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Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  Well, it seemed easy until Paisley shifted in her seat and the blanket gaped, giving him a clear view of the swells of her breasts.

  Not so easy, after all.

  Chapter Four

  Riding in the private jet with Paisley had been hard on Chance, but this? This was hell. Time seemed to slow on the ride from the hotel to the airport and grew even more sluggish as they made their way to the Alpha Compound. Standing in the driveway, their small trio remained in place as other travelers grabbed their bags and spoke to some of the males who exited the house. Or rather castle.

  The presence of the men annoyed his wolf, but he had the beast under control. He assumed they were other guards as well as those who kept the compound running smoothly. Then everything became not fine when every single stranger swung their attention to their group. Two of the closest took a step toward them, nostrils flaring and chests expanding as they drew in their scents. No, they were hunting Paisley’s scent. The only thing that saved them was that she shied from the strangers and eased closer to him and Hawkins. It soothed his animal and had him puffing up with pride because she sought them for protection. That didn’t keep other assholes from coming toward her, leaving conversations unfinished as they closed in on their trio.

  Chance wanted to yank her behind him and create a wall of muscle with Hawkins to make sure the males stayed back. Dammit, keeping his hands to himself was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but they hadn’t spent enough time in Paisley’s company yet. Coming in contact with her had consequences he wasn’t ready to risk.

  She at least got closer to them. Her back plastered to the black SUV that’d carried them from the airport. She slid a hint nearer to Hawkins and his partner stepped forward to give her room to ease farther. She was mostly hidden.

  Except one person approached as a wolf and Paisley froze in place. The next few events happened in a blur. The wolf rushed forward, nose level with the juncture of Paisley’s thighs. Chance knew the werewolf hunted Paisley’s aroma and he nearly snapped. Paisley was theirs and no male had the right to… Then the acrid tang of Paisley’s fear hit him and his animal broke free. His fangs burst through his gums, mouth snapping and cracking as it formed a wolfen maw and he lunged for the other werewolf.

  Chance shoved Hawkins aside, ignoring his partner’s surprised shout and Paisley’s low scream. Hawkins was usually the one who leapt first, destroyed first, and didn’t give a damn about the consequences. The man always said age gave a person a lot of leeway. Chance was the younger and cooler headed of the two. Except now. Now he wanted to destroy the stupid fucking wolf who thought it’d be a good idea to—

  Two large hands snagged him—one snaring his right bicep while the other grabbed his left shoulder—and spun Chance until he was pressed into the side of the SUV. His chest was firm against the hot metal of the vehicle and his face plastered to the tinted window. Hawkins’ scent enveloped him and that was quickly followed by the aroma of Paisley’s worry. Despite his partner’s growls to remain still, Chance turned his head until he spied their mate. Her eyes were wide, whites exposed, and her chest heaved with her rapid breathing.

  Had he scared her or was it the stranger?

  “Hawkins?” She moved closer. “Chance?”

  She extended her hand, her power stretching from her fingertips and sliding over his skin. His and Hawkins’ both. The barely-there touch went straight to his soul, stroking his own well of magic as well as his wolf’s. She reached into him, delving in and soothing the still roiling anger that assaulted him.

  With that hint of connection his wolf receded, calming and retreating until his fangs were no more, his mouth was human once again. He still panted with anger and exertion, but even that slowed until he finally slumped against the heated steel.

  “You good?” Hawkins’ voice was gruff and annoyed. Nothing new.

  Chance nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  With that, his friend left him, easing his weight away until Chance could turn and lean against the vehicle. Hawkins stood before him while Paisley remained on his left. She shifted from foot to foot, her plump lower lip caught between her teeth with her nervousness. She was worried. More so than when she was merely being inspected by the other males.

  That put his wolf back on alert and he tore his gaze from his partner and mate to scan their surroundings. What he found… surprised him. More than surprised him.

  They had everyone’s attention, wolves and their human mates alike. With his display, it was expected. Unfortunately, or fortunately, his sight was hazed by a sliding, shifting, squirming veil of power that separated them from the others. The surface undulated, ripples drifting over the exterior like gentle waves.

