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Princess Daphne and the Child Stone

Page 5

by Dave Kirk

  Sonya's face softened as she spoke gently. "Wanted to be alone with you anyway. We need to talk. How about, we nap, then bathe. After, I wash and comb your hair, then we talk and you can do my hair? Always made you smile before?"

  "Nap! No!" Daphne looked cross. "You dye my hair." She began to struggle against the arms cuddling her, but they held her fast.

  "Oh! You noticed. You don't like the colour? I can adjust that. Makes you like all the other children here." Sonya looked down smirking, her voice mocking. "Something you want to say before nap-time, my little one?"

  "Not your little one. I am a royal princess!"

  "Ah, but you ARE mine. Captain's papers say, I am YOUR guardian. You are my fosterling, the orphaned offspring of common folk. Some-one is getting cran-ky, needs her nap."

  "Nap! No!" Daphne wriggled harder. "Not a baby you put to bed!"

  "Yes you ARE." Sonya bared Daphne's bum and put her on the chamber pot. "Go po-po."

  Daphne blushed, as she felt herself going, at this sing-song signal, out of a week long habit.

  "So glad to help you for po-po or your nap. Oh! Until I say otherwise, I require you to always need assistance for pee-pee. Always. If you ever fail to ask... Well..." She paused dramatically. "Diapers." She paused again. "...For a month."


  "Uh-huh. Or longer, if you soil any. Always ask me for help. Until I say otherwise. I will know if you don't. If I'm busy I can order a maid to do it." Her wicked smile spoke volumes as she said. "Don't worry, glad to do it."

  Daphne envisioned strangers undressing ...touching her. "Not fair."

  "Hey. Don't feel bad, I'll let you do this by yourself, one day. When you are a BIG girl. Grow up so fast. Some of us faster than others." Chuckling Sonya wiped Daphne's bottom with cold water and dried it, sparing as little dignity as possible. Then. "Straighten out that livery, you serve a princess!" She mocked, her nose in the air as she tidied the dress knocking away Daphne's hands. "Wash." Daphne was plunked by the wash basin.

  Scowling, Daphne did so. She turned to find the adult holding out her hands.

  "Oh! Your angry face is just so adorable!" Sonya gushed. "Now show me how clean you are." Her fingers wriggled expectantly.

  "NO!" Daphne put hands behind her back.

  A hand swooped down and firmly struck cloth over a tiny bottom making more sound than hurt. Then smoothly took the hands of the startled child round front again. She made a big pretence of inspecting them. "Clean enough ...for now. MY you ARE cranky. You WILL nap."


  "YES!" A large bath sheet was flourished like a bullfighter's cape to wrap around and around her. Sonya scooped the child up bath sheet and all. Daphne struggled, but the sheet was wrapped snugly, pinning her arms and legs! She could barely move! Daphne looked up very angrily causing Sonya to laugh out loud at her impotence.

  "So adorable." Sonya sat on the bed with her burden. "Little one, no more frowns. Story time."

  Sonya paid no heed to protests as she again told the story of Cinderella. It was swiftly told and much abridged taking only minutes to reach "lived happily ever after." Even so, by then, the fight had gone out of Daphne. Being held felt good, she felt sleepy, warm, and safe. It no longer mattered that it was the witch Sonya who held her. Her entranced, calm face was a study in innocence and trust.

  Sonya positively beamed a smile down, her voice honey sweet. "There. All done. Story time always makes you feel calm. Always, ever help-ful. Safe, and loved. YOU talk now. The Bishop. How does a princess greet his grace? With a curtsy? Start with how one should dress." Sonya spoke softly and rocked gently.

  Daphne felt sleepy, detached, she began answering all Sonya's questions.

  Chapter 10: The secret of the stone.

  Later, Daphne woke to the sound of water being poured into the tub. She started to rise then noticed she was naked! She pulled the bed sheet to her tightly. The horizons of the immense bed stretched to bed curtains in all directions. She crept to the canopy and peeked out.

  "Oh good. You're awake little one. Slept quite a while there. You bathe next. For now, Marie get her nightshirt so she may join us and eat." Sonya sat in the tub pointing the maid to the bed.

  The maid approached the bed with the nightshirt. Daphne shrank back, then cautiously reached for the cloth. The maid looked ready to part the curtains and force the issue when Sonya cried out. "Hold! Let her dress herself. Poor thing is fearful of maids right now."

  "Very good milady."

