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Caspers Ghosts

Page 48

by Victoria Hyder

  “It’s lovely,” I smiled as I took the rosebud in my hands.

  “It goes there,” he tapped my buttonhole in my lapel. I smiled and fastened the bud into place. “Perfect,” he murmured, his fingers reaching up to stroke the petals.

  Looking down at his smoky eyes, I licked my dry lips and took his hand in mine. “Shall we go in?”

  The light of the hotel was golden and classic, the walls reflecting the soft glowing light. Casper squeezed my hand as we were left at the top of a staircase that led down to the hall. I gave him a reassuring smile and led the way.

  The hall itself hadn’t needed much decorating by the looks of things; the high ceiling was elaborately carved with gold, the walls were a light colour to reflect the soft light for the eating areas and –the closer to the dance floor you got –the bright, techno-rave lights. There was no assigned seating arrangement so after we handed our tickets over, we went into the hall and chose a semi-isolated table off to the side of the dance floor. Settling down, I watched as Casper narrowed his eyes at the rest of the room before absently wiping his hands on his thighs. He slipped into the seat beside me, his back ramrod straight. The music was a little louder than I’d expected and the song wasn’t a terrible choice. It could’ve been a fluke.

  “Who do you think they got as a DJ?” I asked, leaning in so I could talk into Casper’s ear as the rest of the seats on filled up. I felt him tense a little; nothing a little reassuring squeeze on his thigh couldn’t sort.

  “You won’t believe me if I told you,” he stated.

  “Oh?” I leaned back in the chair and followed his gaze, my mouth dropping open at the sight of a familiar buzz-cut. “Ethan? Ethan is the DJ for our prom?” The laugh that escaped me was genuine, “Well, there goes my hope for a disastrous night.”

  “Hey now, you’re with me,” Casper admonished, “It was never going to be ‘disastrous’ –some faith, Avery, please?”

  Chuckling as he stuck his nose up in the air, I reached out and flicked his cheek, “You’re cute when you’re agitated.”

  “In that case I must be fucking adorable.” He glanced behind me. “Do you want to something to eat?”

  “I ate before I came, I still feel full.”

  “Not even if they have chocolate cake?” he asked quirking an eyebrow at me.

  “Well … Maybe if they have cake,” I grinned. He rolled his eyes and slipped away to the buffet table. I was pretty sure he just wanted to get away from the full table.

  Turning my back to the dance floor, I kept my gaze down and quickly whipped my phone out so I didn’t have to make small-talk with anyone. There was a text from Katie saying her and Brian were almost home and that I should behave. What did they take me for?

  Something brushed against my back and then a blur of white settled to my left. I opened my mouth to object to whoever had taken Casper’s seat, when the words died in my throat. “What’re you doing?” I hissed darkly.

  Isabel turned to me with a confused expression. She’d gotten her hair cut, enough to get rid of the blue dyed ends. Her eyes were made up with kohl to match the black lace at the top of her white dress. Swallowing thickly, I cast a quick look around the room. There didn’t seem to be anyone I could call upon for aid. “Avery I just wanted to say …”

  “Nothing,” I cut in, “You have nothing else to say to me.”


  “No,” I snapped and straightened up higher in my chair so I could look down at her, “You have done enough. Don’t the words ‘restraining order’ mean anything to you?” I hissed, “How did you even get away with being here?”

  “I asked for special permission to be granted for this evening. And they allowed it,” she replied tightly.

  Opening my mouth to snap at her, I was cut off by a hand sliding on my shoulder and squeezing tightly. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” came Casper’s smooth voice from above me.

  “No, we’re fine. Isabel was just leaving,” I gave her a pointed look. She clamped her mouth shut and leaned back in the chair but made no move to get up.

  “I believe you were asked to leave,” Casper stated coldly. Isabel clenched her jaw tightly but finally stood up from the chair. She glared up at Casper and was about to brush past him when he leaned down. She stopped as he murmured something in her ear. I had no idea what he said, but the way she looked up at him with a fearful expression and then scurried off into the crowd, made me grateful my curiosity wasn’t about to peak. As soon as Isabel had blended back into the dimly lit crowd, Casper slid back into his seat and pulled some imaginary lint from his cuffs.

