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The Cowboy's Unexpected Love: Wade and Sierra (MacFarland Ranch Book 1)

Page 16

by SJ McCoy

  She collapsed forward onto his chest, aware that he was still hard and ready to go while she was spent. He stroked her hair away from her face as she lay there gasping. “That was incredible, darlin’.”

  “But it wasn’t … you didn’t …”

  “No, but I got to watch you. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  She pressed her face into his shoulder. “How?”

  He ran his hand down her back and closed it around her butt to rock her against him. He was still so very hard inside her that it sent aftershocks – or maybe they were the next wave of pre-shocks – tingling through her. “You let yourself go. You were on my cock, riding me, taking me deep inside you. You touched yourself and let me touch you, let me stroke where we’re joined, and you ask me how that can be sexy?”

  “Well.” She dared to lift her head and look down at him. “Since you put it like that, it does sound kind of sexy.”

  “Incredibly sexy. Fucking hot.”

  For some reason, hearing him put it so crudely made her hot again. She propped her elbows on his chest and smiled down at him. “You want to know what I think would be hot now?”

  His lips twitched up into a smile. “Tell me.”

  She ran her tongue over her bottom lip. “I think it’d be hot if you were on top.”

  Before she knew what was happening, Wade had flipped them, and he was kneeling over her. “Okay. I’m on top. What else?”

  She smiled. “I meant if you were on top and … inside.”

  His eyes closed and he sucked in a ragged breath as he nodded and lowered himself onto her. He felt so right. His weight was on her, but he didn’t crush her. He spread her legs wider with his knees and then ran his hand down the inside of her thigh before hooking her knee over his elbow. That opened her up wide and she could feel him pushing at her entrance.

  “You sure?”

  “How about you stop asking that, and I promise I’ll tell you if I’m not?”

  He grinned. “I probably shouldn’t agree to that, but right now I’ll take it because I need to take you.”

  His head pushed inside her, then pressed deeper, filling her, stretching her. He reached that point again where it felt like he couldn’t go any farther, but then he thrust his hips, and she gasped as he filled her completely.

  He took her at her word and didn’t ask again if she was okay, but his eyes held hers in a silent command that she should tell him if she wasn’t. She nodded breathlessly, and he set a steady rhythm thrusting deep and hard and then slowly pulling back before plunging deep again. With one leg hooked over his arm, Sierra was held wide open and trapped, vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do to her– and she’d never felt safer or more … loved. He’d been the one who called it making love. Not her. And the way their bodies were moving together, becoming one, she could only think of it that way; he was loving her. And she was loving him right back.

  His hand underneath her closed around her butt and squeezed; it made her inner muscles flutter and tighten around him, which in turn made him grow harder still and push deeper. She gasped when his fingers slid between her butt cheeks and one fingertip stroked her back there.

  She clenched tighter still and was rewarded by Wade gasping her name. She gasped his when his fingertip stopped circling and pressed a little way in. It was a new one on her. She was glad he’d stopped seeking permission because she would have said no. But it felt so good. Both the thrill of the unknown and unexpected, and the physical sensation sent her hurtling over the edge into an orgasm even stronger than before.

  “Oh God, Sierra!” Wade gasped and she felt him tense, thrusting deep and hard twice more before rearing up over her, his release throbbing inside her as she came apart around him.

  He slowly lowered her leg back down and slumped over her, holding his weight to one side.

  It took a few moments for them to catch their breaths and in that time, Sierra wanted nothing more than to melt into him. She’d known the man for less than a week, and yet she felt like she now knew him, and he knew her, more intimately than anyone else ever had. Of course, in bed, but through sharing that and because of the way they’d shared it, it felt like they knew each other in every important sense, too.

  He nuzzled his lips against her neck, making her shiver and cling to him. She turned and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”

  He lifted his head and smiled down at her through pursed lips. “No. You don’t get to say thank you.” He leaned down until his forehead rested against hers and looked deep into her eyes. “That was amazing. You were amazing. We are amazing together. There are so many words running through my head right now. Things I want to say to you. But damn, Sierra. Not thank you.” He ran his knuckles down her cheek and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I have to go take care of this, but don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  She couldn’t help smiling as she watched his bare butt disappear into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He was right, thank you was such a small thing to say about what they’d just shared.

  When he returned, Wade pulled the covers back and gestured for her to get in. Her heart sank. Now that they’d had sex, was he going to tuck her in and wish her goodnight? She’d been hoping that …

  And she needn’t have worried. Once she was under the covers, he climbed in behind her and wrapped her up in his arms. “Is it okay if I stay?”

  She smiled and snuggled closer. “I was hoping you might.” Her smile grew wider as she felt him press against her butt. She wriggled against him. He wasn’t as hard as before, but his interest hadn’t waned completely.

  “Yeah. Sorry about that. He’ll go to sleep after a while.”

  She chuckled. “Aww. I was hoping he might want to stay up and play some more.”

