Caspers Ghosts

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Caspers Ghosts Page 36

by Victoria Hyder

  “Because it hasn’t been ‘Summer’ yet,” he deadpanned.

  “Oh he’s shy,” Tabitha smiled as she stirred her tea, “You should show Avery some of your work, Casper. I’m sure he’d love them!” Turning to me she said, “He loves to keep himself busy. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve come down here at two in the morning to find him painting or staining glass.”

  “You’ve stained glass?” I asked, impressed. My hands shook far too much to trust myself with staining something like glass. Paper, yes, because if I messed up I could throw it away and start again.

  Casper gave me a quick glare over his shoulder. “Come here,” Tabitha beckoned to me as she stood up from the chair.

  “Mum, don’t!” Casper growled.

  “Oh shush, sweetie, it’s not bad.” She led me through to the dining room doors that had been covered by long curtains the previous evening. Now, however, they were exposed and my heart stuttered in my chest as I took in the beauty of them. In a simple black design, long, twirling stems crept up the plain glass with small leafs sprouting off on either side. On each end there was a simple daisy, the center of every one of them stained a deep red colour. The inside of each petal had a semi-circle of deep indigo that faded out halfway up.

  “He took two weeks to make sure it was perfect,” Tabitha’s voice broke me out of my trance. “I didn’t have the heart to replace it. Not that I’d want to.”

  “My uncle would love something like this. He’s always loved one thing about churches and that’s the stained glass windows. Loves them. I’m pretty sure it’s the only reason anyone got him into a church.”

  Tabitha laughed and shook her head. “He sounds like quite a character.”

  “Oh he is,” I agreed, my eyes drifting back over the stained glass. That did it, my mind was made up. “Come on Casper it sounds like a great afternoon out. I haven’t been to a fair in years!”

  He looked at me with his usual blank expression. Then the tense muscles twitched and he gave me a smirk, “Fine. But I can promise the both of you, you’ll regret this.”

  I wanted to protest but Tabitha merely matched his smirk, “We’ll see about that.”

  It was as though a challenge had been agreed upon. Finally Casper’s shoulders slumped in defeat, “Fine, let me just get my converses and wallet and we can go.”

  As he dragged himself back up the stairs, Tabitha turned to me with a triumphant smile, “He may act all miserable but deep down he loves the idea. You watch, he’ll fill the whole boot with odds and ends for projects.”

  “So he’d just get inspired whilst wondering around?”

  She nodded, “Naturally. Something will spark an idea in his head and he’ll go around gathering everything for one idea.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the thought as Casper’s footsteps drummed down the stairs. “We going then?” he called out from the front door. With a hand on my arm, Tabitha led me back down the hall. She grabbed her keys off the hook by the door.

  “Yep let’s go!”

  I hurried out alongside Casper before climbing into the back of his mum’s car. It was pleasantly warm and the sun shone down on us. It was hard to imagine that on such a beautiful day there was still so much heartache and trauma being reaped on people. My face must have betrayed what I was thinking, because without prompting, Casper reached out and slipped his hand into mine. Did I really look that miserable?

  “Are you okay?” he murmured, leaning our heads together.

  “I just feel a little light-headed, I’ll be alright.” I waved his concern off.

  He let go of my hand and grabbed his bag. Out of it he pulled a chunky kitkat bar, a bottle of water and my pill-bottle. “Did you think I didn’t check this morning?” he asked as he handed the bottle and chocolate to me, whilst he focused on unscrewing the lid. Popping a pill out, he pressed it into my palm and squeezed. “Go on, you’ll feel better soon.”

  I wanted to protest that the pills would do nothing but make me feel foggy, but the way his firm grey eyes bore into mine, I felt it was better to just do as I was told. I gulped the pill down and gagged.

  “Everything alright back there boys?” Tabitha asked as she navigated the roads towards the Town Hall.

  “We’re fine mum,” Casper replied, his hand resting on my thigh. The weight of it was reassuring.

  “Well do you want some lunch before we go in there or do you want to wait?”

