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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

Page 12

by SJ McCoy

  “That’s like purpley-pink, right?”

  She laughed. “Yes. Purpley-pink.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “That’s it?” She so wanted to know why he was asking.

  “Yep.” He chuckled. “Oh. And I should be done by around five-thirty tonight. If you don’t have any other plans, I hope I’ll see you at the cabin whenever you’re done with your day.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” His voice sounded lower, gravelly. Or maybe it was just her imagination at the thought of what he was looking forward to.

  “Me too.”

  “See you later, darlin’.”


  She ended the call and put her phone back in her purse, then blushed furiously when Janey laughed. “Oh, my God! That was Wade, wasn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “Don’t look so embarrassed. It’s none of my business. And I shouldn’t say a thing. But it’s what friends do – and I know that we’re going to be friends. So, yay! I love the thought of you and him together and you can’t tell me there’s nothing going on between you.”

  Sierra smiled through her embarrassment. “Actually, I can.”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “Sort of. There isn’t anything going on yet.”

  Jane laughed. “But there will be, and we both know it.”

  Sierra nodded but didn’t want to have to spell out what exactly would be going on between her and Wade tonight.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wade checked his watch. He’d told Sierra that he’d be done by around five-thirty, and it was five-fifteen already. He wanted to leave for the day, but Ford had called him and asked if he could stop by for a word. His brother would only give him shit if he knew why he was so antsy. He stuck his head out of his office, but there was no sign of Ford.

  Anita, who ran front of house for the lodge, smiled when she saw him. “I take it you’ve been busy? Your door’s been closed all afternoon.”

  “Yeah.” He ran his hand through his hair. He’d been catching up on his least favorite part of running the lodge – the paperwork. It wasn’t his thing, but he knew he had to be the one to do it. The lodge had been his idea. The rest of the family had gotten on board – as long as he was going to be the one to run it. In its first year, it had far exceeded his expectations, but he wasn’t one to rest on his laurels. He wanted to keep growing the business.

  Anita stopped when she reached him. “Well, I’m happy to report that all’s quiet out here. I wouldn’t blame you if you want to call it quits for the day. I know being a desk jockey isn’t your idea of fun.”

  He gave her a rueful smile. “I’d love to but I’m waiting for Ford. He’s coming over to have a chat about something.”

  “Oh.” Anita nodded. “I’ll bet he wants to borrow some of the horses. If he does, I’m sure we’ll be able to juggle. Some of this week’s group don’t ride.”

  Wade made a face. “Have I told you lately what a gem you are? If Ford had hit me with that, I wouldn’t have known what to tell him. I feel as though I lose touch with the day-to-day stuff when I get locked in the office.”

  “Hey. It’s my job to stay on top of the day-to-day details. You’re supposed to be the big picture guy.”

  He shrugged. “I guess. I just … I dunno. I’m more comfortable being the cowboy.”

  She laughed. “Soon, you’ll be like the guests – only getting to play cowboy for vacation.”

  He scowled. “No way. I’d be more inclined to bring in a manager and get back in the saddle than get fat and soft like – ” He stopped abruptly when one of the guests came wandering into the reception area.

  Anita shot him a warning look. “I know, but watch your mouth.”

  He had to laugh. “Yes, boss! See, you’re the one who should be running this place.”

  “Maybe so. And when you’re ready to hire a manager, you can add my name at the top of the interview list.”

  “Wow! Now, that sounds like an idea worth investigating.”

  “It does to me, too. But here’s your brother.” She smiled. “Be nice to him, and tell him that I can handle the details, okay?”

  “Gladly.” Wade pursed his lips. “Are you serious? About wanting to do more.”

  “Hell yeah! I’d love to.”

  “Okay, then. Let me give it some thought. And since you’re so smart, why don’t you see what you can come up with, too. We should sit down before the end of the week and start working on a plan of what you can take over.”

  “Great. I’ll set us up a meeting – Friday morning?”



  He turned to greet Ford. “What can I do you for?”

  “Horses. I brought in a couple extra hands, and I need some rides. Can you spare me any?”

  Wade grinned at Anita. “You’ll have to speak to the boss.”

  Ford looked puzzled. “Okay. But I need to talk to you about something else, too.”

  “If it’s day-to-day business, Anita probably knows more than I do.”

  “Nope. Only you can help me with this.”

  Wade sighed inwardly and headed back into his office.

  “I’ll find you when I’m done here,” Ford told Anita before following Wade inside and closing the door behind him.

  “What’s up? What is it that only I can help you with?”

  “You’re the only one who can tell me what you’re thinking with Sierra.”

  “True. But why do you need to know?”

  Ford laughed. “I’d rather not know about your love life, if that’s where you’re planning on taking this. But I talked to Cash.”


  “About her whole situation. The groom who wanted to kill her. The brother’s SEAL friend who wants to saddle her with a couple of kids. You know, just little details like that.”

  Wade made a face. He’d been doing his best not to think about the children.

  Ford sighed. “She seems like a sweetheart, but she comes with more baggage than anyone we’ve ever known – and that’s saying a lot.”

