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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

Page 15

by SJ McCoy

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Talking’s good. How are we going to get to know each other and what we like and want if we don’t talk about it?”

  Her eyes widened. “Don’t you need to concentrate?”

  He squeezed his eyes shut. He could only imagine what made her think that – who might have told her that. “No. I don’t. For me, this isn’t about concentrating. It’s about enjoying, getting lost in it, in the moment, in each other. Whether that’s with touches or kisses or words. I like you talking. I want to know what you think, how you feel, what you want.”


  “And Sierra?”


  “You don’t need to save it. You can enjoy it. You can get there now, that’s what I was aiming for.”

  “But …”

  He couldn’t help chuckling. “I’m telling you, darlin’. You don’t need to save ‘em up. You’ll get there again.”

  “But what if I don’t?”

  “Don’t worry about it. There’s no pressure, no expectation. All you need to do is relax and enjoy it, okay?”

  She still looked doubtful, so he slid his hand back inside her panties and circled her clit. Her legs opened wider, and she pressed against him. His cock was still hard enough to drive nails, despite having stopped for a chat, and pressed eagerly into her heat. There was still way too much fabric between them, but the night was still young, and he needed her first orgasm to be all about her.

  “Hold my ass, Sierra. Move me how you want me.”

  She didn’t need telling twice. She grasped him tight and rocked him faster and harder. She was closer than he’d realized. There wasn’t enough space for his fingers to work, so he rested his thumb against her clit, circling as they moved faster.

  Her eyes squeezed shut and she let out a little moan. He felt the moment she let go, her fingers dug into his ass, and her whole body quivered. He rocked his hips faster and pressed harder, his cock throbbing to be inside her. He claimed her mouth, kissing her deep and hard as she came apart under him. Her hands left his ass and came up to hold his head as she kissed him back hungrily.

  When she finally stilled, he shifted his weight to the side, without breaking the kiss. With room to move, he slid two fingers inside and pressed the heel of his palm against her. She gasped as she clenched him tight, and another wave took her.


  “Yes?” he asked with a smile as he watched her come down.

  She let out a big shuddering breath. “What did you do to me?” Her eyes were wide, and her smile was huge.

  “I got you warmed up.”

  “That was just the warmup?”

  “Yeah.” He rolled to the side and caught her hand, bringing it to cover the erection that was straining his pants.

  “Ooh!” She licked her lips. “After the way you just made feel while we were both fully clothed, I can’t wait to see what happens once we’re naked.”

  “That’s good because you don’t have to wait. You’re about to find out.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sierra lay back against the pillows and watched Wade get up from the bed. Her brain was still a little fuzzy and her entire body felt boneless. Of course, she’d had orgasms before, but never one like that. Nothing like that! And they hadn’t even ... Wade had been fully dressed. So, had she for that matter. Who knew that she was capable of coming apart like that just from being touched the right way, from the feel of a man moving against her, moving with her?

  Hmm. She pursed her lips. Perhaps it wasn’t simply from the feel of a man but from the feel of this man. He was quite a man. She licked her lips as she watched him pull his shirt over his head. He was all muscle. She’d been able to feel it through his shirt whenever he’d hugged her, whenever she’d rested her cheek against his chest. But seeing it – literally in the flesh – did strange things to her insides. He turned around and winked at her.

  “You okay?”

  She smiled. “I think I may be more than okay than I’ve ever been.”

  He chuckled. “I told you. That was just the warmup.” He came and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off first one boot and then the other.

  Sierra watched them drop to the floor. How could that seem so sexy? Was it because they were cowboy boots? Was it because she was used to a man who undressed in the dressing room before coming to bed wearing pajamas – silk pajamas at that? She’d never liked Jared’s pajamas. They didn’t seem very masculine to her, and she used to hate the way the fabric slid against her when they had sex. He rarely ever took them off for that. He just pushed them down over his hips before rolling on top of her, grunting his way to an orgasm and then rolling off again. She shuddered at the memories. She used to think that he just wasn’t a very passionate or sexual kind of man. What she’d seen in the bathroom of his hotel room at the St Regis had told a different story. The way he’d had Lori bent over and was looking down watching himself thrust in and out of her as he stood between her legs, his fingers digging tight into her hip and his other hand twisted in her hair pulling her head back; that had looked very passionate and very sexual.

  “Hey.” Wade’s gentle voice snapped her back to the present. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Why on earth had she let her mind take her back to the horrors of that hotel room? Why would she visit such an awful memory of such a horrible man when she had such a wonderful man right here with her?

  “I’m sorry. I’m …” What could she say? She could hardly tell him that she’d been thinking about Jared.

  Wade smiled his gorgeous smile and brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Please don’t say you’re sorry, darlin’. I’m sorry. Was that too much? I can put my shirt back on and …”

  He made to move off the bed, but she grabbed his hand to stop him. “No! It wasn’t too much. It was amazing! You’re amazing. And I don’t want you to put your shirt back on. I want you to keep going and get undressed. I want to get undressed with you and …” She reached for the hem of her shirt and started to pull it up.