  “What did you say to her?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get back to enjoying our evening, okay?”

  A small part of me wanted to argue, but I decided against it. There were more important things to focus on. All of a sudden the lights dimmed that little bit more and a familiar tune started to play out through the speakers. My eyes went wide as I recognised the introduction. My mouth dropped open a little as I looked over at Ethan, whose eyes, in turn, were on us. Glancing over at Casper I fought to control my smile. “Did you … Request this song?” I asked, my heart hammering in my chest.

  He stood up from his chair and straightened his jacket before offering his hand to me. “May I have this dance?”

  My grin finally broke through as I took his hand. “I should warn you, I’m a terrible dancer.”

  He shrugged as we moved through to the dance floor. He spun me against him and slipped his free hand around my waist, pulling me a little closer. “We can be terrible together,” he murmured, his eyes bright.

  As soon as the chorus broke through the speakers, he moved and suddenly I was being held by the man I loved, dancing to a wonderful song under a chandelier as though nothing else in the world mattered. I leaned down a little to rest my cheek against his, and squeezed the shoulder I was holding onto, my mind floating as the lyrics flooded my senses and plucked at my heartstrings.

  “What’re you thinking about?” he breathed softly.

  “Just how true this song is for me,” I murmured before looking down into his eyes, “I don’t think I could have survived this year without you. I don’t want to think of surviving without you.”

  “Is this a proposal?” he asked, cocking a dark eyebrow.

  Hesitating, I tried to gouge his reaction. Damn his stoic expressions! Finally, I swallowed and said, “Would it be so bad if it was?”

  “No,” he shrugged ducking behind his fringe, “I just think doing it at prom of all places is … well … a little tacky.”

  A laugh cracked through my lips before I could stop it. “Yeah I suppose you’re right. Well if and when I do decide to propose, I promise it’ll be a lot more private than prom.”

  “Good,” he smiled a little before leaning closer. I leaned into his embrace, swaying gently to his motions and feeling as though everything was right with the world.


  The bedroom door almost winded me as we crashed through it. Frantic hands clawed at my clothes. My quaking fingers tugged Casper’s shirt out of his trousers as he kicked his shoes off. His skin was flushed as I tore his shirt open and bit down at his throat. He grunted and fiddled with my belt. My trousers dropped to the floor and the air rushed over my burning skin.

  “Get on the bed!” Casper panted as he leaned up to capture my mouth again. He tangled his fingers in my hair and gripped it enough to make me grunt in pleasure. “I said ‘Get on the bed’!”

  With a rough shove I fell back onto the bed, heart racing and my breathing ragged as he splayed my legs and leaned between them. I grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged him onto me, my tongue instantly sliding into his mouth. My fingers gripped the back of his neck as he rocked his hips against mine, his hard-on pressing against mine. Casper’s breath was heavy in my ears as he bit and sucked a trail over my collar, his tongue running over my ticklish areas. I squirmed and grabbed a handful of his hair and yan
ked his head back up to kiss him.

  “You’re so hot,” I grunted as he slid down my body and dragged my trousers off. My hard-on pressed up through my thin boxers, just begging to be touched.

  “Take off your clothes,” he panted heavily as he backed away from the end of the bed. He hurriedly shuffled out of his clothes. He left no room for argument.

  Sitting up, I unwound my bow-tie, and shucked my trousers off to one side. I was left sitting on the edge of the bed in my boxers, staring up at Casper. “Good boy,” he breathed as he knelt down between my knees and fixed his eyes on me, his strong fingers squeezing at my thighs. My heart hammered in my chest as his stroking thumbs inched higher. Swallowing thickly, I tensed a little as his long fingers reached under my boxers.

  “Oh God!” I groaned. I felt my muscles tighten together as he finally broke eye contact and swallowed me whole. “Jesus –Uh –Casper!”

  His hand run up and pressed me down against the bed. Letting him take control, I craned my neck to watch as his head popped up and down in my lap, his hot, wet throat sliding over my swollen dick, his free hand wrapping around the base and slowly pumping. My limbs were turning to jelly as his tongue swirled around my throbbing head.

