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Alpha's Beta

Page 4

by Loralynne Summers

  “You!” Alexsandr focused on Erik. “It was supposed to be you! Not him! You’re too weak to lead. I could snap you like a twig!”

  Anger filled Erik, and he saw Jordan take a step forward. But before he could reply, Cassie rose from the ground and taunted Alex further. “Aww, what’s the matter, Alex? Did I ruin all your plans for world domination?”

  That was when the shit really hit the fan. Alex broke free and shifted. He went after Cassie again, which prompted Kieran to shift as well. They both ran for the woods as men shifted left and right around Erik, including his father. Everyone followed Alex and Kieran.

  Jordan came to Erik’s side.

  “Are you okay?” Jordan asked, his concern written on his face.

  “I’m fine.”

  Jordan looked as though he had more to say, but held back.

  Nick stood next to Jordan. Jordan’s dad was a strong Beta, and though from the same bloodline that had produced Cassie and her father, Nick didn’t have Alpha blood. Cassie and Kieran were out there alone, with only Erik’s father to count on for support. They had no way of knowing who was under River Run’s influence and who would support Stone Point and Sandy Hollow.

  “Go,” Erik said to Jordan. “They need you.”

  Jordan held Erik’s gaze.

  “You’re not weak. Don’t believe that asshole.”

  Jordan shifted, and Nick ran on foot after him.

  Erik remained frozen in place, listening to the awful sounds of the fight. What seemed an eternity later, people began emerging from the woods. Nick was the first to return, sprinting towards Erik. Hearing the rising howls behind Nick, Erik feared the worst.

  “Erik! Quick, your house is closer. We need to get a room ready. Bandages, blankets, quick! Come!” He ran past Erik, straight for the Sandy Hollow house.

  “What happened?” Erik asked, catching up to him.

  Nick didn’t answer, instead tearing through the house collecting items before barreling up the stairs to the first bedroom he found. His silence and sense of urgency increased Erik’s fear. Downstairs, the front door rebounded off the wall with a crash as someone flung it open.

  “Dad!” Jordan called, and Erik breathed a little easier at the sound of his voice. He was alive. But what about his father?

  “Up here!” Nick yelled as they covered the bed with towels.

  Heavy footsteps made their way to the room, preceded by the smell of blood. Lots of blood. Jordan shouldered through, struggling to carry the weight of a limp Kieran.

  Blood ran from several deep gashes across Kieran’s stomach and ribs. One shoulder was mottled red and purple, clearly having been dislocated and then painfully popped back into place when he shifted. Erik saw his dad pull a blanket from the closet and wrap Cassie in it, holding her as she sobbed. He’d never seen Cassie scared or vulnerable. Her fear worried him far more than the sight of Kieran’s injuries.

  Working quickly with Jordan and Nick, they cleaned Kieran and bandaged his wounds. Once they were done, it was a matter of waiting to see if his body would heal itself and he would wake, or if he’d lost too much blood. The men filed from the room, leaving Cassie with her mate.

  Erik appraised Jordan.

  “Follow me,” he said, canting his head. “There’s a bathroom this way. You can clean up and I’ll find you some clothes. You and Nick should probably stay here for a bit. What happened out there?”

  “Kieran killed Alex.”

  “Oh, shit. Yeah, then you guys definitely need to stay here to protect Cassie and Kieran. You know she won’t leave his side until he regains consciousness.”

  Jordan peered intently at Erik.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Not now.” Erik dismissed him with a wave of his hand and turned away.

  “Erik!” Whether he meant to do it or not, it came out as a command, stopping Erik mid-stride.

  “Don’t you dare,” Erik ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Erik, please.” Jordan’s hand fell lightly on Erik’s shoulder. Erik spun around, glaring at Jordan.

  “This is neither the time nor the place for this conversation.”

  Jordan crossed the small space between them and pulled Erik in for a kiss. Despite himself, Erik softened in Jordan’s arms and sighed.

  Jordan’s voice was soft. “Talk to me,” he said, resting his forehead against Erik’s.

  “I wanted to talk to you three days ago. But instead I woke up alone.” Erik shoved Jordan away, angry at himself for weakening.

