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Alpha's Beta

Page 2

by Loralynne Summers

  “The next time you offer me your neck, I’m claiming you. You’d do well to remember that, little wolf.” The statement was not a threat, it was a promise. And it came from Jordan’s wolf. The power in those words nearly dropped Erik to his knees—and he’d been standing up to Alphas his whole life.

  Erik finally opened his eyes and stared directly into Jordan’s. They were such a light shade of amber that the gold rings around them were nearly imperceptible until his wolf rose up. Erik wisely waited, silent, watching the dance between man and wolf play out in Jordan’s eyes as the two fought for dominance. Given Jordan’s Alpha nature, that probably should have concerned Erik. Instead, it gave him a thrill. Both man and wolf wanted control, wanted him.

  Finally, man won and Jordan spoke.

  “You have a decision to make. You know where to find me when you do.”

  Not trusting his voice, Erik only nodded.

  Jordan turned, and walked away.

  Somehow, Erik managed to remain standing.

  Chapter Two

  Walking away from Erik without claiming him had been monumentally difficult. Almost as difficult as fighting down his wolf. Jordan could really use a drink. Thankfully he saw his dad talking with a group of people near the parking lot. Good, that means we can leave. Because if we don’t, I might do something I’ll regret. Not saying a word to anyone, Jordan tossed the keys to his father, got in the car, and slammed the door. Driving would not be smart right now.

  A moment later, his father joined him. He gave Jordan a curious glance.

  “Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Nope. Drive.”

  His dad inhaled deeply and started the car.

  “Okay, son. We’ll go home.”

  “God damnit Dad, don’t do that. Don’t fucking sniff me. I know what I fucking smell like.” Jordan knew he was a riot of hormones, pheromones, and Erik. God help him, he wanted to cup his hands over his nose so he could smell Erik again.

  “What you smell like is one pissed off wolf. Maybe I should make you run home to get it out of your system,” his dad said as they turned onto the main road.

  “I’ll go for a run at home. Not here. That’s not a good idea.” If Jordan shifted while still in Sandy Hollow, poor Erik wouldn’t stand a chance. Jordan refused to force the decision on him. He’d come willingly or not at all. The choice was Erik’s, not Jordan’s.

  He had to admit, he was impressed by Erik. It appeared the man wasn’t as submissive as everyone believed. While he definitely wasn’t an Alpha, Erik had stood up to Jordan, walking away from him at the hall. And then he’d kept his legs when Jordan had lost control of his wolf and damn near bitten him. That took a hell of a lot more strength than most wolves had.

  Most of the short ride home was spent in silence. Jordan stared out the window, lost in thought. As they crossed into Stone Point territory, he finally spoke.

  “Dad, you’ve never said anything about my sexuality, even when my actions could have caused problems for the pack. Was it because you don’t approve?”

  “Son, I don’t care who you give your heart to. You had to learn on your own, make your mistakes and own your actions as an Alpha and possible heir. If we’d solved all your problems for you, what good would you have been to the pack when the time came? All I can offer you is advice, same as always. I can’t tell you what’s best for you. Only you and your wolf can make that decision.”

  He sighed. “If only it was that easy, Dad.”

  “If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.”

  Jordan lapsed back into silence. No, it wouldn’t be easy convincing Erik if he flat out said no. And despite their less-than-formal relationship status, it wouldn’t be easy telling Taylor he’d found his true mate. Throughout all his flings, she’d been the one he’d kept going back to when his heart needed healing. She’d always been there to put him back together, and lately he’d been considering the what-ifs of pursuing her on a more serious level beyond friends who occasionally fucked.

  “Don’t worry, son. Everything will work out. You’ll see.”

  He wished he shared his father’s certainty.


  A few days later, Jordan decided he couldn’t put off the conversation with Taylor any longer. He’d been uncharacteristically reclusive, not venturing out beyond his scheduled shifts bartending at the local pub. On his way home he swung by her apartment, confident she’d be up despite the late hour. He had a habit of showing up on this night—the following day was her one day off each week.