  The shirt was carefully placed past the bed-curtains onto the bed. Daphne pulled it on under the covers. She climbed off the bed and tentatively edged toward the food. It had been hours since the box lunch in the carriage, she was very hungry.

  Sonya spoke gently. "Come little one, we are waiting. Come closer. She won't bite."

  Daphne crept closer, then panicked, when the maid moved to offer the tray of food. She ran to hide behind Sonya in the tub. Sonya laughing patted her on the head leaving suds to drip down her face. "Its OK. Now show Marie what a big brave girl you are and get yourself a pastry. One big one for being a BIG girl. Please, for me?" Her other hand warded the maid from moving.

  Daphne cast a venomous look at Sonya making her laugh again. Then she swallowed and forced herself to walk to Marie. Her eyes never left the maid's face as she reached for the tray.

  Marie seemed large, like everyone else, but now Daphne noticed how small she actually was. Marie was thin, short and flat chested, an early teenager. Daphne hazarded a smile and took a flaky confection in both hands. "Hi." She spoke shyly.

  "Hi, little one. I'm Marie, I'm twelve. You are?"

  Daphne felt overwhelmed. She just stared up, wide eyed.

  "She will be three next month. Hm. I shall conspire a birthday party with Madame Appleby."

  "Oh milady, I see. A BIG girl." She smiled warmly. Setting the tray on an end table. "Here you go. Try the cheese." She turned away. "Shall I scrub your back milady?"

  "Am too a big girl." Daphne muttered. The maid was just a kid and nice, no reason to be afraid of her, she scolded herself. Holding the pastry like a shield before her she sidled up to the girl to say. "I'm sorry Mam, you're nice." Then dashed back to the tray.

  "Mam? Who..." The maid froze, glanced at Daphne smiling. "Forgive me milady, just that, your little on is SO adorable, if I may say so."

  "You may. I should have a private talk with her now. Leave us. I shall bathe her."

  Marie looked scandalized. “In the same bath milady?”

  “Yes, I share everything with my little one.”

  "Very good milady. Just ring when you need clean up." She curtsied and left.


  "Eat and think about what you just learned child. You were frightened, and ran to me. Don't worry, IT is up in the jewel box."

  Daphne went up on tiptoe to view Sonya better, the stone was absent! That was her own fear a moment ago, not magic. She had really hid behind the witch to avoid a twelve year old?

  Sonya smiled hugely and began moving a large sea sponge up and down her upraised soapy leg. "In a crisis you went to the protector you trusted. Just like any small child. Just as you did before Scurryfunge, our guards and now, with the maids. You think as a child now. A very small, very dependant, little one. Mind, you weren't a very mature adult. Heard you. Insolent to your father, known for your tantrums... We strive for better this time. Hm?"

  This time? Daphne was creeping toward the exit, munching absently on the pastry. Would she be scared of the guards now too? The hall door handle pulled down but did not unlatch.

  Sonya spoke without looking her way. "Always lock us in child. Come over here and talk to older wiser me." Daphne looked at her sharply. "Yes, little one. Older, wiser, than you, but then, who isn't."

  Daphne approached but stayed out of arm's reach. "You did this. Planned this. Planned my death today too." She tried to avoid her angry ‘cute' face but fro
m Sonya's smile she failed.

  "Planned your death? Ooh right! Well, little me did. I WAS a vindictive snot two weeks ago. Today, I realized how much I care for you. You're so helpless. I will protect you from now on. Princess promise."

  “Not a princess.” Daphne spoke crossly. "Why aren't I at a nunnery? And safe from YOU." She didn't like being dismissed as a threat to Sonya's ambitions.

  "Nunnery? Oh! The Captain's idea. No, wouldn't do at all. Not for YOU. I need to know, to control your fate. This, my lit-tle servant, this is so perfect a revenge. Control you utterly. The last descendant of Tombore is MY personal slave."

  "Slave! But..."

  "Unpaid servant, same thing. You just can't get wages until you are at least seven. Years yet. For now, I command your every waking moment. When you arise, go to bed, or," she giggled pointing to the pot, "even the chamber pot."

  Daphne blushed. Part of her wondered why would a toddler want revenge? What did her great-grandfather have to do with anything? Not important. "You said I'm three?"

  "Not quite. Three was my age. Was. You won't be three until I say. Could tell folk you are not quite two. You are so tiny! Ah, your angry face, makes me smile."

  "Can't work till I'm seven. Why keep me?"