  Casper glanced at me before replying, “Yeah lunch sounds good.”

  “How does everyone feel about Wimpy’s?” she asked as she parked the car a few blocks later.

  “That sounds great,” I forced a smile. Casper gave me a tight-lipped smile and squeezed my thigh even tighter.

  We followed Tabitha’s blonde curls into the restaurant and found a booth that wasn’t dirty or cluttered with used plates. A waitress came over and took our orders.

  “So how have you two been sleeping? I hope there’s nothing wrong with the arrangements?”

  I shook my head, “Oh no, honestly it’s fine!”

  She smiled softly, “Good. I just felt you two needed privacy. There’s no reason to be coy now.”

  Casper’s cheeks flushed. “Mum we’re not –we haven’t –”

  “Oh hush darling I know you haven’t,” she smiled, “But I know that cuddling up and doing nothing can be just as good.” My cheeks were burning bright red as Tabitha chuckled, “So Casper how was your art project going? Have you finished those pieces you were showing me?”

  Casper hummed. “Yeah they’re all done. I have them in the art department under a tarp.”

  “How come you haven’t shown me?” I asked with a heavy frown.

  He shrugged, “You never asked. We focused too much on the music project.”

  My shoulders slumped. It was true that I hadn’t specifically asked. “I just thought that you’d tell me of your own accord.”

  This time it was Tabitha who snickered. “Don’t rely on that, Avery. When it comes to his art, his lips have a deadbolt. He throws away the key until he’s asked about it specifically.”

  Our food came and I nudged Casper’s shoulder, “I want to see them when we get back.”

  “You’ve seen some of them.”

  “Backgrounds don’t count. I want to see the finished product,” I argued with a grin as I finally felt my hunger peak at the sight of the greasy food. As I ate, I felt the weight of Casper’s gaze rest on me but he didn’t make any comments.

  As soon as we’d finished eating Tabitha led the way from our new parking spot to the town hall where people were milling in and out with plastic bags clutched at their sides. My curiosity was piqued as we walked through the large double oak doors into the cool interior. The set-up was the usual one; a large island of stalls in the center of the floor and a thinly spread section of sculptures and antique furniture. There were large canvas propped up against walls, and small stalls crowded with trinkets that someone could reuse. My inner artist was begging me to go and look at everything but there was no rush. We had the afternoon to do as we pleased. Casper trailed off to one stall where there were actual art supplies. His fingers danced over paintbrushes and small bottles of beads. He looked a little restless, his eyes darting about wildly.

  I drifted a little way away and came to stop at a stall where there were a large arrange of homemade leather-craft kits. That’s when it hit me like an iron weight in my chest; I didn’t know what to get Casper for a birthday. Not just any birthday, his twenty-first! I wanted to groan. What was I going to do?

  Tabitha’s hand squeezed my shoulder. “Have you seen anything you like?”

  I frowned, “I was just thinking I have no idea what to get Casper for his birthday.”

  “That is a tough one,” she mumbled as she peered at the stall, “You never know you might find something here.”

  “Really?” Somehow I doubted it.

  “Yeah go and have a look around. You might find something really unique.

  “Something tells me I won’t be that lucky.”

  “Oh no?” she pulled her blonde waves out of the way so I could see her earrings. They were beautiful; three circlets of copper each filled with a gem, one yellow, one orange and one red. Like little bursts of fire that glimmered in the lights. “These were a birthday gift from Casper two years ago. He made them from this old broken lamp he found here. I didn’t even recognize what he’d done until he told me.”

  I blinked. I was stunned. “Wow … Now I feel even worse. I’m not that creative.”

  She rolled her eyes at me –something my mother never would’ve done –and nudged me towards another stall, “Go and look around. Just make sure to keep an open mind.”

  She soon drifted off to talk to a few people. I wondered around to another stall, drifting from one that had vintage cameras. Running my finger over the capped lens of an old Polaroid, I chewed on my lip and let my mind wonder. Maybe I could do something similar for him? He needed something beautiful and unique, something just like him. My finger was still on the camera. Should I buy it? It was only £20 –not a bad price, considering the great condition it was in. My wallet felt heavy in my back pocket as I continued to stare at the camera.