  “You know why I had to leave.”

  “Had to? Or wanted to? What terrible calamity would have befallen us if you’d stayed? I have nothing to say to you right now.”


  Though they occupied the same house, Jordan and Erik might as well have been on different continents. Erik made it clear Jordan had fucked up big time and he wanted no part of Jordan’s apology. But that wouldn’t deter Jordan, or keep him from doing the right thing. At the moment, he sat in a strategic position outside the room where Erik slept. He was near the top of the stairs where he could watch the front door. If someone attempted to gain entry uninvited, he’d know about it. Jordan’s dad was in a similar position downstairs, facing the back door.

  They could sleep tomorrow.

  Tonight, they’d protect their pack.

  As he sat quietly in the dark, Jordan stewed over Alex’s threat to Erik. Apparently, Alex had hoped to exploit what he saw as Erik’s weakness and take over Sandy Hollow once he occupied neighboring Stone Point. Except Jordan didn’t think Alex was smart enough to come up with that plan on his own. Which was why they stood watch. Alexsandr’s death made Nathaniel a wild card. He was liable—and capable—of doing anything, especially while Kieran was still vulnerable.

  Kieran’s condition continued to improve, though he remained unconscious. Cassie had accepted food and clothing, but refused to leave his side. They’d pushed a second bed against the one Kieran occupied so she could at least be comfortable when she finally crashed. Judging from the sounds of steady breathing and snores all around him, Jordan assumed that she was finally getting the rest she needed.

  Below him, his father cleared his throat.

  “There’s movement,” he whispered.

  Jordan stood. He stretched, then undressed, preparing to shift. Granted, he’d fuck the house up if he started tearing around as a wolf, but he’d do whatever was necessary to keep his loved ones safe.

  The fact that he included Erik in that group, beyond the bonds of pack, was something he tried to ignore.

  “How many?” Jordan whispered as he silently joined his father.

  “One so far. I can’t tell who it is.”

  Jordan made his way to the window at the rear of the house, letting his vision enhance as he scanned the tree line, waiting for the darkness to settle into distinct shapes. Someone, some wolf, was crawling forward. Jordan growled, a deep threatening warning, letting the intruder know those inside wouldn’t be caught by surprise. The unknown wolf froze.

  If there were more fighters in the house, he’d have let the bastard get close enough to get hurt. But Sandy Hollow was so peaceful it was jokingly nicknamed Hippie Hollow. And odds were, whoever was out there was running point, scouting the house for an attack point.

  Before Jordan could summon her, Cassie appeared at his side, eyes luminescent in the darkness while rage emanated from her wolf.


  “Don’t know.”


  “Possibly. Check the front. I’ve got eyes on this dick.”

  She disappeared, returning a few moments later.

  “Clear. Sides, too.”

  Jordan nodded. “Still alone. Hasn’t moved.”

  They stood there for an unknown length of time, each waiting for the other to flinch. Eventually, the wolf stood, stared at the house one last time, and retreated to the woods.

  “Let’s go,” Cassie said, reaching for the door.

sp; “Easy there, gunner. There could be many more out there hiding. Wait until sunup. I’ll go out and get the scent then.” Jordan placed his hand over hers.

  A heavy sigh came from William. “I really didn’t think they’d actually try something tonight. Not while we’re still on council grounds.”

  Cassie snorted. “Since when has River Run given two fucks about the rules? Or honor? I wish I could say I was surprised.”

  Jordan looked around. While he’d been focused on the wolf, most of the house had woken. Erik stood guard in front of Kieran’s door upstairs. Everyone else was downstairs or standing at the upper railing.

  “Well, since everyone’s up, I suppose I’ll start breakfast,” Erik’s mother said. Elena fussed with the belt of her bathrobe before heading for the kitchen, flipping lights on as she went. Jordan glanced to the clock, surprised to see it was nearly four in the morning. The sun was still a few hours away, however. He’d rather spend that time sleeping so he’d be awake for any bullshit River Run might pull during the day. Jordan looked at William.

  “Don’t let her out without someone. I’m going to get some sleep. Dad, I suggest you do the same. Elena, can you save me a plate?”