  "Ooh, but you CAN work, lots you can do without pay. Ways of being humbled for my amusement. Ah, the possibilities. Want you around, if only as a victory trophy, I suppose. There were so many chances to abandon you or let you die, ...just couldn't. You are so small and helpless. Far too cute to hurt."

  "Not cute." She hated being small or called cute. Daphne felt a tantrum brewing.

  "But you ARE cute." Sonya giggled then hardened. "Do not repeat today's stunt. I will not be pleased." She shrugged. "It would be the same as today, no one will understand. I ‘nudged' the chamberlain to tell all his staff of our ‘fairy tale' today. Tell any servants I'm an evil witch and they likely will be amused. I will NOT be!"

  "You wanted me to ask for henbane. Henbane is for WITCHES, to be burnt like YOU will be!" Daphne became shrill. "You ARE a witch and a LIAR!"

  With an enormous sloshing of water Sonya rose out of the bath to loom naked and dripping over Daphne. She grabbed nightshirt raised it along with one of Daphne's arms till the child was pulled to her tiptoes. Then a wet hand descended to slap a tiny bare bottom painfully hard. "You will NEVER call me a witch again. EVER!" She thundered as the child wailed.

  Daphne cried hysterically, and Sonya knelt to hold her.

  They rocked as Sonya murmured comfortingly. "Easy, easy little one. You were bad, but I still love you." Over and over again until the sobbing lessened and ceased. "Better. Now, will you call me bad names EVER again?"

  "N-n-no." Daphne sniffled quietly, warily watching Sonya's hand.

  "No, mistress. Say it now." Her hand dropped but the voice was quietly threatening.

  Daphne felt fresh tears forming. "N-no m-mis-tress." She sobbed feeling broken inside.

  "Better. Sigh. Think you should call me mistress from now on. Arms UP!" She pulled off Daphne's wet nightshirt leaving the child naked. She held Daphne on the pot. "Go Pee-pee. Good." After wiping cold water over the child's face and bottom Sonya stood her on the vanity.

  Long fingered hands touched across a flat bare chest as Sonya held her fast. Daphne was turned to face the mirror. Even standing upright on the vanity, Sonya towered head and shoulders above her. The edges of mature wide adult hips and chest, on display behind her, were in sharp contrast to Daphne's hairless, skinny, immature body. "This, is the new you. Get used to it."

  Daphne then saw Sonya nod meaningfully, and felt her squeeze until she nodded in return.

  "You have lost, everything. None, but me, can reverse this. You are, you WILL remain, a small, fearful, impotent, lowborn, ...child. Ha! An orphaned infant growing up under MY charity."

  Growing up? Charity? The true horror of her entrapment began to dawn on Daphne, she muttered. “I'll run away.”

  “No you won't.” Sonya continued. "Ha. If we are separated, all will return you to ME. Your mum.”

  “Not my mum. ...mis-tress.” Daphne sniffled as tears flowed.

  “Actually, I am, earlier, Lord Chamberlain Scurryfunge made an issue that by Galt law I was not legally obligated for your care. He would send you away. So, I had a court scribe draw us up adoption papers. Filed them with the bishop. You are now, and forever, my fosterling. I am, well, not quite your mum, I am officially your sole legal family. I WILL protect you. Deep down you have known I will. You keep running to me despite everything. Trust me, I will never fail to protect you. No one else will understand your problems. No one out there has believed you. Nor will they. So far, besides me, only you have the sight." Sonya smiled. "Now say yes mistress."

  "Yes mistress." Daphne sniffled, found curiosity penetrating her gloom. "The sight?"

  "Second-sight. You see the unseen, visions, lost items, ...suchlike. Other unknown things, like secrets, you just know. And like me, the stone reacts to your touch. Only you can tell when or how I work the stone." She leaned close, swinging the flat of her hand. "IF you tell, I spank. Hear!"

  "Yes mistress." Daphne chirped. Wait ...reacts? That's why the stone is locked away. Maybe she could be tricked. "How does the stone work? Holding it, I saw ...things."

  "Oh ho. Little one wants to learn the dark arts, grow up to be a witch! I'm telling." Sonya tittered at her humour. "Nope. You will not touch nor talk about using my stone again, ever."

  "Yes ...mistress." She sighed.

  "Very good. Not to worry, I have become very fond of you. Also fond of treating you like the infant you are. Very fond of that! Now here is what frowning lit-tle girls get." Sonya began tickling until Daphne was rendered red faced and helpless.

