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Generation 7

Page 29

by Ross Richdale

  He then looked at Tifru with watery brown eyes. Just the two of you, are there?

  He has a human friend and a girl. Won't go anywhere without them.

  No tricks! the male glowered.

  A human is hardly likely to be working for the police, is he? Tifru snorted. And why do you think he is so far south right at the ocean?

  True, came the grunted reply, but, it'll cost you.

  As I said, you can have the base and everything in it. We'll throw in our wagon and horses, too.

  Spinskin nodded. Horses were rare in Vybber and were preferred to the strong but slow krinton.

  Met me out the back here at six hundred hours tomorrow morning. It's a three hour journey inland. He reshuffled the cards and began to deal another round.

  We'll be there, Tifru whispered and gave Gordon a slight nod who, in turn, lifted an index finger to Nathan who was waiting at the bar in case things went wrong.

  It was zero two hundred hours, coffifake mugs and crumbs littered the tiny table as Pinin completed her story. Holly, Jaddig and Bikut, who had found them in the cafeteria, glanced at each other.

  So what happened? Bikut sipped the last drop of liquid out of her mug and sat it down.

  It was similar to your experience, Pinin added. Spinskin was true to his word and Gordon accessed Base Gamma. She gave a chuckle. The base computer tricked the gangster, though. After two hours, all the weapons they were given became inoperable. There was some self-destruct mechanism in them.

  My aunt managed to see me in the concubine, confessed she was my egg mother and told me to bring as many friends as possible and be in the courtyard the following afternoon at fifteen hundred hours. We were allowed outside for three hours in the afternoon. Plugu, Cnac and the others were with me. The Fan Warrior appeared and landed by us, we ran aboard and the craft took off. I was terrified.

  And the bullet holes? Jaddig asked.

  Pinin frowned. I'm not sure but I think Gordon and Nathan never realized the crucnon had guns. They only used crossbows themselves. We were shot at as we flew out over the wall, our FanWarrior blasted some ray thing back and the whole wall beneath us disintegrated. There was smoke and junk everywhere. I remember a terrible screaming noise when something hit a propeller and the computer shut the engine on that side down. It took us seven hours but we flew and picked up everyone waiting for us back at a rendezvous on the New Washington side of the New Columbia River and finally made it to this island.

  And what happened to everyone? Holly asked.

  Pinin gave a sad look. I never heard from my egg mother again so I guess she'll be long dead. The others are all here.

  Where? Bikut gasped.

  Syleb and Tifru are probably in the dormitory asleep. Gordon and Nathan are in suspended animation on Starship 43.

  Oh My God! Holly whispered. And to think this happened over eighty years ago.

  Yes, Pinin smiled. I worked out I must be a hundred and one.

  And have hardly any wrinkles, Jaddig added without even a smile.

  Pinin lifted her eyes to stare at Jaddig. What do you mean hardly any , Young Lady? she snorted. A few stretch marks perhaps, but...

  The lone DPF on guard at the door shook his head in wonder when the group suddenly burst into raucous laughter and were hugging each other with affection.

  And I thought they were only drinking coffifake, he muttered to himself. Women, no matter what species, are all alike and I'll never understand them.

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  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Morning arrived and, with it, the usual scrumptious breakfast provided in the cafeteria. Holly was on her second mug of coffifake when she heard a polite cough. Pinin was standing there with a shy grin spread across her face. A step behind were two crucnon, a young female of high school age and a middle age male.

  Holly, meet Syleb and Tifru, Pinin said in a proud voice.

  Holly stood, stepped forward and gave the pair an embrace. Join me for breakfast, she said. I heard all about your journey across Vybber.

  Tifru nodded and slid into the bench. I hear the place is all cars and combos, electricity and other modern conveniences now. It won't be the same, somehow. He grinned at Pinin. I beat she exaggerated everything, too.

  I did not, Pinin snorted. Most of the story was what you told me, anyway.