  It protected them from the others, keeping them safe while Hawkins got him to chill out. The thing was… It wasn’t coming from Hawkins or even Chance. No, it was in place by Paisley’s will alone. Her worry over them had manifested itself with a protective wave of power.

  “Paisley?” Chance murmured her name, drawing her white-eyed attention. Magic filled her every pore and he knew that if she didn’t release it, she’d be burnt by the power. “Paisley, everything’s okay now. You can relax.”

  Paisley blinked at him once, and then again, before the brown hue of her eyes slowly returned. The veil drifted into the wind, caught by the air as she gently released the energies to the atmosphere. It became a ghost and then disappeared altogether. Like Chance, she slumped against the SUV, chest still heaving yet the tension fled her body. Her shoulder landed inches from his, her magic stretching its ethereal tendrils toward his body.

  With Hawkins standing so close, his massive body blocking out the rest of the world, they were forced to meet the man’s annoyed gaze. But beneath the irritation was something else. Something he’d never seen on his friend’s face: fear.

  “What the hell was that?” His partner growled and Paisley jerked, sending more of her unease into the air.

  Hawkins’ harsh whisper was followed by a loud growl from Keller, the heavy thud of his booted feet on concrete announcing his approach. “What are you people doing?”

  Paisley flushed, white streaking toward him and Hawkins and it took everything in him not to pull her close and soothe her.

  “No yelling around the unstable Warden Born!” Whitney’s yell reached them and it was immediately followed by the sound of her running toward them. She slid to a stop at Chance’s right, a bare second before Keller came into view. A new sheet of white blocked the Ruling Alpha except this time it emanated from Whitney. “Keller, you need to get your wolves back and Paisley, you gotta calm down. Hell, all three of you should take a chill pill,” the woman grumbled. “And any furballs in the area need to understand that Paisley is a total no-sniff zone. She has mates. You people are not them. Deal with it.”

  Chance kept his gaze on the gathered werewolves, the men and women slowly going into motion and returning to their tasks. They picked up travel bags—the ladies didn’t follow the “pack lightly” directions—while others climbed behind the wheel of now empty vehicles.

  “What the hell was that?” Keller growled.

  Paisley eased even closer to Chance while Hawkins spun and faced the Ruling Alpha. “Don’t growl at her.”

  The dominant male narrowed his eyes, the color quickly shifting to the yellow of his wolf. “Who do you think you are to—”

  “Whoa, slow down there.” Scarlet cut in and nudged Keller back. “No getting snarly, okay? Remember how pissy you were when you met me? Huh? Give them a break. How would you act if one of your wolves tried to sniff my vag?” Keller huffed, but remained silent, his glare speaking for him. “That’s what I thought.” Scarlet patted his chest. “Now, let’s get them settled and segregated from everyone. Let them calm down. We can have our ‘let’s kill Maxim’ powwow later.”

  Keller pressed his lips together until they formed nothing but a white slash across his face. Anger was evident, but Chance wasn’t sure what would come next. An Alpha—a
Ruling Alpha—didn’t take orders well. Chance knew this from dealing with them as a guard serving beside Hawkins. He drew on his magic, tugging it to his fingertips, preparing it for use. He noted his partner did the same, though his actions were a little more subdued; the nails on his digits slightly glowing. Slightly, but no less deadly. However, they wouldn’t kill anyone who threatened their trio. They’d merely incapacitate them. Roughly.

  Keller snared Scarlet’s hand and spun on his heel, tugging her along behind him as he stomped toward the house. That left them with Whitney. A tired and haggard looking Whitney.

  The woman gently swayed on her feet and then her mates were there in an instant, Emmett sweeping her into his arms and striding back to the house. Levy kept pace with the male, his worry evident in every line of his body.

  The rest of their party left as well. Paisley’s sisters constantly looked over their shoulders at her, but Rebecca and Lorelei’s mates kept them on the move.

