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Princess Daphne and the Child Stone

Page 4

by Dave Kirk

  Sonya crouched. "Easy little one. All will be fine. No harm will come to you." She stared at the matron meaningfully. Sonya rose and spoke to the woman too quietly for Daphne to hear. The woman was taken aback. "Near the kitchens? A filthy drudge? Milady. Are you ...sure?"

  "Female mind." Sonya got a nod. "They ARE the youngest servants in most castles."

  Their hands touched and there was a clink of coins. Daphne was nudged forward. Mystified and with much misgivings she was guided away.


  Soon, she was in a cool sunlit courtyard with a raised herb garden. Daphne brightened as she saw the wealth of plants. She knew them from Sonya's descriptions! Most every variety of herb was represented, except ...henbane. She went on tiptoe to view better.

  "Those belong to the castle. Don't even think about picking pretty flowers. Hear me GIRL!"

  "Yes Mam." Daphne chirped and quickly put her outstretched hand behind her back.

  "Good. Now stay away from the gardens, far away from that well too, understood! You will have someone to keep you company ELLEN!" The woman then bellowed anew into the scullery door, and soon a skinny, gangly girl-child hurried out. Matron admonished Daphne a final time. "STAY here. No well. No garden. YOU, see she is safe."

  "Yes. Mum." The girl nodded turned to Daphne. "Och! Such finery. ...Same colours as dat new royal?" Ellen seemed puzzled. She was leading Daphne to the stone border of the raised garden and helped her sit on it. Ellen had stood taller than Daphne, but now Ellen sat on an overturned bucket putting them face to face. Daphne felt herself relax facing a near equal at last.

  "I ...belong to the new royal. Princess Daphne of Tobermoor." It felt odd to say belong to, but that was what servants said. Finery? Daphne looked at Ellen with new eyes. Course patched fabric peeked round the ragged edges of her smock. Her hands and bare feet were filthy and calloused. Livery in Royal colours with thong sandals was high fashion by comparison.

  Ellen shrugged. "Don look like no Tobermoor. They gots like, dark hair. Don they?"

  "Do too have dark hair!" Daphne felt offended.

  Ellen got a dipper of water. In the rippling surface of the water was a blonde!

  Daphne fingered her short hair trying find a way to look at it directly. "Can't see it. Ow!" There was a sharp pain at the nape of her neck.

  Ellen was holding a small lock of hair she had yanked. "See squirt? ..Huh? Dark roots?"

  "She... she dyed my hair?" Daphne suddenly realized why Sonya had enjoyed shampooing her little one so much. Private joke indeed. "Why?" She felt betrayed, her eyes welled up.

  Ellen sat beside Daphne to put a comforting arm around the distraught child. "She? Oh! Dat new royal. Who kin say why dey do anytin. Stupid royals, always giv'n orders and playing around. Just fancied using hair dye be-like. Not like ya be noble, jus a workin girl lik me." Ellen shrugged. "Priest says I be seven, so I kin work. How old be ya squirt?"

  Daphne shrugged. "Younger than you? Six maybe four." She held up fingers to illustrate.

  Ellen's eyes widened. "Ya kin count? Why here, not wit her?"

  "Uh huh. Read and write too." Ellen was agape, Daphne knew she had over stepped. She decided to dumb herself down. "Uh ...a little. She arranged this kinda."

  They talked for a long time, Ellen asked about Tobermoor but grew increasing puzzled at Daphne's descriptions. It seemed the view from the upper end of the social ladder was an alien world to the young trainee drudge. When Ellen asked for specifics like privileges, taxes, or eating / sleeping / living conditions for servants Daphne did not know anything of value. "Eh, jes a kid, lik me." Ellen pronounced sagely.

  Not a kid, just ignorant. She sighed. Before this, it had not occurred to Daphne that servants ate or slept.

  Then Daphne asked about Galt. Ellen tried, but her poor grammar and use of local slang made the descriptions hard to follow. What references she made of nobles made Daphne uncomfortable at how selfish they were and how cruel they all seemed towards servants. Much of that selfishness easily applied to herself. Daphne wanted distraction and kept glancing at the herb garden behind them until Ellen asked why.

  "Want henbane from the herb garden. Don't see any." Daphne realized her mind held an image of sunlight glistening off dew on henbane's arrow head shaped dark green leaves as the vine grew within a hedge. But she had never seen any? Ever? If Sonya had found any to show her she wouldn't be currently in need of it, so how did she remember it? She was puzzled at this for only a moment however.

