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Caspers Ghosts

Page 49

by Victoria Hyder

  I pressed a kiss to his forehead and murmured, “Take it easy, love. Just rest.”

  He gave a soft moan before his eyelids finally fluttered closed. Leaning back I watched him for a few moments. A seed of fear was growing inside me; I hoped I hadn’t hurt him too much. Reaching under the covers, I found his hand and gave a tender squeeze. “I love you,” I whispered in his ear before turning the light off. He shifted and hummed something soft before burrowing deeper into the covers.

  Later that evening, as I was reading my book by lamplight and texting Katie on my phone, Casper finally yawned softly and stirred himself awake. Glancing over his shoulder, he squinted at me before groaning. He looked relaxed as he settled on his back, his head turned to me and a dopey smile creeping onto his face. “Hey you,” he mumbled.

  Reaching across the blanket, I entwined our fingers and brought them to my lips for a kiss. “Hey you,” I said. “How do you feel?”

  “Exhausted,” he rolled his head to look at me, “You really know how to tire a guy out.”

  I couldn’t help but smile wistfully before frowning. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?”

  He smiled, “We both knew it was going to hurt a little.”

  “Yes but are you …?”

  “No,” he said, the conviction in his voice made my heart skip a beat. “I love you; nothing is going to change that. If anything, I’m even more assured of it.”


  Casper rolled his eyes before shifting closer to me under the blankets. I put my book aside and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. “Of course, Fletcher,” he chuckled tiredly against my chest. I tickled him. He relaxed and let his fingertips draw random patterns over my skin. “Read to me,” he murmured, “I like listening to you read.”

  “Isn’t that meant to be my line?” I joked.

  He swatted my stomach before curling up closer and nestled his head againt my neck. He looked so small and vulnerable cuddled up against my chest. I turned back to my book and started to read from where I’d left off.

  I ended up reading three chapters before Casper started to become restless against me. I turned to him and brushed the hair from his eyes. He tensed for half a breath before leaning into the touch. “Do you think there’d be any movies on the TV?” he asked.

  Shuffling out of bed, I fiddled around with the buttons. Casper turned over on his side and shuddered as I crawled up behind him, spooning with him. We fit so perfectly together. I let him have control of the remote and watched as he lazily channel-surfed whilst I wrapped an arm around his waist. Pressing gentle kisses up his throat I smirked as he finally landed on a late-night showing of ‘LIVE AT THE APOLLO’ before tossing the remote to the end of the bed. The lamplight made his skin glow like honey. I nuzzled against him. He leaned back into my arms and let my cradle him.

  “So,” I breathed as an advert came up, “Was it good for you?”

  “Oh no, far from it.” He turned on his back and smirked up at me, “Don’t worry, practice makes perfect.” He had the nerve to wink at me!

  “That’s it!” I grinned, reaching under the covers and tickling him. He laughed loudly, doing everything to contort himself out of my grasp. That was all I wanted; seeing Casper smiling and happy. I would take great pleasure in worshipping these moments for as long as I lived.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Sex with Casper was my new drug; I couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Even if it was just watching a movie whilst Brian was at work, or when I was spending the weekend up at his place, I just had to graze my teeth down his neck to elicit soft groans from his pretty mouth. Although there was something I liked almost as much, if not more than having sex with Casper, and that was when Casper turned to me, his hand on my thigh, squeezing and rubbing and whispering in a soft voice, “Let me fuck you, Fletcher.”

  It had been at least two weeks since prom. We’d spent most of the following day keeping still so Casper didn’t strain himself too much, although his recovery was a lot quicker than our first time.

  The following weekend when we’d gone to his parent’s house, they’d gone out for the afternoon and we’d had the house to ourselves. After a mindless movie we ended up having hot, raw sex on his parents’ sofa. I don’t know how he’d gotten enough confidence to dominate me, pin me down before prepping me. It had taken my breath after so long having gone without. He fumbled a little before sheathing himself inside me. I told Casper to take his time and slowly but surely, we got there. It had been so hot; his teeth biting me, his hands pinning my shoulders down before moving to my throat and squeezing a little, his dick buried deep inside until my eyes rolled back in my head.