  "Better. Your bath awaits. Now scoot, bathe, before I tickle you again. Scoot!" Sonya set the naked child down then admired herself before towelling down. "Five weeks till the wedding night. Then wow."

  Retreating, a humiliated Daphne calmed her breathing, and held her abused sides as she glanced over her shoulder. She thinks she's won. I'll fix her, ...somehow. She headed for the tub.

  Sonya saw Daphne climbing into the tub. She spoke sharply. "ET. What DO we do?"

  Daphne sighed. Then touched her wrist to water. "Cool enough for ...children." Last time the ritual precaution seemed fun, now it was demeaning. She climbed in. "No hair dye."

  "No hair dye... what." Sonya sternly admonished as she put on a robe.

  "Mistress. No hair dye. Please mistress." Daphne watched as Sonya smiled pleasantly.

  "Better. OK, since you say please." At the startled look Sonya chuckled. "Today. Hair dye is only needed once a week after all."

  Daphne crossed her arms making a small splash. Sonya chuckled.

  "Your hair grows so fast. Faster than you know... Be able to style it soon. Make you look SO grown up! Ah, an even cuter angry face. Hm. You talk older than most toddlers. Cause talk. What to do... What to do... I know! Get a tutor for my bright lit-tle one. Yes, explain your vocabulary, that would do. A ‘good' tutor."

  Daphne frowned. Sonya's smile said that good did not mean nice.

  Sonya knelt, and applied shampoo as she worked it in she conversed amiably. "No fun being the princess today anyway. The court physician examined me! Ugh. Co-old hands. Declared me both healthy and a fertile virgin. They treat me less like a bride and more like a prize mare for their royal stables. You ARE a virgin right? Don't answer, you are NOW. Then courtiers asked endless questions about my personal habits. Won't happen again."

  "Took away your stone before you could stop him?" Daphne grinned at the reluctant nod. The stone! Without it she is nothing! If I grab it, run, bury it, maybe drown it. If I'm stuck like this afterwards, well, so be it, guards give their lives for such things. "Doesn't always work. Does it? You tried on me in Tobermoor didn't you?"

  "Clever, for a royal, mind expect as much, from a witch."

nbsp; "Not a witch, you ...blub." At the outburst Sonya smoothly bent Daphne forward.

  "Under water to rinse. Oh, did you say something child? No matter. You are not the sort of witch the church finds, they are all fake. You are very rare and very real.”

  Daphne sputtered and coughed out water. “Real?”

  “Surprised you haven't developed your gift, at all. Talents of an infant. It is good you start over. Under my care, it will surely grow and develop." Daphne looked up suddenly hopeful. "Not to worry, I know more tricks. I will always be more powerful stone or no stone. Yes, made no egress into your mind until recently. Today, I found out why."

  "Why? Ow...." Sonya began scrubbing Daphne's neck and ears hard. "Why MIS-tress."

  "Hm better. Stone works differently, on witches. With the others I have to shoulder their thoughts aside and push my desires in. Painful and difficult that. Thirty-five people at once today. Never been so powerful." Sonya snickered. "Mind, having an eighteen year old mind and body helped, but they all expected to obey a royal anyway. Attitude is everything in magic. Pushing at them still hurt, but I did it!" She smiled. "Can't wait to sit in on treaty negotiations."

  Daphne quailed. She has plans for an empire. She had to be stopped. "Different? Mistress. Does it work on me at all?" Daphne knew it had, but also understood she was immune to the way it charmed the courtiers in both kingdoms. Maybe she could help others resist somehow.

  "I'll show you. When we are dressed for dinner." She grinned.


  Soon, they stood in front of the mirror. "You did up your vest all by yourself too. Such a big girl." She gushed then laughed at Daphne's reaction. "Now." The stone barely glowed.

  Daphne left to hand a beaker of red wine to Sonya's hand. "Here mistress."

  "Thank-you little one. What just happened?” Sonya sipped her drink smiling slyly.

  "You needed wine? So I poured..." Daphne blinked a few times. "Why would I..."

  "Why indeed? You felt I needed wine, that's all. The stone doesn't just work different on you. It works BETTER. Stronger. Deeper. Pushing at you, forcing you, you can ignore. However, pulling at you with a mild suggestions, works. Works even better if you are distracted first." Sonya chuckled. "Had to figure out why the stone worked so poorly, at first. Your illness gave opportunity to try things. Took days. Now, I know how."


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