  Wade’s arm tightened around her waist. His other hand brushed her hair away, and her whole body lit up when he nibbled the back of her neck and muttered, “I’m sure he’d be happy to oblige.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wade checked his watch. He needed to get up and take a shower and get to work. He tightened his arm around Sierra. He didn’t want to go, didn’t want to bring an end to what had without question been the best night of his life. Sierra snuggled back against him, making his cock ache for a repeat of last night. But he couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t mind being late getting to the lodge, but he hated the thought of making love to her again and then hurrying away from her. She deserved more than that. She needed more than that. He knew he should be second-guessing himself on sleeping with her at all. But he couldn’t. It had been too good, she felt so right. Sure, losing himself inside her, the way she gave herself up to him, was the best sex he’d ever had, but it was more than that. She felt right in his arms, in his bed.

  He made himself stop. He wasn’t the kind of guy who was happy to have a woman in his arms and his bed when he knew that he couldn’t have her in his life. Not for real. That wasn’t who he was. Sure, he’d dated around some since his divorce, but he’d only dated women he’d been able to see a possible future with. Maybe he’d stretched that, none of them had worked out, so apparently, none of those possibilities had been that great, but still. He wasn’t like Tanner. He didn’t sleep with women just for the sake of it.

  He blew out a sigh and regretfully rolled out of bed. He had to go, had to get up and leave her here. And in a couple of weeks, less than that now, Sierra would have to go. She’d still be around – still be in the big cabin, right here on the ranch. But she wouldn’t be in his bed anymore, or in his life, not in the way he wanted. Shit! He wasn’t supposed to want that. He’d known from the get-go that it just wasn’t an option. He wasn’t supposed to be getting involved this deep. He was supposed to be helping her recover and move on from the disaster that was supposed to have been her wedding and the asshole who wanted to kill her. He shook his head as he scooped his clothes up from the floor and headed for the shower. The best he could hope to do was to help her find her strength and build some confi
dence in herself. Wade knew that it wasn’t realistic to think that he could be the man for her, but he could still help her learn to stand up for herself and make her see that she deserved the world and shouldn’t settle for anything less.

  Once he was showered and dressed and the coffee was brewed, he stuck his head back around the bedroom door. She was still sleeping. He went in, he couldn’t have stayed away if he wanted to. He squatted down beside the bed and brushed her hair away from her cheek.

  Her eyes didn’t open but her hand came up and cupped his against her face. “Morning.”

  He smiled as she slowly opened her eyes. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile that made him want to figure out a way he could see it every morning for the rest of his life. “Hello, handsome.” Her eyes opened wider. “Oh. You’re up. I’m sorry. You should have woken me I …” She started to sit up, but Wade couldn’t help it. He climbed up beside her and closed his arms around her.

  “It’s okay. It’s early. I should have let you sleep in. But I didn’t want you to wake up and find me gone.” Jesus, it was sappy, and he knew it, but it was the truth, so he had to say it. “I didn’t want you to wake up alone after last night.”

  “Aww,” her eyes shone with tears, “that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me. Ever done for me.”

  He tightened his arms around her, hating to think that no one had ever cared about her that much before. “I did it for me, too. I didn’t want to start the day without talking to you.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Without kissing you.”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “Without anything else?” she asked as she pressed closer to him.

  Damn. He’d love to stay and give her what she wanted but he couldn’t. He closed his hand around her ass, pulling her leg up over his hip so that he could press his aching cock between her legs. Even through his jeans and the covers it was enough to make his resolve waver. “You know I want you.”

  She nodded. “I do. And I know I shouldn’t pester you for more.” She pressed another kiss to his lips. “But I’m glad I did because even this feels so good.” He closed his eyes as she rubbed herself against him, but then opened them when she pulled back. “But I can be good. I can let you get on with your day. I should really get on with mine, too.” She met his gaze and held it. “Will I see you tonight?”

  “Of course.” He hated that she even felt the need to ask. “I’ll be home as soon as I can when I get done with work. If you need anything in the meantime, you call me and I’ll be here, okay?”

  “That’s okay. I’ll be fine. I’m going for coffee with Jane and her cousin – wait, your cousin, Frankie – this morning. And then I said I’d call Cassidy. You don’t need to worry about me. I have lots to do.”

  He closed his fingers around the back of her neck and looked deep into her eyes. “I’m glad you have things to do, friends to see. I’m glad you’re going to be busy. But please don’t tell me not to worry about you.” He swallowed, trying to stop the words from coming out, but he couldn’t. “I always will.”

  Shit! He shouldn’t have said it. He needed to put a lid on it. Just because he was getting in over his head with feelings for her, didn’t mean that he needed to burden her with them. Her eyes widened, and he held his breath. He didn’t know how she’d react. They were both clear that whatever they were doing here would have to be over by the time her children arrived. It wasn’t fair of him to use words like always.

  He relaxed when she gave him a small smile. “Thank you. I hope we’ll always be friends.”

  “Yeah.” That was sweet of her. She’d let him off lightly without making it an embarrassing moment for either of them. And since she’d given him an open door, he couldn’t stop himself from reinforcing his point. “We will, and I’d like to think that you’ll always know that you can call me whenever you need someone.” He stroked her cheek. “I’ll be there for you.”