  Now they were alone in the driveway, all but their vehicle now gone and everyone secured in the house.

  “You okay, Paisley?” Hawkins murmured.

  She shook her head and he turned his body toward her, looking at her fully. Tears clung to her lashes, droplets threatening to streak down her cheeks.

  They’d done that to her. No, he’d done that to her.

  Hadn’t Hawkins told him to learn control over and over again? They could find out more by staying back than they would by rushing forward.

  Chance always chuckled. You have enough control for both of us, old man.

  Not really, it seemed.

  “I…” Paisley’s voice trembled. “Whitney said…” She raised a shaking hand to press against her stomach. “Mates?”

  Chance winced and Hawkins did what he always did—he shut down when things got emotional. Chance knew why, even understood some of it, but it didn’t change the fact that their connection was damaged due to his partner’s refusal to become vulnerable.

  Having a Warden partner created some vulnerabilities, but a mate… she was a small, curvaceous bundle of emotional weakness that their enemies could exploit. That Maxim could exploit.

  Which left Chance to deal with the situation. He took a deep breath and released it on a slow sigh. “Yes, we are. It’s why we’re so drawn to you and why you’re so drawn to us.”

  “But you said I didn’t come into my magic until I met my mates. Until we got close or if another Warden activated me. I only came across you in the alley and I wasn’t… How?”

  Hawkins tore his attention from them and stared into the distance as if he actually had something worth staring at.


  “The Ruling Wardens and Whitney think we must have gotten close to Maxim’s hotel during our search. Close enough to bring your magic forward, at least. You had to have escaped not long after that. Hawkins followed his power’s pull until we finally found you in that alley. But,” he licked his lips, feeling a little like Hawkins. “But you are our mate, Paisley.” When she paled, he rushed to reassure her. “It doesn’t mean anything will happen immediately. You just need to understand we’ll be on edge while you’re unclaimed.”

  “I don’t…” Paisley shook her head and Chance’s heart froze.

  Was she denying them outright? Without getting to know them first?

  Paisley took a deep breath, breasts stretching the material of her top, before continuing. “I don’t know what to think.” She licked her lips, pink tongue darting out to moisten them. “I don’t know what to do. So much has happened…”

  “There’s nothing to do. You’re ours. That’s it.” There was a snarl in Hawkins’ tone and Chance winced once again.

  There were times he wanted his partner to just shut the fuck up.

  “What he means is,” he shot a glare at Hawkins, daring the man to speak, “that we know this is new to you and probably scary. Especially considering what you went through with Maxim. You’re our mate, but we won’t do anything until you’re ready. We’d just like to spend time with you.”

  He didn’t mention that his canines ached with the need to descend and sink into her flesh. Or that his wolf howled with its need for her. Or that his magic was nearly bursting from his pores in an effort to reach her.

  Chance remained frozen, waiting for her response, and he noted that Hawkins was in much the same shape. Despite his attitude, the man was just as vulnerable as Chance.

  “I guess—”

  A shout from the house cut off her words. “Hawkins? Chance? Keller and Madden want me to show you to your rooms.”

  Chance was ready to gut the person who’d interrupted her. Slowly.

  Paisley tensed and eased even closer as she turned to face the man in the doorway to the house.

  “So, are you guys coming?”

  No, but he’d like to be.

  “I guess we should go inside then.” The words were soft and they came out as more of a question than a statement. Before he could reply or reassure her, she straightened her back and squared her shoulders. “Right. I can do this.” She looked over her shoulder, gaze meeting Chance’s and then Hawkins’. “We’ll get settled and then talk. Talking is good.”

  Sure, talking was good.

  Kissing would be better.

  Chapter Five

  Paisley snuggled into the window seat, her knees raised to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs. She rested her cheek on her knees and stared out the window, watching birds dip and dive through the air. A squirrel darted over the pristine green turf, racing toward a tree that bordered the edge of the lawn.