  We all played our part, Syleb added. She had enormous blue eyes that sparkled when she spoke. In many ways, It's a pity we left Delpe. Earth was awful, you know ... polluted, overcrowded. We were tolerated but not really made welcome. She grimaced and faced Holly across the table. The rumor is going around that we're partly human. Is it true?

  Yes, Holly answered. It was one of the facts made into a secret during your time. When they decided to separate the species they also suppressed much of the history and scientific achievements brought by the original ancestors.

  Tifru shrugged. Even in our day we were told nothing. The bases were secret; we didn't have electricity... he shrugged. So what happens now?

  We want to bring the hijackers down to stand trial. Afterwards, we're moving everyone home to New Washington where well get you all set up She gave a smile. We decided to leave the rest of the humans until afterwards. There are so many of them. However, if you wish we can wake Gordon and Nathan up.

  Will you? Syleb squealed in an excited voice. I'd like that! We went through so much together.

  Sure! Holly replied but what about the other humans aboard? Did you know many of them?

  No, Syleb replied. When we transferred to Starship 43 before it was hijacked, the settlers were already in suspended animation. They wouldn't even know about the hijackers, or us if it comes to that.

  When we arrived above Earth in Starship 7, a bit over eighty years had passed, Tifru added. We stayed on the planet six months before deciding we wanted to return here. If we used the old ship that would be another eighty-year journey. Starship 43 was originally going to take settlers to the Spectra 5 system but there is some sort of war going on so they agreed to come here. We were told if they found Delpe unsuitable there was another uninhabited planet they planned to travel on to. We gladly accepted a ride on the new ship.

  All of us, along with Gordon Nathan, the only humans who volunteered to return with us, arrived on Starship 43 and were preparing to go into suspended animation when the starship was boarded, Syleb added. I think Pinin and the others told you the rest of the story.

  Yes, Holly replied. I'm just so sorry about all the suffering you all went through.

  The hijackers stayed at sub-light speed so they could remain conscious. I think they wanted to plan what to do at this end when they woke up. I know they spent hours reprogramming the computer system. Tifru added. It was after about six weeks of suffering we were forced into the suspended animation chambers and the next thing we knew we were here, rescued by you wonderful people. He chuckled. Gordon and Nathan are going to be as surprised as we were.

  What say we take the shuttle up to Starship 43 and you can show us around? Holly continued.

  Syleb and Pinin glanced at each other. Is it really necessary? Pinin asked. I'm so scared that when we get there, something will happen and we'll never get back.

  It'll be safe, Holly reassured. The computer is under our control.

  I know but... Syleb's lip dropped. If you really want us, she whispered.

  Not at all, Holly answered. The pair appeared so threatened she felt annoyed with herself for making the suggestion. I understand.

  I'll come, Tifru offered but he also looked doubtful.

  Look, Holly said. I was curious, That's all. Doomwatch, That's the computer that runs the starship now, assured me robotic workers can do anything we wish so we don't need to have anyone aboard.

  In that case, don't risk going there, Tifru warned. There may be more in built computers or preprogrammed orders. We thought we were perfectly safe when, out of nowhere, the hijackers arrived. We were never told another shuttle had arrived. H
e stared at Holly. I wouldn't trust anybody on Earth, either. Something is wrong there.

  How do you mean?

  It's just the situation. It was almost like Vybber when we left. On the surface it seemed okay but there are big secrets we don't know about. Even some of the top officials were scared.

  But you trust us? Holly asked in a curt voice.

  You are just like Gordon and Nathan. I'd trust them with my life. So to answer your question and I'm sure the girls will agree, yes we trust you and hope the feeling is mutual.

  Yes, I do, Holly said softly but her lip dropped, but a horrible thought came to my mind.

  And what's that? Pinin asked.

  Those four thousand settlers on board. You said you never met them. How do we know whether to trust them or not? They could overwhelm us.

  Tifru nodded. Can I make a suggestion? he asked.

  Of course.

  Download their files and get your computer here to analyze them independent from the inboard computer. If in doubt, send the starship back to Earth with them aboard.