  He released me with a wet ‘pop’ and gasped as he crawled up over my quivering body. “Sorry,” he growled huskily, “I couldn’t resist. You’re just so sexy dressed-up like this.”

  “You have much great self-control than I do,” I groaned. I reached down between us for his hard-on that was pressing into my thigh but he snatched my hand away.

  “Not yet,” he said, “I want to take this slow. I need to remember every moment of it.”

  “Okay,” I nodded, “We’ll go as slow as you like.”

  Casper gave me a fleeting smile before he pressed his chest against my own. He stared down at me. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I said, slipping my hand up his back. We lay that way for a while, watching one another in the low light of the room. “Do you want me to … top?” I hedged, trying my best to be delicate.

  He dropped his gaze and bit his lip. “Er … Yeah do you have any …?”

  “Oh!” I quickly sat up, rolling him off me. “I think I do.” I rummaged around in my pocket until I felt the foil packets. Pulling them out I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of Katie slipping me the condoms. She must have been so embarrassed! Holding the packets up, I showed Casper and grinned, “Courtesy of Katie.”

  “How sweet of her,” he remarked dryly. He had a small smirk on his face as he rolled into a sitting position and crossed his legs underneath him.

  This time, undressing one another was a slower process, both of us taking the time to kiss and touch every inch of skin as it was exposed to the soft light. Every mole, scar and hair was glowing by the time we were lying on the bed, naked and gently holding one another. Our throbbing dicks brushed against one another, already slick and silky with pre-cum. My entire body was vibrating with anticipation.

  “Are you ready?” I asked, sliding my hand down over his side and resting it low on his naked thigh.

  He flushed and dropped his gaze down as he bit his lip, “Y-yes I think so.”

  Grasping his buttocks in my hand, I rolled on top of him. I captured his mouth in a slow, burning kiss before I tenderly pressed our bodies together. He moaned, his fingers tightening around the bed-sheets. Spreading his legs, I crouched between them and tenderly ran my tongue up his length. Leaning back, I took the packet of lube in my hand, tore it open with my teeth, and squeezed some onto my fingers. Casper’s mouth dropped open in a silent moan, his glassy eyes looking up at me as I teased him open. “Just relax. It’ll feel strange, but I promise it’ll get better.”

  Casper’s surprised cry echoed in the room and right through my chest. “God this feels so weird when you do it!”

  I froze, my finger pausing inside him. “What do you mean?”

  His cheeks flared up and he cupped his hands over his face. “Oh shit, this is embarrassing!” he muttered, before taking his hands away. “I’ve sort of been … you know … trying at home.”

  “Trying …” My eyes widened. “Oh! You’ve been touching yourself there?” He nodded his head, his mouth clamped shut. I couldn’t help but smile, “Well don’t worry, I think I can make it feel a lot better.”

  Before he could argue, I started to run my tongue over his balls and he let out another, more pleasurable groan as I slid my finger completely inside him. His muscles clenched down so tightly it was hard to move, but within a few moments, I was slicking more lube on my finger and gently working him wider.

  “Ahh! A-Avery please …” he panted heavily, his body already growing damp with sweat.

  My name gasping out of his mouth made me hard. I couldn’t deny how sexy he looked, completely unravelling beneath me. I took my time, exploring and gently easing him looser. A hunger gnawed away at my stomach. Running my tongue over his dick, he moaned loudly just as I took him in my mouth. His fingers gripped my hair and forced my down, almost choking me.

  “Jesus, are you trying to kill me?” I gasped out, still working on him. He let out a guttural sound, but was too far gone to talk. Leaning up between his weak legs, I hooked my fingers at an angle inside him and he let out a a strangled cry. “Are you alright?”

  He gave a shaky nod. His fists were still clenched in the sheets his neck arched back. “Don’t … uh … stop!”

  He soon relaxed as I pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses along his thighs. My eagerness was building inside me to the point I was sliding in and out of his tight hole with so much energy that it wasn’t enough. “God!” I grunted, “I can’t wait anymore! Please, tell me you’re ready?” I said as I leaned up over him. “Please? I just need to be inside you, darling, please.”