  It made me weak in the knees every time I thought back to that passionate afternoon.

  “Hey bed-head,” Casper’s husky voice drew my back to where I’d been lying on my back in our hotel bed, a few weeks later, an arm curled under my head and staring up at the ceiling. I grinned as he slid under the covers, the scent of toothpaste clinging to him as his cool skin brushed against mine. Shivering, I turned and scooped him into my arms.

  “You’ve been out of bed all of five minutes and you’re like an icicle,” I murmured.

  Casper snickered and hooked a leg over my waist, “Shut it, grumpy.” He nipped at my jaw. His fingers splayed over my chest and I felt my skin pebble with goosepimples. I hugged him closer. “So are you looking forward to enjoying life now that we’ll be having lots of holiday snaps to show off to everyone?”

  I gave him a lazy look before sighing contently, “It has been a lovely two weeks. I never thought I’d get out of England so soon … Especially not with someone as sexy as you.”

  Casper let out a throaty growl as he nipped at my earlobe. My hard-on press against the rough underside of the duvet. It made me ache. He trailed his fingers down the length of my stomach and plucked at the waistband of my shorts. “I hope you’re ready, Fletcher, I don’t plan on going easy on you this morning.”

  Rolling my eyes I chuckled as he tugged my boxers down. I let out a long groan as he slowly started to rub me up and down. My fingers tangled in the sheets. “What have you been up to this morning?” He cocked a dark eyebrow and, for some reason, the deadpan expression made me swell more, “Oh … that’s what you’ve been doing!”

  I gasped softly as he rubbed the sensitive spot. My mind was a blur of stars as I watched Casper go down on me, making me moan and squirm for more. I was sure I was going to explode as I watched him take his t-shirt and boxers off and climbing over to straddle me. My hard-on rubbed along the crevice of his arse and I was sure I wouldn’t last.

  “Wait! Don’t you have a condom?” I panted heavily, my mind screaming for me to go with the flow.

  Casper shook his head, “No; I don’t have anything, you don’t have anything, I say fuck me and be damned.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I panted as he worked himself wider with his fingers, the sight of him arching back and spreading himself so delicious it made me ache. His breathing was ragged as I sat up at an angle and watched as he grasped my dick and slowly guided me inside him. My head popped inside him first and I could do nothing but gasp as Casper eased himself down, slowly engulfing me.

  “Oh God!” I moaned. My body was already trembling. Casper’s jaw went slack as I slipped my hands over his buttocks, spreading him just a little more. His muscles clamped around me, my head resting against his chest as he started to move. Leaning back on one elbow, I gripped his arse in my other hand and started to thrust my hips. His thighs squeezed me as we rocked together.

  “Ah! –Deeper … I need to feel you deeper!”

  With an aggressive burst, he gripped my shoulders and threw me onto the mattress, grinding his hips in my lap, and growling loudly. The air escaped me as I watched him rolling his hips hard. My eyes rolled back in my head and I felt my body thrum with pleasure. I raked my nails down his body. He arched back and with both cried out. With a smirk, I tried to keep myself at that angle, rubbing h
is prostate until he arched back and let his body spasm with wave after wave of pleasure. He braced himself on both arms and breathing heavily as I slid in and out, the sound of skin-on-skin making me giddy as I dropped over the edge and came deep inside him.

  Casper groaned and squeezed his muscles tightly around me, encouraging me to finish. As soon as I was completely spent, I let out a giddy laugh as he grunted and crawled off me. This time it was Casper who grabbed his boxers and mopped us both up before clawing his shirt back on and sliding up beside me, throwing his naked leg over my waist. “I could ride you into oblivion one day, you know that?” he growled, his black nails trailing patterns over my chest.

  “Let’s work on building up our stamina first before you ride me into oblivion, eh?”

