriella, Rebecca, Lorelei and I can sit down with you to cuss and discuss this mess.”

  Whitney stepped aside and gestured for Paisley to step beside her, but Paisley shook her head. “No, you can talk about things right here or add Chance and Hawkins to that list of cuss and discussers.”

  Paisley eased away from Whitney, squeezing against to the SUV. Her next step would be into the SUV and out the other side. Sure, she accepted the two men told her the truth. She understood that Scarlet, Gabriella, and Whitney were her cousins, but the trust wasn’t there. She trusted Chance and Hawkins. Trusted them to stay at her side, to protect her if needed. Sitting amongst the garbage and grime for hours, then climbing into a vehicle, still smelling gross as hell, brought them together. She wasn’t going anywhere without them.

  “All three of us will go upstairs, get healed, shower, and then talk to you guys.” Paisley took another shuffle backwards.

  Whitney frowned. “It’d really be best if…”

  Paisley shook her head. “No. I’ve accepted this magic stuff and werewolves and all this other bullshit.” She tipped her head toward the restrained Chance and Hawkins. “I accept everything they told me. I feel it in here.” She poked her chest. “They spoke the truth. So that means my sisters are fine and you’re my cousin. But that doesn’t mean I trust your mates or anyone else. Those two come with me.”

  Something inside her purred and petted Paisley, telling her that keeping those two close was the best idea ever.

  Whitney looked as if she would deny Paisley, but a whisper from the man holding Chance had the woman—apparently her cousin—relenting. “Fine. We’ll all go.”

  Paisley met first Hawkins’ and then Chance’s gaze, noting the satisfaction and pride that radiated from them. Good, they’d wanted to be with her, too.

  Which was good. Right even. And if that new part of her said their presence was the most perfect thing ever and she should boink them at the first available moment…

  Well, she’d ignore it. At least for now. Later though…

  * * *

  Hawkins leaned against a pillar, taking up a post between the suite’s main entry and the bedroom door—the doorway Paisley had disappeared through twenty minutes ago with her sisters in tow. Dammit, what was taking so long? It’d taken the healing Wardens less than five minutes to heal Paisley’s injuries and then she’d been shuffled off to get clean.

  In order to ensure she was protected, he and Chance took turns getting showered. There was no way they’d leave her vulnerable. Yeah, they were in the Ruling Alpha’s suite, and Hawk had trained these guards himself as Second Lieutenant, but that didn’t mean he’d trust them with their mate.

  So Hawkins went first, leaving Chance to stand sentry, and once clean, he relieved his partner. Now they were both ready to see Paisley.

  Chance turned his head away from the room at large and leaned close. “What’s taking so long?”
  Hawkins shrugged. “Dunno. But she’ll be back. She wanted us here. She won’t stay away.”

  Yes, she wanted them there. Both of them despite the powerful shove she’d given him in the alley. The one that’d put him on his ass and hadn’t done a thing to Chance.

  He glanced at his partner, spying him in his periphery. What was it about Chance that drew Paisley? He wondered and then realized maybe it was better if he didn’t know. Whether she liked him or not, she was his mate, too. She’d still belong to him. Belong to him and crave his body as much as he craved hers.

  Even now thoughts of her curved body had him stiffening in his borrowed jeans. The fit was a little loose, the Ruling Alphas were big fuckers, and it gave his cock room to move and grow. A nearby guard—Tor—snickered and it took one threatening glare to cow the male.

  “Quit bullying the guards,” Chance murmured, and Hawkins didn’t say a word.

  Not because he thought he was in the wrong. No, it was because a flushed, smiling Paisley emerged from the bedroom. Her hair hung in dark, wet strands over her shoulders. Even damp, it was brighter than it’d been now that the dirt was washed away. No bruises marred her face and he finally got a look at her peaches and cream skin that seemed to glow.

  No, he realized she didn’t just appear to glow. She actually glowed. Her magic tugged at Hawkins’ and he fought the urge to rush to her side and pull her close. There were entirely too many males in the suite and each of them had their attention trained on Hawkins and Chance’s mate.

  Their mate with wet hair that dripped water onto her borrowed top. A top that was slowly becoming transparent as it soaked up more and more liquid. Her pale skin was gradually coming into view and he imagined more and more of her would be revealed. Which, if the length stopped at her shoulders, would be an annoyance and nothing more. Except the hair cascaded over her shoulders, over her breasts and almost to her waist. It was the breast part he had issues with. Those plump mounds belonged to them and no one else should see her body.

  He and Chance had spoken briefly about their approach to Paisley. They’d take things slowly, ease her into comfort and coax her to their sides. She’d been through an ordeal. The last thing she needed was plodding, insensitive mates pouncing on her.

  That plan went out the window the moment he spied Tor leering at Paisley.

  Hawkins was torn between the desire to blind Tor and the need to cover their mate.

  Covering her won out. He could always pluck out Tor’s eyeballs later at his leisure.

  He rushed forward, snaring a throw blanket as he passed one of the suite’s many couches. Without slowing he went to Paisley’s side. Before she could object, he had the fabric draped over her shoulders and tucked around her body, hiding those luscious curves from everyone’s view.

  Hawkins ignored Whitney’s yell that he shouldn’t touch her. He also disregarded Whitney’s Warden Mates, Emmett and Levy, when they snarled at him.

  The only one who didn’t seem too upset was Paisley. She grasped the blanket when he released it, curling her hands around the edges. A question lurked in her gaze and he answered without thinking things through.

  “Unless you’re offering yourself to them all, keep yourself covered.” The words were brusquer than he’d meant, but he couldn’t regret them. Wait. He replayed them in his head and realized that he really did want to call them back. “I mean—”

  “No,” she snapped. “The last thing I want to do is offer myself to anyone.”