  She pressed a kiss to his lips and tempted as he was to take it deeper and crawl back under the covers with her, he lifted his head and made himself smile and wink at her instead. “I was going to save this for later, but I got you something.” He hadn’t planned to give it to her yet, but since he’d just told her that he’d always be there for her, he wanted her to understand that it wasn’t just words. He rolled off the bed and went and grabbed the bag that he’d left in the smaller bedroom. He’d been second-guessing himself on the color, but all he could do was hope that she liked it.

  She’d sat up and was leaning against the headboard when he returned. He sat down beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. “I hope you like it.”

  She took the bag and pulled out the box with a smile. When she took out the gaudy looking purply pink plastic watch, she gave him a puzzled smile. “A watch? Thank you. It’s … lovely.”

  He chuckled. “I know it’s not lovely and I’m sure you’re more used to stuff that’s studded with diamonds but let me explain before you go thinking that I’m a cheap ass with very bad taste.”

  She laughed. “You don’t have bad taste. It is my favorite color.”

  “Yeah. That’s why I asked about that. I got this the other day, and I’ve kind of been putting off giving it to you. It’s not just a watch. And … I don’t want to freak you out. It’s a safety device.”

  She looked so skeptical, he had to laugh.

  “Seriously. It is. They make them for kids. You know, for parents who are worried, so that they can check where they are.” Her smile faded so he hurried on. “I don’t mean I want to track you. I’m not trying to be creepy here. The thing is, the reason I got it is that it has an SOS button, too.” He reached for the watch and pointed at the button on the side. “If you press that three times, it will email your GPS location to up to five people – you can decide who you want to program in there. And it’ll alert 911 as well.”

  He met her gaze, wondering if this was a horrible idea. Was she going to freak out thinking that he wanted to track her – or worse, wondering why he thought she needed it. She probably didn’t need it, but he’d been talking to his cousin Frankie and she’d told him about one of the kids she used to look after who wore a watch like this and how she thought it was a great idea.

  When Sierra’s eyes filled with tears, he was afraid that he’d screwed up big time. Then she leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you, Wade. This is – it’s the best gift anyone’s ever given me.” She took it out of the box and fastened it onto her wrist. “I love it. Thank you. Will you help me set it up when you get home tonight?”

  “I’ll be happy to. You don’t think it’s weird or too tacky to wear?”

  She chuckled. “I do not. It looks like one of those fitness tracker things. I love it.” Her smile faded. “I hope that I’ll never need it. That Jared’s gone and won’t ever be coming back. But I love that you thought of this. And I’ll feel safer wearing it. It’ll be like you’re with me, even when you’re not.”

  He pursed his lips. “That sounds kind of creepy, and that’s the last thing I want to do. I want you to feel safe, not stalked.”

  She nodded and cupped his face between her hands. “I do. It doesn’t feel creepy. It feels special.”

  “That’s because you are special.” He smiled. “But for now, I really need to get my ass to work. There’s coffee in the pot when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you. And Wade?”

  His heart thundered in his chest as he wondered what she was about to say. “Yeah?”

  “Have a good day.”

  Her eyes seemed to say so much more than her words. But he couldn’t let himself read too much into it.

  “Thanks. You, too.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Sierra hurried outside as soon as she saw Jane’s truck approaching. Jane smiled at her when she hauled herself up into the passenger seat.

  “Morning. You look great. You’re all wide awake and bright eyed and … oh my God! Sierra, you’re glowing!”

  Sierra smiled a
nd did her best to look anywhere except at Jane. As she got dressed, she chuckled to herself at the thought that she looked different. That making love to Wade must suit her. But she’d thought it was just her and her imagination. Apparently, Jane could see a difference in her too.

  Jane chuckled. “Sorry. That wasn’t nice. I just … I want to say I’m shocked, but I’m not shocked at all. And I’m not wrong, am I?”

  Sierra could feel her cheeks burning. “About what? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do. And if we’re really going to be friends then this shouldn’t be embarrassing. I know he’s my brother, but I think it’s awesome. I’m stunned by how different you look this morning, and I’m thinking I know what made that difference. You’re all glowing because you slept with Wade last night, right?”

  Sierra looked up at her from under her lashes. Her cheeks were still hot, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “Yes.”

  Jane reached across and squeezed her arm. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. But if it’s any consolation, I think it’s awesome. I think the two of you are perfect for each other, and the way you look this morning only confirms that. And now I’ll shut up and we can change the subject.”


  Jane pulled away from the cabin and they rode up the long driveway in silence. Sierra wanted to break it, but she didn’t know what to say. Jane glanced over at her before she pulled out onto the road.

  “Are you okay? You’re not mad at me for being so nosey, are you?”

  “No! I’m not mad at you at all. I am a little bit embarrassed.”


  “Well, because he’s your brother for one thing. And also, because I don’t want you to think that I’m the kind of person who just jumps into bed with a guy.”

  “I don’t.”

  “But that’s what I did. We’ve only known each other for a few days, and I’m supposed to be on my honeymoon right now.”

  Jane shot another glance at her before turning her focus back to the road. “And you think that I’m going to judge you? Or is it more about you feeling guilty?”


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