  He pouted, his dark fringe flopping into his eyes. I reached up and stroked it away. “Well we have a few more days where I can be as loud as I want … before we have to bury my face in the mattress.”

  “Oh quiet you, you know you like it rough,” I said as he cuddled up closer. “What do you fancy doing for the last few days, other than tons of super-hot amazing fuck-sessions with a sex-god?”

  “You can always join us if you like,” he grinned cheekily. I prodded his side and he squirmed a little. “I don’t know,” he finally sighed, “It’s just been so nice getting away from everything and … Well, I do like fucking you. Almost as much as I love having you inside me.”

  “Watch that tongue of yours, or I’ll have to put it to good use,” I warned.

  “What’s wrong with that? We have no obligations, right?”

  “True but we should think about actually going out in the next few days before we go back home.”

  He pouted childishly, “It’s hard. Everywhere we go makes me want to have sex with you more.”

  “Dear God I’ve created a monster!”

  Casper shoved me before laughing, “Alright fine, I get the hint. Let me shower, then we can head out, okay?”

  “Sounds good.”

  I grinned as he slid off the bed, walking a little awkwardly as he made his way to the en-suite bathroom. I was left to dress and propped some dark glasses on my nose. Glancing into the large mirror, I rummaged around in my carry-on bag for the leather bracelets I shared with Casper. I grabbed my phone and wallet before swiping my Polaroid camera and slinging it around my neck.

  As soon as the bathroom was free I ducked inside and freshened up whilst Casper got changed. Stepping out I felt my heart stutter in my chest at the sight of him. He styled his hair with wax and then grabbed his sunglasses.

  “Are you sure you won’t melt in that?” I asked with a grin as I plucked at the fabric of his shirt.

  He shrugged as he ran his hand through his hair. “Nope, I … I think I’ll be alright,” he gave me a lightly awkward smile. Making sure to grab our key-card we walked out of the hotel room and went out into the daylight.

  Spain was a beautiful place, even if the over-bearing heat meant that we kept to the shade for as long as possible. The amount of factor fifty we both wore was satisfying in the fact that we still got back to the hotel with a vague glow about us. Since we’d gone away –or even since we’d started having copious amounts of sex –Casper’s confidence had gradually grown to the point where he could walk in a public place holding my hand.

  We ate a late lunch in a café we’d frequented for most of the two weeks. As we sipped diet cokes from tall glasses in the shade of a large umbrella, I unsheathed my Polaroid camera and took a few sneaky shots as Casper looked across the street, the sun dappling patterns over his cheeks. He looked at me, a lazy smile on his face as he swirled his ice-cubes around.

  “Do you fancy having a walk along the beach?”

  “And get this shirt pattern sun-burned into my skin?” he asked, cocking a black eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not? How often do we ever get to go to the beach back home?” I realised what I’d said as soon as the words left my mouth. I shook my head, “Don’t say anything.”

  He snickered and tilted his head back and stretched so that his shirt rode up just a little bit. A pile of photos were slowly stacking up between our glasses. “You’re like a ninja with that thing,” Casper frowned over at me as he spun a coin on the table-top. “What’s with all the photos anyway?”

  Shrugging, I set the camera back down. “I just wanted to have some nice photos to show Brian and Katie when we get back this weekend.”

  “Does that include the naughty photos we took the other morning?” he wiggled his eyebrows at me. My stomach flipped at the memory.

  “No,” I finally grinned, “Those photos are just for me.”

  “You know, most men have a virtual wank-bank. You, for some reason, have a vintage one.” He took the camera from my hands and snapped a few shots of me, the Polaroid’s dropping into his lap.

  “Careful with that!”

  He rolled his eyes as he fanned each photo, making sure it got enough light to develop properly. Once they’d developed, he leafed through them before smiling and holding one over to show me. I held it by the edges, and smiled at the image of me with a far-away look on my face, the sunlight making a reddish halo around my head. “That’s how I see you,” he stated gently, leaning over the table so we could both look at the image. “Every day, without fail.” He took my free hand in his and squeezed, “I … I love you. I know I don’t say it nearly enough as I should but … I do. I love you, Avery.”