  Ellen had paled, spoke heatedly. "Squirt. Ya won't see DAT here. King burn folk for henbane. Henbane be witchcraft. Some scum tricked ya ta ask fer that. If ya knew, ya wouldn't be asking open like. NEVER ask for henbane agin. Or dey burn ya." Ellen spoke solemnly.

  Daphne nodded, suddenly wide eyed. Sonya was the scum who had tricked her!

  Just then, a woman shouldered aside the scullery door. She carried a tub with a sack of turnips peeking out. A warm zephyr of cooking aromas drifted past her. She looked up and bellowed back inside. "Cook Appleby! Found her! Ellen's out here woolgathering."

  "In for it. Knew twas was too good to be." Muttered Ellen worriedly looking at her feet.

  "I talk. OK. You here cause of me. Be fine." Daphne spoke quietly, startling Ellen.

  Appleby was a rotund florid grey haired woman. She stomped straight over to Ellen. "YOU! Find ya here just sitting on your lazy arse when the palace has guests and we have a formal dinner to prepare! Y’all find it hard to sit afore I be done wit ya...."

  "Don't hurt her! Please Mam. No!" Daphne shouted for attention then shrank back.

  "Ello. What's this?" Appleby noticed the child and stared at Daphne's livery. "Upstairs finery? ...Tobermoor. Hells Bells! What ya doing HERE ...of all places?" She calmed and spoke quietly to the frightened face. "Speak child. Won't bite ya."

  Daphne mindful of Ellen, swallowed her fear. She blurted out a simple version of her story. "Princess Daphne is being presented Mam. Lord Chamberlain thought I be, was in the way. Wanted a maid to watch me. ...Mistress bribed the head matron to send me here and wanted a drudge to watch me." She pointed. "Not her fault! Ellen only obeyed, been nice. Helped me."

  "Helped ya child?" She looked to Ellen.

  "Something funny Mam. Ya heard her. Talks all posh like, bin educated. Her royal disguises her..." Ellen cut off as the cook suddenly became grim.

  "Mountain upper crust accent." Appleby took Daphne's hands to examine closely. "Clean. Soft. These ain't carried a bucket, or a broom much. Hm." She tilted Daphne's head forward. "Sunburn... neck didn't see much sunlight afore this week. Hair's been cut, less'n a week now."

  "Dyed too. Mam." Ellen held out the lock of hair. Appleby raised an eyebrow.

  "How ...old be ya child?" Daphne shrugged. "Open ya mouth. Wider. Be not y’all fifth spring if ah be judge. Mayhap ya third. Might explain ya hands?" The cook seemed unconvinced.

  "Royals kidnap each others kin all da time Mam! Ma Gran tells..."

  The cook rounded on Ellen. She whispered intensely. "Ya gran er tell ya whut happens to them whut finds out!" She drew a finger across her throat. "This be beyond ya place! Far beyond. Keep ya hole shut. For-git ya ever met her. Help Koche peal turnips. Upon ya LIFE, SAY NOTHING ta her er nobody. Go!"

  She blew out heavily. "Pity, ya be a comely child, quite bright too, if'n I be judge. Come. I'll take ya upstairs ta the high ranks, where ya belong. Sort this out. I be madame Appleby, Chief cook ."

  "Yes mum. Pleased to meet you." Daphne smiled filled with hope. "My real name..."

  "Is likely beyond MY place ta know tyke. Not another word. Upon MY life."

  Chapter 08: The stone revealed.

  The way to the main hall was a maze of cramped service corridors. Daphne knew that servants had always appeared within moments at her least summons but were otherwise invisible. She had never seen any servants rushing down the halls of the castle in Tobermoor. They, just were, when
required and weren't the rest of the time. She had never even wondered about it, it just was. Now she saw how the trick was done. The servants lived, moved and worked in a different world, unseen by nobles.

  They peeked out into the main hall only to see the presentation committee disappear down a secondary corridor into a side room. Appleby helped Daphne onto a nearby hall chair. "Wait here." She went to accost a downstairs maid to deliver her note.

  Daphne heard familiar voices. Curious, she tiptoed over to the door and peeked inside.

  Sonya stood beside the princess portrait that had been sent as part of the wedding negotiations. "Nothing for it. It won't do!" Adult Sonya's voice penetrated the room in the same demanding manner that little Sonya had spoken with in Tobermoor. Blank faced people fell silent as just as they had in her father's court at the beginning of this nightmare!