  Holly nodded. I'll need to discuss it with my colleagues but that sounds a very sensible idea. We're definitely bringing the hijackers down and putting them on trial. She smiled. Thanks all of you. It's given me plenty to ponder.

  Just one other small point, Pinin added and continued speaking after Holly nodded. One or two of the hijackers weren't too bad. The leaders seemed to have a strange control over the younger ones. Some were almost as frightened as we were.

  We will take everything into account, Holly said, and your own statements will be very important.

  After a busy day, it was late afternoon before Holly found time relax a little in the small quarters she shared with Graham.

  You know, she commented to her companion as she sat in front of a mirror brushing her hair. I can relate to all the new arrivals. Pinin, Syleb and even old Tifru are like Jaddig, Bikut, Snimel and Wunep. When we're talking I don't even notice they have four arms and, in their body suits I hardly realize they have no hair beneath.

  Yea, Graham replied. Old Tifru just acts like George.

  Holly nodded but still remained serious. What I mean, My Dear, is that I trust their opinions. I don't think anyone should go up to the starship, at least in the meanwhile.

  I was keen to have a peep around, Graham confessed with a shrug. All this advanced technology of our fellow humans fascinates me.

  Yes, Holly replied, but what are their motives? These settlers may be hardened criminals or renegades as far as we know. Even that president must have his own ulterior motives. Why would he really care about a handful of humans on the other side of the galaxy? Who can we trust?

  Our friends with the redundant arms, Graham smiled as he slipped his own around the red head and ran his chin across her face.

  Graham! snapped Holly. Don't be racist. However, she gazed into his eyes and responded when he reached forward to kiss her. So nobody is to go to the starship until we find out more. Okay!

  Okay! Graham responded but he'd almost forgotten the conversation as he had more immediate thoughts on his mind.

  Holly noticed and retreated a step. Graham! she retorted with a flash in her eyes. Not now? It's still daytime. Someone may walk in.

  Lock the door, Graham laughed and grabbed the woman he loved back into his arms. This time, though, she did not step back.

  The next morning was another hot tropical day, perfect for crucnon but a little too hot outside for humans who preferred the air-conditioned hangers. After speaking to her mother back in New Washington, Holly asked Doomwatch to prepare the human hijackers as well as Gordon, Nathan for the journey down to the surface.

  You don't want the new migrants? Doomwatch asked in the usual neutral voice.

  No, you reported they are safe being kept in suspended animation in the mean time.

  That is true, the computer replied. If you can clear the personnel from the launch zone, I'll prepare the shuttle for the launch.

  One other request, Holly slipped in. I wish to view the settlers in their suspended animation chambers. Can you bring a view up on the monitor.

  I can show you the hijackers, the computer replied and the floating cylinders appeared on the monitor in front of Holly. It zoomed in to one to show a human girl asleep inside, before moving on to show close up views of four other humans.

  Good, replied Holly. They look healthy. Now I'd like to see the original passengers on Starship 43.

  That is not possible, Doomwatch replied.

  Holly frowned and a spasm of apprehension flooded her body. Why? she asked.

  Their chambers do not have a transparent top so cannot be inspected without opening. This would be unwise until the life form is awoken.

  I see, Holly shrugged and attempted to remain lighthearted. It doesn't really matter. When can the humans I asked for be back at Base Alpha?

  Three hours, ten minutes from the shuttle's take off. It takes a while for the robotic helpers to wheel the chambers aboard.

  Good. Do it! Holly ordered.

  She frowned and thought about the conversation. Conversations with computers usually consisted of orders or questions that were answered. This time, though, it was as if Doomwatch was avoiding her questions. Holly wandered out into the corridor to find the base almost deserted.

  Everyone has gone outside into the sunshine, one of the guards commented. It's pretty hot out there but is a beautiful under the trees by the lake.