  Casper leaned up on his elbows and looked down at me. “Okay …” he gasped out, his thighs quaking under my free hand.

  Taking my time I fiddled for a bit with the silver foil packet before finally freeing the condom and rolling it down over my swollen member. Using the last of the lube I coated myself with a generous amount before using the last drops to slick Casper up one final time. Kneeling on the end of the bed, I hooked each of his legs over my thigh and leaned over on my arm. I used my free hand to guide myself towards him. Pressing gently I eased my head inside his hot, aching body. Gasping, I shuddered and had to quickly brace myself over him. Casper was watching me, his eyes wide open and his jaw slack.

  “Is this okay?” I panted, gently teasing his entrance.

  He groaned, “God yes!”

  “Good!” was all I could say as I gripped his hips and ever-so-slowly eased myself deeper inside his burning heat, the muscles clamping down around me and sucking me in.

  “Oh my God!” Casper cried out. His nails in my shoulder forced me to slow. “Oh God, you’re so thick!” he trembled, his body burning beneath my own. “Ah –Avery –I-I’m so full!” he whimpered, tossing his head back, the thick black strands fanning out against the bed sheets.

  “Already?” I teased, my muscles dampening with sweat, “I’m not even completely inside you yet.”

  “You’re not?” he gasped out, his eyes trying and failing to focus on me. He was completely out-of-it, lost in a cloud of euphoria. “Do it … I want all of you inside me, Avery. I need to feel you. All of you!”

  His gushing words of encouragement were enough. Gripping his thighs, I angled my hips and started to slowly rock them in a steady rhythm. I could feel my chest growing tight. Casper writhed beneath me, flushed and hot, shiny with sweat, his eyes rolling back in his head as he moaned my name louder and louder with every thrust!

  I leaned over him, drawing his legs up and over my shoulders. “This might hurt a little,” I warned as I eased myself back inside up to the hilt. He let out a long moan, something I didn’t think possible as it vibrated through my chest. He held onto my wrists and rocked his hips up to meet my thrusts. His knees sq
ueezed at my throat and I saw spots appear once again.

  “Avery!” he groaned out, rocking his hips faster.

  I angled myself inside him, making sure to hit that sweet spot over and over. His moans were loud and beautiful. Sweat coated him in a sheen that shone in the lamplight. I peppered his throat with kisses, but he may as well have been on another planet. He was lost, gone, completely wrecked as I reached between us and grasped his cock. “Come for me, Casper!” I cried out.

  “Oh G-God! I’m co-co-AH!” he let out a loud moan. His muscles clamped down so tight that within moments I was coming deep inside him, my entire body jerking with wave after wave of pleasure.

  Casper shot out his load over his stomach just as I buckled over him, barely able to brace myself on my forearms. He used his own trembling hand to finish himself off. I had to force myself to slowly slip myself out of his wide, raw hole before slipping the condom off, tie a knot in the end and throw it away in the bin. My legs shook like jelly underneath me as I moved about clearing up and heading to the bathroom.

  Grabbing one of the hotel flannels from over the sink I rinsed it and once I’d clean the latex stink off, I rinsed the second flannel and made my way unsteadily back to the bed. My knees knocked together the entire time. Casper was still lying spread-eagled on the bed. As I knelt down I felt my heart freeze at the light trickle of blood staining his buttocks. I hadn’t been as gentle as I’d planned. My high was dampened a little as I took great care to tenderly clean Casper up. He watched me in a daze, his chest rising and falling and his eyes looked glassy as I tossed the flannel into the sink through the doorway, and went about clawing on my boxer shorts.

  As I looked at Casper lying there on the bed, I grabbed his boxers from the crumpled pile of clothes and tentatively slipped them on, bracing his hips up with one arm to tug the waistband up. Lifting Casper into my arms, I somehow managed to peel the covers back and nestled him inside the sheets. He mumbled a string of words too quiet for me to hear. I eased his head back on the pillows and brushed his damp fringe out of his eyes.


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