  She patted his cheek. “Of course I will, honey. Thank you for standing watch all night.”

  He smiled at her. “You’re pack now. It was never a question.”

  Jordan took the stairs two at a time, pausing when Erik caught his hand. The action surprised him, considering the rebuff he’d received only hours before.

  “Thank you,” Erik said softly.

  Jordan shrugged. “It’s really not a big deal.”

  Erik didn’t release his hand right away. The small bit of contact was exquisite torture.

  “Like I said, you’re pack now.” Jordan scooped up his discarded clothes. “Besides, they’re here.” He tipped his head towards Kieran’s room as Cassie closed the door. “She’s still my Alpha, and needed protection. It would have been unfair to ask that of you.” He left unsaid the fact that Erik was physically incapable of giving Cassie and Kieran the type of protection they needed, short of wielding a gun.

  Erik stood in his open doorway, and nodded his head in invitation. “Take my bed. It’s more comfortable than the room you were going to use. I just need to grab a few things and I’ll be out of your way.”

  Jordan took a deep breath. “Thank you,” he managed.

  When he woke a few hours later, it was to the sound of angry voices. Jordan emerged from Erik’s room and assessed the situation. From the top of the stairs, his view through the front door was mostly blocked by Erik. Listening carefully, he made out Anton, Nathaniel Miklas, and William.

  Movement down the hall caught his attention, and he scented Kieran, up and walking around. Well, at least that’s some good news. Jordan never again wanted to know the weight of carrying a fallen pack member, let alone a fallen Alpha. He’d scrubbed for what had felt like forever removing all the blood.

  The argument outside appeared to be escalating, judging by the rising volume of Nathaniel’s voice.

  “This isn’t over for any of you!” he threatened, and Jordan sighed. Apparently the loss of his son hadn’t shown Nathaniel the need for change. Instead, there was only more blustering, more anger, and more threats of violence. A gut feeling told him River Run’s retribution would come sooner than anyone expected.

  It was time to go home, where they could keep Cassie and Kieran safe.

  Chapter Five

  The anticipation of seeing Erik at Cassie and Kieran’s official wedding celebration that evening had Jordan as jumpy as a teenager on his first date. He’d tried his best to make amends with Erik and move things forward. Since the events of two weeks prior at the council gathering, they’d talked and texted daily, often late into the night. But whenever Jordan suggested they get together, Erik had some reason they couldn’t. Not being with him was driving Jordan’s wolf crazy, which in turn was driving Jordan crazy.

  Jordan stopped dead in his tracks just as he was about to enter the Sandy Hollow meeting hall.

  “Of course!” he cried, smacking his palm against his forehead.

  His dad glanced at him, amusement bringing a rare sparkle to his otherwise stoic expression.

  “Everything okay, son?”

  Jordan laughed. “Yes. I get it. I understand now.”

  He’d never had to work this hard to win someone over. Jordan had thought Erik was playing hard to get, or maybe trying to keep his distance until the next full moon, but he realized now that Erik was as scared and unsure about everything as Jordan. Likely even more so because of Jordan’s past. Destined mates or not, Jordan’s escapades would intimidate even an experienced lover. Not to mention the fact that Jordan was quite comfortable with his sexuality, but Erik was just coming to terms with his.

  Erik wasn’t playing hard to get. He was playing ‘make sure Jordan is taking this seriously’, and damned if Jordan didn’t love him more for it.

  With another laugh of excitement, Jordan practically bounced through the doors, his father trailing behind him and shaking his head.

  The moment Jordan’s gaze found Erik, Erik turned and stared at Jordan. Like a kid on Christmas morning, Jordan’s face split into a huge smile. Trying not to seem too eager, Jordan made his way to Erik’s side.

  “Oh, Jordan! Hi, sweetie! How have you been?” Elena, Erik’s mom, pulled him in for a hug. Jordan caught Erik’s grin, even though he rolled his eyes at his mother’s overly zealous greeting.

  “I’ll be better soon,” he said, meeting Erik’s gaze. He was rewarded with a rosy burst to those delicate cheekbones, and Jordan decided his new favorite thing in the world was making his mate blush. Elena released him, a knowing smile on her face.