  Hawkins winced. Yeah, he’d fucked up and sent her opinion of him sinking further. Fuck.

  Paisley stepped past him and was followed by the Wickham cousins as well as the Twynham sisters. Each one shot him a black glare and he knew he’d pissed them all off. Hell, when he met Chance’s gaze, he saw he’d angered his partner, too. For once in his life, he was glad he hadn’t fully connected with his friend. He had no doubt Chance would be ripping him a new asshole.

  He tried to apologize. “Paisley, wait, I’m—”

  Hawkins swallowed his words when she shook her head. Maybe he could smooth things out later. When her glare slammed into him, accompanied by a powerful invisible shove, he figured it’d take more than a simple apology to coax her out of her anger.

  At least they had the rest of their lives. She couldn’t stay angry at him for his stupid words forever.

  He hoped.

  Paisley settled into a large cushioned chair, the pillows nearly swallowing her. She shuffled them around and curled into a small ball. He almost smiled when she tugged the blanket tighter against herself and ensured her body was covered. She may hate his words, but she at least listened to the message.

  Ignoring her continued glare, he headed toward her, keeping to the walls until he stood behind her seat. Chance quickly mirrored his movements until they were close and ready to protect her. His partner mirrored something else—Paisley’s glare.

  Yeah, he was an ass.

  Then he noticed that everyone else shot him a similar look, including the guards. God, he was on everyone’s shit list.

  Thankfully everyone’s attention was snared when Keller, the calmer of the two Ruling Alphas, cleared his throat. The dozen family members plus Paisley, Chance, and him, focused on the male.

  “Alright. Reports are in and they haven’t found Maxim.” Keller’s voice was grim.

  Paisley trembled, body shaking as the words sunk into her, and he ached to tug her into his arms. She’d probably protest—a lot—but he wanted to none the less.

  “That doesn’t mean they’ll stop looking, but we need a new plan.” The Ruling Alpha ran a hand over his face. Scarlet was quick to stroke the male, the Ruling Alpha Mate stroking his back.

  Hawkins wanted that with Paisley, too.

  Keller continued. “What we’re gonna do is get everyone to the Ruling Alpha compound.”

  Hawkins’ wolf chuffed in agreement with that plan. The compound was nearly impenetrable. It’d been built hundreds of years ago to withstand any attack. A medieval castle made of solid stone with walls several feet thick—not just inches. He knew every possible vulnerability as well as how each was covered and protected against attack. It was a good place to hide the women while they all continued the hunt.

  “I’ve called in the jet. We’ll go to the airport in small groups. I’ve got two dozen cars ready to take us all out. We’re looking to confuse him with so many since we’ll actually only be using a few.”

  Hawkins nodded and Chance echoed the movement. It was a good plan.

  “So, you all get one bag filled with necessities. Everything else will be forwarded to the compound by the hotel staff. Just what you need now that can’t be purchased once we get there.” Keller’s gaze slid over the room and it paused on Gabriella’s group before moving to Whitney and her mates. “Lube is not a necessity. We have plenty.”

  Whitney’s face flushed bright red and Hawkins’ lips twitched at her embarrassment.

  “Hawkins, you and Chance will stay behind and manage the search. I want his hotel room found. I’ve got a few Warden Pairs interrogating the captives Lorelei helped us catch, but it might be a good idea to add your special touch to the proceedings.”

  Hawkins’ hands clenched, tightening to large fists as he swallowed his immediate denial. It made sense. He was the best at interrogation. Or rather, the occasional bout of torture. They’d used him for that purpose often enough, hadn’t they? When the Ruling Alphas were threatened, there were no limits.

  But Paisley…

  Yes, Hawkins swallowed his denial and he was satisfied that Chance did the same though he tensed right along with Hawkins. Yes, they remained quiet.

  Paisley did not.

  “No!” Her shout shook the whole damned building, the word echoing off the walls and he winced against the piercing volume.

  Everyone else covered their ears and the Wardens in the room immediately enveloped their trios in a protective wave. When snarls from the Alphas reached him, he and Chance di
d the same, wrapping Paisley in a glowing shield. It drank from their well of magic, drawing more from them both as the bubble grew until it… crawled around all three of them. He only intended to protect Paisley from others, their lives were immaterial, but when her wide-eyed gaze met his, he realized it was she who protected them.

  She directed the magic and despite her words, she didn’t want to see them harmed.

  A small flower of hope blossomed in his chest and he prayed they could work things out. He had only one goal—mate with Paisley.

  Well, two if he counted “destroy Maxim until he was only a mound of bones.”

  “Okay then,” Keller shouted as he imagined the wolves’ ears weren’t working right yet. “Hawkins, Chance, find a pair to take your places. It seems you’re coming with us.”

  Damn right they were.

  When the other Wardens eased, drawing their magic back into themselves, he and Chance did the same. Paisley’s power stroked theirs, seeming to beckon them back, begging to retain their mystical touch. Hawkins would like nothing better than to remain attached to her, but it couldn’t happen. At least, not yet.

  When he caught Whitney’s glare, he figured it wasn’t going to occur for a while. He knew how the mating process between Wardens and Warden Born were meant to progress. Meeting. Spend time together. Initial touching. Wait to see how the female reacted. Then finally, the claiming.

  It was a delicate dance that the Wickhams and Twynhams had ignored, which ended with the ladies passed out. No, he wouldn’t risk Paisley that way. It was a near thing when he caught her in the hotel’s driveway. He sensed the growing pain in her and managed to release her before she was overwhelmed with the sensations.

  Now he just had to keep his hands to himself while they got to know each other. Easy.


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