  “You don’t have to.” He was frowning, and that so wasn’t what she wanted. “I told you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “But I do want to.”

  He cocked his head to one side and gave her a stern look. “The look on your face just now was more like disgust than desire.”

  She grabbed both his hands and shook her head rapidly. “I’m sorry. I hate that my face gave me away, but I wasn’t thinking about you. Shoot. I know that sounds even worse. But I don’t mean it like that. I was thinking about you. I was thinking how wonderful you are and how wonderful what we just did was, even though we didn’t really even do it yet. You made me … feel so good. And I couldn’t help thinking about the way Jared used to make me feel and how he didn’t seem to even like sex with me – but that reminded me of how much he seemed to be enjoying it with Lori.” She blew out a sigh. “And remembering seeing what he was doing to her is what put that look on my face. You can’t imagine seeing the man you thought you loved and who you thought loved you – and were supposed to marry in a couple of hours – seeing him … fucking a woman you thought was your friend. A woman who was supposed to be standing by your side as your bridesmaid, a woman who you’d called family, since you had no real family of your own left.”

  She stopped and sucked in a shaky breath. “And I know you said it was okay for us to talk, but you don’t need to hear about this.”

  He squeezed her hands. “I hate it for you, Sierra. I hate everything that you’ve been through. I hate that you saw what you did, but in a way, I’m glad, too. If you’d found out any other way, you might still have had doubts, still have wanted to believe his lies, and I’m sure he would have kept telling you lies.”

  “I know. You’re right. I just wish those images hadn’t chosen to flash through my mind right now.”

  “It’s okay.” He gave her another reassuring smile. “I reckon I’ve
got you for two weeks. We don’t need to rush anything.”

  She held his hands tighter. “Don’t think you can back out and leave me wanting now.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “I thought …”

  “I know, you thought that I’d put myself off by thinking about Jared. Well, I haven’t. Thinking about that and how awful it was only makes me want you more. You gave me a taste of how wonderful it can be with you, and I want the whole thing. I want you … I want you to …” She didn’t want to say have sex with me. That sounded too clinical and impersonal. But she knew she shouldn’t say the words that came into her mind instead. They felt very personal and although she might not mind their meaning, she doubted that Wade would …

  Apparently, she’d hesitated for too long and he filled the silence for her, with the very words she hadn’t dared to speak. “You want me to make love to you?”

  She rolled her lips together as she nodded. “If you still want to.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close against his chest. “I want to. I want to very much.”

  All she could do was breathe him in. His arms seemed even bigger as they pressed her closer to him. His hard chest was dusted with fair hair that tickled her cheek. His warm skin felt like an invitation to press hers against it.

  She reached for the hem of her shirt again and this time, he didn’t stop her. He helped pull it off and over her head.

  She closed her eyes when his hands cupped her breasts, then they slid around her back and unhooked her bra. When it was gone, the feel of his roughened fingers against her skin made her whimper.

  He closed his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply. All she could do was cling to his shoulders while he cupped her breasts in his hands, teasing her nipples between his fingers and thumbs until she thought he might take her over the edge again. She wanted him to do that so badly, but the next time he did, she wanted to take him with her. She reached for the buckle on his belt and managed to unfasten it, then she undid his button and zipper, eager to touch him.

  His hands mirrored hers and before she’d managed to work her hand inside his jeans, he was pushing hers down over her hips. Without breaking the kiss, he moved forward, until she lay back on the pillows. She lifted her hips, and he tugged her jeans and panties down together. Then he sat back and tossed them across the room, and she lay naked before him.

  Just the way he looked at her made her feel sexier than she ever had before. There was a hunger in his eyes as he let his gaze rove over her. She didn’t think that she’d ever inspired that in a man before. Jared had certainly never looked at her that way. But there was no way she was going to spare him another thought right now.

  Wade stood and pushed his jeans and boxers down and off before climbing back onto the bed beside her. She only got a couple of seconds to take in all his naked beauty, but from what she saw he was all man. And from the way one large part of him pointed eagerly at her, she’d guess that he was a very sexual, very passionate man.

  She held her breath as she waited for him to roll on top of her. Then let it out when he didn’t. Instead, he propped himself up on one elbow and smiled down at her. “You’re so freaking beautiful.”

  Her breath caught in her chest, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of the look in his eyes or the way he ran his hand down over her ribcage then brought it back up to cup her breast. He lowered his head and pressed a kiss to her nipple that sent a sharp shock of desire zinging straight to the place between her legs where she wanted to feel him next. He moved over to her other breast, but she cupped his face between her hands and brought him up to look at her.

  “Please, Wade.” She didn’t need to say all the words. He knew what she wanted, and the look in his eyes when he nodded told her how badly he wanted it, too.