  Squeezing his hand, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, “I love you too. What’s brought this on?”

  “I’m not sure,” he smiled lazily as he looked out at the bright blue skies, the people dwindling in the searing heat. “Maybe it’s just that this is our first holiday, we’ve both come so far. Somehow I just don’t think it carries the same weight if I tell you when we get back home.”

  I gave a small smile, “I understand.”

  Following his gaze, I felt a calmness envelope me. “Come on you; let’s take the long way back to the hotel.”

  Casper grinned and let me pull him up. Instead of taking his hand away, he tentatively laced his fingers through mine. “Okay let’s go.”

  We moved our way through the narrow streets of cobbles roads before coming to a long strip of shops that overlooked the beach. The scenery was so calming that it was hard to believe we were actually going back to England for three weeks before going back on holiday again, this time with both our families.

  Casper had argued that neither of us had had our own holiday abroad before, and whilst his parents were a little anxious about us going on holiday alone for the first time, Camilla had actually stepped in and argued that it would do us both some good. That was the thing Casper and I truly loved about Camilla, she wasn’t just a nurse –she was our own personal Wonder Woman. Brian invited her over to share his legendary roasts. It was nice for the extra company now, considering that Katie still lived at home with mum and dad.

  A part of me couldn’t wait to get home, but then that meant I would have to wait until the weekends to see Casper. It was something I really didn’t like. A small part of me felt bad that Casper had splashed out for the holiday, a treat he claimed we both deserved. I did plan on paying him back … sort of. In my own little way.

  Wrapping an arm around his shoulders I pulled him against my chest as we walked along the promenade and pressed a kiss to his temple. He hummed into the touch and hugged my waist briefly before dropping his arm.

  That evening we went out to dinner at a nearby tapas restaurant, dressed in cool colours for a change, the balmy night air making my shirt stick to my skin. The drinks were cool and bubbled on my tongue, the atmosphere was lively and happy. We had a table outside under a canopy strung with lights. The sky was a cloudless and dotted with stars. As I sipped my drink, trying to cool the spiciness clinging to my tongue, I couldn’t help but muse at how far Casper and I had come in the last seven months; we wouldn’t be sitting there with one another in
Spain of all places if we hadn’t gotten paired up together for our music project.

  “Do you want to go for a walk along the promenade?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” he smiled. We stood up and made our way out of the restaurant, the monogrammed glasses clutched in our hands as we scurried past, trying to hide them from view. We made it down the end of the street before slowing down and laughing. My stomach hurt a little as I cuffed my eyes. “Oh God! At least we have another souvenir!”

  Casper shook his head, sipping the concoction of melting ice and coke through his straw, “Alright let’s go down to the promenade before their security guy figures out we took the glasses.”

  We hurried on down to the promenade, our gait slowing down a little as we heard the rush of the sea through the yellow-lit streets. I hummed, chewing my straw as I got back to thinking on how close Casper and I had gotten in such a short space of time. I laced our fingers together. He looked up at me, momentarily surprised, before strengthening his grip on my hand. “For what it’s worth, I’m really glad that Professor Grant sucks at grouping people together,” I grinned, tracing patterns over his knuckles.

  Casper rolled his eyes, “I’m sort of glad he grouped me with you.”

  “Oh? Why’s that then?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow. “OTHER than the obvious reasons.”

  “Well, obvious reasons aside,” he smirked, “It gave me a reason to come into lectures every week.”

  “You flatterer.”

  “Oh, I’m serious. You do remember the start of the year, right? I barely wore enough layers, bandages up and down my arms, and a severe attitude problem?”

  “So what’s changed?” I teased.

  “You’re so witty,” he remarked dryly. “I mean it though. Even Camilla commented on it. She said there must be something that’s changed in my life because I seemed to be getting better.”


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