  The lucky stone between her breasts glowed brightly, right through her dress. This time there were more than sparkles. Bands of light poured forth in response to her arm gestures, going to each one present. Silence grew. They all began nodding in mute agreement. Including the lord Chamberlain! The bands of light ceased as a sweaty Sonya relaxed panting. All before her seemed entranced.

  Entranced? No enchanted! Magic! Daphne froze. It was that stone! Always that stone?

  Chamberlain Scurryfunge recovered first. "Cover that up. It must be touched up or redone. Milady will sit for a painter starting after lunch tomorrow. These things are sent to try one."

  Daphne felt a cold lump grow in her gut, her thoughts were racing. "The stone isn't lucky, it bewitches. Sonya is a witch! She used that stone to become my servant ...and now me. Her nervous twitching back home... She bewitched father! No one here will believe me, she is seeing to that. She wants me to have hope, to keep me quiet and cooperative. She never wanted henbane ...she ...wanted me to ask..." Horrified, Daphne retreated only to loudly bump into the open door closing it behind her with a boom.

  Sonya crouched arms wide. "Little one!" The stone glowed faintly but no lights happened.

  Daphne suddenly found herself running to Sonya, joy bubbling forth as giggles. As she embraced, receiving kisses, the joy was slowly undermined by dread. She realized. Sonya bewitches me the most of all.

  "My treasure. I'll never let you out of my sight again." Sonya held her tight.

  Daphne began to squirm, she still felt joy but knew it was false. She looked up to Scurryfunge for help, but he was reading a note with a maid attending close by.

  Scurryfunge frowned. "Milady, your presence is required out in the hall. Bring the child. Head Matron, you as well, please, come."

  Sonya smiled. "Don't worry little one and keep quiet. We are together, all will be well." As she was carried out, Daphne felt her protests die in her throat.

  Outside, madame Appleby waited, wringing her hands. When she spotted Daphne, she exhaled relaxing somewhat. She bowed her head before the Lord Chamberlain. "Thank-you for coming milord."

  Scurryfunge spoke sternly. "Your note says the waif was brought to the herbarium? A drudge designated to matron the waif.?” He squinted at the note. “Ellen? One of our youngest drudges! And that this drudge was appropriated without consulting you? These are serious matters." He cast a dark look at the head Matron. "What say you, did I not ask that the waif go to the rose garden? Hm?"

  "Yes milord. But..."

  "ET. Did you or did you not take a bribe to disobey my QUITE, specific orders?"

  "Milord I, I saw no harm..." The matron was panic stricken.

  "No harm." Scurryfunge scowled. "No harm. The castle depends on that herbarium! The late queen spent years acquiring the bulk of rarer cuttings and plants we all enjoy. To let an infant loose near it. ...guarded by yet another infant! I may find cause for you to tend it awhile, if you are that lucky. For now, give back the coins. Then leave my sight!"

  The matron seemed to be crying as coins clinked.

  He rounded on Sonya. "Now you. I do not know how things are done in Tobermoor. Here, one does not bribe. And children are not apprenticed as servants before they are seven. Your ‘little one' cannot join our household."

  "She must. I am her sole guardian. Milord, my captain rescued Sonya from a group bent on usurping the Tobermoor throne. Their leader, a witch, had taken this little one's family from her. By foul murder. She has no one now. I owe her family a debt..." The stone glowed very brightly now!

  Daphne saw Scurryfunge's stern countenance softening. Swiftly she reached deep into Sonya's bodice and pulled out the stone between the fleshy breasts. "Milord! Beware! She is a witch! This stone is magic, she bewitches you with it even now! It is the only thing that can turn me back into a princess. So I may do my duty and marry prince Adam."

  Scurryfunge blinked then demanded. "What? Magic stone? Lady Daphne explain!"

  Sonya warded off the question with her free hand. "Milord, one question, and things may be clearer." She spoke to Daphne. "Little one, you claim to be the intended of the crown prince. What story did I tell you last night?"

  The question so surprised Daphne that she answered without thinking. "Cinderella same as every ...night." Too late she realized her mistake.

  Sonya beamed a smile. "My lord Chamberlain, are you familiar with the tale?"

  "Yessss, I begin to see. Drudge marries a prince by magic, becomes a princess." The chamberlain nodded. "Often in the retelling? ...Hm, I see."

  Daphne shouted, angry that her story was dismissed as a fairy tale. "No! No! It is the stone! Stop her!" There was a change in her hand. The black smooth stone began to feel warm, then glowed! "See! It glows! Mag-ic." She pronounced excited. The stone's angry glow softened, it began to give off small coloured sparkles that slowly cascaded from Daphne's hand like a rainbow waterfall. Daphne triumphantly held it up to the adults, but the Chamberlain looked down indifferently.