  “I was wondering when you’d drag your sorry ass over here.” Taylor’s smile was genuine, putting the lie to her words as she leaned, arms crossed, against the door frame.

  “Hey, Tay. Sorry. Been some crazy family stuff going on.” She was human, but not unaware of his true nature. Her sister was married to a member of the Pine Ridge pack. Nonetheless, he wouldn’t tell her more than absolutely necessary.

  “You okay, Jordan? You seem different.”

  “Yeah. Can I come in? We need to talk.”

  “Well, fuck. That’s never a good line to hear. Is this a beer or a whiskey conversation?” She moved away from the door, allowing Jordan in, and headed for the small kitchen.


  She paused a moment, her outstretched arm frozen in midair.

  “Damn. I was hoping it wasn’t that bad.” Shifting away from the fridge, she grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and poured the drinks. “So what’s up? How come you’re here on a full moon instead of out running?” Taylor folded her long legs under her as she settled into the single armchair in the living room. Jordan sat heavily on the sofa and refilled his glass from the bottle she’d brought with them. At his continued silence, she spoke again.

  “Dude, it hasn’t been that long since the last time we fucked. How could you have gotten your heart broken in the week I haven’t seen you?”

  “It’s a wolf thing,” he said with a sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “Okay. That’s really only like, half an explanation though.”

  Jordan downed his whiskey and fell back into the cushions.

  “I met my true mate last weekend,” he said, staring at the ceiling. “There’s this mating bond, something that triggers inside two wolves when they meet the one they’re supposed to be with. Like your soulmate kind of thing.”

  “Shouldn’t that be good then? Why do you look like someone kicked your cat?”

  “He’s another wolf.”

  Taylor took a moment to reply. “So is that a problem? For wolves I mean?”

  “Not necessarily. But he’s … he didn’t know he was gay.”

  “How does that happen?” She leaned forward and refilled their glasses.

  “To my knowledge, he’s never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I don’t know for sure. He’s in another pack, so I don’t know him that well.” He sat up and gulped the whiskey, reaching for the bottle again.

  “Listen, you’re not sitting here and drinking my liquor and passing out on my couch so I have to listen to your drunken snoring all night. Slow down or leave. Since we’re clearly not having sex any longer.” She snatched the bottle out of his reach.

  “Wait, are you mad at me? I didn’t ask for this to happen.”

  “Yeah, I’m mad at you. Why the fuck are you in my apartment instead of going after him, if he’s the one you’re meant to be with?”

  “It’s not that simple. There’s pack politics involved.”

  “When has that ever stopped you from getting laid?”

  She had a point. But still, something held him back.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “That he’ll say no.”

  Once it was out, there was no taking it back. It was true, though. He was terrified that Erik would deny their connection.

  Taylor slammed back the remainder of her drink and glared at him.

  “Fuck that shit. You’re miserable. Go get your man.�

  Jordan wanted nothing more.

  And loaded up with whiskey, he set off to do just that.


  Erik was on fire. Jordan trailed kisses down his chest, then his abdomen, and paused just above his groin. Jordan’s tongue darted out, taking a teasing lick at the tip of his cock. He groaned and fell back onto the mattress, eyes closed. A firm hand wrapped around his shaft as Jordan settled between his legs.

  “Relax, Erik. Let me pleasure you.” Jordan’s words were punctuated by more kisses peppered along his thighs.

  Before Erik could reply, the hand on his cock was replaced by the heat of Jordan’s mouth. Erik’s hips arched up reflexively, thrusting in counterpoint to his ministrations. A low humming came from Jordan. Erik wasn’t sure if it was approval or amusement, and he really didn’t care which it was. Jordan’s tongue swirled around his cock, his teeth grazed at the head, and his hand kneaded his sack. Erik wanted this moment to last forever, for the pleasure to never end. It was unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

  Jordan braced his arms across Erik’s hips and held him in place as he pulled back, leaving Erik whimpering.

  “So eager, my little wolf?” Jordan’s amber eyes sparkled as he looked down at Erik.

  “Please,” he begged.