  ‘Just buy it already before someone else does and you go home miserable!’

  “Excuse me?” I asked the woman behind the stall. Pointing at the camera I asked, “Do you have a bag I could put that in?”

  She beamed, “Of course dear. That’ll be twenty pounds please.”

  After I’d paid and tried to hide the bag as I walked around the rest of the stalls. Nothing else appealed to me but by the time we all met outside at the car it looked as though Casper had bought a quarter of the fair. “You sure you have enough there?” I asked, staring down at the bags he was hauling from the entrance. The slim muscles in his arms strained a little as he stopped beside us.

  “Probably not for what I have in mind, but it’s still a good haul,” he stated with a grin. I bent down and together we loaded the boot before climbing into the back seat.

  Once in the car, Tabitha asked, “So Casper what’s this new project going to be?”

  Casper shook his head. “Not happening, mum. This is a secret. Should be ready by Christmas though.”

  “Christmas?” I spluttered, “That’s seven months away! What on earth is going to take you seven months to make?”

  With a roll of his eyes he tapped the side of his nose and refused to say more, even when I swatted him upside the head for being an arsehole. He smirked and quickly changed the subject as we made our way home.


  That evening Martin was taking Tabitha out for the evening; dinner, a movie and then a walk through one of her favourite gardens that were having a light show tonight. We were offered to accompany them but Casper gave a swift ‘no’ and that settled the matter. By the time seven o’clock rolled around, Martin was already warming the car up outside whilst Tabitha was making sure Casper and I had enough to eat and enough to keep us entertained for the rest of the evening. It got to the point where I thought he was going to jump up from the armchair and shove his mum out the front door.

  It was a little easier to breathe as soon as the door slammed shut behind her and the sound of the car pulling out of the drive reached my ears. However as soon as Casper turned his darkened eyes towards me I felt my body tense up. He rolled his head back against the door and sighed. I swallowed; it looked like he was touching himself through his jeans. He smirked as he watched me before drawing his lighter and a cigarette out of the pocket and winking. He flared up and took a slow breath. God, he even made smoking sexy!

  “What’re you thinking about?” he drawled as he came to lean over me. His arms gleamed in the late light, the cigarette trapped in his fingers. The smoke tickled the back of my throat. As he took another drag, our eyes locked. He blew a long, steady stream in my face. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end. He rested his knees on either side of my thighs and settled down in my lap.

  I shivered as he ran his hand over my jaw. “Let me touch you,” I rasped softly. His fingers froze on my throat.


  “Because I need to feel you; I want to make you feel good.”

  “I feel good right now,” he countered dryly.

  Running my hands up, I squeezed his arse. He was rigid and tried to squirm away but I held fast. “Don’t run away,” I pleaded, “Just let me touch you.”

  He watched me for what felt like ages, taking another slow drag from the cigarette. Blowing smoke out through his nose he rolled his eyes and stood up. “Fine; wait half an hour and then come upstairs.”

  “Why do I need to wait?”

  “Just do it, Fletcher!” he snapped as he turned and walked up to his bedroom.

  I watched him disappear my heart racing in my chest. The smell of the smoke clung to the back of my throat. My palms were sweating and I could hear the quiet hiss of white noise tickling my ear drums. I had no idea what he was doing. The floorboards creaked overhead. Why was time going so slowly? What was he doing up there? I was filled with excitement and nerves. What if I messed up so badly he didn’t want to even hold my hand anymore?

  My phone vibrated in my pocket.

  Frowning, I dug it out and with jittery fingers opened the message. It was from my dad.