  He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom from the drawer. She wasn’t going to allow herself to wonder about who he usually used them with. It didn’t matter. She watched as he rolled it over himself. He was about to use this one with her, and that was all she needed or wanted to know.

  He leaned over her, and just when she expected him to climb onto her, he rolled over instead. Flipping onto his back and holding her hips so that she went with him. She put her hands on either side of his shoulders and pushed up to look down at him. “What are you doing?”

  She was already used to seeing his eyes shine with amusement, now seeing desire mixed in with it made her tummy and points lower tighten in anticipation.

  “I’m doing whatever you want me to.” He rested his hands lightly on her hips, and she felt herself get wetter when his hard length pressed against her.

  Sierra just stared at him. She didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t used to this. Of course, she’d been on top before. Not very often, but she had. She knew what to do. But being in charge – having a man ready to do whatever she wanted? It sounded like a nice idea, but she had no clue what she was supposed to want. “I don’t …” Was she really going to tell him that she didn’t know?

  His smile disappeared. “That’s okay, we don’t have to …”

  Ugh. He was ready to back out again? That was about the only thing she knew that she didn’t want to happen. “Yes, we do! I want to.” The strength in her voice surprised her. She hadn’t meant to be bossy.

  The way Wade grinned told her that he didn’t mind. “That’s it, darlin’. You do know what you want. You’re just not used to it mattering, so you stopped talking about it. We’re going to change that. I think you already know that what you want matters an awful lot to me. And I’m going to need you to talk about it, to tell me. Okay?”



  She chuckled. “When you found me, that first night. I told you that you were an angel sent to help me in my hour of need. Now it feels like you were sent to me for my time of need, to help me with so much more than getting out of a ditch at the side of the road.”

  He nodded happily. “I plan to help you in a whole lot of ways, darlin’. But I told you then and I’ll remind you as often as you need me to; I’m no angel.” He rocked his hips underneath her, and the heat of him pressing into her core didn’t feel very angelic.

  She rubbed herself against him, wishing that he’d roll them back over and take charge, plunge himself deep inside her and …

  “It’s up to you.”

  She met his gaze.

  “Do what you want with me. Or tell me what you want me to do.”

  She rolled her lips together. She’d never had an invitation like that before. It would be rude – and crazy – to turn it down. She pushed back until she was sitting upright over him. His cock stood proud, pointing up at her. She curled her fingers around him and swallowed when she found that she couldn’t close them. He was big. And hot. And so hard. She moved her hand up and down his length. She didn’t think she was very good at that but …

  “Is that what you want to do, or what you think I want?”

  She looked up at him from under her lashes. It sounded like he already knew the answer.

  “What do you want for yourself?”

  She shrugged. His hand trailed down over her hip to slide between her legs. One fingertip entered her, making her moan.

  “Is this what you want?”

  She nodded. “It feels so good.”

  “And you can’t think of anything that would feel better – anything that you might want more?”

  Her gaze dropped to where she could feel him throbbing in her hand. “I think this would feel even better.”

  “Then take it. Or tell me what you want me to do.”

  She closed her eyes. She’d never been in this position. And after she left here, she probably never would be again. Wade was trying to give her a beautiful gift. She had to take it.

  She lifted up on her knees and hovered over him. His hand fell to the bed as she stroked herself with the very tip of him.

  “Touch me.” The words came out as a breathy whisper, but the
y acted as a command. She didn’t even need to be more specific. He knew what she wanted. As she lowered herself just enough that he breached her entrance, he stroked her clit, circling and teasing, taking her straight to the edge.


  He stopped, but his hand hovered only an inch away. “Why?”

  Her eyelids drifted down as she continued to tease herself with his cock, which she could feel straining to be inside her. “I want to take you now and if you keep doing that, I’ll get there again.”

  His lips twitched up into a smile. “And that would be a bad thing?”


  “Let yourself go, darlin’. You sure you want me to stop?”

  “No.” Her eyes drifted shut when he touched her again. “God, no. Please don’t stop.” She slowly lowered herself onto him. He was big and so hard. She could feel him stretching her. His fingers teased her mercilessly, circling, touching, squeezing just the right way while he slowly but surely entered and filled her.

  “Please?” Her voice didn’t sound like her own. It was needy and desperate. She’d lowered herself as far as she could, but he wasn’t … and she needed …

  He knew exactly what she needed, and he gave it to her. His hand tightened on her hip and pulled her down onto him at the same time that his hips thrust up and he drove deep inside her. In a perfectly coordinated assault of sensations, his finger and thumb closed around her clit and squeezed. It all combined to leave her clenching around him. Two more deep thrusts drove her over the edge. She arched her back, pushing herself against his fingers. Her hands came up of their own accord and closed around her breasts, her fingers pinching her nipples and making her gasp and moan as intense waves of pleasure crashed over her.

  Wade kept working her with his fingers until she had to pull away. She couldn’t take any more.


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