  The smile that split Jordan’s face was equal parts mischievous and joyous.

  “Who am I to deny my mate?” He drew Erik back into his mouth and used his hand in concert with his mouth, working Erik’s cock until he was ready to burst.

  “Jor—” He tried to give a warning, but the orgasm overpowered him. Erik moaned his release, and for the third time this week, woke to find his stomach covered with his cum while his cock spasmed and twitched.

  Groaning in frustration, he rolled to his side and grabbed a box of tissues. I really need to stop sleeping naked. A glance at the clock on the nightstand showed it was just after two in the morning. He sat on the edge of the bed and rolled his neck, trying to shake off the scratching of his wolf. There was a full moon, but he’d purposely stayed inside, kept his wolf caged. If he’d shifted, Erik had no doubt he’d have ended up in Stone Point. Wet dreams aside, he wasn’t sure if he was ready for what that entailed.

  Sleep would be slow in returning. He rose and paced to the window. A few pack mates were still out running in the moonlight. Kieran’s presence drifted into his awareness. The new heir to Sandy Hollow was on his nightly run, heading for the nearby border and likely meeting up with his mate.

  Mate. We need our mate. We must go to him. His skin prickled, fur appearing and receding as Erik fought with his wolf.

  “No,” he growled.

  The wind shifted, and as if conjured by his longings, he caught Jordan’s scent on the breeze. Wishful thinking, I’m sure.

  With a sigh, Erik turned for the kitchen. He didn’t normally drink, but he kept some liquor on hand for visitors. Maybe if he drank enough he’d pass out for a few hours. Maybe if he drank enough he’d stop dreaming about Jordan.


  There was no mistaking the strength of Jordan’s scent now. Erik had only a moment to realize he was still naked before Jordan pounded on the door. He briefly considered going out the bedroom window and shifting, but immediately saw the idea was ridiculous. If he made Jordan’s wolf—an Alpha wolf that wanted Erik for a mate—chase him down during a full moon, he’d wake up with a mark on his neck for sure.

  “Erik!” Jordan bellowed, continuing his assault on the door.

  “Okay, okay, for fuck’s sake, don’t break my door.” With a resigned sigh, he cracked it open enough to see Jordan standing in all his muscled glory, stark naked.

  “It’s cold out here. Let me in.”

  A flick of Erik’s eyes down Jordan’s body showed he wasn’t truly affected by the temperature, as his cock stood at attention. It wasn’t like Erik hadn’t seen other men naked. They often ran in groups during the full moon, so nakedness, both male and female, was no big deal. But something about seeing Jordan naked, fresh from a run—he’d run all the way from Stone Point just to see Erik—and bathed in moonlight sent a primal heat through Erik. Though he’d spent himself just a short time ago, Erik’s cock twitched to life.

  Jordan’s wolf was riding him hard. Erik watched with fascination as muscles rippled beneath his skin. When he met Jordan’s eyes again, they were pure gold.

  “Erik,” Jordan ground out.

  Erik’s hands shook slightly as he opened the door enough to let Jordan’s large frame through. They stood silently facing each other. Tension grew, and with it, nervousness Erik couldn’t control. In the past few weeks his life had been completely upended. The course he’d expected to take was no longer something he had to worry about, and he was free to pursue his own desires. It had never crossed his mind that he was gay, though he’d begun to accept the truth of the situation. Despite that, fear held Erik frozen in place.

  Jordan’s nostrils flared.

  Then he softened, the tension leaving his body, and he reached for Erik. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to force you to do anything.”

  Erik let himself lean into the caress, rubbing his cheek into Jordan’s rough palm.

  “I needed to see you. I know you want to wait until everything settles down with Cassie and the council. And I get it, I do. But don’t shut me out. I can’t handle that.”

  “I’m scared,” Erik confessed with a whisper.

  “I won’t hurt you.” Jordan closed the distance between them.

  “That’s not what scares me.” It was half true. While he instinctively knew Jordan wouldn’t hurt him, Erik was slightly worried about pain marring the experience. Yet his arms still sought Jordan of their own accord, hands settling loosely on his hips.