  “And what did big brother have to say about it all? I’m surprised you called him.”

  “I didn’t. Tanner did. Then after he’d done some investigating, Cash called me.”

  “Uh-oh. So, we’re going through official channels of family hierarchy?” None of it mattered to Wade. He didn’t need to feel like he was the head of anything, but Ford was different, He saw himself as the head of the family – and he was, at least, of the family still on the ranch. But their eldest brother, Cash was the one who called the shots when it came down to it.

  Ford shrugged. “I guess. That’s not important. What’s important is that Cash knows this Dax guy – the one with the kids. And he knew Sierra’s brother. They were on the teams a long time after he was, but I guess that doesn’t make much difference. There’s a community amongst those guys.”

  Wade nodded impatiently. Most of his brothers had been in the military. He knew there was a brotherhood amongst them, but he’d never felt the desire to be a part of it. “And?”

  “And Cash talked to Dax and they both think that Sierra should stay here.”

  “She is.”

  “Not just for a couple weeks. Not just while she would have been on her honeymoon.”

  Wade’s heart hammered in his chest, but why, he didn’t know. “How long then?”

  “Until Jared’s been caught and brought in.”

  “But she’s supposed to go home to start her life with the kids.”

  Ford held his gaze. “And they’re saying that she might be better off doing that here.”

  Wade didn’t know what to say. It was one thing to wish that he could be something more than her rebound guy. It was another thing completely to think that she might stick around long-term – with a couple of kids.

  “What’s your take?”

  Ford shrugged. “I haven’t had t
ime to process that yet. I just wanted to let you know. I know you like her. I know I’ve joked that you maybe shouldn’t be playing house with her in your cabin. I don’t want to know how far into that you’ve gotten. But I thought that before you get in over your head, you should know that she might be here a while.”

  “What about her, though? Just because Cash and this Dax guy both think she should stay here it doesn’t mean that she’ll agree. That she’d want to. She’s a woman with her own mind, not just some package to be shunted wherever someone else decides is best.”

  Ford gave him a rueful smile. “Trust you to see it that way.” He held up his hand before Wade could protest. “I’m agreeing with you, bro. I told Cash it was pretty high-handed of him and Dax to be deciding her life for her. But apparently, that’s how she rolls. She’s spent her life waiting to be told what to do and falls apart when she’s left to her own devices. I hate to say it, but I can see her being that way. And it’d explain why Jared was able to manipulate her so easily.”

  “We don’t know how easy it was.” Wade felt as though he needed to defend her. He saw her as sweet and gentle, but he didn’t think she was weak.

  Ford shrugged. “I don’t know. All I wanted to do is give you a heads up. I know that you like her. But this situation puts a whole new spin on things.”

  “Yeah. Does she even know that other people are deciding for her where she should live?”

  “Apparently, Dax was going to call her this afternoon.”

  Wade ran his hand through his hair. He’d been looking forward to the evening – and night – ahead. Now, he had to second-guess all his plans with Sierra.

  “You okay?”


  “Sorry, bro.”

  “I don’t know what to think.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. Seems to me that her sticking around could be a good thing. I like her. I could see her being your ideal woman – except for one small detail. Well, make that two small details.”

  Wade nodded. “Yeah. Even if it weren’t for the kids, though, it’s probably a bad idea.”

  Ford grasped his shoulder. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

  Wade shrugged. “I’m going to head home.”

  “Home to the cabin or are you going to bring her back up to the house?”

  “I don’t even know that. I guess what I need to do is talk to her. Perhaps if she’s going to be here for longer than a couple weeks, she won’t want to complicate things by crossing the line with me.”

  Ford gave him a sympathetic look. “I didn’t like to ask if you’d already crossed it.”

  “Nope. And now I’m starting to think that maybe we shouldn’t.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Sierra stroked the little dog’s head one more time. She was adorable. She looked more like a teddy bear than a dog. Sierra had asked if she could stay with her while Jane had been busy with a rancher who’d brought one of his cattle dogs in.

  That had been a while ago and she was starting to think that perhaps she should leave. Jane popped her head around the door and smiled.

  “I had a feeling that you might take a shine to her. How’s she doing?”

  “She seems worn out.”

  “I’m sure she is. I don’t know how long she’s been on the streets, but I’d guess it’s been at least a few weeks. I just hope the pups are going to be okay. She’s malnourished.”

  Sierra blew out a big sigh. “How can people be so cruel?”

  “Ugh. I’m the wrong person to ask. I have very little faith left in human nature after some of the things I’ve seen. But fortunately for this little lady, someone found her and brought her into the shelter. We’ll do what we can for her and for the pups when they’re born.”

  “What will happen to them then?”

  Jane shrugged. “The shelter will no doubt be able to find homes. Everyone loves puppies.”

  “And this little lady?” Sierra couldn’t help stroking her again.

  Jane laughed. “Are you asking for yourself?”