  That was where she found Graham talking to Jaddig. Further up the small beach their crucnon friends, all in bright swimming suits, were swimming in the shallow clear water. Shouts of laughter and the noise of splashing water filled the air. Out here it was probably as safe as anywhere on the island to talk but Holly was still cautious.

  Something isn't quite right, she said in a low voice and repeated the conversation she had had with Doomwatch.

  So, Graham replied. It sounded logical enough.

  Jaddig though stared at Holly. I know what you mean, she whispered.

  What! Graham frowned. Am I missing something?

  The computers; Len, Doomwatch the ones on the FanWarriors, always talk of humans, crucnon or even creatures but, if what Holly said was correct, this time the term life form was used. I have never heard it speak that way before.

  Neither have I, Holly gasped.

  Graham also frowned and scratched his upturned chin. You're correct, Jaddig, he said. I think we will need to be careful.

  Gordon! Nathan! Over here, Syleb screamed while Tifru stood back with the others as the ramp on the shuttlecraft lowered with a clunk and two men almost staggered out.

  She rushed up into their arms and plastered them both with kisses. You both need a shave, she laughed. Tifru's here and come and meet Holly, Graham Jaddig and the others Pinin's laid her eggs and ... the words came tumbling out, her eyes shone and arms swung everywhere.

  Whoa! the tall, well built lieutenant laughed at the youngster's excitement. Slow down a little.

  Syleb tucked her arms through both men's and lead them over to Holly.

  Pleased to met you Holly, Gordon held out a massive hand and seemed quite formal after Syleb's bubbly introduction. You have a famous name. He gave a slight grin, I knew Gerald Jurjevics, your great, great grandfather, I guess he'd be.

  Holly smiled, took his hand and gazed into the warm eyes. Mom might know of him but I'm afraid the name is unfamiliar to me, she replied. I noticed you have made quite an impression on Syleb, here.

  Yes, Gordon replied in a soft voice. We went through a lot together.

  We heard, Graham replied as he also reached for the new arrival's hand. That bit in the tavern...

  Yes, she's a little gossip, isn't she?

  I am not, Syleb pouted and thrust her four hands on her hips. Anyhow, it was Pinin who told that story, not me.

  It was, Holly agreed, and that appeared a most important meeting. Without it you may never have found Gamma Base.

  So it
wasn't just gossip, Syleb grinned with a satisfied smirk on her face.

  With all the greetings and small chat, it wasn't until late that evening that Holly, Jaddig and Graham arranged to speak with Gordon and Nathan in the cafeteria.

  I'm glad you had us awoken on board the starship, Gordon began. He waved away another sandwich Jaddig offered him. No thanks. I reckon I've eaten so much in the last three hours to last another hundred years.

  We received your cryptic message, Nathan added, and went exploring. It was funny but we found no access to half the ship. All the corridors and airlocks circle the area facing this planet. No matter how far we went we always ended up in the same area.

  When we asked for access, we were informed the rest of the ship was in a vacuum. The only two access doors we found were firmly locked with different access mechanisms, Gordon continued. It was as if the ship has two complete and separate environments.

  So we only have more unanswered questions, Jaddig responded. Holly and Graham both met her eyes and nodded.

  There is a mystery there, no doubt, Gordon replied. I remember, I was curious about this when we first arrived on the starship when it was orbiting Earth. When we were hijacked, there were more immediate problems and I guess I forgot about it.

  And what about the hijackers? Nathan asked as he munched into his third sandwich.

  Holly grinned. Our ancestors were prepare for any situation. Base Alpha has a very secure brig in the cellar five floors down. It's a bit filthy and dark. We made sure half the guards are crucnon and the rest, our toughest DPF men. I guess they'll be waking up about now.

  Holly does have a sadistic side, Graham added.

  It was Jaddig's suggestion, Holly gave a sweet smile. I'm merely following the vice president's orders.

  If you're following orders, it'll be the first time, Jaddig responded and turned to the visitors. We believe Holly has the old Admiral's determination, she explained.

  Yes, Gordon replied in a slow drawl. We were told you're related to him, too, Jaddig.


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