  The only one who was open-mouthed with shock was Sonya? The adults slowly began to look ...different. Daphne could see moving colours inside her arm and inside each of the bodies before her. Then, there was a growing roar that wasn't sound... Startled, she let go of the stone looking at it fearfully. The glow faded as the stone swung freely on its thong.

  "I see. May I?" Sonya took the thong over her head for Scurryfunge to hold the stone. "It doesn't glow, merely reflects light on its facets. Fool a child." The stone's glow was gone, leaving it a smooth shiny black rock. He gave it back. "Your young lady needs to learn to not interrupt her betters." He glared at Daphne. "Particularly with fairy tales!"

  Daphne had huddled to Sonya's bosom at his anger. He saw nothing? Why didn't it react for him? As Sonya put the thong back over her head, Daphne reached for it.

  Sonya rapped Daphne's wrist and tucked the stone away. "That will be enough of THAT little one. We will talk, ...later. Now hush, adults are talking. ET. Hush." Sonya fingered Daphne's jaw closed, and looked to the Chamberlain. "Milord, I beg do not take offence, she doesn't understand. I WILL talk with her. My fault. All my fault." She shook her head sadly.

  Daphne almost spoke out again but looked at the disapproving adults and pouted in defeat.

  "As long as milady learns from this." Scurryfunge nodded. "Do not bribe again!"

  "Of course not milord." Sonya seemed smug but winced. "My headache grows, with your leave I will retire to my room and bathe. My little one also needs to eat and nap."

  Daphne started to object to this but stern looks from all the adults silenced her. She was handed to the maid who had carried the message. Daphne then noticed the sweat on Sonya and her grimace. Stone magic seems to hurt her somehow... Just like when we danced! She got so sick then.

  "The maid shall escort you and see to your needs milady." Scurryfunge seemed bemused then blinked several times as if trying to gather his thoughts. "Just remember milady. You are scheduled to see the bishop by three for instruction on the duties of a wife and mother."

  "Of course milord. I look forward
to meeting his grace." Sonya curtsied.

  Sonya paused before madame Appleby. "She seemed so lonely! I had only wished for her to meet one near her own age for her comfort. We will talk later to clear up you other concerns. Oh! I wanted to ask about my little one's meals too. You should go now, you have a formal dinner to supervise. That is my fault too."

  Appleby smiled weakly at the joke then blinked and went blank-faced, as the stone glowed anew.

  Again Daphne watched the stone work on the cook who left bemused. As she was carried upstairs, she wondered. Why was she the only one who saw?

  Chapter 09: You are mine.

  In the bride's chamber, the maid set Daphne down and offered to draw a bath. She pointed to an ornate oval shaped copper tub. A tray with delicacies had been set beside it.

  Daphne escaped and fled to the far corner of the room. She stood before the tilted vanity mirror. The small travelling hand mirror was merely unnerving, this fuller view was a shock. Like Sonya, she too looked nothing like the adult princess Daphne portrait downstairs. Her head was wreathed in blonde curls.

  The rest of her was equally startling. A large head on a small body with short arms and legs. The round face had dimpled baby fat cheeks with huge eyes with an upturned nose. The receding dimpled chin was topped with a tiny cupid's bow mouth. She looked like a toddler! Much younger looking than little Sonya had been. It wasn't fair!

  The maid had barked an order, but Daphne stood transfixed before the mirror, mouth agape. When Daphne just stood there, the maid stomped over. She grabbed Daphne's dress roughly, causing Daphne to surprise all present with a very childish scream.

  Sonya, who had been inspecting the delicacies, looked up angrily. "Hold! The little one is MY servant! None but me may touch her by royal writ. The chamberlain WILL hear of this. I will see she is washed and clean. YOU will never step in this room again. EVER! Now, GET OUT! I have a little one to comfort."

  The maid rushed out.

  Daphne ran to Sonya's arms to be picked up and cuddled. "Sorry mum. Didn't think I would ever, I just, I, I just, I, I, I" Daphne began to talk faster and faster.

  Sonya sat, put a finger to Daphne's mouth silencing her hysteria. "Sssh. Easy, easy, calm down. You just have never been threatened like that before. Never happens to the high born. Don't worry about the maids, had to make an issue of your, treatment. Better sooner than later, see how well that writ works."


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