  “Oh! No! I don’t think. Jared doesn’t … Well, shoot!” She looked up at Jane. “I was about to automatically say no because he doesn’t like animals. But that’s not a factor anymore, is it?”

  Jane pursed her lips. “I have to say it Sierra, in my mind, it should never have been a factor in the first place. I’m so glad that you’re rid of that man. I only just met you and I know that you’re better off without him.”

  Sierra blew out a sigh. “I know. I am. I was so stupid.”

  “I’m not saying that. I’m saying that I’m happy you’re free now. And I hope that going forward you’ll make your own decisions in life and never let anyone walk all over you again.”

  “I hope so, too.”

  “Jeez, Sierra! You don’t have to hope. You get to decide. You’re the one in charge of your life.”

  “I know. I need to get better at it, too. I feel as though I’ve always been along for the ride on someone else’s life. But now it’s time for me to figure it out for myself.”

  “It is. And you know everyone around here will support you in that. So,” Jane laughed, “you can decide for yourself right now if you want me to give you a ride back to the cabin, because I have to leave. Or if you want to hang out with this girl for a while longer. You’ll have to walk back if you do.”

  “Oh. I should go. If you don’t mind giving me a ride.”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I did.”

  When she brought the truck to a stop in front of the cabin, Jane smiled. “You’re welcome to come over and see her again tomorrow if you’d like.”

  “I’d love to. Are you going to give her a name?”

  “We should. See if you can think of one.”

  Sierra narrowed her eyes. “Are you thinking that if I name her, I’ll be more likely to want to keep her?”

  “Nope. I wouldn’t try to manipulate you like that. I just thought you might like to have the honor.”

  “I would, thank you.” She smiled. “And I am thinking about keeping her. If you think that would be okay. Would you teach me? I’ve never had a dog before.”

  “If you decide you want her, of course I will. But you’ll do fine. Just the fact that you realize you need to learn is a good start. I have to get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow. In fact, do you want me to pick you up on my way out in the morning?”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m meeting my cousin, Frankie, at the bakery. Not for long, just for coffee before we start the day. I haven’t caught up with her in a while.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Okay. I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty.”

  “Thanks, Janey. I’ll see you then.”

  Sierra let herself into the cabin and looked around. She loved the place. It was so homey. The entire place was only the size of her living room back in San Francisco. But it wasn’t the size that mattered. She chuckled at that. At least, not when it came to houses.

  She fished her phone out of her purse when it rang. She really needed to do something about buying herself a purse. The little white satin clutch didn’t fit here. And it was a constant reminder of Jared and everything that had happened.

  Her heart raced when she saw Dax’s name on the display. He was away somewhere. She never knew where he was or when he’d come back. It’d always been that way with Seb and him. Usually, she was thrilled when he resurfaced. Today she was less enthusiastic. She was going to have to tell him about the wedding – and about Jared. Hopefully, he would be as relieved as Amelia that she hadn’t married him, and everything else would pale next to that.

  “Hi, Dax.”


  He sounded weird. “What’s wrong?”

  “You tell me.”

  “Oh. Did you hear?”

  “I did. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not. I’m relieved. And I’m starting to wake up to how I’ve been living my life. I always thought you and S
eb pushed me because you didn’t understand that I’m not as brave as you guys. But now I can see that it wasn’t as much about me living scared as living stupid.”

  “No. You’re not stupid. Don’t say that. But I’m glad you’re starting to look at things differently. What are you thinking you’re going to do next?”

  “I still want to take the children.”

  “I wasn’t asking about them. I’m asking about you for your own sake. What do you want to do?”

  “Well, I don’t know how much you know. I never do. You guys are like secret squirrels. You have ways and means of knowing things that I can’t even begin to guess at.”

  “I talked to Barney. He filled me in on what had happened with Jared – with the wedding and with Lori. Shit, Sierra. I’m so sorry. You deserve a guy who’s going to treat you right.”

  “I know that now. If we want to look on the bright side, that’s one lesson I learned from it.”

  Dax chuckled. “Always look on the bright side, right?”

  “You know I try to.”

  “Yes, but in the future, I hope you won’t let whatever brightness you can find in a situation blind you to the ugly truth.”

  She blew out a sigh. “Don’t worry. I intend to be more realistic in the future.”

  “Good. So, what’s your realistic plan from here? I have an idea for you, but I want you to tell me what you’re thinking first.”

  “Well. Do you know where I am?”

  “I do. And … what the hell. I’m going to tell you. The eldest MacFarland brother is a former SEAL.”

  “Oh, my gosh! You know him?”

  “Until today I only knew him by reputation – and it’s an impressive one. He called me.”


  “He suggested that you might stay there for a while, and I agree that might be for the best – if you want to.”

  “I do. In fact, I’ve already decided that I’m going to stay here for the next couple of weeks – while I would have been away with Jared. Barney thinks it’s a good idea, too. Until they find Jared. Do you think they will? I kind of hope that he’s skipped the country and that will be the end of him.”

  “If I find him, he’ll wish he had skipped the country. But I was talking about more than the next couple weeks, Sierra.”


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