  “I’ll go see if Cassie needs anything else.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “He’s scared. You make him listen,” she whispered into his ear.

  Jordan nodded. “I promise,” he answered.

  Erik tilted his head, brows drawn together in confusion.

  “Is there somewhere we can talk?” Jordan asked after she left.

  Erik took a deep breath. “There’s some offices down the hall.” He looked uncertain, but led Jordan out of the main room.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  Jordan pushed the door shut behind him and swept Erik into his arms, capturing him into a heated kiss.

  “God, I’ve missed you, little wolf,” Jordan panted.

  “We can’t do this here,” Erik replied, just as breathless.

  “What are we doing? I wanted to talk to you. Isn’t that allowed?”

  Jordan swallowed Erik’s reply with another kiss.

  “This isn’t talking,” Erik said between kisses as Jordan backed them against a wall.

  “I don’t hear you complaining.” Jordan palmed Erik’s crotch, rubbing his hand over the hard bulge of Erik’s cock. A soft sigh escaped Erik. “You drive me crazy, you know that? I can’t get you out of my head. I needed to get you alone before I lost my mind.” Jordan nuzzled Erik’s neck, basking in his scent.

  Erik turned his head, nipping Jordan’s ear and drawing a warning growl from him. Jordan felt Erik’s smile against his cheek.

  “Oh, you’re in trouble now, little wolf.”

  Jordan dropped to his knees, popping the button of Erik’s jeans as he went.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like?” He dragged the zipper down and freed Erik’s cock, smiling when a soft moan came from Erik at the first lick of his tongue against the engorged member. Jordan pulled Erik deep, flattening his tongue and relaxing his jaw. He knew he could deliver an amazing blowjob in record time. Jordan enjoyed performing oral sex no matter the gender of his partner. Giving someone such intense pleasure without taking any for yourself was, at its core, a power trip that fed his need for control.

  Erik bucked his hips, his breath coming in stuttered gasps and pants. Jordan felt Erik’s body tense a moment before the
orgasm hit. With a loud cry, Erik erupted, his salty essence filling Jordan’s mouth. He greedily sucked it all down, not releasing his hold on Erik’s cock until the spasms stopped and he’d swallowed every last drop of his mate.

  Once Jordan’s hands no longer held him in place, Erik slid down the wall on shaky legs.

  “Holy shit,” he gasped, eyes closed.

  Pride—his stupid, Alpha male pride—puffed out Jordan’s chest.

  “Told you you were in trouble,” he smirked. “Now that we both feel better, let’s get out there and take our places with Cassie and Kieran.” Jordan stood and held his hands out to Erik, who let himself be pulled up. “And later we can finish what we started. I need you in my arms again, little wolf. The merger is official, there’s no reason to keep this secret any longer. Tonight is for Cassie and Kieran. We can make our announcement tomorrow.”

  Erik’s hand fell from his when Jordan turned for the door. Confused, he looked back to see that Erik hadn’t moved from his spot against the wall.


  “I don’t know if we should continue this. If we should do what you said.”

  “What the fuck, Erik? Do you want this or not? Make up your goddamned mind! I can’t take this shit. You say yes, your body says yes, your fucking wolf says yes, and then you turn around and say no again.”

  “What if the other packs don’t accept us?” he whispered, and Jordan could see the fear in Erik’s eyes.

  “Then they fucking don’t!” He knew his voice was rising, but so was his frustration. “It’s just like with Cassie. The other packs didn’t like the idea of a female Alpha until she proved them wrong. So we prove them wrong!” Jordan stepped up to Erik and firmly grasped his head. “And we do it together. Our Alphas are on our side. The rest of them can go fuck themselves. Hell, if half of those old bastards knew what their sons were doing behind closed doors … don’t worry about it.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that,” Erik replied. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough.”

  Jordan clenched his jaw and turned away from Erik in an attempt to control his rage.

  “You better figure it out real goddamned fast, little wolf.” He threw an angry glare at Erik, who stared at his feet. “Because if the answer is that you can’t, then one of us is stepping down and moving away. I’ve tried to be patient with you, but I’m about done with it. It’s a simple fucking answer. Yes or no. Pick one and stick with it.”


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