  Life outside the house moved on as if the world hadn’t been turned and tumbled on its axis. Hell, things inside the house were the same way. She was somewhat segregated in one suite of the compound with Chance and Hawkins, but she could still hear the muffled laughs and jokes exchanged by other occupants. She knew her sisters were worried about her and on some level, so were her cousins. But… she just needed to breathe. To think and decompress.

  At least a little. It was hard to let some of the stress and pain go with Chance and Hawkins so close. The space they shared consisted of three massive bedrooms, each decked out with luscious furniture and linens that beckoned her tired body. She had to hand it to the Ruling Alphas, the suites made for Wardens or Alphas and their mates were gorgeous and relaxing. Spectacularly decorated while still welcoming.

  Inviting them to slide into one of the bedrooms and into bed.


  Which… scared the hell out of her. There was no shame in admitting her feelings.

  Low masculine murmurs reached her. They weren’t muffled, just low and unobtrusive. Her werewolves. Her mates.

  God, how bizarre was that?

  The soft shuffle and muffled brush of bare feet on carpet filled her ears. She sensed only one of them approached. They probably figured coming to her alone was easier to deal with.

  It was and then it wasn’t. They wouldn’t be physically overwhelming, but emotionally was a different story. Her feelings were still riotous and this new magic wasn’t helping matters. Especially not when it reached for the man who approached. Chance or Hawkins, the magic wanted him and stretched to stroke him.

  She kept her forehead pressed to the cool glass, her gaze remaining focused on the wildlife playing in the yard. Yet when the werewolf got close, when he sat on the other end of the window seat, she couldn’t help but glance at him with her peripheral vision.

  Hawkins. Gruff sure, but with his hint of gray at his temples, she could almost overlook his snarls. The near white strands made him more attractive to her, not less. It was his words she took issue with.

  She remained silent, remembering his brusque statements on the driveway. Yeah, he spoke the truth, but… Just but. They hurt her feelings, her battered and bruised feelings.

  No, she didn’t have a choice. She didn’t have a choice when she’d been dragged to the damn Gathering and she hadn’t had one when she’d been kidnapped a
second time. She didn’t even want to think about the lack of choices when it came to being beaten.

  Yes, the choice of mate was beyond her control, but after all the drama, it wouldn’t have hurt him to at least pretend.

  “Hi.” His deep rumble stroked her and she suppressed the shudder that crept forward.


  Paisley didn’t look at him, but did respond. “Hi.”

  Hawkins squirmed, shifting in his seat until he finally leaned his back against the wall of the alcove and brought a knee up to rest on the seat. His attention, like hers, turned to the yard.

  “It’s beautiful here.”

  “Yeah,” she agreed.

  “Our land isn’t this pretty. Not really. It’s not this big, either. But I think the house is nice. Chance calls it cozy, but that’s because he doesn’t pick up after himself.” His voice rolled through the air.

  He was trying. She had to give him that. He kept his tone free of what she assumed was his natural snippy tone.

  “What do you call it?”

  “Safe.” The word immediately snapped through the air.

  “That’s important to you? I mean, I’m sure everyone wants to be safe, but your house—”

  “Our house. And yes. Nothing is more important than being safe. Nothing.” The last word was a hoarse whisper.

  Paisley wasn’t going to argue about his reiterated “our.” “Tell me about it? What do you like about the house?”

  Hawkins relaxed and she realized this was where he was comfortable. “We’ve got twenty acres. Not as big as the compound’s lands, but it’s just me and Chance. The trees are trimmed back like this, though I think Keller, Madden, and Scarlet wanted the yard for their pups to play in, but ours is cut back so we can see anyone who approaches. It gives us a greater opportunity for defense. Can’t kill the enemy if you can’t see them coming.”

  She imagined there was a reason behind his assertion, but she kept quiet. For now.

  “The lawn is green like this, a thick layer of grass. Just beneath, we’ve got pressure sensors that sound an alert inside the house if anyone comes near. The system is programmed for offense, not defense. So if it senses a trespasser it activates the plan we have in place and the turrets rise up from the roof. And then there are the land mines…”


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