  “What scares you, little wolf?”

  Their lips met. Unlike their first kiss, this one was soft, gentle, and stoked a fire in Erik’s core. When Jordan’s tongue swiped against his lips, Erik eagerly opened for him. There was no awkwardness, no uncertainty. Erik matched Jordan’s intensity as their tongues dueled, until they were both left gasping for air and Erik found himself pressed against the wall.

  “What about Cassie and Kieran?” he finally managed.

  “What about them?”

  “You’re an Alpha.”

  “So?” Jordan nipped at Erik’s ear, drawing a soft whimper from him. “I recognize them as my Alphas. I make no claim to leadership. Cassie has always been more of a leader than me. I freely accept her lead.”

  “But if I submit to you—”

  “When,” Jordan growled, his wolf breaking through. That growl sent shivers through him, and he had to fight to keep his wolf from offering his neck.

  “Does that mean I’ll still recognize them as pack leaders?”

  Jordan pulled back at the concern in Erik’s voice.

  “My sweet Erik,” Jordan said, gently cupping his face. “I knew Sandy Hollow didn’t have a strong Alpha line, but have you guys never dealt with this before? Having more than one Alpha in the family, with only one leading?”

  Erik shook his head. “To my knowledge, not for generations. I knew you were an Alpha, even though Cassie was in charge of Stone Point. But we’ve never had that here. No siblings, or cousins as in your case, who could both claim Alpha status. I like Cassie and Kieran, but I feel myself pulling away from them because I’m so drawn to you. How is it possible to serve more than one Alpha?”

  “You submit to me as mate, and to them as leaders. Your wolf can handle that distinction. It’s how we’ve done it in our pack for ages. Yes, I am an Alpha. But Cassie and Kieran are each stronger Alphas than I am. As two powerful, mated Alphas, your wolf will have no difficulty following them. What you’re feeling is an emotional distancing from them, because you belong with me.”

  Erik opened his mouth to speak, but Jordan silenced him with another kiss. Erik felt himself weakening.

  “And besides all that,” Jordan said, “I’ve agreed to be Cassie’s Beta w
hen dad steps down. You’ve agree to be Kieran’s. It’s a non-issue.”

  “It’s really that simple?”

  “Yes. Now hush, little wolf. I have to get back to Stone Point before the sun rises and I don’t want to spend all my time here talking.”

  As if to emphasize his point, Jordan’s cock rubbed against Erik’s as they drew together once again. Erik let out a soft moan.

  “We can do this here, or somewhere more comfortable.”

  “Jordan, I haven’t...” he trailed off, embarrassed to admit that he was one hundred percent virgin.

  “And you don’t have to. Not until you’re ready. But there’s no reason we can’t discuss why you’re dried all over your stomach.”

  Heat burned Erik’s cheeks.

  “Nothing to be ashamed about, little wolf.” Erik gasped in shock as Jordan’s hand encircled his cock. “Tell me,” Jordan breathed into his ear, “what was I doing to you, in your imagination?”

  “You, you were…” He couldn’t form the words. That would have required higher brain functioning to focus on something other than Jordan’s hand working his shaft.

  “Was I on my knees?” Up.

  “N-no,” he managed. Down.

  “Were we in your bed?” Up.

  “Mmm…” Down.

  “Shall we go there?” Squeeze.

  “Yes,” he exhaled.

  Jordan led the way confidently.

  “Show me.”

  Erik rolled onto his back in the middle of the bed. Jordan ran his hands up Erik’s thighs as he came to a kneeling position. Erik’s chest heaved with his quickened breathing.

  “Tell me, was I paying homage to your beautiful body? Did I have this magnificent cock down my throat?”

  Erik nodded.

  “Good.” Jordan lay on top of him. “Let me know if I get something wrong,” he said with a smirk. A sense of deja vu hit him as Jordan trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down his stomach. Then he was in Jordan’s mouth, and it was so much more amazing than in his dreams.

  “Oh, my God, Jordan, please, stop.”

  Jordan lifted a questioning eyebrow.


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