  ‘Avery, you can keep the car for now. Make sure to check the glove compartment. Love Dad x’

  I debated on getting the car keys and having a look. Glancing over at the clock I saw that I still had another ten minutes to kill. Clicking my tongue, I stood up and grabbed my car-keys. I walked out of the front door to where my car was. Unlocking it, I unlatched the door and slipped inside. The glove compartment popped open; it was filled with the usual crap; gum, tissues, CD’s and iPod chargers in tightly wound coils. Right at the back, underneath all the mess, there was a single white envelope with my name scrawled on the front in my dad’s handwriting. I tipped the contents into my lap; a small note and a cheque. Picking up the note first I blinked in surprise at the words;

  ‘Avery, I can try and talk to your mother but I think for now it’s best if you stay with Brian. I will come and visit you with Katie. Consider the cheque a small commiseration and to help you find your feet once you graduate. Love Dad x’

  Turning the cheque face-up I felt my heart stop. £5,000? What was I going to do with all that money? I could easily put it towards paying off my student loans but that was stupid. It did mean that Casper and I could afford to do some travelling once we graduated, though. My heart was in my throat. I started to tremble. It was a nice gesture. It wouldn’t do anything to make up for the shit that had happened but it would help me out eventually.

  I went back into the house as though in a dream, only just remembering to lock the car as I went. I leaned back on the front door and sighed. I suddenly felt hot and jittery all over. My dad had given me money.

  “You can come up now!” Casper suddenly called making me jump.

  I hurried up the stairs and skidded to a stop outside his bedroom door, the envelope now a crumpled mess in my hand. My heart was hammering as I stepped into the room.

  My breath escaped me.

  On almost every flat surface a small tea-candle sat, its small flame flickering. The soft light they cast caught on Casper’s skin, making him glow. The shadows of his muscles danced as he smiled up at me.

  “What’s all this?” I asked as I slipped the envelope into my back pocket. It wasn’t important right now. This was.

  Casper tilted his head. “I wanted to make use of all these candles. And …” he crossed the distance between us and hooked a finger into my belt loop, “I want you to touch me.” His voice was so husky it made me shiver as he backed me up against the door. He leaned close, his bare chest touching mine as he tugged on my belt. My hard-on was straining against my jeans as his hand ran down to cup me. His hand trembled. Despite his bravado he was still new to this.

“You sure?”

  “Positive,” he growled softly, popping my jeans open.

  My skin prickled with goosepimples as he brushed his lips over my throat. He took my hand and squeezed it before slipping my index finger into his mouth. My knees went weak as he slid my hand down the front of his unbuttoned jeans.

  “Fuck!” I gasped out. He was so hard pressing into my palm. I stroked my thumb over his cock. He groaned as he pressed his forehead against my shoulder and thrust into my hand. “You’re so hard,” I hissed.

  “All for you,” he grunted.

  “Hold on,” I pressed a hand to his chest to force him back a step. He frowned for a moment before I cupped his face and crushed my mouth to his. He groaned, clawing at my hair as I backed him up to the large pile of cushions he’d laid on the floor. Casper bent down, dragging me with him, our mouths still locked in a fierce kiss. He lay down on the cushions, and gasped as I rested all my weight on top of him. I peppered his chest and throat with hot kisses. He writhed under me, the burn of the denim making my cock ache.

  Breaking our kiss he looked up at me with dazed eyes, his cheeks flushed and lips swollen. “Take your clothes off.”

  I didn’t need telling twice.

  I clawed my shirt over my head, quickly followed by my jeans and underwear. I crouched in front of Casper, my erection pressing up against my stomach as I watched him slip his hand into his boxers. He started to stroke himself as I tugged his jeans off his slender hips. “You’re so fucking hot,” I groaned, smoothing my palms up his thighs.

  “Take my boxers off.”

  I tugged his jeans off. He rubbed his thumb over his dick. Reaching out, I hesitated, “Let me.”

  His eyes locked on mine, filled with lust. He let himself go. I wrapped my fingers around him. He let out a loud moan, dropping his head back and arching into my hand. Leaning over him I stroked a little faster, planting hot, wet kisses over his throat. He moaned again, reaching to grip my hair and tugged. I picked my pace up, making him splay his legs and thrust into my hand.


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